Module control.viewers

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from textwrap import dedent

from control.generic import AttrDict, attResolve

class Viewers:
    def __init__(self, Settings, Messages):
        """Knowledge of the installed 3D viewers.

        This class knows which (versions of) viewers are installed,
        and has the methods to invoke them.

        It is instantiated by a singleton object.

        Settings: AttrDict
            App-wide configuration data obtained from
        Messages: object
            Singleton instance of `control.messages.Messages`.
        self.Settings = Settings
        self.Messages = Messages
        self.viewers = Settings.viewers
        self.viewerActions = Settings.viewerActions
        self.viewerDefault = Settings.viewerDefault

    def addAuth(self, Auth):
        """Give this object a handle to the Auth object.

        The Viewers and Auth objects need each other, so one of them must
        be given the handle to the other after initialization.
        self.Auth = Auth

    def check(self, viewer, version):
        """Checks whether a viewer version exists.

        Given a viewer and a version, it is looked up whether the code
        is present.
        If not, reasonable defaults returned instead by default.

        viewer: string
            The viewer in question.
        version: string
            The version of the viewer in question.

        string | void
            The version is returned unmodified if that viewer
            version is supported.
            If the viewer is supported, but not the version, the default version
            of that viewer is taken, if there is a default version,
            otherwise the latest supported version.
            If the viewer is not supported, None is returned.
        viewers = self.viewers

        if viewer not in viewers:
            return None

        viewerInfo = viewers[viewer]
        versions = viewerInfo.versions
        defaultVersion = viewerInfo.defaultVersion
        if version not in versions:
            version = defaultVersion
        return version

    def getViewInfo(self, edition):
        """Gets viewer-related info that an edition is made with.

        edition: AttrDict
            The edition record.

        tuple of string
            * The name of the viewer
            * The name of the scene

        viewerDefault = self.viewerDefault

        editionId = edition._id
        if editionId is None:
            return (viewerDefault, None)

        editionSettings = edition.settings or AttrDict()
        authorTool = editionSettings.authorTool or AttrDict()
        viewer = or viewerDefault
        sceneFile = authorTool.sceneFile

        return (viewer, sceneFile)

    def getFrame(
        self, edition, actions, viewer, versionActive, actionActive, sceneExists
        """Produces a set of buttons to launch 3D viewers for a scene.

        Make sure that if there is no scene file present, no viewer will be opened.

        edition: AttrDict
            The edition in question.
        actions: iterable of string
            The actions for which we have to create buttons.
            Typically `read` and possibly also `update`.
            Actions that are not recognized as viewer actions
            will be filtered out, such as `create` and `delete`.
        viewer: string
            The viewer in which the scene is currently loaded.
        versionActive: string | void
            The version of the viewer in which the scene is currently loaded,
            if any, otherwise None
        actionActive: string | void
            The mode in which the scene is currently loaded in the viewer
            (`read` or `update`),
            if any, otherwise None
        sceneExists: boolean
            Whether the scene file exists.

            The HTML that represents the buttons.
        Settings = self.Settings
        H = Settings.H
        actionInfo = self.viewerActions
        viewers = self.viewers

        filteredActions = {a for a in actions if a in actionInfo and a != "create"}
        versionActive = self.check(viewer, versionActive)

        editionId = edition._id
        if editionId is None:
            return ("", "")

        create = "/update" if sceneExists else "/create"

        src = f"/viewer/{versionActive}/{actionActive}/{editionId}{create}"
        frame = H.div(
            H.div(H.iframe(src, cls="previewer"), cls="surround"), cls="model"

        def getViewerButtons(vw):
            """Internal function.

                HTML for the buttons to launch a viewer.
            openAtt = vw == viewer

            versions = viewers[vw].versions
            if len(versions) == 1:
                version = versions[0]
                return H.table(
                            version == versionActive,
                            # withViewer=not pilotMode,
                            # withVersion=not pilotMode,

            (latest, previous) = (versions[0:1], versions[1:])

            openAtt = vw == viewer and len(previous) and versionActive in previous

            return H.details(
                            version == versionActive,
                        for version in latest
                            version, version == versionActive, withViewer=False
                        for version in previous

        def getVersionButtons(
            version, active, versionAmount=None, withViewer=False, withVersion=True
            """Internal function.

            version: string
                The version of the viewer.
            active: boolean
                Whether that version of that viewer is currently active.
            versionAmount: int, optional None
                If passed, contains the number of versions and displays it.
            withViewer: boolean, optional False
                Whether to show the viewer name in the first column.
            withVersion: boolean, optional True
                Whether to show the version in the second column.

                HTML for the buttons to launch a specific version of a viewer.
            activeRowCls = "activer" if active else ""

            plural = "" if versionAmount == 2 else "s"
            title = (
                f"click to show previous {versionAmount - 1} {viewer} version{plural}"
                if versionAmount and versionAmount > 1
                else f"no previous {viewer} versions"

            return (
                    (viewer if withViewer else H.nbsp, dict(cls="vwc", title=title)),
                        version if withVersion else H.nbsp,
                        dict(cls="vvl vwc", title=title),
                + [
                        version, action, disabled=active and action == actionActive
                    for action in sorted(filteredActions)

        def getActionButton(version, action, disabled=False):
            """Internal function.

            version: string
                The version of the viewer.
            action: string
                Whether to launch the viewer for `read` or for `update`.
            disabled: boolean, optional Fasle
                Whether to show the button as disabled

                HTML for the buttons to launch a specific version of a viewer
                for a specific action.
            atts = {}

            href = None if disabled else f"/edition/{editionId}/{version}/{action}"

            if action == "update":
                viewerHref = f"/viewer/{version}/{action}/{editionId}{create}"
                atts["onclick"] = dedent(
                    return false;

            titleFragment = "a new window" if action == "update" else "place"

            createMode = action == "update" and not sceneExists
            action = "create" if createMode else action
            thisActionInfo = actionInfo.get(action, AttrDict())
            name =
            atts["title"] = f"{name} scene in {titleFragment}"

            disabledCls = "disabled" if disabled else ""
            activeCellCls = "activec" if disabled else ""
            cls = f"button vwb {disabledCls}"

            return (
                H.iconx(action, text=name, href=href, cls=cls, **atts),
                dict(cls=f"vwc {activeCellCls}"),

        allButtons = H.div([getViewerButtons(vw) for vw in viewers])

        return (frame if sceneExists else "", allButtons)

    def genHtml(self, urlBase, sceneFile, viewer, version, action, subMode):
        """Generates the HTML for the viewer page that is loaded in an iframe.

        When a scene is loaded in a viewer, it happens in an iframe.
        Here we generate the complete HTML for such an iframe.

        urlBase: string
            The first part of the root url that is given to the viewer.
            The viewer code uses this to retrieve additional information.
            The root url will be completed with the `action` and the `viewer`.
        sceneFile: string
            The name of the scene file in the file system.
        viewer: string
            The chosen viewer.
        version: string
            The chosen version of the viewer.
        action: string
            The chosen mode in which the viewer is launched (`read` or `update`).
        subMode: string | None
            The sub mode in which the viewer is to be used (`update` or `create`).

            The HTML for the iframe.
        Settings = self.Settings
        H = Settings.H
        debugMode = Settings.debugMode
        viewerUrlBase = Settings.viewerUrlBase
        viewers = self.viewers

        ext = "dev" if debugMode else "min"

        viewerStaticRoot = self.getStaticRoot(viewerUrlBase, action, viewer, version)

        viewerRoot = self.getRoot(urlBase, action, viewer)

        if viewer == "voyager":
            modes = viewers[viewer].modes
            modeProps = modes[action]
            element = modeProps.element
            fileBase = modeProps.fileBase
            subModes = modeProps.subModes or AttrDict()
            atts = attResolve(subModes[subMode] or AttrDict(), version)
            if subMode != "create":
                atts["document"] = sceneFile

            return H.content(
                            "shortcut icon",
              "stylesheet", f"{viewerStaticRoot}/fonts/fonts.css"),
                            "stylesheet", f"{viewerStaticRoot}/css/{fileBase}.{ext}.css"
            return H.content(
                H.body(H.p(f"Unsupported viewer: {viewer}")),

    def getRoot(self, urlBase, action, viewer):
        """Composes the root url for a viewer.

        The root url is passed to a viewer instance as the url that
        the viewer can use to fetch its data.
        It is not meant for the static data that is part of the viewer software,
        but for the model related data that the viewer is going to display.

        See `getStaticRoot()` for the url meant for getting parts of the
        viewer software.

        urlBase: string
            The first part of the root url, depending
            on the project and edition.
        action: string
            The mode in which the viewer is opened.
            Depending on the mode, the viewer code may communicate with the server
            with different urls.
            For example, for the voyager,
            the `read` mode (voyager-explorer) uses ordinary HTTP requests,
            but the `update` mode (voyager-story) uses WebDAV requests.

            So this app points voyager-explorer to a root url starting with `/data`,
            and voyager-story to a root url starting with `/webdav`.

            These prefixes of the urls can be configured per viewer
            in the viewer configuration in `yaml/viewers.yml`.
        viewers = self.viewers

        if viewer not in viewers:
            return None

        modes = viewers[viewer].modes

        thisMode = modes[action] or
        prefix = thisMode.prefix

        return f"{prefix}/{urlBase}"

    def getStaticRoot(self, viewerUrlBase, action, viewer, version):
        """Composes the static root url for a viewer.

        The static root url is passed to a viewer instance as the url that the
        viewer can use to fetch its assets.
        It is not meant for the model related data, but for the parts of the
        viewer software that it needs to get from the server.

        See `getRoot()` for the url meant for getting model-related data.

        urlBase: string
            The first part of the root url, depending
            on the project and edition.
        action: string
            The mode in which the viewer is opened.
            Depending on the mode, the viewer code may communicate with the server
            with different urls.
            For example, for the voyager,
            the `read` mode (voyager-explorer) uses ordinary HTTP requests,
            but the `update` mode (voyager-story) uses WebDAV requests.

            So this app points voyager-explorer to a root url starting with `/data`,
            and voyager-story to a root url starting with `/webdav`.

            These prefixes of the urls can be configured per viewer
            in the viewer configuration in `yaml/viewers.yml`.
        if not self.check(viewer, version):
            return None

        return f"{viewerUrlBase}/{viewer}/{version}"


class Viewers (Settings, Messages)

Knowledge of the installed 3D viewers.

This class knows which (versions of) viewers are installed, and has the methods to invoke them.

It is instantiated by a singleton object.


Settings : AttrDict
App-wide configuration data obtained from Config.Settings.
Messages : object
Singleton instance of Messages.
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class Viewers:
    def __init__(self, Settings, Messages):
        """Knowledge of the installed 3D viewers.

        This class knows which (versions of) viewers are installed,
        and has the methods to invoke them.

        It is instantiated by a singleton object.

        Settings: AttrDict
            App-wide configuration data obtained from
        Messages: object
            Singleton instance of `control.messages.Messages`.
        self.Settings = Settings
        self.Messages = Messages
        self.viewers = Settings.viewers
        self.viewerActions = Settings.viewerActions
        self.viewerDefault = Settings.viewerDefault

    def addAuth(self, Auth):
        """Give this object a handle to the Auth object.

        The Viewers and Auth objects need each other, so one of them must
        be given the handle to the other after initialization.
        self.Auth = Auth

    def check(self, viewer, version):
        """Checks whether a viewer version exists.

        Given a viewer and a version, it is looked up whether the code
        is present.
        If not, reasonable defaults returned instead by default.

        viewer: string
            The viewer in question.
        version: string
            The version of the viewer in question.

        string | void
            The version is returned unmodified if that viewer
            version is supported.
            If the viewer is supported, but not the version, the default version
            of that viewer is taken, if there is a default version,
            otherwise the latest supported version.
            If the viewer is not supported, None is returned.
        viewers = self.viewers

        if viewer not in viewers:
            return None

        viewerInfo = viewers[viewer]
        versions = viewerInfo.versions
        defaultVersion = viewerInfo.defaultVersion
        if version not in versions:
            version = defaultVersion
        return version

    def getViewInfo(self, edition):
        """Gets viewer-related info that an edition is made with.

        edition: AttrDict
            The edition record.

        tuple of string
            * The name of the viewer
            * The name of the scene

        viewerDefault = self.viewerDefault

        editionId = edition._id
        if editionId is None:
            return (viewerDefault, None)

        editionSettings = edition.settings or AttrDict()
        authorTool = editionSettings.authorTool or AttrDict()
        viewer = or viewerDefault
        sceneFile = authorTool.sceneFile

        return (viewer, sceneFile)

    def getFrame(
        self, edition, actions, viewer, versionActive, actionActive, sceneExists
        """Produces a set of buttons to launch 3D viewers for a scene.

        Make sure that if there is no scene file present, no viewer will be opened.

        edition: AttrDict
            The edition in question.
        actions: iterable of string
            The actions for which we have to create buttons.
            Typically `read` and possibly also `update`.
            Actions that are not recognized as viewer actions
            will be filtered out, such as `create` and `delete`.
        viewer: string
            The viewer in which the scene is currently loaded.
        versionActive: string | void
            The version of the viewer in which the scene is currently loaded,
            if any, otherwise None
        actionActive: string | void
            The mode in which the scene is currently loaded in the viewer
            (`read` or `update`),
            if any, otherwise None
        sceneExists: boolean
            Whether the scene file exists.

            The HTML that represents the buttons.
        Settings = self.Settings
        H = Settings.H
        actionInfo = self.viewerActions
        viewers = self.viewers

        filteredActions = {a for a in actions if a in actionInfo and a != "create"}
        versionActive = self.check(viewer, versionActive)

        editionId = edition._id
        if editionId is None:
            return ("", "")

        create = "/update" if sceneExists else "/create"

        src = f"/viewer/{versionActive}/{actionActive}/{editionId}{create}"
        frame = H.div(
            H.div(H.iframe(src, cls="previewer"), cls="surround"), cls="model"

        def getViewerButtons(vw):
            """Internal function.

                HTML for the buttons to launch a viewer.
            openAtt = vw == viewer

            versions = viewers[vw].versions
            if len(versions) == 1:
                version = versions[0]
                return H.table(
                            version == versionActive,
                            # withViewer=not pilotMode,
                            # withVersion=not pilotMode,

            (latest, previous) = (versions[0:1], versions[1:])

            openAtt = vw == viewer and len(previous) and versionActive in previous

            return H.details(
                            version == versionActive,
                        for version in latest
                            version, version == versionActive, withViewer=False
                        for version in previous

        def getVersionButtons(
            version, active, versionAmount=None, withViewer=False, withVersion=True
            """Internal function.

            version: string
                The version of the viewer.
            active: boolean
                Whether that version of that viewer is currently active.
            versionAmount: int, optional None
                If passed, contains the number of versions and displays it.
            withViewer: boolean, optional False
                Whether to show the viewer name in the first column.
            withVersion: boolean, optional True
                Whether to show the version in the second column.

                HTML for the buttons to launch a specific version of a viewer.
            activeRowCls = "activer" if active else ""

            plural = "" if versionAmount == 2 else "s"
            title = (
                f"click to show previous {versionAmount - 1} {viewer} version{plural}"
                if versionAmount and versionAmount > 1
                else f"no previous {viewer} versions"

            return (
                    (viewer if withViewer else H.nbsp, dict(cls="vwc", title=title)),
                        version if withVersion else H.nbsp,
                        dict(cls="vvl vwc", title=title),
                + [
                        version, action, disabled=active and action == actionActive
                    for action in sorted(filteredActions)

        def getActionButton(version, action, disabled=False):
            """Internal function.

            version: string
                The version of the viewer.
            action: string
                Whether to launch the viewer for `read` or for `update`.
            disabled: boolean, optional Fasle
                Whether to show the button as disabled

                HTML for the buttons to launch a specific version of a viewer
                for a specific action.
            atts = {}

            href = None if disabled else f"/edition/{editionId}/{version}/{action}"

            if action == "update":
                viewerHref = f"/viewer/{version}/{action}/{editionId}{create}"
                atts["onclick"] = dedent(
                    return false;

            titleFragment = "a new window" if action == "update" else "place"

            createMode = action == "update" and not sceneExists
            action = "create" if createMode else action
            thisActionInfo = actionInfo.get(action, AttrDict())
            name =
            atts["title"] = f"{name} scene in {titleFragment}"

            disabledCls = "disabled" if disabled else ""
            activeCellCls = "activec" if disabled else ""
            cls = f"button vwb {disabledCls}"

            return (
                H.iconx(action, text=name, href=href, cls=cls, **atts),
                dict(cls=f"vwc {activeCellCls}"),

        allButtons = H.div([getViewerButtons(vw) for vw in viewers])

        return (frame if sceneExists else "", allButtons)

    def genHtml(self, urlBase, sceneFile, viewer, version, action, subMode):
        """Generates the HTML for the viewer page that is loaded in an iframe.

        When a scene is loaded in a viewer, it happens in an iframe.
        Here we generate the complete HTML for such an iframe.

        urlBase: string
            The first part of the root url that is given to the viewer.
            The viewer code uses this to retrieve additional information.
            The root url will be completed with the `action` and the `viewer`.
        sceneFile: string
            The name of the scene file in the file system.
        viewer: string
            The chosen viewer.
        version: string
            The chosen version of the viewer.
        action: string
            The chosen mode in which the viewer is launched (`read` or `update`).
        subMode: string | None
            The sub mode in which the viewer is to be used (`update` or `create`).

            The HTML for the iframe.
        Settings = self.Settings
        H = Settings.H
        debugMode = Settings.debugMode
        viewerUrlBase = Settings.viewerUrlBase
        viewers = self.viewers

        ext = "dev" if debugMode else "min"

        viewerStaticRoot = self.getStaticRoot(viewerUrlBase, action, viewer, version)

        viewerRoot = self.getRoot(urlBase, action, viewer)

        if viewer == "voyager":
            modes = viewers[viewer].modes
            modeProps = modes[action]
            element = modeProps.element
            fileBase = modeProps.fileBase
            subModes = modeProps.subModes or AttrDict()
            atts = attResolve(subModes[subMode] or AttrDict(), version)
            if subMode != "create":
                atts["document"] = sceneFile

            return H.content(
                            "shortcut icon",
              "stylesheet", f"{viewerStaticRoot}/fonts/fonts.css"),
                            "stylesheet", f"{viewerStaticRoot}/css/{fileBase}.{ext}.css"
            return H.content(
                H.body(H.p(f"Unsupported viewer: {viewer}")),

    def getRoot(self, urlBase, action, viewer):
        """Composes the root url for a viewer.

        The root url is passed to a viewer instance as the url that
        the viewer can use to fetch its data.
        It is not meant for the static data that is part of the viewer software,
        but for the model related data that the viewer is going to display.

        See `getStaticRoot()` for the url meant for getting parts of the
        viewer software.

        urlBase: string
            The first part of the root url, depending
            on the project and edition.
        action: string
            The mode in which the viewer is opened.
            Depending on the mode, the viewer code may communicate with the server
            with different urls.
            For example, for the voyager,
            the `read` mode (voyager-explorer) uses ordinary HTTP requests,
            but the `update` mode (voyager-story) uses WebDAV requests.

            So this app points voyager-explorer to a root url starting with `/data`,
            and voyager-story to a root url starting with `/webdav`.

            These prefixes of the urls can be configured per viewer
            in the viewer configuration in `yaml/viewers.yml`.
        viewers = self.viewers

        if viewer not in viewers:
            return None

        modes = viewers[viewer].modes

        thisMode = modes[action] or
        prefix = thisMode.prefix

        return f"{prefix}/{urlBase}"

    def getStaticRoot(self, viewerUrlBase, action, viewer, version):
        """Composes the static root url for a viewer.

        The static root url is passed to a viewer instance as the url that the
        viewer can use to fetch its assets.
        It is not meant for the model related data, but for the parts of the
        viewer software that it needs to get from the server.

        See `getRoot()` for the url meant for getting model-related data.

        urlBase: string
            The first part of the root url, depending
            on the project and edition.
        action: string
            The mode in which the viewer is opened.
            Depending on the mode, the viewer code may communicate with the server
            with different urls.
            For example, for the voyager,
            the `read` mode (voyager-explorer) uses ordinary HTTP requests,
            but the `update` mode (voyager-story) uses WebDAV requests.

            So this app points voyager-explorer to a root url starting with `/data`,
            and voyager-story to a root url starting with `/webdav`.

            These prefixes of the urls can be configured per viewer
            in the viewer configuration in `yaml/viewers.yml`.
        if not self.check(viewer, version):
            return None

        return f"{viewerUrlBase}/{viewer}/{version}"


def addAuth(self, Auth)

Give this object a handle to the Auth object.

The Viewers and Auth objects need each other, so one of them must be given the handle to the other after initialization.

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def addAuth(self, Auth):
    """Give this object a handle to the Auth object.

    The Viewers and Auth objects need each other, so one of them must
    be given the handle to the other after initialization.
    self.Auth = Auth
def check(self, viewer, version)

Checks whether a viewer version exists.

Given a viewer and a version, it is looked up whether the code is present. If not, reasonable defaults returned instead by default.


viewer : string
The viewer in question.
version : string
The version of the viewer in question.


string | void
The version is returned unmodified if that viewer version is supported. If the viewer is supported, but not the version, the default version of that viewer is taken, if there is a default version, otherwise the latest supported version. If the viewer is not supported, None is returned.
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def check(self, viewer, version):
    """Checks whether a viewer version exists.

    Given a viewer and a version, it is looked up whether the code
    is present.
    If not, reasonable defaults returned instead by default.

    viewer: string
        The viewer in question.
    version: string
        The version of the viewer in question.

    string | void
        The version is returned unmodified if that viewer
        version is supported.
        If the viewer is supported, but not the version, the default version
        of that viewer is taken, if there is a default version,
        otherwise the latest supported version.
        If the viewer is not supported, None is returned.
    viewers = self.viewers

    if viewer not in viewers:
        return None

    viewerInfo = viewers[viewer]
    versions = viewerInfo.versions
    defaultVersion = viewerInfo.defaultVersion
    if version not in versions:
        version = defaultVersion
    return version
def genHtml(self, urlBase, sceneFile, viewer, version, action, subMode)

Generates the HTML for the viewer page that is loaded in an iframe.

When a scene is loaded in a viewer, it happens in an iframe. Here we generate the complete HTML for such an iframe.


urlBase : string
The first part of the root url that is given to the viewer. The viewer code uses this to retrieve additional information. The root url will be completed with the action and the viewer.
sceneFile : string
The name of the scene file in the file system.
viewer : string
The chosen viewer.
version : string
The chosen version of the viewer.
action : string
The chosen mode in which the viewer is launched (read or update).
subMode : string | None
The sub mode in which the viewer is to be used (update or create).


The HTML for the iframe.
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def genHtml(self, urlBase, sceneFile, viewer, version, action, subMode):
    """Generates the HTML for the viewer page that is loaded in an iframe.

    When a scene is loaded in a viewer, it happens in an iframe.
    Here we generate the complete HTML for such an iframe.

    urlBase: string
        The first part of the root url that is given to the viewer.
        The viewer code uses this to retrieve additional information.
        The root url will be completed with the `action` and the `viewer`.
    sceneFile: string
        The name of the scene file in the file system.
    viewer: string
        The chosen viewer.
    version: string
        The chosen version of the viewer.
    action: string
        The chosen mode in which the viewer is launched (`read` or `update`).
    subMode: string | None
        The sub mode in which the viewer is to be used (`update` or `create`).

        The HTML for the iframe.
    Settings = self.Settings
    H = Settings.H
    debugMode = Settings.debugMode
    viewerUrlBase = Settings.viewerUrlBase
    viewers = self.viewers

    ext = "dev" if debugMode else "min"

    viewerStaticRoot = self.getStaticRoot(viewerUrlBase, action, viewer, version)

    viewerRoot = self.getRoot(urlBase, action, viewer)

    if viewer == "voyager":
        modes = viewers[viewer].modes
        modeProps = modes[action]
        element = modeProps.element
        fileBase = modeProps.fileBase
        subModes = modeProps.subModes or AttrDict()
        atts = attResolve(subModes[subMode] or AttrDict(), version)
        if subMode != "create":
            atts["document"] = sceneFile

        return H.content(
                        "shortcut icon",
          "stylesheet", f"{viewerStaticRoot}/fonts/fonts.css"),
                        "stylesheet", f"{viewerStaticRoot}/css/{fileBase}.{ext}.css"
        return H.content(
            H.body(H.p(f"Unsupported viewer: {viewer}")),
def getFrame(self, edition, actions, viewer, versionActive, actionActive, sceneExists)

Produces a set of buttons to launch 3D viewers for a scene.

Make sure that if there is no scene file present, no viewer will be opened.


edition : AttrDict
The edition in question.
actions : iterable of string
The actions for which we have to create buttons. Typically read and possibly also update. Actions that are not recognized as viewer actions will be filtered out, such as create and delete.
viewer : string
The viewer in which the scene is currently loaded.
versionActive : string | void
The version of the viewer in which the scene is currently loaded, if any, otherwise None
actionActive : string | void
The mode in which the scene is currently loaded in the viewer (read or update), if any, otherwise None
sceneExists : boolean
Whether the scene file exists.


The HTML that represents the buttons.
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def getFrame(
    self, edition, actions, viewer, versionActive, actionActive, sceneExists
    """Produces a set of buttons to launch 3D viewers for a scene.

    Make sure that if there is no scene file present, no viewer will be opened.

    edition: AttrDict
        The edition in question.
    actions: iterable of string
        The actions for which we have to create buttons.
        Typically `read` and possibly also `update`.
        Actions that are not recognized as viewer actions
        will be filtered out, such as `create` and `delete`.
    viewer: string
        The viewer in which the scene is currently loaded.
    versionActive: string | void
        The version of the viewer in which the scene is currently loaded,
        if any, otherwise None
    actionActive: string | void
        The mode in which the scene is currently loaded in the viewer
        (`read` or `update`),
        if any, otherwise None
    sceneExists: boolean
        Whether the scene file exists.

        The HTML that represents the buttons.
    Settings = self.Settings
    H = Settings.H
    actionInfo = self.viewerActions
    viewers = self.viewers

    filteredActions = {a for a in actions if a in actionInfo and a != "create"}
    versionActive = self.check(viewer, versionActive)

    editionId = edition._id
    if editionId is None:
        return ("", "")

    create = "/update" if sceneExists else "/create"

    src = f"/viewer/{versionActive}/{actionActive}/{editionId}{create}"
    frame = H.div(
        H.div(H.iframe(src, cls="previewer"), cls="surround"), cls="model"

    def getViewerButtons(vw):
        """Internal function.

            HTML for the buttons to launch a viewer.
        openAtt = vw == viewer

        versions = viewers[vw].versions
        if len(versions) == 1:
            version = versions[0]
            return H.table(
                        version == versionActive,
                        # withViewer=not pilotMode,
                        # withVersion=not pilotMode,

        (latest, previous) = (versions[0:1], versions[1:])

        openAtt = vw == viewer and len(previous) and versionActive in previous

        return H.details(
                        version == versionActive,
                    for version in latest
                        version, version == versionActive, withViewer=False
                    for version in previous

    def getVersionButtons(
        version, active, versionAmount=None, withViewer=False, withVersion=True
        """Internal function.

        version: string
            The version of the viewer.
        active: boolean
            Whether that version of that viewer is currently active.
        versionAmount: int, optional None
            If passed, contains the number of versions and displays it.
        withViewer: boolean, optional False
            Whether to show the viewer name in the first column.
        withVersion: boolean, optional True
            Whether to show the version in the second column.

            HTML for the buttons to launch a specific version of a viewer.
        activeRowCls = "activer" if active else ""

        plural = "" if versionAmount == 2 else "s"
        title = (
            f"click to show previous {versionAmount - 1} {viewer} version{plural}"
            if versionAmount and versionAmount > 1
            else f"no previous {viewer} versions"

        return (
                (viewer if withViewer else H.nbsp, dict(cls="vwc", title=title)),
                    version if withVersion else H.nbsp,
                    dict(cls="vvl vwc", title=title),
            + [
                    version, action, disabled=active and action == actionActive
                for action in sorted(filteredActions)

    def getActionButton(version, action, disabled=False):
        """Internal function.

        version: string
            The version of the viewer.
        action: string
            Whether to launch the viewer for `read` or for `update`.
        disabled: boolean, optional Fasle
            Whether to show the button as disabled

            HTML for the buttons to launch a specific version of a viewer
            for a specific action.
        atts = {}

        href = None if disabled else f"/edition/{editionId}/{version}/{action}"

        if action == "update":
            viewerHref = f"/viewer/{version}/{action}/{editionId}{create}"
            atts["onclick"] = dedent(
                return false;

        titleFragment = "a new window" if action == "update" else "place"

        createMode = action == "update" and not sceneExists
        action = "create" if createMode else action
        thisActionInfo = actionInfo.get(action, AttrDict())
        name =
        atts["title"] = f"{name} scene in {titleFragment}"

        disabledCls = "disabled" if disabled else ""
        activeCellCls = "activec" if disabled else ""
        cls = f"button vwb {disabledCls}"

        return (
            H.iconx(action, text=name, href=href, cls=cls, **atts),
            dict(cls=f"vwc {activeCellCls}"),

    allButtons = H.div([getViewerButtons(vw) for vw in viewers])

    return (frame if sceneExists else "", allButtons)
def getRoot(self, urlBase, action, viewer)

Composes the root url for a viewer.

The root url is passed to a viewer instance as the url that the viewer can use to fetch its data. It is not meant for the static data that is part of the viewer software, but for the model related data that the viewer is going to display.

See getStaticRoot() for the url meant for getting parts of the viewer software.


urlBase : string
The first part of the root url, depending on the project and edition.
action : string

The mode in which the viewer is opened. Depending on the mode, the viewer code may communicate with the server with different urls. For example, for the voyager, the read mode (voyager-explorer) uses ordinary HTTP requests, but the update mode (voyager-story) uses WebDAV requests.

So this app points voyager-explorer to a root url starting with /data, and voyager-story to a root url starting with /webdav.

These prefixes of the urls can be configured per viewer in the viewer configuration in yaml/viewers.yml.

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def getRoot(self, urlBase, action, viewer):
    """Composes the root url for a viewer.

    The root url is passed to a viewer instance as the url that
    the viewer can use to fetch its data.
    It is not meant for the static data that is part of the viewer software,
    but for the model related data that the viewer is going to display.

    See `getStaticRoot()` for the url meant for getting parts of the
    viewer software.

    urlBase: string
        The first part of the root url, depending
        on the project and edition.
    action: string
        The mode in which the viewer is opened.
        Depending on the mode, the viewer code may communicate with the server
        with different urls.
        For example, for the voyager,
        the `read` mode (voyager-explorer) uses ordinary HTTP requests,
        but the `update` mode (voyager-story) uses WebDAV requests.

        So this app points voyager-explorer to a root url starting with `/data`,
        and voyager-story to a root url starting with `/webdav`.

        These prefixes of the urls can be configured per viewer
        in the viewer configuration in `yaml/viewers.yml`.
    viewers = self.viewers

    if viewer not in viewers:
        return None

    modes = viewers[viewer].modes

    thisMode = modes[action] or
    prefix = thisMode.prefix

    return f"{prefix}/{urlBase}"
def getStaticRoot(self, viewerUrlBase, action, viewer, version)

Composes the static root url for a viewer.

The static root url is passed to a viewer instance as the url that the viewer can use to fetch its assets. It is not meant for the model related data, but for the parts of the viewer software that it needs to get from the server.

See getRoot() for the url meant for getting model-related data.


urlBase : string
The first part of the root url, depending on the project and edition.
action : string

The mode in which the viewer is opened. Depending on the mode, the viewer code may communicate with the server with different urls. For example, for the voyager, the read mode (voyager-explorer) uses ordinary HTTP requests, but the update mode (voyager-story) uses WebDAV requests.

So this app points voyager-explorer to a root url starting with /data, and voyager-story to a root url starting with /webdav.

These prefixes of the urls can be configured per viewer in the viewer configuration in yaml/viewers.yml.

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def getStaticRoot(self, viewerUrlBase, action, viewer, version):
    """Composes the static root url for a viewer.

    The static root url is passed to a viewer instance as the url that the
    viewer can use to fetch its assets.
    It is not meant for the model related data, but for the parts of the
    viewer software that it needs to get from the server.

    See `getRoot()` for the url meant for getting model-related data.

    urlBase: string
        The first part of the root url, depending
        on the project and edition.
    action: string
        The mode in which the viewer is opened.
        Depending on the mode, the viewer code may communicate with the server
        with different urls.
        For example, for the voyager,
        the `read` mode (voyager-explorer) uses ordinary HTTP requests,
        but the `update` mode (voyager-story) uses WebDAV requests.

        So this app points voyager-explorer to a root url starting with `/data`,
        and voyager-story to a root url starting with `/webdav`.

        These prefixes of the urls can be configured per viewer
        in the viewer configuration in `yaml/viewers.yml`.
    if not self.check(viewer, version):
        return None

    return f"{viewerUrlBase}/{viewer}/{version}"
def getViewInfo(self, edition)

Gets viewer-related info that an edition is made with.


edition : AttrDict
The edition record.


tuple of string
  • The name of the viewer
  • The name of the scene
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def getViewInfo(self, edition):
    """Gets viewer-related info that an edition is made with.

    edition: AttrDict
        The edition record.

    tuple of string
        * The name of the viewer
        * The name of the scene

    viewerDefault = self.viewerDefault

    editionId = edition._id
    if editionId is None:
        return (viewerDefault, None)

    editionSettings = edition.settings or AttrDict()
    authorTool = editionSettings.authorTool or AttrDict()
    viewer = or viewerDefault
    sceneFile = authorTool.sceneFile

    return (viewer, sceneFile)