Module control.users

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from control.generic import AttrDict
from control.flask import (

    x: x
    for x in """
PROVIDER_ATTS["sub"] = "user"

class Users:
    def __init__(self, Settings, Messages, Mongo):
        """All about users and the current user.

        This class has methods to login/logout a user,
        to retrieve the data of the currently logged in user,
        and to query the users table in MongoDb.

        It is instantiated by a singleton object.

        !!! note "User details are not stored here"
            The user details are not stored as members of this object, since
            this object has been made before the flask app was initialized,
            hence the object is global in the sefver process, meaning that all
            workers can see its data.

            Instead, the user details are stored in a so-called *global* in an
            [Application Context](,
            where it is visible and modifiable by the current request only.

        Settings: AttrDict
            App-wide configuration data obtained from
        Messages: object
            Singleton instance of `control.messages.Messages`.
        Mongo: object
            Singleton instance of `control.mongo.Mongo`.
        self.Settings = Settings
        self.Messages = Messages
        self.Mongo = Mongo

        self.oidc = None
        """The object that gives access to authentication methods.

    def initUser():
        """Initialize the storage that keeps the details of the currently
        logged-in user.

        It will put an empty AttrDict as *global* in the current application context.

        As long as there is no current user, this AttrDict will remain empty.
        If there is a current user, or a user logs in, it will get a member
        `user`, which is the *sub* as it comes from the OIDC authenticator or from
        a special login procedure.

        It may then also have additional members, such as `name` and `role`.
        acg.User = AttrDict()

    def addAuthenticator(self, oidc):
        """Adds the object that gives access to authentication methods.

        oidc: object
            The object corresponding to the flask app prepared with the
            Flask-OIDC authenticator.

            The object is stored in the `oidc` member.
        self.oidc = oidc

    def login(self):
        """Log in a user.

        Logging in has several main steps:

        1. redirecting to a private page, for which login is required
        2. obtaining the authentication results when the user visits that page
        3. storing the relevant user data

        When we log in special users, we can skip the first step, because
        we already know everything about the special user on the basis of the
        information in the request that brought us here.

        So, we find out if we have to log in a special user or a user that must be
        authenticated through oidc.

        We only log in a test/pilot user if we are in non-prod mode and the user's "sub"
        is passed in the request.

            A redirect. When logging in in non-prod mode, the redirect
            is to *referrer* (the url we came from). Otherwise it is to a url
            that triggers an oidc login procedure. To that page we pass
            the referrer as part of the url, so that after login the user
            can be redirected to the original referrer.
        Messages = self.Messages
        Settings = self.Settings
        runProd = Settings.runProd

        referrer = getReferrer()
        (isSpecialUser, user) = self.getUser(fromArg=True)
        name = acg.User.nickname

        if user and not isSpecialUser and not runProd:
                    "LOGIN attempt while an user is already logged in: "
                    f"user {name} {user}"
                msg=f"first log out as user {name}",
            return redirectStatus(f"/{referrer}", False)

        return (
            self.__loginSpecial(referrer, requestArg("user"))
            if isSpecialUser
            else self.__loginOidc(referrer)

    def afterLogin(self, referrer):
        """Logs in a user.

        When this function starts operating, the user has been through the login
        process provided by the authentication service.

        We can now find the user's "sub" and additional attributes in the request

        We use that information to lookup the user in the MongoDb users table.
        If the user does not exists, we add a new user record, with this "sub" and
        these attributes, and role `user`.

        If the user does exists, we check whether we have to update his attributes.
        If the attributes found in MongoDb differ from those supplied by the
        authentication service, we update the MongoDb values on the basis
        of the provider values.

        referrer: string
            url where we came from.

            A redirect to the referrer, with a status 302 if the log in was
            successful or 303 if not.
        Messages = self.Messages
        oidc = self.oidc

        user = None
        referrer = referrer.removeprefix("/")

        if oidc.user_loggedin:
            user = oidc.user_getfield("sub")
            name = oidc.user_getfield("nickname")

        if user is None or not self.__findUser(user, update=True):
                logmsg=f"LOGIN failed for user {user}",
                msg="failed to log in",
            return redirectStatus(f"/{referrer}", False)

        name = acg.User.nickname
            logmsg=f"LOGIN successful: user {name} {user}",
            msg=f"LOGIN successful: user {name}",
        return redirectStatus(f"/{referrer}", True)

    def logout(self):
        """Logs off the current user.

        First we find out whether we have to log out a test/pilot user or a normal
        After logging out, we redirect to the home page.

            A redirect to the home page.
        oidc = self.oidc
        Settings = self.Settings
        Messages = self.Messages
        name = acg.User.nickname
        runProd = Settings.runProd

        (isSpecialUser, user) = self.getUser()

        if user is None:
            if not runProd:
            Messages.plain(logmsg="LOGOUT but no user was logged in.")
            return redirectStatus("/", False)

        if isSpecialUser:

            logmsg=f"LOGOUT successful: user {name} {user}",
            msg=f"{name} logged out",
        return redirectStatus("/", True)

    def identify(self):
        """Make sure who is the current user.

        Checks whether there is a current user and whether that user is fully known,
        i.e. in the users table of the mongoDb.

        If there is a current user that is unknown to the database, the current user
        will be cleared.

        Otherwise, we make sure that we retrieve the current user's attributes from
        the database.

        !!! note "No login"
            We do not try to perform a login of a user,
            we only check who is the currently logged in user.

            A login must be explicitly triggered by the the `/login` url.
        oidc = self.oidc

        (isSpecialUser, user) = self.getUser()

        if user is not None:
            if isSpecialUser:
                if not self.__findSpecialUser(user):
                if not self.__findUser(user, update=False):

    def myDetails(self):
        """Who is the currently authenticated user?

        The appplication-context-global `User` is inspected:
        does it contain a member called `user`?
        If so, that is taken as proof that we have a valid user.

            Otherwise a copy of the complete `User` record is returned.
            unless there is no `user` member in the current user, then
            the empty dictionary is returned.
        User = acg.User
        return AttrDict(**User) if "user" in User else AttrDict({})

    def getUser(self, fromArg=False):
        """Obtain the "sub" of the currently logged in user from the request info.

        It works for test/pilot users and normal users.

        fromArg: boolean, optional False
            If True, the test/pilot user is not read from the session, but from a
            request argument.
            This is used during the login procedure of test/pilot users.

        boolean, string
            *   Whether the user is a test/pilot user or a normally authenticated user.
                None if there is no authenticated user.
            *   The "sub" of the user.
        oidc = self.oidc
        Settings = self.Settings
        runProd = Settings.runProd

        user = None
        isSpecialUser = None

        if not runProd:
            user = requestArg("user") if fromArg else sessionGet("user")
            if user:
                isSpecialUser = True

        if user is None:
            user = oidc.user_getfield("sub") if oidc.user_loggedin else None
            if user:
                isSpecialUser = False

        return (isSpecialUser, user)

    def wrapLogin(self):
        """Generate HTML for the login widget.

        De task is to generate login/logout buttons.

        If the user is logged in, his nickname should be displayed, together
        with a logout button.

        If no user is logged in, a login button should be displayed.

        If in non-prod mode, a list of buttons for each test/pilot user should be

            HTML of the list of buttons for test/pilot users, with the button
            for the current user styled as active.
        Settings = self.Settings
        H = Settings.H
        runMode = Settings.runMode
        runProd = Settings.runProd
        Mongo = self.Mongo

        (isSpecialUser, userActive) = self.getUser()

        specialContent = []
        content = []

        def wrap(label, text, title, href, active, enabled):
            """Inner function to be called recursively."""
            if label:
                content.append(H.span(label, cls="label"))

            if active:
                cls = "active"
                elem = "span"
                href = []
                cls = ""
                elem = "a"
                href = [href]

            if not enabled:
                cls = "disabled"
                elem = "span"
                href = []

            fullCls = f"button small {cls}"

            return H.elem(elem, text, *href, cls=fullCls, title=title)

        if not runProd:
            # row of test/pilot users

            enabled = not userActive or isSpecialUser

            for record in sorted(
                Mongo.getList("user", sort="nickname", isSpecial=True),
                key=lambda r: r.nickname,
                user = record.user
                name = record.nickname
                role = self.presentRole(record.role)

                active = user == userActive
                    wrap(None, name, role, f"/alogin?user={user}", active, enabled)

        if userActive:
            # details of logged in user

            details = self.myDetails()
            name = details.nickname
            email =
            userRep = f"{name} - {email}" if email else name
            role = self.presentRole(details.role)
            content.append(wrap("Logged in as", userRep, role, None, True, True))

            # logout button
                wrap(None, "log out", f"log out {name}", "/alogout", False, True)

            # login button
            content.append(wrap(None, "log in", "log in", "/alogin", False, True))

        return (H.content(*specialContent), H.content(*content))

    def presentRole(self, role):
        """Finds the interface representation of a role.

        role: string
            The internal name of the role.

            The name of the role as it should be presented to users.
            If no representation can be found, the internal name is returned.
        Settings = self.Settings
        roles = Settings.auth.roles
        return roles.get(role, role)

    def getInvolvedUsers(self, tableRecordRoles, asString=False):
        """Finds the users involved in a specific role with respect to something.

        By this method you can find the organisers of a project, the editors of
        an edition, the admins of the site, etc.

        table: string
            Either `site`, `project` or `edition`.
            This indicates the kind of thing that the users are related to.
        tableRecordRoles: tuple
            The tuple consists of tuples `(table, record, role)`
            The users connected to that record in that table in that role
            should be added to the list.
            All roles are specified in the `yaml/authorise.yml` file.

        tuple or string
            If `asString` is False, the result is a datastructure:

            *   whether the information can be disclosed to the current users
            *   the representation of that role on the interface.
            *   a tuple:

                Each item is a tuple, corresponding to a user.
                For each user there are the follwoing fields:

                *   user field in the user table
                *   full name
                *   table of the record to which the user is linked
                *   role in which the user is linked to that record

            If `asString` is True, this data structure will be wrapped in HTML.
        Mongo = self.Mongo
        Settings = self.Settings
        H = Settings.H
        auth = Settings.auth

        involvedUsers = []

        for table, record, role in tableRecordRoles:
            roles = auth.roles[table]
            allowed = self.authorise(table, record, action="read")
            users = None

            if allowed and roles is not None and roles.get(role, None) is not None:
                userInfo = Mongo.getList("user", sort="nickname", asDict="user")

                if table == "site":
                    relatedUsers = [
                        uInfo for uInfo in userInfo.values() if uInfo.role == role
                    criteria = {f"{table}Id": record._id, "role": role}
                    relatedUserList = Mongo.getList(f"{table}User", **criteria)
                    relatedUsers = sorted(
                        (userInfo[r.user] for r in relatedUserList),
                        key=lambda x: x.nickname,
                users = tuple((u.user, u.nickname) for u in relatedUsers)

                involvedUsers.append((table, role, users))

        if not asString:
            return tuple(involvedUsers)

        html = []

        seenUsers = set()

        for table, role, users in sorted(involvedUsers, key=lambda x: -len(x[2])):
            if len(users) == 0:

            userIds = {u[0] for u in users}

            if len(userIds - seenUsers) == 0:

            seenUsers |= userIds

            roles = auth.roles[table]
            roleRep = roles[role]

            label = H.i(f"{table} {roleRep}")
            userRep = " or ".join(H.span(name, uid=u) for (u, name) in users)

        return f"ask: {'; '.join(html)}"

    def __loginSpecial(self, referrer, user):
        """Perform the steps to log in a test/pilot/custom user.

        This involves looking up the user in the user table,
        copying its information in the application-context-global `User`,
        and storing the user in the session. After that the user is redirected
        to where he came from.

        referrer: string
            url where we came from.
        user: string
            The "sub" of the test/pilot user that we must log in as.

            A redirect to the referrer, with a status 302 if the log in was
            successful or 303 if not.
        Messages = self.Messages
        Settings = self.Settings
        runMode = Settings.runMode

        if user is None or not self.__findSpecialUser(user):
            return redirectStatus(f"/{referrer}", False)

        sessionSet("user", user)
        name = acg.User.nickname
            logmsg=f"LOGIN successful: {runMode} user {name} {user}",
            msg=f"LOGIN successful: {runMode} user {name}",
        return redirectStatus(f"/{referrer}", True)

    def __loginOidc(self, referrer):
        """Redirect step in logging in normal user.

        This means redirecting the user to a url for which authentication
        is required.

        referrer: string
            url where we came from. We pass this to the private url.

            A redirect to the referrer, with a status 302 if the log in was
            successful or 303 if not.
        return redirectStatus(f"/afterlogin/referrer/{referrer}", True)

    def __findSpecialUser(self, user):
        """Lookup data of a test/pilot user in the MongoDb user table.

        The user is looked up by the `user` field.

        user: string
            The `user` of by which a user is looked up, if not None.

            Whether a user has been found/created.
            If so, the data of that user record is stored in the
            application-context-global `User`.
        Messages = self.Messages
        Mongo = self.Mongo
        User = acg.User

        record = Mongo.getRecord("user", user=user)

        if not record:
            Messages.warning(msg="Unknown user", logmsg=f"Unknown user {user}")
            return False

        for att in PROVIDER_ATTS.values():
            User[att] = record[att]
        User.role = record.role

        return True

    def __findUser(self, user, update=False):
        """Lookup user data in the MongoDb user table.

        The user is looked up by the `user` field.
        Optionally, the user record in MongoDb is updated with attributes from
        the identity provider.

        user: string
            The `user` of by which a user is looked up, if not None.
        update: boolean, optional False
            Whether to update the user record with fresh attributes of the
            identity provider.

            Whether a user has been found/created.
            If so, the data of that user record is stored in the
            application-context-global `User`.
        Mongo = self.Mongo
        oidc = self.oidc
        User = acg.User

        record = Mongo.getRecord("user", user=user, warn=False)
        newUser = None

        if not record:
            newUser = {
                att: oidc.user_getfield(oidcAtt)
                for (oidcAtt, att) in PROVIDER_ATTS.items()
            userId = Mongo.insertRecord("user", role="user", **newUser)
            record = Mongo.getRecord("user", _id=userId)

        for att in PROVIDER_ATTS.values():
            User[att] = record[att]
        User.role = record.role

        if update and not newUser:
            changes = {}
            for oidcAtt, att in PROVIDER_ATTS.items():
                orig = User[att]
                new = oidc.user_getfield(oidcAtt)
                if new is not None and orig != new:
                    changes[att] = new
                    User[att] = new
            if changes:
                Mongo.updateRecord("user", changes, user=User.user)
        return True


class Users (Settings, Messages, Mongo)

All about users and the current user.

This class has methods to login/logout a user, to retrieve the data of the currently logged in user, and to query the users table in MongoDb.

It is instantiated by a singleton object.

User details are not stored here

The user details are not stored as members of this object, since this object has been made before the flask app was initialized, hence the object is global in the sefver process, meaning that all workers can see its data.

Instead, the user details are stored in a so-called global in an Application Context, where it is visible and modifiable by the current request only.


Settings : AttrDict
App-wide configuration data obtained from Config.Settings.
Messages : object
Singleton instance of Messages.
Mongo : object
Singleton instance of Mongo.
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class Users:
    def __init__(self, Settings, Messages, Mongo):
        """All about users and the current user.

        This class has methods to login/logout a user,
        to retrieve the data of the currently logged in user,
        and to query the users table in MongoDb.

        It is instantiated by a singleton object.

        !!! note "User details are not stored here"
            The user details are not stored as members of this object, since
            this object has been made before the flask app was initialized,
            hence the object is global in the sefver process, meaning that all
            workers can see its data.

            Instead, the user details are stored in a so-called *global* in an
            [Application Context](,
            where it is visible and modifiable by the current request only.

        Settings: AttrDict
            App-wide configuration data obtained from
        Messages: object
            Singleton instance of `control.messages.Messages`.
        Mongo: object
            Singleton instance of `control.mongo.Mongo`.
        self.Settings = Settings
        self.Messages = Messages
        self.Mongo = Mongo

        self.oidc = None
        """The object that gives access to authentication methods.

    def initUser():
        """Initialize the storage that keeps the details of the currently
        logged-in user.

        It will put an empty AttrDict as *global* in the current application context.

        As long as there is no current user, this AttrDict will remain empty.
        If there is a current user, or a user logs in, it will get a member
        `user`, which is the *sub* as it comes from the OIDC authenticator or from
        a special login procedure.

        It may then also have additional members, such as `name` and `role`.
        acg.User = AttrDict()

    def addAuthenticator(self, oidc):
        """Adds the object that gives access to authentication methods.

        oidc: object
            The object corresponding to the flask app prepared with the
            Flask-OIDC authenticator.

            The object is stored in the `oidc` member.
        self.oidc = oidc

    def login(self):
        """Log in a user.

        Logging in has several main steps:

        1. redirecting to a private page, for which login is required
        2. obtaining the authentication results when the user visits that page
        3. storing the relevant user data

        When we log in special users, we can skip the first step, because
        we already know everything about the special user on the basis of the
        information in the request that brought us here.

        So, we find out if we have to log in a special user or a user that must be
        authenticated through oidc.

        We only log in a test/pilot user if we are in non-prod mode and the user's "sub"
        is passed in the request.

            A redirect. When logging in in non-prod mode, the redirect
            is to *referrer* (the url we came from). Otherwise it is to a url
            that triggers an oidc login procedure. To that page we pass
            the referrer as part of the url, so that after login the user
            can be redirected to the original referrer.
        Messages = self.Messages
        Settings = self.Settings
        runProd = Settings.runProd

        referrer = getReferrer()
        (isSpecialUser, user) = self.getUser(fromArg=True)
        name = acg.User.nickname

        if user and not isSpecialUser and not runProd:
                    "LOGIN attempt while an user is already logged in: "
                    f"user {name} {user}"
                msg=f"first log out as user {name}",
            return redirectStatus(f"/{referrer}", False)

        return (
            self.__loginSpecial(referrer, requestArg("user"))
            if isSpecialUser
            else self.__loginOidc(referrer)

    def afterLogin(self, referrer):
        """Logs in a user.

        When this function starts operating, the user has been through the login
        process provided by the authentication service.

        We can now find the user's "sub" and additional attributes in the request

        We use that information to lookup the user in the MongoDb users table.
        If the user does not exists, we add a new user record, with this "sub" and
        these attributes, and role `user`.

        If the user does exists, we check whether we have to update his attributes.
        If the attributes found in MongoDb differ from those supplied by the
        authentication service, we update the MongoDb values on the basis
        of the provider values.

        referrer: string
            url where we came from.

            A redirect to the referrer, with a status 302 if the log in was
            successful or 303 if not.
        Messages = self.Messages
        oidc = self.oidc

        user = None
        referrer = referrer.removeprefix("/")

        if oidc.user_loggedin:
            user = oidc.user_getfield("sub")
            name = oidc.user_getfield("nickname")

        if user is None or not self.__findUser(user, update=True):
                logmsg=f"LOGIN failed for user {user}",
                msg="failed to log in",
            return redirectStatus(f"/{referrer}", False)

        name = acg.User.nickname
            logmsg=f"LOGIN successful: user {name} {user}",
            msg=f"LOGIN successful: user {name}",
        return redirectStatus(f"/{referrer}", True)

    def logout(self):
        """Logs off the current user.

        First we find out whether we have to log out a test/pilot user or a normal
        After logging out, we redirect to the home page.

            A redirect to the home page.
        oidc = self.oidc
        Settings = self.Settings
        Messages = self.Messages
        name = acg.User.nickname
        runProd = Settings.runProd

        (isSpecialUser, user) = self.getUser()

        if user is None:
            if not runProd:
            Messages.plain(logmsg="LOGOUT but no user was logged in.")
            return redirectStatus("/", False)

        if isSpecialUser:

            logmsg=f"LOGOUT successful: user {name} {user}",
            msg=f"{name} logged out",
        return redirectStatus("/", True)

    def identify(self):
        """Make sure who is the current user.

        Checks whether there is a current user and whether that user is fully known,
        i.e. in the users table of the mongoDb.

        If there is a current user that is unknown to the database, the current user
        will be cleared.

        Otherwise, we make sure that we retrieve the current user's attributes from
        the database.

        !!! note "No login"
            We do not try to perform a login of a user,
            we only check who is the currently logged in user.

            A login must be explicitly triggered by the the `/login` url.
        oidc = self.oidc

        (isSpecialUser, user) = self.getUser()

        if user is not None:
            if isSpecialUser:
                if not self.__findSpecialUser(user):
                if not self.__findUser(user, update=False):

    def myDetails(self):
        """Who is the currently authenticated user?

        The appplication-context-global `User` is inspected:
        does it contain a member called `user`?
        If so, that is taken as proof that we have a valid user.

            Otherwise a copy of the complete `User` record is returned.
            unless there is no `user` member in the current user, then
            the empty dictionary is returned.
        User = acg.User
        return AttrDict(**User) if "user" in User else AttrDict({})

    def getUser(self, fromArg=False):
        """Obtain the "sub" of the currently logged in user from the request info.

        It works for test/pilot users and normal users.

        fromArg: boolean, optional False
            If True, the test/pilot user is not read from the session, but from a
            request argument.
            This is used during the login procedure of test/pilot users.

        boolean, string
            *   Whether the user is a test/pilot user or a normally authenticated user.
                None if there is no authenticated user.
            *   The "sub" of the user.
        oidc = self.oidc
        Settings = self.Settings
        runProd = Settings.runProd

        user = None
        isSpecialUser = None

        if not runProd:
            user = requestArg("user") if fromArg else sessionGet("user")
            if user:
                isSpecialUser = True

        if user is None:
            user = oidc.user_getfield("sub") if oidc.user_loggedin else None
            if user:
                isSpecialUser = False

        return (isSpecialUser, user)

    def wrapLogin(self):
        """Generate HTML for the login widget.

        De task is to generate login/logout buttons.

        If the user is logged in, his nickname should be displayed, together
        with a logout button.

        If no user is logged in, a login button should be displayed.

        If in non-prod mode, a list of buttons for each test/pilot user should be

            HTML of the list of buttons for test/pilot users, with the button
            for the current user styled as active.
        Settings = self.Settings
        H = Settings.H
        runMode = Settings.runMode
        runProd = Settings.runProd
        Mongo = self.Mongo

        (isSpecialUser, userActive) = self.getUser()

        specialContent = []
        content = []

        def wrap(label, text, title, href, active, enabled):
            """Inner function to be called recursively."""
            if label:
                content.append(H.span(label, cls="label"))

            if active:
                cls = "active"
                elem = "span"
                href = []
                cls = ""
                elem = "a"
                href = [href]

            if not enabled:
                cls = "disabled"
                elem = "span"
                href = []

            fullCls = f"button small {cls}"

            return H.elem(elem, text, *href, cls=fullCls, title=title)

        if not runProd:
            # row of test/pilot users

            enabled = not userActive or isSpecialUser

            for record in sorted(
                Mongo.getList("user", sort="nickname", isSpecial=True),
                key=lambda r: r.nickname,
                user = record.user
                name = record.nickname
                role = self.presentRole(record.role)

                active = user == userActive
                    wrap(None, name, role, f"/alogin?user={user}", active, enabled)

        if userActive:
            # details of logged in user

            details = self.myDetails()
            name = details.nickname
            email =
            userRep = f"{name} - {email}" if email else name
            role = self.presentRole(details.role)
            content.append(wrap("Logged in as", userRep, role, None, True, True))

            # logout button
                wrap(None, "log out", f"log out {name}", "/alogout", False, True)

            # login button
            content.append(wrap(None, "log in", "log in", "/alogin", False, True))

        return (H.content(*specialContent), H.content(*content))

    def presentRole(self, role):
        """Finds the interface representation of a role.

        role: string
            The internal name of the role.

            The name of the role as it should be presented to users.
            If no representation can be found, the internal name is returned.
        Settings = self.Settings
        roles = Settings.auth.roles
        return roles.get(role, role)

    def getInvolvedUsers(self, tableRecordRoles, asString=False):
        """Finds the users involved in a specific role with respect to something.

        By this method you can find the organisers of a project, the editors of
        an edition, the admins of the site, etc.

        table: string
            Either `site`, `project` or `edition`.
            This indicates the kind of thing that the users are related to.
        tableRecordRoles: tuple
            The tuple consists of tuples `(table, record, role)`
            The users connected to that record in that table in that role
            should be added to the list.
            All roles are specified in the `yaml/authorise.yml` file.

        tuple or string
            If `asString` is False, the result is a datastructure:

            *   whether the information can be disclosed to the current users
            *   the representation of that role on the interface.
            *   a tuple:

                Each item is a tuple, corresponding to a user.
                For each user there are the follwoing fields:

                *   user field in the user table
                *   full name
                *   table of the record to which the user is linked
                *   role in which the user is linked to that record

            If `asString` is True, this data structure will be wrapped in HTML.
        Mongo = self.Mongo
        Settings = self.Settings
        H = Settings.H
        auth = Settings.auth

        involvedUsers = []

        for table, record, role in tableRecordRoles:
            roles = auth.roles[table]
            allowed = self.authorise(table, record, action="read")
            users = None

            if allowed and roles is not None and roles.get(role, None) is not None:
                userInfo = Mongo.getList("user", sort="nickname", asDict="user")

                if table == "site":
                    relatedUsers = [
                        uInfo for uInfo in userInfo.values() if uInfo.role == role
                    criteria = {f"{table}Id": record._id, "role": role}
                    relatedUserList = Mongo.getList(f"{table}User", **criteria)
                    relatedUsers = sorted(
                        (userInfo[r.user] for r in relatedUserList),
                        key=lambda x: x.nickname,
                users = tuple((u.user, u.nickname) for u in relatedUsers)

                involvedUsers.append((table, role, users))

        if not asString:
            return tuple(involvedUsers)

        html = []

        seenUsers = set()

        for table, role, users in sorted(involvedUsers, key=lambda x: -len(x[2])):
            if len(users) == 0:

            userIds = {u[0] for u in users}

            if len(userIds - seenUsers) == 0:

            seenUsers |= userIds

            roles = auth.roles[table]
            roleRep = roles[role]

            label = H.i(f"{table} {roleRep}")
            userRep = " or ".join(H.span(name, uid=u) for (u, name) in users)

        return f"ask: {'; '.join(html)}"

    def __loginSpecial(self, referrer, user):
        """Perform the steps to log in a test/pilot/custom user.

        This involves looking up the user in the user table,
        copying its information in the application-context-global `User`,
        and storing the user in the session. After that the user is redirected
        to where he came from.

        referrer: string
            url where we came from.
        user: string
            The "sub" of the test/pilot user that we must log in as.

            A redirect to the referrer, with a status 302 if the log in was
            successful or 303 if not.
        Messages = self.Messages
        Settings = self.Settings
        runMode = Settings.runMode

        if user is None or not self.__findSpecialUser(user):
            return redirectStatus(f"/{referrer}", False)

        sessionSet("user", user)
        name = acg.User.nickname
            logmsg=f"LOGIN successful: {runMode} user {name} {user}",
            msg=f"LOGIN successful: {runMode} user {name}",
        return redirectStatus(f"/{referrer}", True)

    def __loginOidc(self, referrer):
        """Redirect step in logging in normal user.

        This means redirecting the user to a url for which authentication
        is required.

        referrer: string
            url where we came from. We pass this to the private url.

            A redirect to the referrer, with a status 302 if the log in was
            successful or 303 if not.
        return redirectStatus(f"/afterlogin/referrer/{referrer}", True)

    def __findSpecialUser(self, user):
        """Lookup data of a test/pilot user in the MongoDb user table.

        The user is looked up by the `user` field.

        user: string
            The `user` of by which a user is looked up, if not None.

            Whether a user has been found/created.
            If so, the data of that user record is stored in the
            application-context-global `User`.
        Messages = self.Messages
        Mongo = self.Mongo
        User = acg.User

        record = Mongo.getRecord("user", user=user)

        if not record:
            Messages.warning(msg="Unknown user", logmsg=f"Unknown user {user}")
            return False

        for att in PROVIDER_ATTS.values():
            User[att] = record[att]
        User.role = record.role

        return True

    def __findUser(self, user, update=False):
        """Lookup user data in the MongoDb user table.

        The user is looked up by the `user` field.
        Optionally, the user record in MongoDb is updated with attributes from
        the identity provider.

        user: string
            The `user` of by which a user is looked up, if not None.
        update: boolean, optional False
            Whether to update the user record with fresh attributes of the
            identity provider.

            Whether a user has been found/created.
            If so, the data of that user record is stored in the
            application-context-global `User`.
        Mongo = self.Mongo
        oidc = self.oidc
        User = acg.User

        record = Mongo.getRecord("user", user=user, warn=False)
        newUser = None

        if not record:
            newUser = {
                att: oidc.user_getfield(oidcAtt)
                for (oidcAtt, att) in PROVIDER_ATTS.items()
            userId = Mongo.insertRecord("user", role="user", **newUser)
            record = Mongo.getRecord("user", _id=userId)

        for att in PROVIDER_ATTS.values():
            User[att] = record[att]
        User.role = record.role

        if update and not newUser:
            changes = {}
            for oidcAtt, att in PROVIDER_ATTS.items():
                orig = User[att]
                new = oidc.user_getfield(oidcAtt)
                if new is not None and orig != new:
                    changes[att] = new
                    User[att] = new
            if changes:
                Mongo.updateRecord("user", changes, user=User.user)
        return True


Static methods

def initUser()

Initialize the storage that keeps the details of the currently logged-in user.

It will put an empty AttrDict as global in the current application context.

As long as there is no current user, this AttrDict will remain empty. If there is a current user, or a user logs in, it will get a member user, which is the sub as it comes from the OIDC authenticator or from a special login procedure.

It may then also have additional members, such as name and role.

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def initUser():
    """Initialize the storage that keeps the details of the currently
    logged-in user.

    It will put an empty AttrDict as *global* in the current application context.

    As long as there is no current user, this AttrDict will remain empty.
    If there is a current user, or a user logs in, it will get a member
    `user`, which is the *sub* as it comes from the OIDC authenticator or from
    a special login procedure.

    It may then also have additional members, such as `name` and `role`.
    acg.User = AttrDict()

Instance variables

var oidc

The object that gives access to authentication methods.


def addAuthenticator(self, oidc)

Adds the object that gives access to authentication methods.


oidc : object
The object corresponding to the flask app prepared with the Flask-OIDC authenticator.


The object is stored in the oidc member.
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def addAuthenticator(self, oidc):
    """Adds the object that gives access to authentication methods.

    oidc: object
        The object corresponding to the flask app prepared with the
        Flask-OIDC authenticator.

        The object is stored in the `oidc` member.
    self.oidc = oidc
def afterLogin(self, referrer)

Logs in a user.

When this function starts operating, the user has been through the login process provided by the authentication service.

We can now find the user's "sub" and additional attributes in the request context.

We use that information to lookup the user in the MongoDb users table. If the user does not exists, we add a new user record, with this "sub" and these attributes, and role user.

If the user does exists, we check whether we have to update his attributes. If the attributes found in MongoDb differ from those supplied by the authentication service, we update the MongoDb values on the basis of the provider values.


referrer : string
url where we came from.


A redirect to the referrer, with a status 302 if the log in was successful or 303 if not.
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def afterLogin(self, referrer):
    """Logs in a user.

    When this function starts operating, the user has been through the login
    process provided by the authentication service.

    We can now find the user's "sub" and additional attributes in the request

    We use that information to lookup the user in the MongoDb users table.
    If the user does not exists, we add a new user record, with this "sub" and
    these attributes, and role `user`.

    If the user does exists, we check whether we have to update his attributes.
    If the attributes found in MongoDb differ from those supplied by the
    authentication service, we update the MongoDb values on the basis
    of the provider values.

    referrer: string
        url where we came from.

        A redirect to the referrer, with a status 302 if the log in was
        successful or 303 if not.
    Messages = self.Messages
    oidc = self.oidc

    user = None
    referrer = referrer.removeprefix("/")

    if oidc.user_loggedin:
        user = oidc.user_getfield("sub")
        name = oidc.user_getfield("nickname")

    if user is None or not self.__findUser(user, update=True):
            logmsg=f"LOGIN failed for user {user}",
            msg="failed to log in",
        return redirectStatus(f"/{referrer}", False)

    name = acg.User.nickname
        logmsg=f"LOGIN successful: user {name} {user}",
        msg=f"LOGIN successful: user {name}",
    return redirectStatus(f"/{referrer}", True)
def getInvolvedUsers(self, tableRecordRoles, asString=False)

Finds the users involved in a specific role with respect to something.

By this method you can find the organisers of a project, the editors of an edition, the admins of the site, etc.


table : string
Either site, project or edition. This indicates the kind of thing that the users are related to.
tableRecordRoles : tuple
The tuple consists of tuples (table, record, role) The users connected to that record in that table in that role should be added to the list. All roles are specified in the yaml/authorise.yml file.


tuple or string

If asString is False, the result is a datastructure:

  • whether the information can be disclosed to the current users
  • the representation of that role on the interface.
  • a tuple:

    Each item is a tuple, corresponding to a user. For each user there are the follwoing fields:

    • user field in the user table
    • full name
    • table of the record to which the user is linked
    • role in which the user is linked to that record

If asString is True, this data structure will be wrapped in HTML.

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def getInvolvedUsers(self, tableRecordRoles, asString=False):
    """Finds the users involved in a specific role with respect to something.

    By this method you can find the organisers of a project, the editors of
    an edition, the admins of the site, etc.

    table: string
        Either `site`, `project` or `edition`.
        This indicates the kind of thing that the users are related to.
    tableRecordRoles: tuple
        The tuple consists of tuples `(table, record, role)`
        The users connected to that record in that table in that role
        should be added to the list.
        All roles are specified in the `yaml/authorise.yml` file.

    tuple or string
        If `asString` is False, the result is a datastructure:

        *   whether the information can be disclosed to the current users
        *   the representation of that role on the interface.
        *   a tuple:

            Each item is a tuple, corresponding to a user.
            For each user there are the follwoing fields:

            *   user field in the user table
            *   full name
            *   table of the record to which the user is linked
            *   role in which the user is linked to that record

        If `asString` is True, this data structure will be wrapped in HTML.
    Mongo = self.Mongo
    Settings = self.Settings
    H = Settings.H
    auth = Settings.auth

    involvedUsers = []

    for table, record, role in tableRecordRoles:
        roles = auth.roles[table]
        allowed = self.authorise(table, record, action="read")
        users = None

        if allowed and roles is not None and roles.get(role, None) is not None:
            userInfo = Mongo.getList("user", sort="nickname", asDict="user")

            if table == "site":
                relatedUsers = [
                    uInfo for uInfo in userInfo.values() if uInfo.role == role
                criteria = {f"{table}Id": record._id, "role": role}
                relatedUserList = Mongo.getList(f"{table}User", **criteria)
                relatedUsers = sorted(
                    (userInfo[r.user] for r in relatedUserList),
                    key=lambda x: x.nickname,
            users = tuple((u.user, u.nickname) for u in relatedUsers)

            involvedUsers.append((table, role, users))

    if not asString:
        return tuple(involvedUsers)

    html = []

    seenUsers = set()

    for table, role, users in sorted(involvedUsers, key=lambda x: -len(x[2])):
        if len(users) == 0:

        userIds = {u[0] for u in users}

        if len(userIds - seenUsers) == 0:

        seenUsers |= userIds

        roles = auth.roles[table]
        roleRep = roles[role]

        label = H.i(f"{table} {roleRep}")
        userRep = " or ".join(H.span(name, uid=u) for (u, name) in users)

    return f"ask: {'; '.join(html)}"
def getUser(self, fromArg=False)

Obtain the "sub" of the currently logged in user from the request info.

It works for test/pilot users and normal users.


fromArg : boolean, optional False
If True, the test/pilot user is not read from the session, but from a request argument. This is used during the login procedure of test/pilot users.


boolean, string
  • Whether the user is a test/pilot user or a normally authenticated user. None if there is no authenticated user.
  • The "sub" of the user.
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def getUser(self, fromArg=False):
    """Obtain the "sub" of the currently logged in user from the request info.

    It works for test/pilot users and normal users.

    fromArg: boolean, optional False
        If True, the test/pilot user is not read from the session, but from a
        request argument.
        This is used during the login procedure of test/pilot users.

    boolean, string
        *   Whether the user is a test/pilot user or a normally authenticated user.
            None if there is no authenticated user.
        *   The "sub" of the user.
    oidc = self.oidc
    Settings = self.Settings
    runProd = Settings.runProd

    user = None
    isSpecialUser = None

    if not runProd:
        user = requestArg("user") if fromArg else sessionGet("user")
        if user:
            isSpecialUser = True

    if user is None:
        user = oidc.user_getfield("sub") if oidc.user_loggedin else None
        if user:
            isSpecialUser = False

    return (isSpecialUser, user)
def identify(self)

Make sure who is the current user.

Checks whether there is a current user and whether that user is fully known, i.e. in the users table of the mongoDb.

If there is a current user that is unknown to the database, the current user will be cleared.

Otherwise, we make sure that we retrieve the current user's attributes from the database.

No login

We do not try to perform a login of a user, we only check who is the currently logged in user.

A login must be explicitly triggered by the the /login url.

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def identify(self):
    """Make sure who is the current user.

    Checks whether there is a current user and whether that user is fully known,
    i.e. in the users table of the mongoDb.

    If there is a current user that is unknown to the database, the current user
    will be cleared.

    Otherwise, we make sure that we retrieve the current user's attributes from
    the database.

    !!! note "No login"
        We do not try to perform a login of a user,
        we only check who is the currently logged in user.

        A login must be explicitly triggered by the the `/login` url.
    oidc = self.oidc

    (isSpecialUser, user) = self.getUser()

    if user is not None:
        if isSpecialUser:
            if not self.__findSpecialUser(user):
            if not self.__findUser(user, update=False):
def login(self)

Log in a user.

Logging in has several main steps:

  1. redirecting to a private page, for which login is required
  2. obtaining the authentication results when the user visits that page
  3. storing the relevant user data

When we log in special users, we can skip the first step, because we already know everything about the special user on the basis of the information in the request that brought us here.

So, we find out if we have to log in a special user or a user that must be authenticated through oidc.

We only log in a test/pilot user if we are in non-prod mode and the user's "sub" is passed in the request.


A redirect. When logging in in non-prod mode, the redirect is to referrer (the url we came from). Otherwise it is to a url that triggers an oidc login procedure. To that page we pass the referrer as part of the url, so that after login the user can be redirected to the original referrer.
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def login(self):
    """Log in a user.

    Logging in has several main steps:

    1. redirecting to a private page, for which login is required
    2. obtaining the authentication results when the user visits that page
    3. storing the relevant user data

    When we log in special users, we can skip the first step, because
    we already know everything about the special user on the basis of the
    information in the request that brought us here.

    So, we find out if we have to log in a special user or a user that must be
    authenticated through oidc.

    We only log in a test/pilot user if we are in non-prod mode and the user's "sub"
    is passed in the request.

        A redirect. When logging in in non-prod mode, the redirect
        is to *referrer* (the url we came from). Otherwise it is to a url
        that triggers an oidc login procedure. To that page we pass
        the referrer as part of the url, so that after login the user
        can be redirected to the original referrer.
    Messages = self.Messages
    Settings = self.Settings
    runProd = Settings.runProd

    referrer = getReferrer()
    (isSpecialUser, user) = self.getUser(fromArg=True)
    name = acg.User.nickname

    if user and not isSpecialUser and not runProd:
                "LOGIN attempt while an user is already logged in: "
                f"user {name} {user}"
            msg=f"first log out as user {name}",
        return redirectStatus(f"/{referrer}", False)

    return (
        self.__loginSpecial(referrer, requestArg("user"))
        if isSpecialUser
        else self.__loginOidc(referrer)
def logout(self)

Logs off the current user.

First we find out whether we have to log out a test/pilot user or a normal user. After logging out, we redirect to the home page.


A redirect to the home page.
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def logout(self):
    """Logs off the current user.

    First we find out whether we have to log out a test/pilot user or a normal
    After logging out, we redirect to the home page.

        A redirect to the home page.
    oidc = self.oidc
    Settings = self.Settings
    Messages = self.Messages
    name = acg.User.nickname
    runProd = Settings.runProd

    (isSpecialUser, user) = self.getUser()

    if user is None:
        if not runProd:
        Messages.plain(logmsg="LOGOUT but no user was logged in.")
        return redirectStatus("/", False)

    if isSpecialUser:

        logmsg=f"LOGOUT successful: user {name} {user}",
        msg=f"{name} logged out",
    return redirectStatus("/", True)
def myDetails(self)

Who is the currently authenticated user?

The appplication-context-global User is inspected: does it contain a member called user? If so, that is taken as proof that we have a valid user.


Otherwise a copy of the complete User record is returned. unless there is no user member in the current user, then the empty dictionary is returned.
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def myDetails(self):
    """Who is the currently authenticated user?

    The appplication-context-global `User` is inspected:
    does it contain a member called `user`?
    If so, that is taken as proof that we have a valid user.

        Otherwise a copy of the complete `User` record is returned.
        unless there is no `user` member in the current user, then
        the empty dictionary is returned.
    User = acg.User
    return AttrDict(**User) if "user" in User else AttrDict({})
def presentRole(self, role)

Finds the interface representation of a role.


role : string
The internal name of the role.


The name of the role as it should be presented to users. If no representation can be found, the internal name is returned.
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def presentRole(self, role):
    """Finds the interface representation of a role.

    role: string
        The internal name of the role.

        The name of the role as it should be presented to users.
        If no representation can be found, the internal name is returned.
    Settings = self.Settings
    roles = Settings.auth.roles
    return roles.get(role, role)
def wrapLogin(self)

Generate HTML for the login widget.

De task is to generate login/logout buttons.

If the user is logged in, his nickname should be displayed, together with a logout button.

If no user is logged in, a login button should be displayed.

If in non-prod mode, a list of buttons for each test/pilot user should be displayed.


HTML of the list of buttons for test/pilot users, with the button for the current user styled as active.
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def wrapLogin(self):
    """Generate HTML for the login widget.

    De task is to generate login/logout buttons.

    If the user is logged in, his nickname should be displayed, together
    with a logout button.

    If no user is logged in, a login button should be displayed.

    If in non-prod mode, a list of buttons for each test/pilot user should be

        HTML of the list of buttons for test/pilot users, with the button
        for the current user styled as active.
    Settings = self.Settings
    H = Settings.H
    runMode = Settings.runMode
    runProd = Settings.runProd
    Mongo = self.Mongo

    (isSpecialUser, userActive) = self.getUser()

    specialContent = []
    content = []

    def wrap(label, text, title, href, active, enabled):
        """Inner function to be called recursively."""
        if label:
            content.append(H.span(label, cls="label"))

        if active:
            cls = "active"
            elem = "span"
            href = []
            cls = ""
            elem = "a"
            href = [href]

        if not enabled:
            cls = "disabled"
            elem = "span"
            href = []

        fullCls = f"button small {cls}"

        return H.elem(elem, text, *href, cls=fullCls, title=title)

    if not runProd:
        # row of test/pilot users

        enabled = not userActive or isSpecialUser

        for record in sorted(
            Mongo.getList("user", sort="nickname", isSpecial=True),
            key=lambda r: r.nickname,
            user = record.user
            name = record.nickname
            role = self.presentRole(record.role)

            active = user == userActive
                wrap(None, name, role, f"/alogin?user={user}", active, enabled)

    if userActive:
        # details of logged in user

        details = self.myDetails()
        name = details.nickname
        email =
        userRep = f"{name} - {email}" if email else name
        role = self.presentRole(details.role)
        content.append(wrap("Logged in as", userRep, role, None, True, True))

        # logout button
            wrap(None, "log out", f"log out {name}", "/alogout", False, True)

        # login button
        content.append(wrap(None, "log in", "log in", "/alogin", False, True))

    return (H.content(*specialContent), H.content(*content))