Module control.mongo

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import os

from bson import ObjectId, BSON, decode_all
from bson.json_util import dumps as dumpjs
from pymongo import MongoClient

from control.flask import appStop
from control.generic import AttrDict, deepAttrDict
from control.files import dirMake, dirExists

class Mongo:
    def cast(value):
        """Try to cast the value as an ObjectId.
            The value to cast, normally a string representation of a BSON ObjectId.

        ObjectId | void
            The corresponding BSON ObjectId if the input is a valid representation of
            such an id, otherwise `None`.

        if value is None:
            return None

        if isinstance(value, ObjectId):
            return value

            oValue = ObjectId(value)
        except Exception:
            oValue = None
        return oValue

    def isId(value):
        """Test whether a value is an ObjectId

        value: any
        The value to test

            Whether the value is an objectId
        return isinstance(value, ObjectId)

    def __init__(self, Settings, Messages):
        """CRUD interface to content in the MongoDb database.

        This class has methods to connect to a MongoDb database,
        to query its data, to create, update and delete data.

        It is instantiated by a singleton object.

        !!! note "string versus ObjectId"
            Some functions execute MongoDb statements, based on parameters
            whose values are MongoDb identifiers.
            These should be objects in the class `bson.objectid.ObjectId`.
            However, in many cases these ids enter the app as strings.

            In this module, such strings will be cast to proper ObjectIds,
            provided they are recognizable as values in a field whose name is
            `_id` or ends with `Id`.

        Settings: AttrDict
            App-wide configuration data obtained from
        Messages: object
            Singleton instance of `control.messages.Messages`.
        self.Settings = Settings
        runMode = Settings.runMode
        self.Messages = Messages
        self.client = None
        self.db = None
        self.database = f"{Settings.database}_{runMode}"

    def connect(self):
        """Make connection with MongoDb if there is no connection yet.

        The connection details come from `control.config.Config.Settings`.

        After a successful connection attempt, the connection handle
        is stored in the `client` and `db` members of the Mongo object.

        When a connection handle exists, this method does nothing.
        Messages = self.Messages
        Settings = self.Settings
        client = self.client
        db = self.db
        database = self.database

        if db is None:
                client = MongoClient(
                db = client[database]
            except Exception as e:
                    msg="Could not connect to the database",
                    logmsg=f"Mongo connection: `{e}`",
            self.client = client
            self.db = db

    def disconnect(self):
        """Disconnect from the MongoDB."""
        client = self.client

        if client:

        self.client = None
        self.db = None

    def tables(self):
        """List the existent tables in the database.

            The names of the tables.
        db = self.db

        return list(db.list_collection_names())

    def clearTable(self, table, delete=False):
        """Make sure that a table exists and that it is empty.

        table: string
            The name of the table.
            If no such table exists, it will be created.
        delete: boolean, optional False
            If True, and the table existed before, it will be deleted.
            If False, the table will be cleared, i.e. all its records
            get deleted, but the table remains.
        Messages = self.Messages

        db = self.db

        if delete:
            if db[table] is not None:
                        msg=f"dropped table `{table}`",
                        logmsg=f"dropped table `{table}`",
                except Exception as e:
                        msg="Database action",
                        logmsg=f"Cannot delete table: `{table}`: {e}",
            if db[table] is None:
                except Exception as e:
                        msg="Database action",
                        logmsg=f"Cannot create table: `{table}`: {e}",
                (good, count) = self.deleteRecords(table, {})
                if good:
                        msg=f"cleared table `{table} of {count} records`",
                        logmsg=f"cleared table `{table} of {count} records`",

    def get(self, table, record):
        """Get the record and recordId if only one of them is specified.

        If the record is specified by id, the id maybe an ObjectId or a string,
        which will then be cast to an ObjectId.

        table: string
            The table in which the record can be found
        record: string | ObjectID | AttrDict | void
            Either the id of the record, or the record itself.

            * ObjectId: the id of the record
            * AttrDict: the record itself

            If `record` is None, both members of the tuple are None

        if record is None:
            return (None, None)

        if type(record) is str:
            record = self.getRecord(table, _id=self.cast(record))
        elif self.isId(record):
            record = self.getRecord(table, _id=record)
        recordId = record._id
        return (recordId, record)

    def getRecord(self, table, warn=True, stop=True, **criteria):
        """Get a single record from a table.

        table: string
            The name of the table from which we want to retrieve a single record.
        warn: boolean, optional True
            If True, warn if there is no record satisfying the criteria.
        stop: boolean, optional True
            If the command is not successful, stop after issuing the
            error, do not return control.
        criteria: dict
            A set of criteria to narrow down the search.
            Usually they will be such that there will be just one record
            that satisfies them.
            But if there are more, a single one is chosen,
            by the mechanics of the built-in MongoDb command `findOne`.

            The single record found,
            or an empty AttrDict if no record
            satisfies the criteria.
        Messages = self.Messages

        (good, result) = self.execute(
            table, "find_one", criteria, {}, warn=False, stop=stop
        if not good or result is None:
            if warn:
                    msg=f"Could not find that {table}",
                    logmsg=f"No record in {table} with {criteria}",
            result = {}
        return deepAttrDict(result)

    def getList(self, table, stop=True, sort=None, asDict=False, **criteria):
        """Get a list of records from a table.

        table: string
            The name of the table from which we want to retrieve records.
        stop: boolean, optional True
            If the command is not successful, stop after issuing the
            error, do not return control.
        sort: string | function, optional None
            Sort key. If `None`, the results will not be sorted.
            If a string, it is the name of a field by which the results
            will be sorted in ascending order.
            If a function, the function should take a record as input and return a
            value. The records will be sorted by this value.
        asDict: boolean or string, optional False
            If False, returns a list of records as result. If True or a string, returns
            the same records, but now as dict, keyed by the `_id` field if
            asDict is True, else keyed by the field in dicated by asDict.
        criteria: dict
            A set of criteria to narrow down the search.

        list of AttrDict
            The list of records found, empty if no records are found.
            Each record is cast to an AttrDict.
        (good, result) = self.execute(table, "find", criteria, {}, stop=stop)
        if not good:
            return []

        unsorted = [deepAttrDict(record) for record in result]

        if sort is None:
            result = unsorted
            sortFunc = (lambda r: r[sort] or "") if type(sort) is str else sort
            result = sorted(unsorted, key=sortFunc)

        return (
            {r[asDict]: r for r in result}
            if type(asDict) is str
            else {r._id: r for r in result}
            if asDict
            else result

    def deleteRecord(self, table, stop=True, **criteria):
        """Deletes a single record from a table.

        table: string
            The name of the table from which we want to delete a single record.
        stop: boolean, optional True
            If the command is not successful, stop after issuing the
            error, do not return control.
        criteria: dict
            A set of criteria to narrow down the selection.
            Usually they will be such that there will be just one record
            that satisfies them.
            But if there are more, a single one is chosen,
            by the mechanics of the built-in MongoDb command `updateOne`.

            Whether the delete was successful
        (good, result) = self.execute(table, "delete_one", criteria, stop=stop)
        return result.deleted_count > 0 if good else False

    def deleteRecords(self, table, stop=True, **criteria):
        """Delete multiple records from a table.

        table: string
            The name of the table from which we want to delete a records.
        stop: boolean, optional True
            If the command is not successful, stop after issuing the
            error, do not return control.
        criteria: dict
            A set of criteria to narrow down the selection.

        boolean, integer
            Whether the command completed successfully and
            how many records have been deleted
        (good, result) = self.execute(table, "delete_many", criteria, stop=stop)
        count = result.deleted_count if good else 0
        return (good, count)

    def updateRecord(self, table, updates, stop=True, **criteria):
        """Updates a single record from a table.

        table: string
            The name of the table in which we want to update a single record.
        updates: dict
            The fields that must be updated with the values they must get.
            If the value `None` is specified for a field, that field will be set to
        stop: boolean, optional True
            If the command is not successful, stop after issuing the
            error, do not return control.
        criteria: dict
            A set of criteria to narrow down the selection.
            Usually they will be such that there will be just one record
            that satisfies them.
            But if there are more, a single one is chosen,
            by the mechanics of the built-in MongoDb command `updateOne`.

            Whether the update was successful
        (good, result) = self.execute(
            table, "update_one", criteria, {"$set": updates}, stop=stop
        return result.modified_count > 0 if good else False

    def insertRecord(self, table, stop=True, **fields):
        """Inserts a new record in a table.

        table: string
            The table in which the record will be inserted.
        stop: boolean, optional True
            If the command is not successful, stop after issuing the
            error, do not return control.
        **fields: dict
            The field names and their contents to populate the new record with.

            The id of the newly inserted record, or None if the record could not be
        (good, result) = self.execute(table, "insert_one", dict(**fields), stop=stop)
        return result.inserted_id if good else None

    def execute(self, table, command, *args, warn=True, stop=True, **kwargs):
        """Executes a MongoDb command and returns the result.

        table: string
            The table on which to perform the command.
        command: string
            The built-in MongoDb command.
            Note that the Python interface requires you to write camelCase commands
            with underscores.
            So the Mongo command `findOne` should be passed as `find_one`.
        args: list
            Any number of additional arguments that the command requires.
        warn: boolean, optional True
            If True, warn if there is an error.
        stop: boolean, optional True
            If the command is not successful, stop after issuing the
            error, do not return control.
        kwargs: list
            Any number of additional keyword arguments that the command requires.

        boolean, any
            The `boolean` is whether an error occurred.

            The `any` is whatever the MongoDb command returns.
            If the command fails, an error message is issued and
            `any=None` is returned.
        Messages = self.Messages

        db = self.db

        method = getattr(db[table], command, None)
        result = None
        good = True

        if method is None:
            if warn:
                    msg="Database action", logmsg=f"Unknown Mongo command: `{method}`"
            good = False
            result = method(*args, **kwargs)
        except Exception as e:
            if warn:
                    msg="Database action",
                    logmsg=f"Executing Mongo command db.{table}.{command}: {e}",
                if stop:
            good = False
            result = None

        return (good, result)

    def consolidate(self, record):
        """Resolves all links in a record to title values of linked records.

        The `_id` field of the record will be removed.
        Values of fields with names like `xxxId` will be looked up in table `xxx`,
        and will be replaced by the value of the `title` field of the found record.

        record: dict or AttrDict
            The record data to consolidate.

            All AttrDict values will be recursively transformed in ordinary dict values.
        newRecord = AttrDict()

        for k, v in record.items():
            if k == "_id":
            if k.endswith("Id"):
                table = k.removesuffix("Id")
                linkedRecord = self.getRecord(table, _id=v, warn=False, stop=False)
                v = linkedRecord.title
                if v is not None:
                    newRecord[table] = v
                newRecord[k] = v

        return newRecord.deepdict()

    def mkBackup(self, dstBase, project=None, asJson=False):
        """Backs up data as record files in table folders.

        We do site-wide backups and project-specific backups.

        See also `control.backup.Backup.mkBackup`

        This function backs up database data in
        [`bson`]( and/or `json` format.

        Inspired by this

        dstBase: string
            Destination folder.
            This folder will get subfolders `bson` and/or `json` in which
            the backups are stored.
        project: string, optional None
            If given, only backs up the given project.
        asJson: boolean, optional False
            Whether to create a backup in `json` format
        asBson: boolean, optional True
            Whether to create a backup in `bson` format

            Whether the operation was successful.
        Messages = self.Messages
        db = self.db
        tables = db.list_collection_names()

        dstb = f"{dstBase}/bson"
        dstj = None
        jOpts = {}

        if asJson:
            dstj = f"{dstBase}/json"
            jOpts = dict(ensure_ascii=False, indent=2, sort_keys=True)

        if project is None:
            for table in tables:
                records = db[table].find()
                n = self.writeRecords(table, records, dstb, dstj=dstj, jOpts=jOpts)
                plural = "" if n == 1 else ""
      "table {table} {n} record{plural}")
            return True

        (projectId, project) = self.get("project", project)
        records = db.project.find(dict(_id=projectId))
        n = self.writeRecords("project", records, dstb, dstj=dstj, jOpts=jOpts)
        records = db.edition.find(dict(projectId=projectId))
        n = self.writeRecords("edition", records, dstb, dstj=dstj, jOpts=jOpts)
        return True

    def writeRecords(self, table, records, dstb, dstj=None, jOpts={}):
        """Writes records to bson and possibly json file.

        If the destination file already exists, it will be wiped.

        table: string
            Table that contains the record. Will be used as file name
            for the record to be written to.
        record: dict
            The record as it is retrieved from MongoDb
        dstb: string
            Destination folder for the bson file.
        dstj: string, optional None
            Destination folder for the json file.
            If `None`, no json file will be written.
        jOpts: dict, optional {}
            Format options for writing the json file.

            The number of records written
        asJson = dstj is not None

        n = 0
        with open(f"{dstb}/{table}.bson", "wb") as bh:
            if asJson:
                jh = open(f"{dstj}/{table}.json", "w")

            sep = ""
            for record in records:
                n += 1
                if asJson:
                    jh.write(dumpjs(record, **jOpts))
                sep = ",\n"

            if asJson:

        return n

    def restoreBackup(self, src, project=None, clean=True):
        """Restores the database from record files in table folders.

        We do site-wide restores or project-specific restores.

        See also `control.backup.Backup.restoreBackup`

        This function restores database data given in

        Inspired by this

        src: string
            Source folder.
        project: string, optional None
            If given, only restores the given project.
        clean: boolean, optional True
            Whether to delete records from a table before
            restoring records to it.
            If `clean=True` then, in case of site-wide restores, all records
            will be cleaned. In case of project restores, only the relevant
            project/edition records will be cleaned.

            Whether the operation was successful.
        Messages = self.Messages
        db = self.db

        if not dirExists(src):
                msg="Source directory not found",
                logmsg=f"Source directory {src} not found",
            return False

        good = True

        if project is None:
            with os.scandir(src) as dh:
                for entry in dh:
                    name =
                    if not (entry.is_file() and name.endswith(".bson")):

                    table = name.rsplit(".", 1)[0]

                    with open(f"{src}/{name}", "rb") as f:
                        records = decode_all(

          "table {table} {len(records)} record(s)")
                    if db[table] is not None and clean:
                        (thisGood, count) = self.deleteRecords(table, {})
                        if not thisGood:
                            good = False

            return good

        (projectId, project) = self.get("project", project)

        with os.scandir(src) as dh:
            for entry in dh:
                name =
                if not (entry.is_file() and name.endswith(".bson")):

                table = name.rsplit(".", 1)[0]

                if table not in {"project", "edition"}:

                with open(f"{src}/{name}", "rb") as f:
                    records = decode_all(

                thisGood = True

                if table == "project":
                    records = [r for r in records if r._id == projectId]
                    nRecords = len(records)
                    if nRecords == 0:
                            msg=f"No {table} records found! Restore skipped.",
                                f"Project restore {projectId}: "
                                f"No {table} records found! Skipped."
                    elif nRecords > 1:
                            msg=f"Multiple {table} records found. Will restore first.",
                                f"Project restore {projectId}: "
                                f"Multiple ({nRecords}) {table} records found."

                    record = records[0]

          "Restoring {table} record ...")
                    if db[table] is not None and clean:
                        (thisGood, count) = self.deleteRecords(
                            table, {"_id": projectId}
                    if thisGood:
                        good = False

                elif table == "edition":
                    records = [r for r in records if r.projectId == projectId]
                    nRecords = len(records)
                    if nRecords == 0:
                            msg=f"No {table} records found.",
                                f"Project restore {projectId}: "
                                f"No {table} records found."

          "Restoring {table} records ...")
                    if db[table] is not None and clean:
                        (thisGood, count) = self.deleteRecords(
                            table, {"_id": projectId}
                    if thisGood:
                        good = False
                        msg=f"Skipping {name} as it is not legal in a project backup",
                            f"Skipping {name} as it is not legal in a project backup"

        return good


class Mongo (Settings, Messages)

CRUD interface to content in the MongoDb database.

This class has methods to connect to a MongoDb database, to query its data, to create, update and delete data.

It is instantiated by a singleton object.

string versus ObjectId

Some functions execute MongoDb statements, based on parameters whose values are MongoDb identifiers. These should be objects in the class bson.objectid.ObjectId. However, in many cases these ids enter the app as strings.

In this module, such strings will be cast to proper ObjectIds, provided they are recognizable as values in a field whose name is _id or ends with Id.


Settings : AttrDict
App-wide configuration data obtained from Config.Settings.
Messages : object
Singleton instance of Messages.
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class Mongo:
    def cast(value):
        """Try to cast the value as an ObjectId.
            The value to cast, normally a string representation of a BSON ObjectId.

        ObjectId | void
            The corresponding BSON ObjectId if the input is a valid representation of
            such an id, otherwise `None`.

        if value is None:
            return None

        if isinstance(value, ObjectId):
            return value

            oValue = ObjectId(value)
        except Exception:
            oValue = None
        return oValue

    def isId(value):
        """Test whether a value is an ObjectId

        value: any
        The value to test

            Whether the value is an objectId
        return isinstance(value, ObjectId)

    def __init__(self, Settings, Messages):
        """CRUD interface to content in the MongoDb database.

        This class has methods to connect to a MongoDb database,
        to query its data, to create, update and delete data.

        It is instantiated by a singleton object.

        !!! note "string versus ObjectId"
            Some functions execute MongoDb statements, based on parameters
            whose values are MongoDb identifiers.
            These should be objects in the class `bson.objectid.ObjectId`.
            However, in many cases these ids enter the app as strings.

            In this module, such strings will be cast to proper ObjectIds,
            provided they are recognizable as values in a field whose name is
            `_id` or ends with `Id`.

        Settings: AttrDict
            App-wide configuration data obtained from
        Messages: object
            Singleton instance of `control.messages.Messages`.
        self.Settings = Settings
        runMode = Settings.runMode
        self.Messages = Messages
        self.client = None
        self.db = None
        self.database = f"{Settings.database}_{runMode}"

    def connect(self):
        """Make connection with MongoDb if there is no connection yet.

        The connection details come from `control.config.Config.Settings`.

        After a successful connection attempt, the connection handle
        is stored in the `client` and `db` members of the Mongo object.

        When a connection handle exists, this method does nothing.
        Messages = self.Messages
        Settings = self.Settings
        client = self.client
        db = self.db
        database = self.database

        if db is None:
                client = MongoClient(
                db = client[database]
            except Exception as e:
                    msg="Could not connect to the database",
                    logmsg=f"Mongo connection: `{e}`",
            self.client = client
            self.db = db

    def disconnect(self):
        """Disconnect from the MongoDB."""
        client = self.client

        if client:

        self.client = None
        self.db = None

    def tables(self):
        """List the existent tables in the database.

            The names of the tables.
        db = self.db

        return list(db.list_collection_names())

    def clearTable(self, table, delete=False):
        """Make sure that a table exists and that it is empty.

        table: string
            The name of the table.
            If no such table exists, it will be created.
        delete: boolean, optional False
            If True, and the table existed before, it will be deleted.
            If False, the table will be cleared, i.e. all its records
            get deleted, but the table remains.
        Messages = self.Messages

        db = self.db

        if delete:
            if db[table] is not None:
                        msg=f"dropped table `{table}`",
                        logmsg=f"dropped table `{table}`",
                except Exception as e:
                        msg="Database action",
                        logmsg=f"Cannot delete table: `{table}`: {e}",
            if db[table] is None:
                except Exception as e:
                        msg="Database action",
                        logmsg=f"Cannot create table: `{table}`: {e}",
                (good, count) = self.deleteRecords(table, {})
                if good:
                        msg=f"cleared table `{table} of {count} records`",
                        logmsg=f"cleared table `{table} of {count} records`",

    def get(self, table, record):
        """Get the record and recordId if only one of them is specified.

        If the record is specified by id, the id maybe an ObjectId or a string,
        which will then be cast to an ObjectId.

        table: string
            The table in which the record can be found
        record: string | ObjectID | AttrDict | void
            Either the id of the record, or the record itself.

            * ObjectId: the id of the record
            * AttrDict: the record itself

            If `record` is None, both members of the tuple are None

        if record is None:
            return (None, None)

        if type(record) is str:
            record = self.getRecord(table, _id=self.cast(record))
        elif self.isId(record):
            record = self.getRecord(table, _id=record)
        recordId = record._id
        return (recordId, record)

    def getRecord(self, table, warn=True, stop=True, **criteria):
        """Get a single record from a table.

        table: string
            The name of the table from which we want to retrieve a single record.
        warn: boolean, optional True
            If True, warn if there is no record satisfying the criteria.
        stop: boolean, optional True
            If the command is not successful, stop after issuing the
            error, do not return control.
        criteria: dict
            A set of criteria to narrow down the search.
            Usually they will be such that there will be just one record
            that satisfies them.
            But if there are more, a single one is chosen,
            by the mechanics of the built-in MongoDb command `findOne`.

            The single record found,
            or an empty AttrDict if no record
            satisfies the criteria.
        Messages = self.Messages

        (good, result) = self.execute(
            table, "find_one", criteria, {}, warn=False, stop=stop
        if not good or result is None:
            if warn:
                    msg=f"Could not find that {table}",
                    logmsg=f"No record in {table} with {criteria}",
            result = {}
        return deepAttrDict(result)

    def getList(self, table, stop=True, sort=None, asDict=False, **criteria):
        """Get a list of records from a table.

        table: string
            The name of the table from which we want to retrieve records.
        stop: boolean, optional True
            If the command is not successful, stop after issuing the
            error, do not return control.
        sort: string | function, optional None
            Sort key. If `None`, the results will not be sorted.
            If a string, it is the name of a field by which the results
            will be sorted in ascending order.
            If a function, the function should take a record as input and return a
            value. The records will be sorted by this value.
        asDict: boolean or string, optional False
            If False, returns a list of records as result. If True or a string, returns
            the same records, but now as dict, keyed by the `_id` field if
            asDict is True, else keyed by the field in dicated by asDict.
        criteria: dict
            A set of criteria to narrow down the search.

        list of AttrDict
            The list of records found, empty if no records are found.
            Each record is cast to an AttrDict.
        (good, result) = self.execute(table, "find", criteria, {}, stop=stop)
        if not good:
            return []

        unsorted = [deepAttrDict(record) for record in result]

        if sort is None:
            result = unsorted
            sortFunc = (lambda r: r[sort] or "") if type(sort) is str else sort
            result = sorted(unsorted, key=sortFunc)

        return (
            {r[asDict]: r for r in result}
            if type(asDict) is str
            else {r._id: r for r in result}
            if asDict
            else result

    def deleteRecord(self, table, stop=True, **criteria):
        """Deletes a single record from a table.

        table: string
            The name of the table from which we want to delete a single record.
        stop: boolean, optional True
            If the command is not successful, stop after issuing the
            error, do not return control.
        criteria: dict
            A set of criteria to narrow down the selection.
            Usually they will be such that there will be just one record
            that satisfies them.
            But if there are more, a single one is chosen,
            by the mechanics of the built-in MongoDb command `updateOne`.

            Whether the delete was successful
        (good, result) = self.execute(table, "delete_one", criteria, stop=stop)
        return result.deleted_count > 0 if good else False

    def deleteRecords(self, table, stop=True, **criteria):
        """Delete multiple records from a table.

        table: string
            The name of the table from which we want to delete a records.
        stop: boolean, optional True
            If the command is not successful, stop after issuing the
            error, do not return control.
        criteria: dict
            A set of criteria to narrow down the selection.

        boolean, integer
            Whether the command completed successfully and
            how many records have been deleted
        (good, result) = self.execute(table, "delete_many", criteria, stop=stop)
        count = result.deleted_count if good else 0
        return (good, count)

    def updateRecord(self, table, updates, stop=True, **criteria):
        """Updates a single record from a table.

        table: string
            The name of the table in which we want to update a single record.
        updates: dict
            The fields that must be updated with the values they must get.
            If the value `None` is specified for a field, that field will be set to
        stop: boolean, optional True
            If the command is not successful, stop after issuing the
            error, do not return control.
        criteria: dict
            A set of criteria to narrow down the selection.
            Usually they will be such that there will be just one record
            that satisfies them.
            But if there are more, a single one is chosen,
            by the mechanics of the built-in MongoDb command `updateOne`.

            Whether the update was successful
        (good, result) = self.execute(
            table, "update_one", criteria, {"$set": updates}, stop=stop
        return result.modified_count > 0 if good else False

    def insertRecord(self, table, stop=True, **fields):
        """Inserts a new record in a table.

        table: string
            The table in which the record will be inserted.
        stop: boolean, optional True
            If the command is not successful, stop after issuing the
            error, do not return control.
        **fields: dict
            The field names and their contents to populate the new record with.

            The id of the newly inserted record, or None if the record could not be
        (good, result) = self.execute(table, "insert_one", dict(**fields), stop=stop)
        return result.inserted_id if good else None

    def execute(self, table, command, *args, warn=True, stop=True, **kwargs):
        """Executes a MongoDb command and returns the result.

        table: string
            The table on which to perform the command.
        command: string
            The built-in MongoDb command.
            Note that the Python interface requires you to write camelCase commands
            with underscores.
            So the Mongo command `findOne` should be passed as `find_one`.
        args: list
            Any number of additional arguments that the command requires.
        warn: boolean, optional True
            If True, warn if there is an error.
        stop: boolean, optional True
            If the command is not successful, stop after issuing the
            error, do not return control.
        kwargs: list
            Any number of additional keyword arguments that the command requires.

        boolean, any
            The `boolean` is whether an error occurred.

            The `any` is whatever the MongoDb command returns.
            If the command fails, an error message is issued and
            `any=None` is returned.
        Messages = self.Messages

        db = self.db

        method = getattr(db[table], command, None)
        result = None
        good = True

        if method is None:
            if warn:
                    msg="Database action", logmsg=f"Unknown Mongo command: `{method}`"
            good = False
            result = method(*args, **kwargs)
        except Exception as e:
            if warn:
                    msg="Database action",
                    logmsg=f"Executing Mongo command db.{table}.{command}: {e}",
                if stop:
            good = False
            result = None

        return (good, result)

    def consolidate(self, record):
        """Resolves all links in a record to title values of linked records.

        The `_id` field of the record will be removed.
        Values of fields with names like `xxxId` will be looked up in table `xxx`,
        and will be replaced by the value of the `title` field of the found record.

        record: dict or AttrDict
            The record data to consolidate.

            All AttrDict values will be recursively transformed in ordinary dict values.
        newRecord = AttrDict()

        for k, v in record.items():
            if k == "_id":
            if k.endswith("Id"):
                table = k.removesuffix("Id")
                linkedRecord = self.getRecord(table, _id=v, warn=False, stop=False)
                v = linkedRecord.title
                if v is not None:
                    newRecord[table] = v
                newRecord[k] = v

        return newRecord.deepdict()

    def mkBackup(self, dstBase, project=None, asJson=False):
        """Backs up data as record files in table folders.

        We do site-wide backups and project-specific backups.

        See also `control.backup.Backup.mkBackup`

        This function backs up database data in
        [`bson`]( and/or `json` format.

        Inspired by this

        dstBase: string
            Destination folder.
            This folder will get subfolders `bson` and/or `json` in which
            the backups are stored.
        project: string, optional None
            If given, only backs up the given project.
        asJson: boolean, optional False
            Whether to create a backup in `json` format
        asBson: boolean, optional True
            Whether to create a backup in `bson` format

            Whether the operation was successful.
        Messages = self.Messages
        db = self.db
        tables = db.list_collection_names()

        dstb = f"{dstBase}/bson"
        dstj = None
        jOpts = {}

        if asJson:
            dstj = f"{dstBase}/json"
            jOpts = dict(ensure_ascii=False, indent=2, sort_keys=True)

        if project is None:
            for table in tables:
                records = db[table].find()
                n = self.writeRecords(table, records, dstb, dstj=dstj, jOpts=jOpts)
                plural = "" if n == 1 else ""
      "table {table} {n} record{plural}")
            return True

        (projectId, project) = self.get("project", project)
        records = db.project.find(dict(_id=projectId))
        n = self.writeRecords("project", records, dstb, dstj=dstj, jOpts=jOpts)
        records = db.edition.find(dict(projectId=projectId))
        n = self.writeRecords("edition", records, dstb, dstj=dstj, jOpts=jOpts)
        return True

    def writeRecords(self, table, records, dstb, dstj=None, jOpts={}):
        """Writes records to bson and possibly json file.

        If the destination file already exists, it will be wiped.

        table: string
            Table that contains the record. Will be used as file name
            for the record to be written to.
        record: dict
            The record as it is retrieved from MongoDb
        dstb: string
            Destination folder for the bson file.
        dstj: string, optional None
            Destination folder for the json file.
            If `None`, no json file will be written.
        jOpts: dict, optional {}
            Format options for writing the json file.

            The number of records written
        asJson = dstj is not None

        n = 0
        with open(f"{dstb}/{table}.bson", "wb") as bh:
            if asJson:
                jh = open(f"{dstj}/{table}.json", "w")

            sep = ""
            for record in records:
                n += 1
                if asJson:
                    jh.write(dumpjs(record, **jOpts))
                sep = ",\n"

            if asJson:

        return n

    def restoreBackup(self, src, project=None, clean=True):
        """Restores the database from record files in table folders.

        We do site-wide restores or project-specific restores.

        See also `control.backup.Backup.restoreBackup`

        This function restores database data given in

        Inspired by this

        src: string
            Source folder.
        project: string, optional None
            If given, only restores the given project.
        clean: boolean, optional True
            Whether to delete records from a table before
            restoring records to it.
            If `clean=True` then, in case of site-wide restores, all records
            will be cleaned. In case of project restores, only the relevant
            project/edition records will be cleaned.

            Whether the operation was successful.
        Messages = self.Messages
        db = self.db

        if not dirExists(src):
                msg="Source directory not found",
                logmsg=f"Source directory {src} not found",
            return False

        good = True

        if project is None:
            with os.scandir(src) as dh:
                for entry in dh:
                    name =
                    if not (entry.is_file() and name.endswith(".bson")):

                    table = name.rsplit(".", 1)[0]

                    with open(f"{src}/{name}", "rb") as f:
                        records = decode_all(

          "table {table} {len(records)} record(s)")
                    if db[table] is not None and clean:
                        (thisGood, count) = self.deleteRecords(table, {})
                        if not thisGood:
                            good = False

            return good

        (projectId, project) = self.get("project", project)

        with os.scandir(src) as dh:
            for entry in dh:
                name =
                if not (entry.is_file() and name.endswith(".bson")):

                table = name.rsplit(".", 1)[0]

                if table not in {"project", "edition"}:

                with open(f"{src}/{name}", "rb") as f:
                    records = decode_all(

                thisGood = True

                if table == "project":
                    records = [r for r in records if r._id == projectId]
                    nRecords = len(records)
                    if nRecords == 0:
                            msg=f"No {table} records found! Restore skipped.",
                                f"Project restore {projectId}: "
                                f"No {table} records found! Skipped."
                    elif nRecords > 1:
                            msg=f"Multiple {table} records found. Will restore first.",
                                f"Project restore {projectId}: "
                                f"Multiple ({nRecords}) {table} records found."

                    record = records[0]

          "Restoring {table} record ...")
                    if db[table] is not None and clean:
                        (thisGood, count) = self.deleteRecords(
                            table, {"_id": projectId}
                    if thisGood:
                        good = False

                elif table == "edition":
                    records = [r for r in records if r.projectId == projectId]
                    nRecords = len(records)
                    if nRecords == 0:
                            msg=f"No {table} records found.",
                                f"Project restore {projectId}: "
                                f"No {table} records found."

          "Restoring {table} records ...")
                    if db[table] is not None and clean:
                        (thisGood, count) = self.deleteRecords(
                            table, {"_id": projectId}
                    if thisGood:
                        good = False
                        msg=f"Skipping {name} as it is not legal in a project backup",
                            f"Skipping {name} as it is not legal in a project backup"

        return good

Static methods

def cast(value)

Try to cast the value as an ObjectId. Paramaters

value:string The value to cast, normally a string representation of a BSON ObjectId.


ObjectId | void
The corresponding BSON ObjectId if the input is a valid representation of such an id, otherwise None.
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def cast(value):
    """Try to cast the value as an ObjectId.
        The value to cast, normally a string representation of a BSON ObjectId.

    ObjectId | void
        The corresponding BSON ObjectId if the input is a valid representation of
        such an id, otherwise `None`.

    if value is None:
        return None

    if isinstance(value, ObjectId):
        return value

        oValue = ObjectId(value)
    except Exception:
        oValue = None
    return oValue
def isId(value)

Test whether a value is an ObjectId


value : any

The value to test


Whether the value is an objectId
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def isId(value):
    """Test whether a value is an ObjectId

    value: any
    The value to test

        Whether the value is an objectId
    return isinstance(value, ObjectId)


def clearTable(self, table, delete=False)

Make sure that a table exists and that it is empty.


table : string
The name of the table. If no such table exists, it will be created.
delete : boolean, optional False
If True, and the table existed before, it will be deleted. If False, the table will be cleared, i.e. all its records get deleted, but the table remains.
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def clearTable(self, table, delete=False):
    """Make sure that a table exists and that it is empty.

    table: string
        The name of the table.
        If no such table exists, it will be created.
    delete: boolean, optional False
        If True, and the table existed before, it will be deleted.
        If False, the table will be cleared, i.e. all its records
        get deleted, but the table remains.
    Messages = self.Messages

    db = self.db

    if delete:
        if db[table] is not None:
                    msg=f"dropped table `{table}`",
                    logmsg=f"dropped table `{table}`",
            except Exception as e:
                    msg="Database action",
                    logmsg=f"Cannot delete table: `{table}`: {e}",
        if db[table] is None:
            except Exception as e:
                    msg="Database action",
                    logmsg=f"Cannot create table: `{table}`: {e}",
            (good, count) = self.deleteRecords(table, {})
            if good:
                    msg=f"cleared table `{table} of {count} records`",
                    logmsg=f"cleared table `{table} of {count} records`",
def connect(self)

Make connection with MongoDb if there is no connection yet.

The connection details come from Config.Settings.

After a successful connection attempt, the connection handle is stored in the client and db members of the Mongo object.

When a connection handle exists, this method does nothing.

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def connect(self):
    """Make connection with MongoDb if there is no connection yet.

    The connection details come from `control.config.Config.Settings`.

    After a successful connection attempt, the connection handle
    is stored in the `client` and `db` members of the Mongo object.

    When a connection handle exists, this method does nothing.
    Messages = self.Messages
    Settings = self.Settings
    client = self.client
    db = self.db
    database = self.database

    if db is None:
            client = MongoClient(
            db = client[database]
        except Exception as e:
                msg="Could not connect to the database",
                logmsg=f"Mongo connection: `{e}`",
        self.client = client
        self.db = db
def consolidate(self, record)

Resolves all links in a record to title values of linked records.

The _id field of the record will be removed. Values of fields with names like xxxId will be looked up in table xxx, and will be replaced by the value of the title field of the found record.


record : dict or AttrDict
The record data to consolidate.


All AttrDict values will be recursively transformed in ordinary dict values.
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def consolidate(self, record):
    """Resolves all links in a record to title values of linked records.

    The `_id` field of the record will be removed.
    Values of fields with names like `xxxId` will be looked up in table `xxx`,
    and will be replaced by the value of the `title` field of the found record.

    record: dict or AttrDict
        The record data to consolidate.

        All AttrDict values will be recursively transformed in ordinary dict values.
    newRecord = AttrDict()

    for k, v in record.items():
        if k == "_id":
        if k.endswith("Id"):
            table = k.removesuffix("Id")
            linkedRecord = self.getRecord(table, _id=v, warn=False, stop=False)
            v = linkedRecord.title
            if v is not None:
                newRecord[table] = v
            newRecord[k] = v

    return newRecord.deepdict()
def deleteRecord(self, table, stop=True, **criteria)

Deletes a single record from a table.


table : string
The name of the table from which we want to delete a single record.
stop : boolean, optional True
If the command is not successful, stop after issuing the error, do not return control.
criteria : dict
A set of criteria to narrow down the selection. Usually they will be such that there will be just one record that satisfies them. But if there are more, a single one is chosen, by the mechanics of the built-in MongoDb command updateOne.


Whether the delete was successful
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def deleteRecord(self, table, stop=True, **criteria):
    """Deletes a single record from a table.

    table: string
        The name of the table from which we want to delete a single record.
    stop: boolean, optional True
        If the command is not successful, stop after issuing the
        error, do not return control.
    criteria: dict
        A set of criteria to narrow down the selection.
        Usually they will be such that there will be just one record
        that satisfies them.
        But if there are more, a single one is chosen,
        by the mechanics of the built-in MongoDb command `updateOne`.

        Whether the delete was successful
    (good, result) = self.execute(table, "delete_one", criteria, stop=stop)
    return result.deleted_count > 0 if good else False
def deleteRecords(self, table, stop=True, **criteria)

Delete multiple records from a table.


table : string
The name of the table from which we want to delete a records.
stop : boolean, optional True
If the command is not successful, stop after issuing the error, do not return control.
criteria : dict
A set of criteria to narrow down the selection.


boolean, integer
Whether the command completed successfully and how many records have been deleted
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def deleteRecords(self, table, stop=True, **criteria):
    """Delete multiple records from a table.

    table: string
        The name of the table from which we want to delete a records.
    stop: boolean, optional True
        If the command is not successful, stop after issuing the
        error, do not return control.
    criteria: dict
        A set of criteria to narrow down the selection.

    boolean, integer
        Whether the command completed successfully and
        how many records have been deleted
    (good, result) = self.execute(table, "delete_many", criteria, stop=stop)
    count = result.deleted_count if good else 0
    return (good, count)
def disconnect(self)

Disconnect from the MongoDB.

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def disconnect(self):
    """Disconnect from the MongoDB."""
    client = self.client

    if client:

    self.client = None
    self.db = None
def execute(self, table, command, *args, warn=True, stop=True, **kwargs)

Executes a MongoDb command and returns the result.


table : string
The table on which to perform the command.
command : string
The built-in MongoDb command. Note that the Python interface requires you to write camelCase commands with underscores. So the Mongo command findOne should be passed as find_one.
args : list
Any number of additional arguments that the command requires.
warn : boolean, optional True
If True, warn if there is an error.
stop : boolean, optional True
If the command is not successful, stop after issuing the error, do not return control.
kwargs : list
Any number of additional keyword arguments that the command requires.


boolean, any

The boolean is whether an error occurred.

The any is whatever the MongoDb command returns. If the command fails, an error message is issued and any=None is returned.

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def execute(self, table, command, *args, warn=True, stop=True, **kwargs):
    """Executes a MongoDb command and returns the result.

    table: string
        The table on which to perform the command.
    command: string
        The built-in MongoDb command.
        Note that the Python interface requires you to write camelCase commands
        with underscores.
        So the Mongo command `findOne` should be passed as `find_one`.
    args: list
        Any number of additional arguments that the command requires.
    warn: boolean, optional True
        If True, warn if there is an error.
    stop: boolean, optional True
        If the command is not successful, stop after issuing the
        error, do not return control.
    kwargs: list
        Any number of additional keyword arguments that the command requires.

    boolean, any
        The `boolean` is whether an error occurred.

        The `any` is whatever the MongoDb command returns.
        If the command fails, an error message is issued and
        `any=None` is returned.
    Messages = self.Messages

    db = self.db

    method = getattr(db[table], command, None)
    result = None
    good = True

    if method is None:
        if warn:
                msg="Database action", logmsg=f"Unknown Mongo command: `{method}`"
        good = False
        result = method(*args, **kwargs)
    except Exception as e:
        if warn:
                msg="Database action",
                logmsg=f"Executing Mongo command db.{table}.{command}: {e}",
            if stop:
        good = False
        result = None

    return (good, result)
def get(self, table, record)

Get the record and recordId if only one of them is specified.

If the record is specified by id, the id maybe an ObjectId or a string, which will then be cast to an ObjectId.


table : string
The table in which the record can be found
record : string | ObjectID | AttrDict | void
Either the id of the record, or the record itself.


  • ObjectId: the id of the record
  • AttrDict: the record itself

If record is None, both members of the tuple are None

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def get(self, table, record):
    """Get the record and recordId if only one of them is specified.

    If the record is specified by id, the id maybe an ObjectId or a string,
    which will then be cast to an ObjectId.

    table: string
        The table in which the record can be found
    record: string | ObjectID | AttrDict | void
        Either the id of the record, or the record itself.

        * ObjectId: the id of the record
        * AttrDict: the record itself

        If `record` is None, both members of the tuple are None

    if record is None:
        return (None, None)

    if type(record) is str:
        record = self.getRecord(table, _id=self.cast(record))
    elif self.isId(record):
        record = self.getRecord(table, _id=record)
    recordId = record._id
    return (recordId, record)
def getList(self, table, stop=True, sort=None, asDict=False, **criteria)

Get a list of records from a table.


table : string
The name of the table from which we want to retrieve records.
stop : boolean, optional True
If the command is not successful, stop after issuing the error, do not return control.
sort : string | function, optional None
Sort key. If None, the results will not be sorted. If a string, it is the name of a field by which the results will be sorted in ascending order. If a function, the function should take a record as input and return a value. The records will be sorted by this value.
asDict : boolean or string, optional False
If False, returns a list of records as result. If True or a string, returns the same records, but now as dict, keyed by the _id field if asDict is True, else keyed by the field in dicated by asDict.
criteria : dict
A set of criteria to narrow down the search.


list of AttrDict
The list of records found, empty if no records are found. Each record is cast to an AttrDict.
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def getList(self, table, stop=True, sort=None, asDict=False, **criteria):
    """Get a list of records from a table.

    table: string
        The name of the table from which we want to retrieve records.
    stop: boolean, optional True
        If the command is not successful, stop after issuing the
        error, do not return control.
    sort: string | function, optional None
        Sort key. If `None`, the results will not be sorted.
        If a string, it is the name of a field by which the results
        will be sorted in ascending order.
        If a function, the function should take a record as input and return a
        value. The records will be sorted by this value.
    asDict: boolean or string, optional False
        If False, returns a list of records as result. If True or a string, returns
        the same records, but now as dict, keyed by the `_id` field if
        asDict is True, else keyed by the field in dicated by asDict.
    criteria: dict
        A set of criteria to narrow down the search.

    list of AttrDict
        The list of records found, empty if no records are found.
        Each record is cast to an AttrDict.
    (good, result) = self.execute(table, "find", criteria, {}, stop=stop)
    if not good:
        return []

    unsorted = [deepAttrDict(record) for record in result]

    if sort is None:
        result = unsorted
        sortFunc = (lambda r: r[sort] or "") if type(sort) is str else sort
        result = sorted(unsorted, key=sortFunc)

    return (
        {r[asDict]: r for r in result}
        if type(asDict) is str
        else {r._id: r for r in result}
        if asDict
        else result
def getRecord(self, table, warn=True, stop=True, **criteria)

Get a single record from a table.


table : string
The name of the table from which we want to retrieve a single record.
warn : boolean, optional True
If True, warn if there is no record satisfying the criteria.
stop : boolean, optional True
If the command is not successful, stop after issuing the error, do not return control.
criteria : dict
A set of criteria to narrow down the search. Usually they will be such that there will be just one record that satisfies them. But if there are more, a single one is chosen, by the mechanics of the built-in MongoDb command findOne.


The single record found, or an empty AttrDict if no record satisfies the criteria.
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def getRecord(self, table, warn=True, stop=True, **criteria):
    """Get a single record from a table.

    table: string
        The name of the table from which we want to retrieve a single record.
    warn: boolean, optional True
        If True, warn if there is no record satisfying the criteria.
    stop: boolean, optional True
        If the command is not successful, stop after issuing the
        error, do not return control.
    criteria: dict
        A set of criteria to narrow down the search.
        Usually they will be such that there will be just one record
        that satisfies them.
        But if there are more, a single one is chosen,
        by the mechanics of the built-in MongoDb command `findOne`.

        The single record found,
        or an empty AttrDict if no record
        satisfies the criteria.
    Messages = self.Messages

    (good, result) = self.execute(
        table, "find_one", criteria, {}, warn=False, stop=stop
    if not good or result is None:
        if warn:
                msg=f"Could not find that {table}",
                logmsg=f"No record in {table} with {criteria}",
        result = {}
    return deepAttrDict(result)
def insertRecord(self, table, stop=True, **fields)

Inserts a new record in a table.


table : string
The table in which the record will be inserted.
stop : boolean, optional True
If the command is not successful, stop after issuing the error, do not return control.
**fields : dict
The field names and their contents to populate the new record with.


The id of the newly inserted record, or None if the record could not be inserted.
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def insertRecord(self, table, stop=True, **fields):
    """Inserts a new record in a table.

    table: string
        The table in which the record will be inserted.
    stop: boolean, optional True
        If the command is not successful, stop after issuing the
        error, do not return control.
    **fields: dict
        The field names and their contents to populate the new record with.

        The id of the newly inserted record, or None if the record could not be
    (good, result) = self.execute(table, "insert_one", dict(**fields), stop=stop)
    return result.inserted_id if good else None
def mkBackup(self, dstBase, project=None, asJson=False)

Backs up data as record files in table folders.

We do site-wide backups and project-specific backups.

See also Backup.mkBackup()

This function backs up database data in bson and/or json format.

Inspired by this gist.


dstBase : string
Destination folder. This folder will get subfolders bson and/or json in which the backups are stored.
project : string, optional None
If given, only backs up the given project.
asJson : boolean, optional False
Whether to create a backup in json format
asBson : boolean, optional True
Whether to create a backup in bson format


Whether the operation was successful.
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def mkBackup(self, dstBase, project=None, asJson=False):
    """Backs up data as record files in table folders.

    We do site-wide backups and project-specific backups.

    See also `control.backup.Backup.mkBackup`

    This function backs up database data in
    [`bson`]( and/or `json` format.

    Inspired by this

    dstBase: string
        Destination folder.
        This folder will get subfolders `bson` and/or `json` in which
        the backups are stored.
    project: string, optional None
        If given, only backs up the given project.
    asJson: boolean, optional False
        Whether to create a backup in `json` format
    asBson: boolean, optional True
        Whether to create a backup in `bson` format

        Whether the operation was successful.
    Messages = self.Messages
    db = self.db
    tables = db.list_collection_names()

    dstb = f"{dstBase}/bson"
    dstj = None
    jOpts = {}

    if asJson:
        dstj = f"{dstBase}/json"
        jOpts = dict(ensure_ascii=False, indent=2, sort_keys=True)

    if project is None:
        for table in tables:
            records = db[table].find()
            n = self.writeRecords(table, records, dstb, dstj=dstj, jOpts=jOpts)
            plural = "" if n == 1 else ""
  "table {table} {n} record{plural}")
        return True

    (projectId, project) = self.get("project", project)
    records = db.project.find(dict(_id=projectId))
    n = self.writeRecords("project", records, dstb, dstj=dstj, jOpts=jOpts)
    records = db.edition.find(dict(projectId=projectId))
    n = self.writeRecords("edition", records, dstb, dstj=dstj, jOpts=jOpts)
    return True
def restoreBackup(self, src, project=None, clean=True)

Restores the database from record files in table folders.

We do site-wide restores or project-specific restores.

See also Backup.restoreBackup()

This function restores database data given in bson.

Inspired by this gist.


src : string
Source folder.
project : string, optional None
If given, only restores the given project.
clean : boolean, optional True
Whether to delete records from a table before restoring records to it. If clean=True then, in case of site-wide restores, all records will be cleaned. In case of project restores, only the relevant project/edition records will be cleaned.


Whether the operation was successful.
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def restoreBackup(self, src, project=None, clean=True):
    """Restores the database from record files in table folders.

    We do site-wide restores or project-specific restores.

    See also `control.backup.Backup.restoreBackup`

    This function restores database data given in

    Inspired by this

    src: string
        Source folder.
    project: string, optional None
        If given, only restores the given project.
    clean: boolean, optional True
        Whether to delete records from a table before
        restoring records to it.
        If `clean=True` then, in case of site-wide restores, all records
        will be cleaned. In case of project restores, only the relevant
        project/edition records will be cleaned.

        Whether the operation was successful.
    Messages = self.Messages
    db = self.db

    if not dirExists(src):
            msg="Source directory not found",
            logmsg=f"Source directory {src} not found",
        return False

    good = True

    if project is None:
        with os.scandir(src) as dh:
            for entry in dh:
                name =
                if not (entry.is_file() and name.endswith(".bson")):

                table = name.rsplit(".", 1)[0]

                with open(f"{src}/{name}", "rb") as f:
                    records = decode_all(

      "table {table} {len(records)} record(s)")
                if db[table] is not None and clean:
                    (thisGood, count) = self.deleteRecords(table, {})
                    if not thisGood:
                        good = False

        return good

    (projectId, project) = self.get("project", project)

    with os.scandir(src) as dh:
        for entry in dh:
            name =
            if not (entry.is_file() and name.endswith(".bson")):

            table = name.rsplit(".", 1)[0]

            if table not in {"project", "edition"}:

            with open(f"{src}/{name}", "rb") as f:
                records = decode_all(

            thisGood = True

            if table == "project":
                records = [r for r in records if r._id == projectId]
                nRecords = len(records)
                if nRecords == 0:
                        msg=f"No {table} records found! Restore skipped.",
                            f"Project restore {projectId}: "
                            f"No {table} records found! Skipped."
                elif nRecords > 1:
                        msg=f"Multiple {table} records found. Will restore first.",
                            f"Project restore {projectId}: "
                            f"Multiple ({nRecords}) {table} records found."

                record = records[0]

      "Restoring {table} record ...")
                if db[table] is not None and clean:
                    (thisGood, count) = self.deleteRecords(
                        table, {"_id": projectId}
                if thisGood:
                    good = False

            elif table == "edition":
                records = [r for r in records if r.projectId == projectId]
                nRecords = len(records)
                if nRecords == 0:
                        msg=f"No {table} records found.",
                            f"Project restore {projectId}: "
                            f"No {table} records found."

      "Restoring {table} records ...")
                if db[table] is not None and clean:
                    (thisGood, count) = self.deleteRecords(
                        table, {"_id": projectId}
                if thisGood:
                    good = False
                    msg=f"Skipping {name} as it is not legal in a project backup",
                        f"Skipping {name} as it is not legal in a project backup"

    return good
def tables(self)

List the existent tables in the database.


The names of the tables.
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def tables(self):
    """List the existent tables in the database.

        The names of the tables.
    db = self.db

    return list(db.list_collection_names())
def updateRecord(self, table, updates, stop=True, **criteria)

Updates a single record from a table.


table : string
The name of the table in which we want to update a single record.
updates : dict
The fields that must be updated with the values they must get. If the value None is specified for a field, that field will be set to null.
stop : boolean, optional True
If the command is not successful, stop after issuing the error, do not return control.
criteria : dict
A set of criteria to narrow down the selection. Usually they will be such that there will be just one record that satisfies them. But if there are more, a single one is chosen, by the mechanics of the built-in MongoDb command updateOne.


Whether the update was successful
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def updateRecord(self, table, updates, stop=True, **criteria):
    """Updates a single record from a table.

    table: string
        The name of the table in which we want to update a single record.
    updates: dict
        The fields that must be updated with the values they must get.
        If the value `None` is specified for a field, that field will be set to
    stop: boolean, optional True
        If the command is not successful, stop after issuing the
        error, do not return control.
    criteria: dict
        A set of criteria to narrow down the selection.
        Usually they will be such that there will be just one record
        that satisfies them.
        But if there are more, a single one is chosen,
        by the mechanics of the built-in MongoDb command `updateOne`.

        Whether the update was successful
    (good, result) = self.execute(
        table, "update_one", criteria, {"$set": updates}, stop=stop
    return result.modified_count > 0 if good else False
def writeRecords(self, table, records, dstb, dstj=None, jOpts={})

Writes records to bson and possibly json file.

If the destination file already exists, it will be wiped.


table : string
Table that contains the record. Will be used as file name for the record to be written to.
record : dict
The record as it is retrieved from MongoDb
dstb : string
Destination folder for the bson file.
dstj : string, optional None
Destination folder for the json file. If None, no json file will be written.
jOpts : dict, optional {}
Format options for writing the json file.


The number of records written
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def writeRecords(self, table, records, dstb, dstj=None, jOpts={}):
    """Writes records to bson and possibly json file.

    If the destination file already exists, it will be wiped.

    table: string
        Table that contains the record. Will be used as file name
        for the record to be written to.
    record: dict
        The record as it is retrieved from MongoDb
    dstb: string
        Destination folder for the bson file.
    dstj: string, optional None
        Destination folder for the json file.
        If `None`, no json file will be written.
    jOpts: dict, optional {}
        Format options for writing the json file.

        The number of records written
    asJson = dstj is not None

    n = 0
    with open(f"{dstb}/{table}.bson", "wb") as bh:
        if asJson:
            jh = open(f"{dstj}/{table}.json", "w")

        sep = ""
        for record in records:
            n += 1
            if asJson:
                jh.write(dumpjs(record, **jOpts))
            sep = ",\n"

        if asJson:

    return n