UDPipe Frysk

UDPipe Frysk is a webservice for lemmatizing, part-of-speech tagging and dependency parsing of (West) Frisian texts using UDPipe (Straka and Straková, 2017). The tool allows for multiple ways of processing a text (the web service facilitates texts, files and web addresses). UDPipe parses texts following the Universal Dependencies programme, which aims at cross-linguistically consistent tagging and annotation of dependency trees.


  • UDPipe Frysk is a webservice for lemmatizing, PoS tagging and dependency parsing of Frisian texts, developed by the Fryske Akademy and the Univerity of Groningen.
  • Researchers can use the webservice for research concerning, for example, language change, syntactic relationships, author recognition, sentiment analysis or for developing automatic question-answer systems.
  • The user can type in a Frisian text themselves, upload the text as a file or provide a URL to a Frisian website. The output can then be downloaded in various formats (txt, Excel, CoNLL-U) for further analysis.
  • UDPipe parses texts following the Universal Dependencies annotation guidelines, which aim at cross-linguistically consistent tagging and annotation of dependency trees.
  • UDPipe Frysk also provides online parsing of Dutch and English texts using Dutch and English models.


Using UDPipe Frysk

UDPipe Frysk is freely available. The user can type in a Frisian text themselves, upload the text as a file or provide a URL to a Frisian website. The output can then be downloaded in various formats (txt, Excel, CoNLL-U) for further analysis.

The UDPipe Frysk webservice is built on the R package udpipe.

More technical information can be found on the UDPipe Frysk page.

UDPipe Frysk runs best on a computer with a monitor with a minimum resolution of 1370 x 870 (width x height). The use of (a recent version of) Chrome, Chromium, Edge, Firefox or Opera as a web browser is to be preferred.

Universal Dependencies

Universal Dependencies (UD) is a programme that aims at cross-linguistically consistent tagging and dependency parsing. UD is an open community effort with over 500 contributors producing over 200 treebanks in over 100 languages. If you’re new to UD, you should start by reading the first part of the Short Introduction and then browsing the annotation guidelines on the UD website.


Developed at Charles University, ÚFAL by Straka and Straková, UDPipe is a pipeline for morphosyntactic tagging and parsing following the UD programme.

A wide array of models for multiple languages is available for UDPipe on the LINDAT/CLARIN repository. However, the model used by UDPipe Frysk is not included in the LINDAT/CLARIN repository, and can instead be found on the Fryske Akademy's Bitbucket page.

UDPipe can be installed locally, for instance as Python or R package, allowing the user to freely choose the preferred model, or even train their own. For the local installation of UDPipe, we refer to ÚFAL's GitHub page and relevant package pages. UDPipe Frysk can then be used locally, too, by installing UDPipe, and using the Frisian model.

ÚFAL also hosts a webservice of UDPipe (not including Frisian), which can be found here.

UDPipe output is formatted in CoNLL-U, introduced by UD. The format is explained here.


Key publications

  • Wilbert Heeringa, Gosse Bouma, Martha Hofman, Eduard Drenth, Jan Wijffels & Hans Van de Velde (2021). POS tagging, lemmatization and dependency parsing of West Frisian, arXiv preprint arXiv:2107.07974. https://arxiv.org/pdf/2107.07974.pdf

  • Renckens, E. (2020, May 29). Tool voor Taalkundig Onderzoek Fries. E-Data &Research. https://edata.nl/2020/05/20/tool-voor-taalkundig-onderzoek-fries/ (in Dutch)

Key webpages

Relevant literature

Relevant webpages


The development of this software was made possible by a CLARIAH-Plus project financed by the Dutch Research Council (Grant 184.034.023).