Module control.wrap

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# from control.generic import AttrDict

class Wrap:
    def __init__(self, Settings, Messages, Viewers):
        """Wrap concepts into HTML.

        This class knows how to wrap several higher-level concepts into HTML,
        such as projects, editions and users, depending on specific
        purposes, such as showing widgets to manage projects and editions.

        It is instantiated by a singleton object.

        Settings: AttrDict
            App-wide configuration data obtained from
        Messages: object
            Singleton instance of `control.messages.Messages`.
        Viewers: object
            Singleton instance of `control.viewers.Viewers`.
        self.Settings = Settings
        self.Messages = Messages
        self.Viewers = Viewers

    def addAuth(self, Auth):
        """Give this object a handle to the Auth object.

        The Wrap and Auth objects need each other, so one of them must
        be given the handle to the other after initialization.
        self.Auth = Auth

    def addContent(self, Content):
        """Give this object a handle to the Content object.

        The Wrap and Content objects need each other, so one of them must
        be given the handle to the other after initialization.
        self.Content = Content

    def projectsMain(self, site, projects):
        """Wrap the list of projects for the main display.

        site: AttrDict
            The record that corresponds to the site as a whole.
            It acts as a master record of the projects.
        projects: list of AttrDict
            The project records.

            The HTML of the project list
        Settings = self.Settings
        H = Settings.H
        representations = Settings.representations
        css = Settings.css
        Auth = self.Auth
        Content = self.Content

        wrapped = []
            H.p(self.contentButton("site", site, "create", insertTable="project"))

        for project in projects:
            projectId = project._id
            permitted = Auth.authorise("project", project, action="read")

            if not permitted:

            title = project.title

            if not title:
                title = H("no title")

            stat = project.isVisible or False
            status = representations.isVisible[stat]
            statusCls = css.isVisible[stat]

            projectUrl = f"/project/{projectId}"
            button = self.contentButton("project", project, "delete", confirm=True)
            visual = Content.getUpload(project, "iconProject")
            caption = self.getCaption(
                visual, title, status, statusCls, button, projectUrl


        return H.content(*wrapped)

    def editionsMain(self, project, editions):
        """Wrap the list of editions of a project for the main display.

        project: AttrDict
            The master project record of the editions.
        editions: list of AttrDict
            The edition records.

            The HTML of the edition list
        Settings = self.Settings
        H = Settings.H
        representations = Settings.representations
        css = Settings.css
        Auth = self.Auth
        Content = self.Content

        wrapped = []

        for edition in editions:
            editionId = edition._id
            permitted = Auth.authorise("edition", record=edition, action="read")
            if not permitted:

            title = edition.title
            if not title:
                title = H("no title")
            stat = edition.isPublished or False
            status = representations.isPublished[stat]
            statusCls = css.isPublished[stat]

            editionUrl = f"/edition/{editionId}"
            button = self.contentButton("edition", edition, "delete", confirm=True)
            visual = Content.getUpload(edition, "iconEdition")
            caption = self.getCaption(
                visual, title, status, statusCls, button, editionUrl

            H.p(self.contentButton("project", project, "create", insertTable="edition"))
        return H.content(*wrapped)

    def sceneMain(
        self, projectId, edition, sceneFile, viewer, version, action, sceneExists
        """Wrap the scene of an edition for the main display.

        projectId: ObjectId
            The id of the project to which the edition belongs.
        edition: AttrDict
            The edition record of the scene.
        viewer: string
            The viewer that will be used.
        version: string
            The version of the chosen viewer that will be used.
        action: string
            The mode in which the viewer should be opened.
        sceneExists: boolean
            Whether the scene file exists

            The HTML of the scene
        Settings = self.Settings
        H = Settings.H
        Auth = self.Auth
        Viewers = self.Viewers

        actions = Auth.authorise("edition", edition)
        if "read" not in actions:
            return ""

        wrapped = []

        titleText = H.span(sceneFile, cls="entrytitle")
        button = self.contentButton("edition", edition, "delete", confirm=True)

        (frame, buttons) = Viewers.getFrame(
            edition, actions, viewer, version, action, sceneExists
        title = H.span(titleText, cls="entrytitle")
        content = f"""{frame}{title}{buttons}"""
        caption = self.wrapCaption(content, button, None, active=True)

        return H.content(*wrapped)

    def getCaption(self, visual, titleText, status, statusCls, button, url):
        """Produces a caption of a project or edition.

        visual: string
            A link to an image to display in the caption.
        titleText: string
            The text on the caption.
        status: string
            The status of the project/edition: visible/hidden/published/in progress.
            The exact names
        statusCls: string
            The CSS class corresponding to `status`
        button: string
            Control for a certain action, or empty if the user is not authorised.
        url: string
            The url to navigate to if the user clicks the caption.
        Settings = self.Settings
        H = Settings.H

        title = H.span(titleText, cls="entrytitle")
        content = H.a(f"{visual}{title}", url, cls="entry")
        statusBadge = H.div(status, cls=f"pestatus {statusCls}")

        return self.wrapCaption(content, statusBadge, button)

    def wrapCaption(self, content, statusBadge, button, active=False):
        """Assembles a caption from building blocks."""
        Settings = self.Settings
        H = Settings.H

        activeCls = "active" if active else ""
        rest = []
        if statusBadge is not None:

        return H.div(
            [H.div(content, cls=f"caption {activeCls}"), *rest], cls="captioncontent"

    def contentButton(
        """Puts a button on the interface, if that makes sense.

        The button, when pressed, will lead to an action on certain content.
        It will be checked first if that action is allowed for the current user.
        If not the button will not be shown.

        !!! note "Delete buttons"
            Even if a user is authorised to delete a record,
            it is not allowed to delete master records if its detail records
            still exist.
            In that case, no delete button is displayed. Instead we display a count
            of detail records.

        !!! note "Create buttons"
            When placing a create button, the relevant record acts as the master
            record, to which the newly created record will be added as a detail.

        table: string
            The relevant table.
        record: string | ObjectId | AttrDict
            The relevant record.
        action: string
            The type of action that will be performed if the button triggered.
        permitted: boolean, optional None
            If the permission for the action is already known before calling
            this function, it is passed here.
            If this parameter is None, we'll compute the permission.
        insertTable: string, optional None
            If the action is "create", this is the table in which a record
            get inserted. The `table` and `record` arguments are then
            supposed to specify the *master* record of the newly inserted record.
            Needed to determine whether a press on the button is permitted.
        key: string, optional None
            If present, it identifies a field that is stored inside the
        href: string, optional None
            If present, contains the href attribute for the button.
        confirm: boolean, optional False
            Whether to ask the user for confirmation
        Auth = self.Auth
        Content = self.Content

        recordId = record._id

        permitted = (
            Auth.authorise(table, record, action=action, insertTable=insertTable)
            if permitted is None
            else permitted

        if not permitted:
            return ""

        Settings = self.Settings
        H = Settings.H
        actions = Settings.auth.actions

        disable = False
        report = ""

        if action == "delete":
            details = Content.getDetailRecords(table, record)
            if len(details):
                disable = True
                detailContent = []
                for (detailTable, detailRecords) in details.items():
                    nDetails = len(detailRecords)
                    plural = "" if nDetails == 1 else "s"
                    detailRep = detailTable + plural

                report = H.div(
                        H.span(thisContent, cls="dreport") +
                        for thisContent in detailContent
                report = + report

        actionInfo = actions.get(action, {})
        name =
        keyRepTip = "" if key is None else f" {key} of"
        keyRepUrl = "" if key is None else f"/{key}"

        can = "Cannot " if disable else ""
        cls = "disabled " if disable else ""

        if action == "create":
            href = f"/{table}/{recordId}/{insertTable}/create" if href is None else href
            tip = f"{name} new {insertTable}"
            href = f"/{table}/{recordId}{keyRepUrl}/{action}" if href is None else href
            tip = f"{can}{name}{keyRepTip} this {table}"

        confirmAtt = {}

        if disable:
            href = None
            confirmAtt = dict(confirm="v" if confirm else "x")

        fullCls = f"button small {cls}"
        return (
            H.iconx(action, href=href, title=tip, cls=fullCls, **confirmAtt) + report


class Wrap (Settings, Messages, Viewers)

Wrap concepts into HTML.

This class knows how to wrap several higher-level concepts into HTML, such as projects, editions and users, depending on specific purposes, such as showing widgets to manage projects and editions.

It is instantiated by a singleton object.


Settings : AttrDict
App-wide configuration data obtained from Config.Settings.
Messages : object
Singleton instance of Messages.
Viewers : object
Singleton instance of Viewers.
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class Wrap:
    def __init__(self, Settings, Messages, Viewers):
        """Wrap concepts into HTML.

        This class knows how to wrap several higher-level concepts into HTML,
        such as projects, editions and users, depending on specific
        purposes, such as showing widgets to manage projects and editions.

        It is instantiated by a singleton object.

        Settings: AttrDict
            App-wide configuration data obtained from
        Messages: object
            Singleton instance of `control.messages.Messages`.
        Viewers: object
            Singleton instance of `control.viewers.Viewers`.
        self.Settings = Settings
        self.Messages = Messages
        self.Viewers = Viewers

    def addAuth(self, Auth):
        """Give this object a handle to the Auth object.

        The Wrap and Auth objects need each other, so one of them must
        be given the handle to the other after initialization.
        self.Auth = Auth

    def addContent(self, Content):
        """Give this object a handle to the Content object.

        The Wrap and Content objects need each other, so one of them must
        be given the handle to the other after initialization.
        self.Content = Content

    def projectsMain(self, site, projects):
        """Wrap the list of projects for the main display.

        site: AttrDict
            The record that corresponds to the site as a whole.
            It acts as a master record of the projects.
        projects: list of AttrDict
            The project records.

            The HTML of the project list
        Settings = self.Settings
        H = Settings.H
        representations = Settings.representations
        css = Settings.css
        Auth = self.Auth
        Content = self.Content

        wrapped = []
            H.p(self.contentButton("site", site, "create", insertTable="project"))

        for project in projects:
            projectId = project._id
            permitted = Auth.authorise("project", project, action="read")

            if not permitted:

            title = project.title

            if not title:
                title = H("no title")

            stat = project.isVisible or False
            status = representations.isVisible[stat]
            statusCls = css.isVisible[stat]

            projectUrl = f"/project/{projectId}"
            button = self.contentButton("project", project, "delete", confirm=True)
            visual = Content.getUpload(project, "iconProject")
            caption = self.getCaption(
                visual, title, status, statusCls, button, projectUrl


        return H.content(*wrapped)

    def editionsMain(self, project, editions):
        """Wrap the list of editions of a project for the main display.

        project: AttrDict
            The master project record of the editions.
        editions: list of AttrDict
            The edition records.

            The HTML of the edition list
        Settings = self.Settings
        H = Settings.H
        representations = Settings.representations
        css = Settings.css
        Auth = self.Auth
        Content = self.Content

        wrapped = []

        for edition in editions:
            editionId = edition._id
            permitted = Auth.authorise("edition", record=edition, action="read")
            if not permitted:

            title = edition.title
            if not title:
                title = H("no title")
            stat = edition.isPublished or False
            status = representations.isPublished[stat]
            statusCls = css.isPublished[stat]

            editionUrl = f"/edition/{editionId}"
            button = self.contentButton("edition", edition, "delete", confirm=True)
            visual = Content.getUpload(edition, "iconEdition")
            caption = self.getCaption(
                visual, title, status, statusCls, button, editionUrl

            H.p(self.contentButton("project", project, "create", insertTable="edition"))
        return H.content(*wrapped)

    def sceneMain(
        self, projectId, edition, sceneFile, viewer, version, action, sceneExists
        """Wrap the scene of an edition for the main display.

        projectId: ObjectId
            The id of the project to which the edition belongs.
        edition: AttrDict
            The edition record of the scene.
        viewer: string
            The viewer that will be used.
        version: string
            The version of the chosen viewer that will be used.
        action: string
            The mode in which the viewer should be opened.
        sceneExists: boolean
            Whether the scene file exists

            The HTML of the scene
        Settings = self.Settings
        H = Settings.H
        Auth = self.Auth
        Viewers = self.Viewers

        actions = Auth.authorise("edition", edition)
        if "read" not in actions:
            return ""

        wrapped = []

        titleText = H.span(sceneFile, cls="entrytitle")
        button = self.contentButton("edition", edition, "delete", confirm=True)

        (frame, buttons) = Viewers.getFrame(
            edition, actions, viewer, version, action, sceneExists
        title = H.span(titleText, cls="entrytitle")
        content = f"""{frame}{title}{buttons}"""
        caption = self.wrapCaption(content, button, None, active=True)

        return H.content(*wrapped)

    def getCaption(self, visual, titleText, status, statusCls, button, url):
        """Produces a caption of a project or edition.

        visual: string
            A link to an image to display in the caption.
        titleText: string
            The text on the caption.
        status: string
            The status of the project/edition: visible/hidden/published/in progress.
            The exact names
        statusCls: string
            The CSS class corresponding to `status`
        button: string
            Control for a certain action, or empty if the user is not authorised.
        url: string
            The url to navigate to if the user clicks the caption.
        Settings = self.Settings
        H = Settings.H

        title = H.span(titleText, cls="entrytitle")
        content = H.a(f"{visual}{title}", url, cls="entry")
        statusBadge = H.div(status, cls=f"pestatus {statusCls}")

        return self.wrapCaption(content, statusBadge, button)

    def wrapCaption(self, content, statusBadge, button, active=False):
        """Assembles a caption from building blocks."""
        Settings = self.Settings
        H = Settings.H

        activeCls = "active" if active else ""
        rest = []
        if statusBadge is not None:

        return H.div(
            [H.div(content, cls=f"caption {activeCls}"), *rest], cls="captioncontent"

    def contentButton(
        """Puts a button on the interface, if that makes sense.

        The button, when pressed, will lead to an action on certain content.
        It will be checked first if that action is allowed for the current user.
        If not the button will not be shown.

        !!! note "Delete buttons"
            Even if a user is authorised to delete a record,
            it is not allowed to delete master records if its detail records
            still exist.
            In that case, no delete button is displayed. Instead we display a count
            of detail records.

        !!! note "Create buttons"
            When placing a create button, the relevant record acts as the master
            record, to which the newly created record will be added as a detail.

        table: string
            The relevant table.
        record: string | ObjectId | AttrDict
            The relevant record.
        action: string
            The type of action that will be performed if the button triggered.
        permitted: boolean, optional None
            If the permission for the action is already known before calling
            this function, it is passed here.
            If this parameter is None, we'll compute the permission.
        insertTable: string, optional None
            If the action is "create", this is the table in which a record
            get inserted. The `table` and `record` arguments are then
            supposed to specify the *master* record of the newly inserted record.
            Needed to determine whether a press on the button is permitted.
        key: string, optional None
            If present, it identifies a field that is stored inside the
        href: string, optional None
            If present, contains the href attribute for the button.
        confirm: boolean, optional False
            Whether to ask the user for confirmation
        Auth = self.Auth
        Content = self.Content

        recordId = record._id

        permitted = (
            Auth.authorise(table, record, action=action, insertTable=insertTable)
            if permitted is None
            else permitted

        if not permitted:
            return ""

        Settings = self.Settings
        H = Settings.H
        actions = Settings.auth.actions

        disable = False
        report = ""

        if action == "delete":
            details = Content.getDetailRecords(table, record)
            if len(details):
                disable = True
                detailContent = []
                for (detailTable, detailRecords) in details.items():
                    nDetails = len(detailRecords)
                    plural = "" if nDetails == 1 else "s"
                    detailRep = detailTable + plural

                report = H.div(
                        H.span(thisContent, cls="dreport") +
                        for thisContent in detailContent
                report = + report

        actionInfo = actions.get(action, {})
        name =
        keyRepTip = "" if key is None else f" {key} of"
        keyRepUrl = "" if key is None else f"/{key}"

        can = "Cannot " if disable else ""
        cls = "disabled " if disable else ""

        if action == "create":
            href = f"/{table}/{recordId}/{insertTable}/create" if href is None else href
            tip = f"{name} new {insertTable}"
            href = f"/{table}/{recordId}{keyRepUrl}/{action}" if href is None else href
            tip = f"{can}{name}{keyRepTip} this {table}"

        confirmAtt = {}

        if disable:
            href = None
            confirmAtt = dict(confirm="v" if confirm else "x")

        fullCls = f"button small {cls}"
        return (
            H.iconx(action, href=href, title=tip, cls=fullCls, **confirmAtt) + report


def addAuth(self, Auth)

Give this object a handle to the Auth object.

The Wrap and Auth objects need each other, so one of them must be given the handle to the other after initialization.

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def addAuth(self, Auth):
    """Give this object a handle to the Auth object.

    The Wrap and Auth objects need each other, so one of them must
    be given the handle to the other after initialization.
    self.Auth = Auth
def addContent(self, Content)

Give this object a handle to the Content object.

The Wrap and Content objects need each other, so one of them must be given the handle to the other after initialization.

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def addContent(self, Content):
    """Give this object a handle to the Content object.

    The Wrap and Content objects need each other, so one of them must
    be given the handle to the other after initialization.
    self.Content = Content
def contentButton(self, table, record, action, permitted=None, confirm=False, insertTable=None, key=None, href=None)

Puts a button on the interface, if that makes sense.

The button, when pressed, will lead to an action on certain content. It will be checked first if that action is allowed for the current user. If not the button will not be shown.

Delete buttons

Even if a user is authorised to delete a record, it is not allowed to delete master records if its detail records still exist. In that case, no delete button is displayed. Instead we display a count of detail records.

Create buttons

When placing a create button, the relevant record acts as the master record, to which the newly created record will be added as a detail.


table : string
The relevant table.
record : string | ObjectId | AttrDict
The relevant record.
action : string
The type of action that will be performed if the button triggered.
permitted : boolean, optional None
If the permission for the action is already known before calling this function, it is passed here. If this parameter is None, we'll compute the permission.
insertTable : string, optional None
If the action is "create", this is the table in which a record get inserted. The table and record arguments are then supposed to specify the master record of the newly inserted record. Needed to determine whether a press on the button is permitted.
key : string, optional None
If present, it identifies a field that is stored inside the record.
href : string, optional None
If present, contains the href attribute for the button.
confirm : boolean, optional False
Whether to ask the user for confirmation
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def contentButton(
    """Puts a button on the interface, if that makes sense.

    The button, when pressed, will lead to an action on certain content.
    It will be checked first if that action is allowed for the current user.
    If not the button will not be shown.

    !!! note "Delete buttons"
        Even if a user is authorised to delete a record,
        it is not allowed to delete master records if its detail records
        still exist.
        In that case, no delete button is displayed. Instead we display a count
        of detail records.

    !!! note "Create buttons"
        When placing a create button, the relevant record acts as the master
        record, to which the newly created record will be added as a detail.

    table: string
        The relevant table.
    record: string | ObjectId | AttrDict
        The relevant record.
    action: string
        The type of action that will be performed if the button triggered.
    permitted: boolean, optional None
        If the permission for the action is already known before calling
        this function, it is passed here.
        If this parameter is None, we'll compute the permission.
    insertTable: string, optional None
        If the action is "create", this is the table in which a record
        get inserted. The `table` and `record` arguments are then
        supposed to specify the *master* record of the newly inserted record.
        Needed to determine whether a press on the button is permitted.
    key: string, optional None
        If present, it identifies a field that is stored inside the
    href: string, optional None
        If present, contains the href attribute for the button.
    confirm: boolean, optional False
        Whether to ask the user for confirmation
    Auth = self.Auth
    Content = self.Content

    recordId = record._id

    permitted = (
        Auth.authorise(table, record, action=action, insertTable=insertTable)
        if permitted is None
        else permitted

    if not permitted:
        return ""

    Settings = self.Settings
    H = Settings.H
    actions = Settings.auth.actions

    disable = False
    report = ""

    if action == "delete":
        details = Content.getDetailRecords(table, record)
        if len(details):
            disable = True
            detailContent = []
            for (detailTable, detailRecords) in details.items():
                nDetails = len(detailRecords)
                plural = "" if nDetails == 1 else "s"
                detailRep = detailTable + plural

            report = H.div(
                    H.span(thisContent, cls="dreport") +
                    for thisContent in detailContent
            report = + report

    actionInfo = actions.get(action, {})
    name =
    keyRepTip = "" if key is None else f" {key} of"
    keyRepUrl = "" if key is None else f"/{key}"

    can = "Cannot " if disable else ""
    cls = "disabled " if disable else ""

    if action == "create":
        href = f"/{table}/{recordId}/{insertTable}/create" if href is None else href
        tip = f"{name} new {insertTable}"
        href = f"/{table}/{recordId}{keyRepUrl}/{action}" if href is None else href
        tip = f"{can}{name}{keyRepTip} this {table}"

    confirmAtt = {}

    if disable:
        href = None
        confirmAtt = dict(confirm="v" if confirm else "x")

    fullCls = f"button small {cls}"
    return (
        H.iconx(action, href=href, title=tip, cls=fullCls, **confirmAtt) + report
def editionsMain(self, project, editions)

Wrap the list of editions of a project for the main display.


project : AttrDict
The master project record of the editions.
editions : list of AttrDict
The edition records.


The HTML of the edition list
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def editionsMain(self, project, editions):
    """Wrap the list of editions of a project for the main display.

    project: AttrDict
        The master project record of the editions.
    editions: list of AttrDict
        The edition records.

        The HTML of the edition list
    Settings = self.Settings
    H = Settings.H
    representations = Settings.representations
    css = Settings.css
    Auth = self.Auth
    Content = self.Content

    wrapped = []

    for edition in editions:
        editionId = edition._id
        permitted = Auth.authorise("edition", record=edition, action="read")
        if not permitted:

        title = edition.title
        if not title:
            title = H("no title")
        stat = edition.isPublished or False
        status = representations.isPublished[stat]
        statusCls = css.isPublished[stat]

        editionUrl = f"/edition/{editionId}"
        button = self.contentButton("edition", edition, "delete", confirm=True)
        visual = Content.getUpload(edition, "iconEdition")
        caption = self.getCaption(
            visual, title, status, statusCls, button, editionUrl

        H.p(self.contentButton("project", project, "create", insertTable="edition"))
    return H.content(*wrapped)
def getCaption(self, visual, titleText, status, statusCls, button, url)

Produces a caption of a project or edition.


visual : string
A link to an image to display in the caption.
titleText : string
The text on the caption.
status : string
The status of the project/edition: visible/hidden/published/in progress. The exact names
statusCls : string
The CSS class corresponding to status
button : string
Control for a certain action, or empty if the user is not authorised.
url : string
The url to navigate to if the user clicks the caption.
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def getCaption(self, visual, titleText, status, statusCls, button, url):
    """Produces a caption of a project or edition.

    visual: string
        A link to an image to display in the caption.
    titleText: string
        The text on the caption.
    status: string
        The status of the project/edition: visible/hidden/published/in progress.
        The exact names
    statusCls: string
        The CSS class corresponding to `status`
    button: string
        Control for a certain action, or empty if the user is not authorised.
    url: string
        The url to navigate to if the user clicks the caption.
    Settings = self.Settings
    H = Settings.H

    title = H.span(titleText, cls="entrytitle")
    content = H.a(f"{visual}{title}", url, cls="entry")
    statusBadge = H.div(status, cls=f"pestatus {statusCls}")

    return self.wrapCaption(content, statusBadge, button)
def projectsMain(self, site, projects)

Wrap the list of projects for the main display.


site : AttrDict
The record that corresponds to the site as a whole. It acts as a master record of the projects.
projects : list of AttrDict
The project records.


The HTML of the project list
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def projectsMain(self, site, projects):
    """Wrap the list of projects for the main display.

    site: AttrDict
        The record that corresponds to the site as a whole.
        It acts as a master record of the projects.
    projects: list of AttrDict
        The project records.

        The HTML of the project list
    Settings = self.Settings
    H = Settings.H
    representations = Settings.representations
    css = Settings.css
    Auth = self.Auth
    Content = self.Content

    wrapped = []
        H.p(self.contentButton("site", site, "create", insertTable="project"))

    for project in projects:
        projectId = project._id
        permitted = Auth.authorise("project", project, action="read")

        if not permitted:

        title = project.title

        if not title:
            title = H("no title")

        stat = project.isVisible or False
        status = representations.isVisible[stat]
        statusCls = css.isVisible[stat]

        projectUrl = f"/project/{projectId}"
        button = self.contentButton("project", project, "delete", confirm=True)
        visual = Content.getUpload(project, "iconProject")
        caption = self.getCaption(
            visual, title, status, statusCls, button, projectUrl


    return H.content(*wrapped)
def sceneMain(self, projectId, edition, sceneFile, viewer, version, action, sceneExists)

Wrap the scene of an edition for the main display.


projectId : ObjectId
The id of the project to which the edition belongs.
edition : AttrDict
The edition record of the scene.
viewer : string
The viewer that will be used.
version : string
The version of the chosen viewer that will be used.
action : string
The mode in which the viewer should be opened.
sceneExists : boolean
Whether the scene file exists


The HTML of the scene
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def sceneMain(
    self, projectId, edition, sceneFile, viewer, version, action, sceneExists
    """Wrap the scene of an edition for the main display.

    projectId: ObjectId
        The id of the project to which the edition belongs.
    edition: AttrDict
        The edition record of the scene.
    viewer: string
        The viewer that will be used.
    version: string
        The version of the chosen viewer that will be used.
    action: string
        The mode in which the viewer should be opened.
    sceneExists: boolean
        Whether the scene file exists

        The HTML of the scene
    Settings = self.Settings
    H = Settings.H
    Auth = self.Auth
    Viewers = self.Viewers

    actions = Auth.authorise("edition", edition)
    if "read" not in actions:
        return ""

    wrapped = []

    titleText = H.span(sceneFile, cls="entrytitle")
    button = self.contentButton("edition", edition, "delete", confirm=True)

    (frame, buttons) = Viewers.getFrame(
        edition, actions, viewer, version, action, sceneExists
    title = H.span(titleText, cls="entrytitle")
    content = f"""{frame}{title}{buttons}"""
    caption = self.wrapCaption(content, button, None, active=True)

    return H.content(*wrapped)
def wrapCaption(self, content, statusBadge, button, active=False)

Assembles a caption from building blocks.

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def wrapCaption(self, content, statusBadge, button, active=False):
    """Assembles a caption from building blocks."""
    Settings = self.Settings
    H = Settings.H

    activeCls = "active" if active else ""
    rest = []
    if statusBadge is not None:

    return H.div(
        [H.div(content, cls=f"caption {activeCls}"), *rest], cls="captioncontent"