Module control.static

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import re
from copy import deepcopy
from traceback import format_exception

from markdown import markdown

from control.files import (
from control.generic import AttrDict, deepAttrDict, deepdict
from control.helpers import prettify, genViewerSelector, ucFirst
from control.precheck import Precheck as PrecheckCls

COMMENT_RE = re.compile(r"""\{\{!--.*?--}}""", re.S)
CONFIG_FILE = "client.yml"

class Static:
    def __init__(self, Settings, Messages, Viewers, Tailwind, Handlebars):
        """All about generating static pages."""
        self.Settings = Settings
        self.Tailwind = Tailwind
        self.Handlebars = Handlebars
        self.Messages = Messages

        self.Precheck = PrecheckCls(Settings, Messages, Viewers)

        yamlDir = Settings.yamlDir
        yamlFile = f"{yamlDir}/{CONFIG_FILE}"
        cfg = readYaml(asFile=yamlFile)
        self.cfg = cfg
        self.markdownKeys = set(cfg.markdown.keys)
        self.listKeys = set(cfg.listKeys.keys) = AttrDict()
        self.dbData = AttrDict()

    def sanitizeDC(self, table, dc):
        """Checks for missing (sub)-fields in the Dublin Core.

        table: string
            The kind of info: site, project, or edition. This influences
            which fields should be present.
        dc: dict
            The Dublin Core info

            The dict is changed in place.
        if table == "site":
        if table == "project":
        if table == "edition":
            k = "rights"

            if k not in dc:
                dc[k] = {}

            for k1, default in (
                ("license", "All rights reserved"),
                ("holder", "Unknown"),
                if k1 not in dc[k]:
                    dc[k][k1] = default


    def htmlify(self, info):
        """Translate fields in a dict into html.

        Certain fields will trigger a markdown to html conversion.

        Certain fields will be normalized to lists:
        if the type of such a field is not list, it will be turned into a one-element

        There will also be generated a field whose name has the string `Comma` appended,
        it will be a comma-separated list of the items in that field.

        info: dict
            The input data

            The resulting data. NB: it is brand-new data which does not share
            any data with the input data. Fields are either transformed from markdown
            to HTML, or copied.
        listKeys = self.listKeys
        markdownKeys = self.markdownKeys

        r = AttrDict()

        for k, v in info.items():
            if k in listKeys:
                if type(v) is not list:
                    v = [v]

                r[f"{k}Comma"] = (
                    if len(v) == 0
                    else str(v[0])
                    if len(v) == 1
                    else ", ".join(str(e) for e in v[0:-1]) + f" and {v[-1]}"

            if k in markdownKeys:
                v = (
                    "<br>\n".join(markdown(e) for e in v)
                    if type(v) is list
                    else markdown(v)

            r[k] = v

        return r

    def genPages(self, pPubNum, ePubNum, featured=[1, 2, 3]):
        """Generate html pages for a published edition.

        We assume the data of the projects and editions is already in place.
        As to the viewers: we compare the viewers and versions in the
        `data/viewers` directory with the viewers and versions in the
        `published/viewers` directory, and we copy viewer versions that are missing
        in the latter from the former.

        Exactly what will be generated depends on the parameters.

        There are the following things to generate:

        *   **S**: site wide files, outside projects
        *   **P**: project wide files, outside editions
        *   **E**: edition pages

        **S** will always be (re)generated.

        If a particular project is specified, the **P** for that project will
        also be (re)generated.

        If a particular edition is specified, the **E** for that edition will
        also be (re)generated.

        pPubNUm, ePubNUm: integer or boolean or void
            Specifies which project and edition must be (re)generated, if they are
            The integers is the numbers of the published project and edition.

            The following combinations are possible:

            *   `None`, `None`: only **S** is (re)generated;
            *   `p`, `None`: **S** and **P** for project with number `p` are
            *   `p`, `e`: **S** and **P** and **E** are (re)generated for project
                with number `p` and edition with number `e` within that project;
            *   `True`, `True`: everything will be regenerated.

            Whether the generation was successful.
        Messages = self.Messages
        Settings = self.Settings
        Tailwind = self.Tailwind
        Handlebars = self.Handlebars
        viewerDir = Settings.viewerDir
        pubModeDir = Settings.pubModeDir
        dataOutDir = f"{pubModeDir}/json"

        templateDir = Settings.templateDir
        partialsIn = Settings.partialsIn
        jsDir = Settings.jsDir
        imageDir = Settings.imageDir

        partials = {}
        compiledTemplates = {}

        if type(featured) is list:
            msg = "skipping featured project '{}'"
            featuredParsed = set()

            for f in featured:
                if type(f) is int:
                elif type(f) is str:
                    if f.isdecimal():

            featured = sorted(featuredParsed)

                msg="The featured projects are not given as list, will be set to 1,2,3"
            featured = [1, 2, 3]

            msg=f"Featured projects: {', '.join(str(f) for f in featured)}"
        self.featured = featured

        def updateStatic(kind, srcDr):
            """Copy over static files.

            We are careful: instead of copying a folder, we merge, recursively,
            the source folder into the destination folder, and we do not delete
            anything from the destination.

            Hence the parameters `delete=False` and `level=-1` to

            We do this, because older parts of the site may depend on older
            static files.
            dstDir = f"{pubModeDir}/{kind}"
            (good, c, d) = dirUpdate(srcDr, dstDir, level=-1, delete=False)
            report = f"{c:>3} copied, {d:>3} deleted"
                msg=f"{kind} {c} copied",
                logmsg=f"{'updated':<10} {kind:<12} {report:<24} to {dstDir}",
            return good

        def updateViewers():
            """Copy over viewer versions.

            We are careful: instead of copying the folder with viewers from source to
            destination, we merge the source viewers with the destination viewers,
            without deleting destination viewers.
            And per viewer, instead of copying the viewer folder from source
            to destination, we merge the source versions of that viewer with the
            destination versions of that viewer, without deleting destination versions.

            But per version we just copy, and stop the recursive merging, because each
            viewer version is an integral whole, and we do not support that the same
            version of the same viewer is different between source and destination.
            srcDr = viewerDir
            dstDir = f"{pubModeDir}/viewers"
            (good, c, d) = dirUpdate(
                srcDr, dstDir, level=2, conservative=True, delete=False
            report = f"{c:>3} copied, {d:>3} deleted"
                msg=f"viewers {c} copied",
                logmsg=f"{'updated':<10} {'viewers':<12} {report:<24} to {dstDir}",

            nViewerVersions = 0

            for viewer in dirContents(dstDir)[1]:
                nViewerVersions += len(dirContents(f"{dstDir}/{viewer}")[1])

            msg = f"there are {nViewerVersions} viewer-version combinations"
  , logmsg=msg)
            return (nViewerVersions, good)

        def registerPartials():
            good = True

            for partialFile in dirAllFiles(partialsIn):
                pDir = dirNm(partialFile).replace(partialsIn, "").strip("/")
                pFile = fileNm(partialFile)

                if pFile.startswith("."):

                pName = stripExt(pFile)
                sep = "" if pDir == "" else "/"
                partial = f"{pDir}{sep}{pName}"

                with open(partialFile) as fh:
                    pContent = COMMENT_RE.sub("",

                    partials[partial] = Handlebars.compile(pContent)
                except Exception as e:
                            f"Error in register partial {partial} : "
                    good = False

            report = f"{len(partials):<3} pieces"
                msg=f"{report} compiled",
                logmsg=f"{'compiled':<10} {'partials':<12} {report:<24} to memory",
            return good

        def genTarget(target, pNum, eNum, nvv=1):
            items = self.getData(target, pNum, eNum)

            success = 0
            failure = 0
            good = True

            for item in items:
                templateFile = f"{templateDir}/{item.template}"

                if templateFile in compiledTemplates:
                    template = compiledTemplates[templateFile]
                    with open(templateFile) as fh:
                        tContent = COMMENT_RE.sub("",

                        template = Handlebars.compile(tContent)
                    except Exception as e:
                                f"Error compiling template {templateFile} : "
                        template = None

                    compiledTemplates[templateFile] = template

                if template is None:
                    failure += 1
                    good = False

                    result = template(item, partials=partials)
                except Exception as e:
                            f"Error filling template {item.template} : "
                    failure += 1
                    good = False

                for genDir, asData in ((pubModeDir, False), (dataOutDir, True)):
                    path = f"{genDir}/{item.fileName}"
                    if asData:
                        ext = ".json"
                        path = path.rsplit(".", 1)[0] + ext
                    dirPart = dirNm(path)

                    if asData:
                        writeJson(deepdict(item), asFile=path)
                        with open(path, "w") as fh:

                success += 1

            goodStr = f"{success:>3} ok"
            badStr = f"{failure:>3} XX" if failure else ""
            sep = ";" if failure else " "
            report = f"{goodStr}{sep} {badStr}"
            if target == "editionpages":
                report += (
                    f" = {(success + failure) // (nvv + 1)} eds x " f"(1 + {nvv} v-v)"
                msg=f"generated {target} {report}",
                logmsg=f"{'generated':<10} {target:<12} {report:<24} to {pubModeDir}",
            return good

        pType = type(pPubNum)
        eType = type(ePubNum)
        pIsInt = pType is int
        eIsInt = eType is int
        pNo = pPubNum is None
        eNo = ePubNum is None
        pAll = pPubNum is True
        eAll = ePubNum is True

        task = (
            if pNo and eNo
            else ("project", pPubNum)
            if pIsInt and eNo
            else ("edition", pPubNum, ePubNum)
            if pIsInt and eIsInt
            else ("all",)
            if pAll and eAll
            else ("none",)

        if task[0] == "none":
                msg="Page generation failed",
                    "Page generation failed because of illegal parameter combination: "
                    f"project {pPubNum}: {pType} and edition {ePubNum}: {eType}"

        # site
        # project p
        # edition p e
        # all
        # none

        kind = task[0]

        targets = []

        targets.append(("site", None, None))
        targets.append(("textpages", None, None))
        targets.append(("projects", None, None))
        targets.append(("editions", None, None))

        if kind == "all":
            targets.append(("projectpages", None, None))
            targets.append(("editionpages", None, None))

        elif kind in {"project", "edition"}:
            targets.append(("projectpages", pPubNum, None))

            if kind == "edition":
                targets.append(("editionpages", pPubNum, ePubNum))

        good = True

        for kind, srcDir in (("js", jsDir), ("images", imageDir)):
            if not updateStatic(kind, srcDir):
                good = False

        (nvv, thisGood) = updateViewers()

        if not thisGood:
            good = False

        if not registerPartials():
            good = False

        if not Tailwind.generate():
            good = False


        for target in targets:
            if not genTarget(*target, nvv=nvv):
                good = False

        if good:
            msg = "All tasks successful"
            msg = "Page generation failed"
            Messages.error(logmsg=msg, msg=msg, stop=False)
        return good

    def getData(self, kind, pNumGiven, eNumGiven):
        """Prepares page data of a certain kind.

        Pages are generated by filling in templates and partials on the basis of
        JSON data. Pages may require several kinds of data.
        For example, the index page needs data to fill in a list of projects
        and editions. Other pages may need the same kind of data.
        So we store the gathered data under the kinds they have been gathered.

        For some kinds we may restrict the data fetching to specified items:
        for `projectpages` and `editionpages`.

        When an edition has changed, we want to restrict the regeneration of
        pages to only those pages that need to change. And we also update things outside
        the projects and editions.

        Still, when an edition changes, the page with All editions also has to change.
        And if the edition was the first in a project to be published, a new project
        will be published as well, and hence the `All projects` page needs to change.

        If an edition is published next to other editions in a project, the project
        page needs to change, since it contains thumbnails of all its editions.

        So, the general rule is that we will always regenerate the thumbnails and the
        All-projects and All-edition pages, but not all of the project pages and edition

        !!! note "Not all kinds will be restricted"
            The kinds `viewers`, `textpages`, `site` will never be restricted.

            The kinds `projects`, `editions` are needed for thumbnails, and are
            never restricted.

            The kinds `project`, `edition` are called by the collection of kinds
            `project` and `edition`, and are also not restricted.

            That leaves only the `projectpages` and `editionpages` needing to be

        kind: string
            The kind of data we need to prepare.
        pNumGiven: integer or void
            Restricts the data fetching to projects with this publication number
        eNumGiven: integer or void
            Restricts the data fetching to editions with this publication number

        dict or array
            The data itself.
            It is also stored in the member `data` of this object, under key
            `kind`. It will not be computed twice.
        Settings = self.Settings
        Messages = self.Messages
        Precheck = self.Precheck
        textDir = Settings.textDir
        authorUrl = Settings.authorUrl
        backPrefix = Settings.backPrefix
        authorRoot = f"{authorUrl}/{backPrefix}/"

        cfg = self.cfg
        generation1 = cfg.generation
        dbData = self.dbData
        data =

        if kind in data:
            return data[kind]

        def get_viewers():
            defaultViewer = Settings.viewerDefault

            result = []

            for viewer, viewerConfig in Settings.viewers.items():
                versions = viewerConfig.versions
                element =
                isDefault = viewer == defaultViewer

                        versions=[AttrDict(name=version) for version in versions],
                result[-1].versions[0].isDefault = True

            return result

        def get_textpages():
            textFiles = dirContents(textDir)[0]

            def getLinks(textFile):
                return [
                    dict(text=prettify(t.removesuffix(".html")), link=t)
                    for t in textFiles
                    if t != textFile

            result = []

            for textFile in textFiles:
                r = AttrDict()
                r.template = "text.html"
                r.authorLink = authorRoot
       = prettify(textFile.removesuffix(".html"))
                r["is" + ucFirst(] = True
                r.fileName = textFile
                r.links = getLinks(textFile)

                with open(f"{textDir}/{textFile}") as fh:
                    r.content =


            return result

        def get_site():
            featured = self.featured

            info = dbData[kind]
            dc = info.dc
            self.sanitizeDC("site", dc)
            dc = self.htmlify(dc)

            r = AttrDict()
            r.isHome = True
            r.template = "home.html"
            r.fileName = "index.html"
            r.authorLink = authorRoot
   = dc.title
            r.contentdata = dc
            projects = self.getData("project", None, None)
            projectsIndex = {p.num: p for p in projects}
            projectsFeatured = []

            for p in featured:
                if p not in projectsIndex:
                    Messages.warning(f"featured project {p} does not exist")


            r.projects = projectsFeatured

            return [r]

        def get_projects():
            r = AttrDict()
            r.isProjects = True
   = "All Projects"
            r.template = "projects.html"
            r.fileName = "projects.html"
            r.authorLink = authorRoot
            r.projects = self.getData("project", None, None)

            return [r]

        def get_editions():
            r = AttrDict()
            r.isEditions = True
   = "All Editions"
            r.template = "editions.html"
            r.fileName = "editions.html"
            r.authorLink = authorRoot
            r.editions = self.getData("edition", None, None)

            return [r]

        def get_project():
            info = dbData[kind]

            result = []

            for num, item in info.items():
                dc = item.dc
                self.sanitizeDC("project", dc)
                dc = self.htmlify(dc)

                r = AttrDict()
       = item.title
                r.num = num
                r.fileName = f"project/{num}/index.html"
                r.abstract = dc.abstract or ""
                r.description = dc.description or ""
                r.subjects = dc.subject
                r.visible = item.isVisible or False

            return result

        def get_edition():
            info = dbData[kind]

            result = []

            for pNum, eNums in info.items():
                for eNum, item in eNums.items():
                    dc = item.dc
                    self.sanitizeDC("edition", dc)
                    dc = self.htmlify(dc)

                    r = AttrDict()
                    r.projectNum = pNum
                    r.projectFileName = f"project/{pNum}.html"
           = item.title
                    r.num = eNum
                    r.fileName = f"project/{pNum}/edition/{eNum}/index.html"
                    r.abstract = dc.abstract or ""
                    r.description = dc.description or ""
                    r.subjects = dc.subject
                    r.published = item.isPublished or False

            return result

        def get_projectpages():
            pInfo = dbData["project"]
            eInfo = dbData["edition"]

            result = []

            for pNo in sorted(pInfo):
                if pNumGiven is not None and pNo != pNumGiven:

                pItem = pInfo[pNo]
                pId = pItem._id
                pdc = self.htmlify(pItem.dc)
                fileName = f"project/{pNo}/index.html"

                pr = AttrDict()
                pr.template = "project.html"
                pr.fileName = fileName
                pr.num = pNo
       = pItem.title
                pr.authorLink = f"{authorRoot}{pId}"
                pr.visible = pItem.isVisible or False
                pr.contentdata = pdc
                pr.editions = []

                thisEInfo = eInfo.get(pNo, {})

                for eNo in sorted(thisEInfo):
                    eItem = thisEInfo[eNo]
                    edc = self.htmlify(eItem.dc)

                    er = AttrDict()
                    er.projectNum = pNo
                    er.projectFileName = f"project/{pNo}/index.html"
                    er.fileName = f"project/{pNo}/edition/{eNo}/index.html"
                    er.num = eNo
           = eItem.title
                    er.contentdata = edc
                    er.published = eItem.isPublished or False



            return result

        def get_editionpages():
            viewers = self.getData("viewers", None, None)
            viewersLean = tuple(
                    tuple((, vv.isDefault) for vv in vw.versions),
                for vw in viewers

            pInfo = dbData["project"]
            eInfo = dbData["edition"]

            result = []

            for pNo in sorted(pInfo):
                if pNumGiven is not None and pNo != pNumGiven:

                pItem = pInfo[pNo]
                pId = pItem._id
                projectFileName = f"project/{pNo}/index.html"
                projectName = pItem.get("title", pNo)

                thisEInfo = eInfo.get(pNo, {})

                for eNo in sorted(thisEInfo):
                    if eNumGiven is not None and eNo != eNumGiven:

                    eItem = thisEInfo[eNo]
                    eId = eItem._id
                    edc = self.htmlify(eItem.dc)

                    er = AttrDict()
                    er.template = "edition.html"
                    er.projectNum = pNo
                    er.projectName = projectName
                    er.projectFileName = projectFileName
                    er.authorLink = f"{authorRoot}{pId}/{eId}"
                    fileBase = f"project/{pNo}/edition/{eNo}/index"
                    er.num = eNo
           = eItem.title
                    er.contentdata = edc
                    er.isPublished = eItem.ispublished or False
                    settings = eItem.settings
                    authorTool = settings.authorTool
                    origViewer =
                    origVersion =
                    er.sceneFile = authorTool.sceneFile
                    er.toc = Precheck.checkEdition(pNo, eNo, eItem, asPublished=True)

                    for viewerInfo in viewers:
                        viewer =
                        element = viewerInfo.element
                        versions = viewerInfo.versions
                        isDefaultViewer = viewerInfo.isDefault

                        for versionInfo in versions:
                            version =
                            isDefault = versionInfo.isDefault
                            ver = deepAttrDict(deepcopy(deepdict(er)))
                            ver.viewer = viewer
                            ver.version = version
                            ver.element = element
                            ver.fileName = f"{fileBase}-{viewer}-{version}.html"
                            isDefault = isDefaultViewer and isDefault

                            viewerSelector = genViewerSelector(

                            ver.viewerSelector = viewerSelector

                            if isDefault:
                                ver = deepAttrDict(deepcopy(deepdict(ver)))
                                ver.fileName = f"{fileBase}.html"

            return result

        getFunc = locals().get(f"get_{kind}", None)

        result = getFunc() if getFunc is not None else []

        data[kind] = result
        return result

    def getDbData(self):
        """Get the raw data contained in the json export from Mongo DB.

        This is the metadata of the site, the projects, and the editions.
        We store them as is in member `dbData`.

        Later we distil page data from this, i.e. the data that is ready to fill
        in the variables of the templates.

        We assume this data has been exported when projects and editions got published,
        into files named `db.json`.
        Settings = self.Settings
        dbFile = Settings.dbFile

        dbData = self.dbData

        pubModeDir = Settings.pubModeDir
        projectDir = f"{pubModeDir}/project"

        dbData["site"] = readJson(asFile=f"{pubModeDir}/{dbFile}")

        rProjects = {}
        dbData["project"] = rProjects

        rEditions = {}
        dbData["edition"] = rEditions

        for p in dirContents(projectDir)[1]:
            if not p.isdecimal():

            p = int(p)
            pPath = f"{projectDir}/{p}"
            rProjects[p] = readJson(asFile=f"{pPath}/{dbFile}")

            for e in dirContents(f"{pPath}/edition")[1]:
                if not e.isdecimal():

                e = int(e)
                ePath = f"{pPath}/edition/{e}"
                rEditions.setdefault(p, {})[e] = readJson(asFile=f"{ePath}/{dbFile}")


class Static (Settings, Messages, Viewers, Tailwind, Handlebars)

All about generating static pages.

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class Static:
    def __init__(self, Settings, Messages, Viewers, Tailwind, Handlebars):
        """All about generating static pages."""
        self.Settings = Settings
        self.Tailwind = Tailwind
        self.Handlebars = Handlebars
        self.Messages = Messages

        self.Precheck = PrecheckCls(Settings, Messages, Viewers)

        yamlDir = Settings.yamlDir
        yamlFile = f"{yamlDir}/{CONFIG_FILE}"
        cfg = readYaml(asFile=yamlFile)
        self.cfg = cfg
        self.markdownKeys = set(cfg.markdown.keys)
        self.listKeys = set(cfg.listKeys.keys) = AttrDict()
        self.dbData = AttrDict()

    def sanitizeDC(self, table, dc):
        """Checks for missing (sub)-fields in the Dublin Core.

        table: string
            The kind of info: site, project, or edition. This influences
            which fields should be present.
        dc: dict
            The Dublin Core info

            The dict is changed in place.
        if table == "site":
        if table == "project":
        if table == "edition":
            k = "rights"

            if k not in dc:
                dc[k] = {}

            for k1, default in (
                ("license", "All rights reserved"),
                ("holder", "Unknown"),
                if k1 not in dc[k]:
                    dc[k][k1] = default


    def htmlify(self, info):
        """Translate fields in a dict into html.

        Certain fields will trigger a markdown to html conversion.

        Certain fields will be normalized to lists:
        if the type of such a field is not list, it will be turned into a one-element

        There will also be generated a field whose name has the string `Comma` appended,
        it will be a comma-separated list of the items in that field.

        info: dict
            The input data

            The resulting data. NB: it is brand-new data which does not share
            any data with the input data. Fields are either transformed from markdown
            to HTML, or copied.
        listKeys = self.listKeys
        markdownKeys = self.markdownKeys

        r = AttrDict()

        for k, v in info.items():
            if k in listKeys:
                if type(v) is not list:
                    v = [v]

                r[f"{k}Comma"] = (
                    if len(v) == 0
                    else str(v[0])
                    if len(v) == 1
                    else ", ".join(str(e) for e in v[0:-1]) + f" and {v[-1]}"

            if k in markdownKeys:
                v = (
                    "<br>\n".join(markdown(e) for e in v)
                    if type(v) is list
                    else markdown(v)

            r[k] = v

        return r

    def genPages(self, pPubNum, ePubNum, featured=[1, 2, 3]):
        """Generate html pages for a published edition.

        We assume the data of the projects and editions is already in place.
        As to the viewers: we compare the viewers and versions in the
        `data/viewers` directory with the viewers and versions in the
        `published/viewers` directory, and we copy viewer versions that are missing
        in the latter from the former.

        Exactly what will be generated depends on the parameters.

        There are the following things to generate:

        *   **S**: site wide files, outside projects
        *   **P**: project wide files, outside editions
        *   **E**: edition pages

        **S** will always be (re)generated.

        If a particular project is specified, the **P** for that project will
        also be (re)generated.

        If a particular edition is specified, the **E** for that edition will
        also be (re)generated.

        pPubNUm, ePubNUm: integer or boolean or void
            Specifies which project and edition must be (re)generated, if they are
            The integers is the numbers of the published project and edition.

            The following combinations are possible:

            *   `None`, `None`: only **S** is (re)generated;
            *   `p`, `None`: **S** and **P** for project with number `p` are
            *   `p`, `e`: **S** and **P** and **E** are (re)generated for project
                with number `p` and edition with number `e` within that project;
            *   `True`, `True`: everything will be regenerated.

            Whether the generation was successful.
        Messages = self.Messages
        Settings = self.Settings
        Tailwind = self.Tailwind
        Handlebars = self.Handlebars
        viewerDir = Settings.viewerDir
        pubModeDir = Settings.pubModeDir
        dataOutDir = f"{pubModeDir}/json"

        templateDir = Settings.templateDir
        partialsIn = Settings.partialsIn
        jsDir = Settings.jsDir
        imageDir = Settings.imageDir

        partials = {}
        compiledTemplates = {}

        if type(featured) is list:
            msg = "skipping featured project '{}'"
            featuredParsed = set()

            for f in featured:
                if type(f) is int:
                elif type(f) is str:
                    if f.isdecimal():

            featured = sorted(featuredParsed)

                msg="The featured projects are not given as list, will be set to 1,2,3"
            featured = [1, 2, 3]

            msg=f"Featured projects: {', '.join(str(f) for f in featured)}"
        self.featured = featured

        def updateStatic(kind, srcDr):
            """Copy over static files.

            We are careful: instead of copying a folder, we merge, recursively,
            the source folder into the destination folder, and we do not delete
            anything from the destination.

            Hence the parameters `delete=False` and `level=-1` to

            We do this, because older parts of the site may depend on older
            static files.
            dstDir = f"{pubModeDir}/{kind}"
            (good, c, d) = dirUpdate(srcDr, dstDir, level=-1, delete=False)
            report = f"{c:>3} copied, {d:>3} deleted"
                msg=f"{kind} {c} copied",
                logmsg=f"{'updated':<10} {kind:<12} {report:<24} to {dstDir}",
            return good

        def updateViewers():
            """Copy over viewer versions.

            We are careful: instead of copying the folder with viewers from source to
            destination, we merge the source viewers with the destination viewers,
            without deleting destination viewers.
            And per viewer, instead of copying the viewer folder from source
            to destination, we merge the source versions of that viewer with the
            destination versions of that viewer, without deleting destination versions.

            But per version we just copy, and stop the recursive merging, because each
            viewer version is an integral whole, and we do not support that the same
            version of the same viewer is different between source and destination.
            srcDr = viewerDir
            dstDir = f"{pubModeDir}/viewers"
            (good, c, d) = dirUpdate(
                srcDr, dstDir, level=2, conservative=True, delete=False
            report = f"{c:>3} copied, {d:>3} deleted"
                msg=f"viewers {c} copied",
                logmsg=f"{'updated':<10} {'viewers':<12} {report:<24} to {dstDir}",

            nViewerVersions = 0

            for viewer in dirContents(dstDir)[1]:
                nViewerVersions += len(dirContents(f"{dstDir}/{viewer}")[1])

            msg = f"there are {nViewerVersions} viewer-version combinations"
  , logmsg=msg)
            return (nViewerVersions, good)

        def registerPartials():
            good = True

            for partialFile in dirAllFiles(partialsIn):
                pDir = dirNm(partialFile).replace(partialsIn, "").strip("/")
                pFile = fileNm(partialFile)

                if pFile.startswith("."):

                pName = stripExt(pFile)
                sep = "" if pDir == "" else "/"
                partial = f"{pDir}{sep}{pName}"

                with open(partialFile) as fh:
                    pContent = COMMENT_RE.sub("",

                    partials[partial] = Handlebars.compile(pContent)
                except Exception as e:
                            f"Error in register partial {partial} : "
                    good = False

            report = f"{len(partials):<3} pieces"
                msg=f"{report} compiled",
                logmsg=f"{'compiled':<10} {'partials':<12} {report:<24} to memory",
            return good

        def genTarget(target, pNum, eNum, nvv=1):
            items = self.getData(target, pNum, eNum)

            success = 0
            failure = 0
            good = True

            for item in items:
                templateFile = f"{templateDir}/{item.template}"

                if templateFile in compiledTemplates:
                    template = compiledTemplates[templateFile]
                    with open(templateFile) as fh:
                        tContent = COMMENT_RE.sub("",

                        template = Handlebars.compile(tContent)
                    except Exception as e:
                                f"Error compiling template {templateFile} : "
                        template = None

                    compiledTemplates[templateFile] = template

                if template is None:
                    failure += 1
                    good = False

                    result = template(item, partials=partials)
                except Exception as e:
                            f"Error filling template {item.template} : "
                    failure += 1
                    good = False

                for genDir, asData in ((pubModeDir, False), (dataOutDir, True)):
                    path = f"{genDir}/{item.fileName}"
                    if asData:
                        ext = ".json"
                        path = path.rsplit(".", 1)[0] + ext
                    dirPart = dirNm(path)

                    if asData:
                        writeJson(deepdict(item), asFile=path)
                        with open(path, "w") as fh:

                success += 1

            goodStr = f"{success:>3} ok"
            badStr = f"{failure:>3} XX" if failure else ""
            sep = ";" if failure else " "
            report = f"{goodStr}{sep} {badStr}"
            if target == "editionpages":
                report += (
                    f" = {(success + failure) // (nvv + 1)} eds x " f"(1 + {nvv} v-v)"
                msg=f"generated {target} {report}",
                logmsg=f"{'generated':<10} {target:<12} {report:<24} to {pubModeDir}",
            return good

        pType = type(pPubNum)
        eType = type(ePubNum)
        pIsInt = pType is int
        eIsInt = eType is int
        pNo = pPubNum is None
        eNo = ePubNum is None
        pAll = pPubNum is True
        eAll = ePubNum is True

        task = (
            if pNo and eNo
            else ("project", pPubNum)
            if pIsInt and eNo
            else ("edition", pPubNum, ePubNum)
            if pIsInt and eIsInt
            else ("all",)
            if pAll and eAll
            else ("none",)

        if task[0] == "none":
                msg="Page generation failed",
                    "Page generation failed because of illegal parameter combination: "
                    f"project {pPubNum}: {pType} and edition {ePubNum}: {eType}"

        # site
        # project p
        # edition p e
        # all
        # none

        kind = task[0]

        targets = []

        targets.append(("site", None, None))
        targets.append(("textpages", None, None))
        targets.append(("projects", None, None))
        targets.append(("editions", None, None))

        if kind == "all":
            targets.append(("projectpages", None, None))
            targets.append(("editionpages", None, None))

        elif kind in {"project", "edition"}:
            targets.append(("projectpages", pPubNum, None))

            if kind == "edition":
                targets.append(("editionpages", pPubNum, ePubNum))

        good = True

        for kind, srcDir in (("js", jsDir), ("images", imageDir)):
            if not updateStatic(kind, srcDir):
                good = False

        (nvv, thisGood) = updateViewers()

        if not thisGood:
            good = False

        if not registerPartials():
            good = False

        if not Tailwind.generate():
            good = False


        for target in targets:
            if not genTarget(*target, nvv=nvv):
                good = False

        if good:
            msg = "All tasks successful"
            msg = "Page generation failed"
            Messages.error(logmsg=msg, msg=msg, stop=False)
        return good

    def getData(self, kind, pNumGiven, eNumGiven):
        """Prepares page data of a certain kind.

        Pages are generated by filling in templates and partials on the basis of
        JSON data. Pages may require several kinds of data.
        For example, the index page needs data to fill in a list of projects
        and editions. Other pages may need the same kind of data.
        So we store the gathered data under the kinds they have been gathered.

        For some kinds we may restrict the data fetching to specified items:
        for `projectpages` and `editionpages`.

        When an edition has changed, we want to restrict the regeneration of
        pages to only those pages that need to change. And we also update things outside
        the projects and editions.

        Still, when an edition changes, the page with All editions also has to change.
        And if the edition was the first in a project to be published, a new project
        will be published as well, and hence the `All projects` page needs to change.

        If an edition is published next to other editions in a project, the project
        page needs to change, since it contains thumbnails of all its editions.

        So, the general rule is that we will always regenerate the thumbnails and the
        All-projects and All-edition pages, but not all of the project pages and edition

        !!! note "Not all kinds will be restricted"
            The kinds `viewers`, `textpages`, `site` will never be restricted.

            The kinds `projects`, `editions` are needed for thumbnails, and are
            never restricted.

            The kinds `project`, `edition` are called by the collection of kinds
            `project` and `edition`, and are also not restricted.

            That leaves only the `projectpages` and `editionpages` needing to be

        kind: string
            The kind of data we need to prepare.
        pNumGiven: integer or void
            Restricts the data fetching to projects with this publication number
        eNumGiven: integer or void
            Restricts the data fetching to editions with this publication number

        dict or array
            The data itself.
            It is also stored in the member `data` of this object, under key
            `kind`. It will not be computed twice.
        Settings = self.Settings
        Messages = self.Messages
        Precheck = self.Precheck
        textDir = Settings.textDir
        authorUrl = Settings.authorUrl
        backPrefix = Settings.backPrefix
        authorRoot = f"{authorUrl}/{backPrefix}/"

        cfg = self.cfg
        generation1 = cfg.generation
        dbData = self.dbData
        data =

        if kind in data:
            return data[kind]

        def get_viewers():
            defaultViewer = Settings.viewerDefault

            result = []

            for viewer, viewerConfig in Settings.viewers.items():
                versions = viewerConfig.versions
                element =
                isDefault = viewer == defaultViewer

                        versions=[AttrDict(name=version) for version in versions],
                result[-1].versions[0].isDefault = True

            return result

        def get_textpages():
            textFiles = dirContents(textDir)[0]

            def getLinks(textFile):
                return [
                    dict(text=prettify(t.removesuffix(".html")), link=t)
                    for t in textFiles
                    if t != textFile

            result = []

            for textFile in textFiles:
                r = AttrDict()
                r.template = "text.html"
                r.authorLink = authorRoot
       = prettify(textFile.removesuffix(".html"))
                r["is" + ucFirst(] = True
                r.fileName = textFile
                r.links = getLinks(textFile)

                with open(f"{textDir}/{textFile}") as fh:
                    r.content =


            return result

        def get_site():
            featured = self.featured

            info = dbData[kind]
            dc = info.dc
            self.sanitizeDC("site", dc)
            dc = self.htmlify(dc)

            r = AttrDict()
            r.isHome = True
            r.template = "home.html"
            r.fileName = "index.html"
            r.authorLink = authorRoot
   = dc.title
            r.contentdata = dc
            projects = self.getData("project", None, None)
            projectsIndex = {p.num: p for p in projects}
            projectsFeatured = []

            for p in featured:
                if p not in projectsIndex:
                    Messages.warning(f"featured project {p} does not exist")


            r.projects = projectsFeatured

            return [r]

        def get_projects():
            r = AttrDict()
            r.isProjects = True
   = "All Projects"
            r.template = "projects.html"
            r.fileName = "projects.html"
            r.authorLink = authorRoot
            r.projects = self.getData("project", None, None)

            return [r]

        def get_editions():
            r = AttrDict()
            r.isEditions = True
   = "All Editions"
            r.template = "editions.html"
            r.fileName = "editions.html"
            r.authorLink = authorRoot
            r.editions = self.getData("edition", None, None)

            return [r]

        def get_project():
            info = dbData[kind]

            result = []

            for num, item in info.items():
                dc = item.dc
                self.sanitizeDC("project", dc)
                dc = self.htmlify(dc)

                r = AttrDict()
       = item.title
                r.num = num
                r.fileName = f"project/{num}/index.html"
                r.abstract = dc.abstract or ""
                r.description = dc.description or ""
                r.subjects = dc.subject
                r.visible = item.isVisible or False

            return result

        def get_edition():
            info = dbData[kind]

            result = []

            for pNum, eNums in info.items():
                for eNum, item in eNums.items():
                    dc = item.dc
                    self.sanitizeDC("edition", dc)
                    dc = self.htmlify(dc)

                    r = AttrDict()
                    r.projectNum = pNum
                    r.projectFileName = f"project/{pNum}.html"
           = item.title
                    r.num = eNum
                    r.fileName = f"project/{pNum}/edition/{eNum}/index.html"
                    r.abstract = dc.abstract or ""
                    r.description = dc.description or ""
                    r.subjects = dc.subject
                    r.published = item.isPublished or False

            return result

        def get_projectpages():
            pInfo = dbData["project"]
            eInfo = dbData["edition"]

            result = []

            for pNo in sorted(pInfo):
                if pNumGiven is not None and pNo != pNumGiven:

                pItem = pInfo[pNo]
                pId = pItem._id
                pdc = self.htmlify(pItem.dc)
                fileName = f"project/{pNo}/index.html"

                pr = AttrDict()
                pr.template = "project.html"
                pr.fileName = fileName
                pr.num = pNo
       = pItem.title
                pr.authorLink = f"{authorRoot}{pId}"
                pr.visible = pItem.isVisible or False
                pr.contentdata = pdc
                pr.editions = []

                thisEInfo = eInfo.get(pNo, {})

                for eNo in sorted(thisEInfo):
                    eItem = thisEInfo[eNo]
                    edc = self.htmlify(eItem.dc)

                    er = AttrDict()
                    er.projectNum = pNo
                    er.projectFileName = f"project/{pNo}/index.html"
                    er.fileName = f"project/{pNo}/edition/{eNo}/index.html"
                    er.num = eNo
           = eItem.title
                    er.contentdata = edc
                    er.published = eItem.isPublished or False



            return result

        def get_editionpages():
            viewers = self.getData("viewers", None, None)
            viewersLean = tuple(
                    tuple((, vv.isDefault) for vv in vw.versions),
                for vw in viewers

            pInfo = dbData["project"]
            eInfo = dbData["edition"]

            result = []

            for pNo in sorted(pInfo):
                if pNumGiven is not None and pNo != pNumGiven:

                pItem = pInfo[pNo]
                pId = pItem._id
                projectFileName = f"project/{pNo}/index.html"
                projectName = pItem.get("title", pNo)

                thisEInfo = eInfo.get(pNo, {})

                for eNo in sorted(thisEInfo):
                    if eNumGiven is not None and eNo != eNumGiven:

                    eItem = thisEInfo[eNo]
                    eId = eItem._id
                    edc = self.htmlify(eItem.dc)

                    er = AttrDict()
                    er.template = "edition.html"
                    er.projectNum = pNo
                    er.projectName = projectName
                    er.projectFileName = projectFileName
                    er.authorLink = f"{authorRoot}{pId}/{eId}"
                    fileBase = f"project/{pNo}/edition/{eNo}/index"
                    er.num = eNo
           = eItem.title
                    er.contentdata = edc
                    er.isPublished = eItem.ispublished or False
                    settings = eItem.settings
                    authorTool = settings.authorTool
                    origViewer =
                    origVersion =
                    er.sceneFile = authorTool.sceneFile
                    er.toc = Precheck.checkEdition(pNo, eNo, eItem, asPublished=True)

                    for viewerInfo in viewers:
                        viewer =
                        element = viewerInfo.element
                        versions = viewerInfo.versions
                        isDefaultViewer = viewerInfo.isDefault

                        for versionInfo in versions:
                            version =
                            isDefault = versionInfo.isDefault
                            ver = deepAttrDict(deepcopy(deepdict(er)))
                            ver.viewer = viewer
                            ver.version = version
                            ver.element = element
                            ver.fileName = f"{fileBase}-{viewer}-{version}.html"
                            isDefault = isDefaultViewer and isDefault

                            viewerSelector = genViewerSelector(

                            ver.viewerSelector = viewerSelector

                            if isDefault:
                                ver = deepAttrDict(deepcopy(deepdict(ver)))
                                ver.fileName = f"{fileBase}.html"

            return result

        getFunc = locals().get(f"get_{kind}", None)

        result = getFunc() if getFunc is not None else []

        data[kind] = result
        return result

    def getDbData(self):
        """Get the raw data contained in the json export from Mongo DB.

        This is the metadata of the site, the projects, and the editions.
        We store them as is in member `dbData`.

        Later we distil page data from this, i.e. the data that is ready to fill
        in the variables of the templates.

        We assume this data has been exported when projects and editions got published,
        into files named `db.json`.
        Settings = self.Settings
        dbFile = Settings.dbFile

        dbData = self.dbData

        pubModeDir = Settings.pubModeDir
        projectDir = f"{pubModeDir}/project"

        dbData["site"] = readJson(asFile=f"{pubModeDir}/{dbFile}")

        rProjects = {}
        dbData["project"] = rProjects

        rEditions = {}
        dbData["edition"] = rEditions

        for p in dirContents(projectDir)[1]:
            if not p.isdecimal():

            p = int(p)
            pPath = f"{projectDir}/{p}"
            rProjects[p] = readJson(asFile=f"{pPath}/{dbFile}")

            for e in dirContents(f"{pPath}/edition")[1]:
                if not e.isdecimal():

                e = int(e)
                ePath = f"{pPath}/edition/{e}"
                rEditions.setdefault(p, {})[e] = readJson(asFile=f"{ePath}/{dbFile}")


def genPages(self, pPubNum, ePubNum, featured=[1, 2, 3])

Generate html pages for a published edition.

We assume the data of the projects and editions is already in place. As to the viewers: we compare the viewers and versions in the data/viewers directory with the viewers and versions in the published/viewers directory, and we copy viewer versions that are missing in the latter from the former.

Exactly what will be generated depends on the parameters.

There are the following things to generate:

  • S: site wide files, outside projects
  • P: project wide files, outside editions
  • E: edition pages

S will always be (re)generated.

If a particular project is specified, the P for that project will also be (re)generated.

If a particular edition is specified, the E for that edition will also be (re)generated.


pPubNUm, ePubNUm : integer or boolean or void

Specifies which project and edition must be (re)generated, if they are integers. The integers is the numbers of the published project and edition.

The following combinations are possible:

  • None, None: only S is (re)generated;
  • p, None: S and P for project with number p are (re)generated;
  • p, e: S and P and E are (re)generated for project with number p and edition with number e within that project;
  • True, True: everything will be regenerated.


Whether the generation was successful.
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def genPages(self, pPubNum, ePubNum, featured=[1, 2, 3]):
    """Generate html pages for a published edition.

    We assume the data of the projects and editions is already in place.
    As to the viewers: we compare the viewers and versions in the
    `data/viewers` directory with the viewers and versions in the
    `published/viewers` directory, and we copy viewer versions that are missing
    in the latter from the former.

    Exactly what will be generated depends on the parameters.

    There are the following things to generate:

    *   **S**: site wide files, outside projects
    *   **P**: project wide files, outside editions
    *   **E**: edition pages

    **S** will always be (re)generated.

    If a particular project is specified, the **P** for that project will
    also be (re)generated.

    If a particular edition is specified, the **E** for that edition will
    also be (re)generated.

    pPubNUm, ePubNUm: integer or boolean or void
        Specifies which project and edition must be (re)generated, if they are
        The integers is the numbers of the published project and edition.

        The following combinations are possible:

        *   `None`, `None`: only **S** is (re)generated;
        *   `p`, `None`: **S** and **P** for project with number `p` are
        *   `p`, `e`: **S** and **P** and **E** are (re)generated for project
            with number `p` and edition with number `e` within that project;
        *   `True`, `True`: everything will be regenerated.

        Whether the generation was successful.
    Messages = self.Messages
    Settings = self.Settings
    Tailwind = self.Tailwind
    Handlebars = self.Handlebars
    viewerDir = Settings.viewerDir
    pubModeDir = Settings.pubModeDir
    dataOutDir = f"{pubModeDir}/json"

    templateDir = Settings.templateDir
    partialsIn = Settings.partialsIn
    jsDir = Settings.jsDir
    imageDir = Settings.imageDir

    partials = {}
    compiledTemplates = {}

    if type(featured) is list:
        msg = "skipping featured project '{}'"
        featuredParsed = set()

        for f in featured:
            if type(f) is int:
            elif type(f) is str:
                if f.isdecimal():

        featured = sorted(featuredParsed)

            msg="The featured projects are not given as list, will be set to 1,2,3"
        featured = [1, 2, 3]

        msg=f"Featured projects: {', '.join(str(f) for f in featured)}"
    self.featured = featured

    def updateStatic(kind, srcDr):
        """Copy over static files.

        We are careful: instead of copying a folder, we merge, recursively,
        the source folder into the destination folder, and we do not delete
        anything from the destination.

        Hence the parameters `delete=False` and `level=-1` to

        We do this, because older parts of the site may depend on older
        static files.
        dstDir = f"{pubModeDir}/{kind}"
        (good, c, d) = dirUpdate(srcDr, dstDir, level=-1, delete=False)
        report = f"{c:>3} copied, {d:>3} deleted"
            msg=f"{kind} {c} copied",
            logmsg=f"{'updated':<10} {kind:<12} {report:<24} to {dstDir}",
        return good

    def updateViewers():
        """Copy over viewer versions.

        We are careful: instead of copying the folder with viewers from source to
        destination, we merge the source viewers with the destination viewers,
        without deleting destination viewers.
        And per viewer, instead of copying the viewer folder from source
        to destination, we merge the source versions of that viewer with the
        destination versions of that viewer, without deleting destination versions.

        But per version we just copy, and stop the recursive merging, because each
        viewer version is an integral whole, and we do not support that the same
        version of the same viewer is different between source and destination.
        srcDr = viewerDir
        dstDir = f"{pubModeDir}/viewers"
        (good, c, d) = dirUpdate(
            srcDr, dstDir, level=2, conservative=True, delete=False
        report = f"{c:>3} copied, {d:>3} deleted"
            msg=f"viewers {c} copied",
            logmsg=f"{'updated':<10} {'viewers':<12} {report:<24} to {dstDir}",

        nViewerVersions = 0

        for viewer in dirContents(dstDir)[1]:
            nViewerVersions += len(dirContents(f"{dstDir}/{viewer}")[1])

        msg = f"there are {nViewerVersions} viewer-version combinations", logmsg=msg)
        return (nViewerVersions, good)

    def registerPartials():
        good = True

        for partialFile in dirAllFiles(partialsIn):
            pDir = dirNm(partialFile).replace(partialsIn, "").strip("/")
            pFile = fileNm(partialFile)

            if pFile.startswith("."):

            pName = stripExt(pFile)
            sep = "" if pDir == "" else "/"
            partial = f"{pDir}{sep}{pName}"

            with open(partialFile) as fh:
                pContent = COMMENT_RE.sub("",

                partials[partial] = Handlebars.compile(pContent)
            except Exception as e:
                        f"Error in register partial {partial} : "
                good = False

        report = f"{len(partials):<3} pieces"
            msg=f"{report} compiled",
            logmsg=f"{'compiled':<10} {'partials':<12} {report:<24} to memory",
        return good

    def genTarget(target, pNum, eNum, nvv=1):
        items = self.getData(target, pNum, eNum)

        success = 0
        failure = 0
        good = True

        for item in items:
            templateFile = f"{templateDir}/{item.template}"

            if templateFile in compiledTemplates:
                template = compiledTemplates[templateFile]
                with open(templateFile) as fh:
                    tContent = COMMENT_RE.sub("",

                    template = Handlebars.compile(tContent)
                except Exception as e:
                            f"Error compiling template {templateFile} : "
                    template = None

                compiledTemplates[templateFile] = template

            if template is None:
                failure += 1
                good = False

                result = template(item, partials=partials)
            except Exception as e:
                        f"Error filling template {item.template} : "
                failure += 1
                good = False

            for genDir, asData in ((pubModeDir, False), (dataOutDir, True)):
                path = f"{genDir}/{item.fileName}"
                if asData:
                    ext = ".json"
                    path = path.rsplit(".", 1)[0] + ext
                dirPart = dirNm(path)

                if asData:
                    writeJson(deepdict(item), asFile=path)
                    with open(path, "w") as fh:

            success += 1

        goodStr = f"{success:>3} ok"
        badStr = f"{failure:>3} XX" if failure else ""
        sep = ";" if failure else " "
        report = f"{goodStr}{sep} {badStr}"
        if target == "editionpages":
            report += (
                f" = {(success + failure) // (nvv + 1)} eds x " f"(1 + {nvv} v-v)"
            msg=f"generated {target} {report}",
            logmsg=f"{'generated':<10} {target:<12} {report:<24} to {pubModeDir}",
        return good

    pType = type(pPubNum)
    eType = type(ePubNum)
    pIsInt = pType is int
    eIsInt = eType is int
    pNo = pPubNum is None
    eNo = ePubNum is None
    pAll = pPubNum is True
    eAll = ePubNum is True

    task = (
        if pNo and eNo
        else ("project", pPubNum)
        if pIsInt and eNo
        else ("edition", pPubNum, ePubNum)
        if pIsInt and eIsInt
        else ("all",)
        if pAll and eAll
        else ("none",)

    if task[0] == "none":
            msg="Page generation failed",
                "Page generation failed because of illegal parameter combination: "
                f"project {pPubNum}: {pType} and edition {ePubNum}: {eType}"

    # site
    # project p
    # edition p e
    # all
    # none

    kind = task[0]

    targets = []

    targets.append(("site", None, None))
    targets.append(("textpages", None, None))
    targets.append(("projects", None, None))
    targets.append(("editions", None, None))

    if kind == "all":
        targets.append(("projectpages", None, None))
        targets.append(("editionpages", None, None))

    elif kind in {"project", "edition"}:
        targets.append(("projectpages", pPubNum, None))

        if kind == "edition":
            targets.append(("editionpages", pPubNum, ePubNum))

    good = True

    for kind, srcDir in (("js", jsDir), ("images", imageDir)):
        if not updateStatic(kind, srcDir):
            good = False

    (nvv, thisGood) = updateViewers()

    if not thisGood:
        good = False

    if not registerPartials():
        good = False

    if not Tailwind.generate():
        good = False


    for target in targets:
        if not genTarget(*target, nvv=nvv):
            good = False

    if good:
        msg = "All tasks successful"
        msg = "Page generation failed"
        Messages.error(logmsg=msg, msg=msg, stop=False)
    return good
def getData(self, kind, pNumGiven, eNumGiven)

Prepares page data of a certain kind.

Pages are generated by filling in templates and partials on the basis of JSON data. Pages may require several kinds of data. For example, the index page needs data to fill in a list of projects and editions. Other pages may need the same kind of data. So we store the gathered data under the kinds they have been gathered.

For some kinds we may restrict the data fetching to specified items: for projectpages and editionpages.

When an edition has changed, we want to restrict the regeneration of pages to only those pages that need to change. And we also update things outside the projects and editions.

Still, when an edition changes, the page with All editions also has to change. And if the edition was the first in a project to be published, a new project will be published as well, and hence the All projects page needs to change.

If an edition is published next to other editions in a project, the project page needs to change, since it contains thumbnails of all its editions.

So, the general rule is that we will always regenerate the thumbnails and the All-projects and All-edition pages, but not all of the project pages and edition pages.

Not all kinds will be restricted

The kinds viewers, textpages, site will never be restricted.

The kinds projects, editions are needed for thumbnails, and are never restricted.

The kinds project, edition are called by the collection of kinds project and edition, and are also not restricted.

That leaves only the projectpages and editionpages needing to be restricted.


kind : string
The kind of data we need to prepare.
pNumGiven : integer or void
Restricts the data fetching to projects with this publication number
eNumGiven : integer or void
Restricts the data fetching to editions with this publication number


dict or array
The data itself. It is also stored in the member data of this object, under key kind. It will not be computed twice.
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def getData(self, kind, pNumGiven, eNumGiven):
    """Prepares page data of a certain kind.

    Pages are generated by filling in templates and partials on the basis of
    JSON data. Pages may require several kinds of data.
    For example, the index page needs data to fill in a list of projects
    and editions. Other pages may need the same kind of data.
    So we store the gathered data under the kinds they have been gathered.

    For some kinds we may restrict the data fetching to specified items:
    for `projectpages` and `editionpages`.

    When an edition has changed, we want to restrict the regeneration of
    pages to only those pages that need to change. And we also update things outside
    the projects and editions.

    Still, when an edition changes, the page with All editions also has to change.
    And if the edition was the first in a project to be published, a new project
    will be published as well, and hence the `All projects` page needs to change.

    If an edition is published next to other editions in a project, the project
    page needs to change, since it contains thumbnails of all its editions.

    So, the general rule is that we will always regenerate the thumbnails and the
    All-projects and All-edition pages, but not all of the project pages and edition

    !!! note "Not all kinds will be restricted"
        The kinds `viewers`, `textpages`, `site` will never be restricted.

        The kinds `projects`, `editions` are needed for thumbnails, and are
        never restricted.

        The kinds `project`, `edition` are called by the collection of kinds
        `project` and `edition`, and are also not restricted.

        That leaves only the `projectpages` and `editionpages` needing to be

    kind: string
        The kind of data we need to prepare.
    pNumGiven: integer or void
        Restricts the data fetching to projects with this publication number
    eNumGiven: integer or void
        Restricts the data fetching to editions with this publication number

    dict or array
        The data itself.
        It is also stored in the member `data` of this object, under key
        `kind`. It will not be computed twice.
    Settings = self.Settings
    Messages = self.Messages
    Precheck = self.Precheck
    textDir = Settings.textDir
    authorUrl = Settings.authorUrl
    backPrefix = Settings.backPrefix
    authorRoot = f"{authorUrl}/{backPrefix}/"

    cfg = self.cfg
    generation1 = cfg.generation
    dbData = self.dbData
    data =

    if kind in data:
        return data[kind]

    def get_viewers():
        defaultViewer = Settings.viewerDefault

        result = []

        for viewer, viewerConfig in Settings.viewers.items():
            versions = viewerConfig.versions
            element =
            isDefault = viewer == defaultViewer

                    versions=[AttrDict(name=version) for version in versions],
            result[-1].versions[0].isDefault = True

        return result

    def get_textpages():
        textFiles = dirContents(textDir)[0]

        def getLinks(textFile):
            return [
                dict(text=prettify(t.removesuffix(".html")), link=t)
                for t in textFiles
                if t != textFile

        result = []

        for textFile in textFiles:
            r = AttrDict()
            r.template = "text.html"
            r.authorLink = authorRoot
   = prettify(textFile.removesuffix(".html"))
            r["is" + ucFirst(] = True
            r.fileName = textFile
            r.links = getLinks(textFile)

            with open(f"{textDir}/{textFile}") as fh:
                r.content =


        return result

    def get_site():
        featured = self.featured

        info = dbData[kind]
        dc = info.dc
        self.sanitizeDC("site", dc)
        dc = self.htmlify(dc)

        r = AttrDict()
        r.isHome = True
        r.template = "home.html"
        r.fileName = "index.html"
        r.authorLink = authorRoot = dc.title
        r.contentdata = dc
        projects = self.getData("project", None, None)
        projectsIndex = {p.num: p for p in projects}
        projectsFeatured = []

        for p in featured:
            if p not in projectsIndex:
                Messages.warning(f"featured project {p} does not exist")


        r.projects = projectsFeatured

        return [r]

    def get_projects():
        r = AttrDict()
        r.isProjects = True = "All Projects"
        r.template = "projects.html"
        r.fileName = "projects.html"
        r.authorLink = authorRoot
        r.projects = self.getData("project", None, None)

        return [r]

    def get_editions():
        r = AttrDict()
        r.isEditions = True = "All Editions"
        r.template = "editions.html"
        r.fileName = "editions.html"
        r.authorLink = authorRoot
        r.editions = self.getData("edition", None, None)

        return [r]

    def get_project():
        info = dbData[kind]

        result = []

        for num, item in info.items():
            dc = item.dc
            self.sanitizeDC("project", dc)
            dc = self.htmlify(dc)

            r = AttrDict()
   = item.title
            r.num = num
            r.fileName = f"project/{num}/index.html"
            r.abstract = dc.abstract or ""
            r.description = dc.description or ""
            r.subjects = dc.subject
            r.visible = item.isVisible or False

        return result

    def get_edition():
        info = dbData[kind]

        result = []

        for pNum, eNums in info.items():
            for eNum, item in eNums.items():
                dc = item.dc
                self.sanitizeDC("edition", dc)
                dc = self.htmlify(dc)

                r = AttrDict()
                r.projectNum = pNum
                r.projectFileName = f"project/{pNum}.html"
       = item.title
                r.num = eNum
                r.fileName = f"project/{pNum}/edition/{eNum}/index.html"
                r.abstract = dc.abstract or ""
                r.description = dc.description or ""
                r.subjects = dc.subject
                r.published = item.isPublished or False

        return result

    def get_projectpages():
        pInfo = dbData["project"]
        eInfo = dbData["edition"]

        result = []

        for pNo in sorted(pInfo):
            if pNumGiven is not None and pNo != pNumGiven:

            pItem = pInfo[pNo]
            pId = pItem._id
            pdc = self.htmlify(pItem.dc)
            fileName = f"project/{pNo}/index.html"

            pr = AttrDict()
            pr.template = "project.html"
            pr.fileName = fileName
            pr.num = pNo
   = pItem.title
            pr.authorLink = f"{authorRoot}{pId}"
            pr.visible = pItem.isVisible or False
            pr.contentdata = pdc
            pr.editions = []

            thisEInfo = eInfo.get(pNo, {})

            for eNo in sorted(thisEInfo):
                eItem = thisEInfo[eNo]
                edc = self.htmlify(eItem.dc)

                er = AttrDict()
                er.projectNum = pNo
                er.projectFileName = f"project/{pNo}/index.html"
                er.fileName = f"project/{pNo}/edition/{eNo}/index.html"
                er.num = eNo
       = eItem.title
                er.contentdata = edc
                er.published = eItem.isPublished or False



        return result

    def get_editionpages():
        viewers = self.getData("viewers", None, None)
        viewersLean = tuple(
                tuple((, vv.isDefault) for vv in vw.versions),
            for vw in viewers

        pInfo = dbData["project"]
        eInfo = dbData["edition"]

        result = []

        for pNo in sorted(pInfo):
            if pNumGiven is not None and pNo != pNumGiven:

            pItem = pInfo[pNo]
            pId = pItem._id
            projectFileName = f"project/{pNo}/index.html"
            projectName = pItem.get("title", pNo)

            thisEInfo = eInfo.get(pNo, {})

            for eNo in sorted(thisEInfo):
                if eNumGiven is not None and eNo != eNumGiven:

                eItem = thisEInfo[eNo]
                eId = eItem._id
                edc = self.htmlify(eItem.dc)

                er = AttrDict()
                er.template = "edition.html"
                er.projectNum = pNo
                er.projectName = projectName
                er.projectFileName = projectFileName
                er.authorLink = f"{authorRoot}{pId}/{eId}"
                fileBase = f"project/{pNo}/edition/{eNo}/index"
                er.num = eNo
       = eItem.title
                er.contentdata = edc
                er.isPublished = eItem.ispublished or False
                settings = eItem.settings
                authorTool = settings.authorTool
                origViewer =
                origVersion =
                er.sceneFile = authorTool.sceneFile
                er.toc = Precheck.checkEdition(pNo, eNo, eItem, asPublished=True)

                for viewerInfo in viewers:
                    viewer =
                    element = viewerInfo.element
                    versions = viewerInfo.versions
                    isDefaultViewer = viewerInfo.isDefault

                    for versionInfo in versions:
                        version =
                        isDefault = versionInfo.isDefault
                        ver = deepAttrDict(deepcopy(deepdict(er)))
                        ver.viewer = viewer
                        ver.version = version
                        ver.element = element
                        ver.fileName = f"{fileBase}-{viewer}-{version}.html"
                        isDefault = isDefaultViewer and isDefault

                        viewerSelector = genViewerSelector(

                        ver.viewerSelector = viewerSelector

                        if isDefault:
                            ver = deepAttrDict(deepcopy(deepdict(ver)))
                            ver.fileName = f"{fileBase}.html"

        return result

    getFunc = locals().get(f"get_{kind}", None)

    result = getFunc() if getFunc is not None else []

    data[kind] = result
    return result
def getDbData(self)

Get the raw data contained in the json export from Mongo DB.

This is the metadata of the site, the projects, and the editions. We store them as is in member dbData.

Later we distil page data from this, i.e. the data that is ready to fill in the variables of the templates.

We assume this data has been exported when projects and editions got published, into files named db.json.

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def getDbData(self):
    """Get the raw data contained in the json export from Mongo DB.

    This is the metadata of the site, the projects, and the editions.
    We store them as is in member `dbData`.

    Later we distil page data from this, i.e. the data that is ready to fill
    in the variables of the templates.

    We assume this data has been exported when projects and editions got published,
    into files named `db.json`.
    Settings = self.Settings
    dbFile = Settings.dbFile

    dbData = self.dbData

    pubModeDir = Settings.pubModeDir
    projectDir = f"{pubModeDir}/project"

    dbData["site"] = readJson(asFile=f"{pubModeDir}/{dbFile}")

    rProjects = {}
    dbData["project"] = rProjects

    rEditions = {}
    dbData["edition"] = rEditions

    for p in dirContents(projectDir)[1]:
        if not p.isdecimal():

        p = int(p)
        pPath = f"{projectDir}/{p}"
        rProjects[p] = readJson(asFile=f"{pPath}/{dbFile}")

        for e in dirContents(f"{pPath}/edition")[1]:
            if not e.isdecimal():

            e = int(e)
            ePath = f"{pPath}/edition/{e}"
            rEditions.setdefault(p, {})[e] = readJson(asFile=f"{ePath}/{dbFile}")
def htmlify(self, info)

Translate fields in a dict into html.

Certain fields will trigger a markdown to html conversion.

Certain fields will be normalized to lists: if the type of such a field is not list, it will be turned into a one-element list.

There will also be generated a field whose name has the string Comma appended, it will be a comma-separated list of the items in that field.


info : dict
The input data


The resulting data. NB: it is brand-new data which does not share any data with the input data. Fields are either transformed from markdown to HTML, or copied.
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def htmlify(self, info):
    """Translate fields in a dict into html.

    Certain fields will trigger a markdown to html conversion.

    Certain fields will be normalized to lists:
    if the type of such a field is not list, it will be turned into a one-element

    There will also be generated a field whose name has the string `Comma` appended,
    it will be a comma-separated list of the items in that field.

    info: dict
        The input data

        The resulting data. NB: it is brand-new data which does not share
        any data with the input data. Fields are either transformed from markdown
        to HTML, or copied.
    listKeys = self.listKeys
    markdownKeys = self.markdownKeys

    r = AttrDict()

    for k, v in info.items():
        if k in listKeys:
            if type(v) is not list:
                v = [v]

            r[f"{k}Comma"] = (
                if len(v) == 0
                else str(v[0])
                if len(v) == 1
                else ", ".join(str(e) for e in v[0:-1]) + f" and {v[-1]}"

        if k in markdownKeys:
            v = (
                "<br>\n".join(markdown(e) for e in v)
                if type(v) is list
                else markdown(v)

        r[k] = v

    return r
def sanitizeDC(self, table, dc)

Checks for missing (sub)-fields in the Dublin Core.


table : string
The kind of info: site, project, or edition. This influences which fields should be present.
dc : dict
The Dublin Core info


The dict is changed in place.
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def sanitizeDC(self, table, dc):
    """Checks for missing (sub)-fields in the Dublin Core.

    table: string
        The kind of info: site, project, or edition. This influences
        which fields should be present.
    dc: dict
        The Dublin Core info

        The dict is changed in place.
    if table == "site":
    if table == "project":
    if table == "edition":
        k = "rights"

        if k not in dc:
            dc[k] = {}

        for k1, default in (
            ("license", "All rights reserved"),
            ("holder", "Unknown"),
            if k1 not in dc[k]:
                dc[k][k1] = default
