Module control.tailwind

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import re
import platform
import stat
import os
import ssl
from urllib.request import urlopen
from shutil import copyfileobj
import certifi

from control.helpers import console, run
from control.files import fileExists, initTree

TAILWIND_CFG = "tailwind.config.js"

TARGETS = dict(

class Tailwind:
    def __init__(self, Settings):
        self.Settings = Settings

    def install(self):
        Settings = self.Settings
        srcDir = Settings.srcDir
        binDir = Settings.binDir
        initTree(binDir, fresh=False)
        distDirs = [Settings.partialsIn, Settings.templateDir, Settings.jsDir]

        configInPath = f"{srcDir}/{TAILWIND_CFG}"
        configOutPath = f"{binDir}/{TAILWIND_CFG}"

        osName = platform.system().lower().replace("darwin", "macos")
        assert osName in ["linux", "macos"]
        arch = platform.machine().lower()
        target = TARGETS[arch].format(osName)
        binName = f"tailwindcss-{target}"
        binPath = f"{binDir}/{binName}"

        self.binPath = binPath
        v = (
            if TAILWIND_VERSION == "latest"
            else f"download/{TAILWIND_VERSION}"
        url = f"{v}/{binName}"

        if not fileExists(binPath):
            console(f"Downloading {binName} from {url} ...")
            certifi_context = ssl.create_default_context(cafile=certifi.where())

            with urlopen(url, context=certifi_context) as instream, open(
                binPath, "wb"
            ) as outfile:
                copyfileobj(instream, outfile)

            os.chmod(binPath, os.stat(binPath).st_mode | stat.S_IEXEC)

        if True or not fileExists(configOutPath):
            with open(configInPath) as fh:
                text =

            contentRe = re.compile(r"""\b(content:\s*\[).*?(\],)""")

            fileSpecs = [
                (f"{distDir}/**/*." + "{html,js}") for distDir in distDirs

            fileSpecRep = ", ".join(f'"{fileSpec}"' for fileSpec in fileSpecs)

            def contentRepl(match):
                (pre, post) =, 2)

                return f"""{pre}{fileSpecRep}{post}"""

            text = contentRe.sub(contentRepl, text)

            with open(configOutPath, "w") as fh:

    def generate(self, verbose=False):
        """Generate the css file.


        The following CSS definitions are found in the content of `_dist`,
        but not in the content of `components`, `js`, and `templates`.

        We investigate these cases and explain what we do about it.

        *   `.container` `@media`
            The `container` class is triggered by the occurrence of the word
            `container` in the HTML content in one of the article files.
            This is a false positive, it was better if tailwind had not found this.
            Luckily, we loose these false positives if we generate on the basis of
            the templates.
            The `@media` definitions accompany the `container` definition.

        *   `.visible`, `fixed`, `table`, `ring`

            Each of these are analogous to `container`: if the word `visible`
            occurrs in HTML content, its CSS class definition is inserted in
            the generated CSS.

        *   `order-2,3,4,5,6,7`
            This is a case of a generated class, one of the templates contains
            `order-{{@index}}` where index varies.
            We solve this by putting
            [all possible `order-` classes](
            in the

        *   `.h-4` `.w-4` `.fill-blue-700`
            This is also a case of generated classes, in many of the icon templates:

            w-{{#if twSize}}{{twSize}}{{else}}6{{/if}}
            h-{{#if twSize}}{{twSize}}{{else}}6{{/if}}
            {{#if twColor}}fill-{{twColor}}{{/if}}`

            The `p3d-project` and `p3d-edition` templates define the variables
            `twSize` and `twColor` as follows:

                class="flex flex-row items-center justify-start mb-2 md:mb-0"
                {{>icons/iconChevronLeft isFill=true twSize="4" twColor="blue-700"}}
                All projects

            So far, only these values (`4` resp `blue-700` are specified, to we
            add `w-4` and `h-4` and `fill-blue-700` to the
        Settings = self.Settings
        binDir = Settings.binDir
        binPath = self.binPath
        cfgOut = f"{binDir}/{TAILWIND_CFG}"
        cssIn = Settings.cssIn
        cssOut = Settings.cssOut
        cmdLine = f"""{binPath}  -c {cfgOut} -i {cssIn} -o {cssOut}"""
        good, stdOut, stdErr = run(cmdLine)

        if verbose or not good:

        console(f"{'tailwind':<10} {'css':<12} {'':<24} to {cssOut}")

        return good


class Tailwind (Settings)
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class Tailwind:
    def __init__(self, Settings):
        self.Settings = Settings

    def install(self):
        Settings = self.Settings
        srcDir = Settings.srcDir
        binDir = Settings.binDir
        initTree(binDir, fresh=False)
        distDirs = [Settings.partialsIn, Settings.templateDir, Settings.jsDir]

        configInPath = f"{srcDir}/{TAILWIND_CFG}"
        configOutPath = f"{binDir}/{TAILWIND_CFG}"

        osName = platform.system().lower().replace("darwin", "macos")
        assert osName in ["linux", "macos"]
        arch = platform.machine().lower()
        target = TARGETS[arch].format(osName)
        binName = f"tailwindcss-{target}"
        binPath = f"{binDir}/{binName}"

        self.binPath = binPath
        v = (
            if TAILWIND_VERSION == "latest"
            else f"download/{TAILWIND_VERSION}"
        url = f"{v}/{binName}"

        if not fileExists(binPath):
            console(f"Downloading {binName} from {url} ...")
            certifi_context = ssl.create_default_context(cafile=certifi.where())

            with urlopen(url, context=certifi_context) as instream, open(
                binPath, "wb"
            ) as outfile:
                copyfileobj(instream, outfile)

            os.chmod(binPath, os.stat(binPath).st_mode | stat.S_IEXEC)

        if True or not fileExists(configOutPath):
            with open(configInPath) as fh:
                text =

            contentRe = re.compile(r"""\b(content:\s*\[).*?(\],)""")

            fileSpecs = [
                (f"{distDir}/**/*." + "{html,js}") for distDir in distDirs

            fileSpecRep = ", ".join(f'"{fileSpec}"' for fileSpec in fileSpecs)

            def contentRepl(match):
                (pre, post) =, 2)

                return f"""{pre}{fileSpecRep}{post}"""

            text = contentRe.sub(contentRepl, text)

            with open(configOutPath, "w") as fh:

    def generate(self, verbose=False):
        """Generate the css file.


        The following CSS definitions are found in the content of `_dist`,
        but not in the content of `components`, `js`, and `templates`.

        We investigate these cases and explain what we do about it.

        *   `.container` `@media`
            The `container` class is triggered by the occurrence of the word
            `container` in the HTML content in one of the article files.
            This is a false positive, it was better if tailwind had not found this.
            Luckily, we loose these false positives if we generate on the basis of
            the templates.
            The `@media` definitions accompany the `container` definition.

        *   `.visible`, `fixed`, `table`, `ring`

            Each of these are analogous to `container`: if the word `visible`
            occurrs in HTML content, its CSS class definition is inserted in
            the generated CSS.

        *   `order-2,3,4,5,6,7`
            This is a case of a generated class, one of the templates contains
            `order-{{@index}}` where index varies.
            We solve this by putting
            [all possible `order-` classes](
            in the

        *   `.h-4` `.w-4` `.fill-blue-700`
            This is also a case of generated classes, in many of the icon templates:

            w-{{#if twSize}}{{twSize}}{{else}}6{{/if}}
            h-{{#if twSize}}{{twSize}}{{else}}6{{/if}}
            {{#if twColor}}fill-{{twColor}}{{/if}}`

            The `p3d-project` and `p3d-edition` templates define the variables
            `twSize` and `twColor` as follows:

                class="flex flex-row items-center justify-start mb-2 md:mb-0"
                {{>icons/iconChevronLeft isFill=true twSize="4" twColor="blue-700"}}
                All projects

            So far, only these values (`4` resp `blue-700` are specified, to we
            add `w-4` and `h-4` and `fill-blue-700` to the
        Settings = self.Settings
        binDir = Settings.binDir
        binPath = self.binPath
        cfgOut = f"{binDir}/{TAILWIND_CFG}"
        cssIn = Settings.cssIn
        cssOut = Settings.cssOut
        cmdLine = f"""{binPath}  -c {cfgOut} -i {cssIn} -o {cssOut}"""
        good, stdOut, stdErr = run(cmdLine)

        if verbose or not good:

        console(f"{'tailwind':<10} {'css':<12} {'':<24} to {cssOut}")

        return good


def generate(self, verbose=False)

Generate the css file.


The following CSS definitions are found in the content of _dist, but not in the content of components, js, and templates.

We investigate these cases and explain what we do about it.

  • .container @media The container class is triggered by the occurrence of the word container in the HTML content in one of the article files. This is a false positive, it was better if tailwind had not found this. Luckily, we loose these false positives if we generate on the basis of the templates. The @media definitions accompany the container definition.

  • .visible, fixed, table, ring

    Each of these are analogous to container: if the word visible occurrs in HTML content, its CSS class definition is inserted in the generated CSS.

  • order-2,3,4,5,6,7 This is a case of a generated class, one of the templates contains order-{{@index}} where index varies. We solve this by putting all possible order- classes in the safelist.

  • .h-4 .w-4 .fill-blue-700 This is also a case of generated classes, in many of the icon templates:

    class=" w-{{#if twSize}}{{twSize}}{{else}}6{{/if}} h-{{#if twSize}}{{twSize}}{{else}}6{{/if}} {{#if twColor}}fill-{{twColor}}{{/if}}` "

    The p3d-project and p3d-edition templates define the variables twSize and twColor as follows:

    ``` <a href="all-projects.html" class="flex flex-row items-center justify-start mb-2 md:mb-0"

    {{>icons/iconChevronLeft isFill=true twSize="4" twColor="blue-700"}}
    All projects


    So far, only these values (4 resp blue-700 are specified, to we add w-4 and h-4 and fill-blue-700 to the safelist.

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def generate(self, verbose=False):
    """Generate the css file.


    The following CSS definitions are found in the content of `_dist`,
    but not in the content of `components`, `js`, and `templates`.

    We investigate these cases and explain what we do about it.

    *   `.container` `@media`
        The `container` class is triggered by the occurrence of the word
        `container` in the HTML content in one of the article files.
        This is a false positive, it was better if tailwind had not found this.
        Luckily, we loose these false positives if we generate on the basis of
        the templates.
        The `@media` definitions accompany the `container` definition.

    *   `.visible`, `fixed`, `table`, `ring`

        Each of these are analogous to `container`: if the word `visible`
        occurrs in HTML content, its CSS class definition is inserted in
        the generated CSS.

    *   `order-2,3,4,5,6,7`
        This is a case of a generated class, one of the templates contains
        `order-{{@index}}` where index varies.
        We solve this by putting
        [all possible `order-` classes](
        in the

    *   `.h-4` `.w-4` `.fill-blue-700`
        This is also a case of generated classes, in many of the icon templates:

        w-{{#if twSize}}{{twSize}}{{else}}6{{/if}}
        h-{{#if twSize}}{{twSize}}{{else}}6{{/if}}
        {{#if twColor}}fill-{{twColor}}{{/if}}`

        The `p3d-project` and `p3d-edition` templates define the variables
        `twSize` and `twColor` as follows:

            class="flex flex-row items-center justify-start mb-2 md:mb-0"
            {{>icons/iconChevronLeft isFill=true twSize="4" twColor="blue-700"}}
            All projects

        So far, only these values (`4` resp `blue-700` are specified, to we
        add `w-4` and `h-4` and `fill-blue-700` to the
    Settings = self.Settings
    binDir = Settings.binDir
    binPath = self.binPath
    cfgOut = f"{binDir}/{TAILWIND_CFG}"
    cssIn = Settings.cssIn
    cssOut = Settings.cssOut
    cmdLine = f"""{binPath}  -c {cfgOut} -i {cssIn} -o {cssOut}"""
    good, stdOut, stdErr = run(cmdLine)

    if verbose or not good:

    console(f"{'tailwind':<10} {'css':<12} {'':<24} to {cssOut}")

    return good
def install(self)
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def install(self):
    Settings = self.Settings
    srcDir = Settings.srcDir
    binDir = Settings.binDir
    initTree(binDir, fresh=False)
    distDirs = [Settings.partialsIn, Settings.templateDir, Settings.jsDir]

    configInPath = f"{srcDir}/{TAILWIND_CFG}"
    configOutPath = f"{binDir}/{TAILWIND_CFG}"

    osName = platform.system().lower().replace("darwin", "macos")
    assert osName in ["linux", "macos"]
    arch = platform.machine().lower()
    target = TARGETS[arch].format(osName)
    binName = f"tailwindcss-{target}"
    binPath = f"{binDir}/{binName}"

    self.binPath = binPath
    v = (
        if TAILWIND_VERSION == "latest"
        else f"download/{TAILWIND_VERSION}"
    url = f"{v}/{binName}"

    if not fileExists(binPath):
        console(f"Downloading {binName} from {url} ...")
        certifi_context = ssl.create_default_context(cafile=certifi.where())

        with urlopen(url, context=certifi_context) as instream, open(
            binPath, "wb"
        ) as outfile:
            copyfileobj(instream, outfile)

        os.chmod(binPath, os.stat(binPath).st_mode | stat.S_IEXEC)

    if True or not fileExists(configOutPath):
        with open(configInPath) as fh:
            text =

        contentRe = re.compile(r"""\b(content:\s*\[).*?(\],)""")

        fileSpecs = [
            (f"{distDir}/**/*." + "{html,js}") for distDir in distDirs

        fileSpecRep = ", ".join(f'"{fileSpec}"' for fileSpec in fileSpecs)

        def contentRepl(match):
            (pre, post) =, 2)

            return f"""{pre}{fileSpecRep}{post}"""

        text = contentRe.sub(contentRepl, text)

        with open(configOutPath, "w") as fh: