Module control.datamodel

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from markdown import markdown

from control.generic import AttrDict, now
from control.files import fileExists, listFilesAccepted, writeYaml

class Datamodel:
    def __init__(self, Settings, Messages, Mongo):
        """Datamodel related operations.

        This class has methods to manipulate various pieces of content
        in the data sources, and hand it over to higher level objects.

        It can find out dependencies between related records, and it knows
        a thing or two about fields.

        It is instantiated by a singleton object.

        It has a method which is a factory for `control.datamodel.Field` objects,
        which deal with individual fields.

        Likewise it has a factory function for `control.datamodel.Upload` objects,
        which deal with file uploads.

        Settings: AttrDict
            App-wide configuration data obtained from
        Messages: object
            Singleton instance of `control.messages.Messages`.
        Mongo: object
            Singleton instance of `control.mongo.Mongo`.
        self.Settings = Settings
        self.Messages = Messages
        self.Mongo = Mongo

        datamodel = Settings.datamodel
        self.detailMaster = datamodel.detailMaster
        self.masterDetail = datamodel.masterDetail
        self.mainLink = datamodel.mainLink
        self.fieldsConfig = datamodel.fields
        self.uploadsConfig = datamodel.uploads
        self.fieldObjects = AttrDict()
        self.uploadObjects = AttrDict()

    def relevant(self, project=None, edition=None):
        """Get a relevant record and the table to which it belongs.

        A relevant record is either a project record, or an edition record,
        or the one and only site record.

        If all optional parameters are None, we look for the site record.
        If the project parameter is not None, we look for the project record.

        This is the inverse of `context()`.

        project: string | ObjectId | AttrDict, optional None
            The project whose record we need.
        edition: string | ObjectId | AttrDict, optional None
            The edition whose record we need.

            * table: string; the table in which the record is found
            * record id: string; the id of the record
            * record: AttrDict; the record itself

            If both project and edition are not None
        Settings = self.Settings
        Mongo = self.Mongo

        if edition is not None:
            table = "edition"
            (recordId, record) = Mongo.get(table, edition)
        elif project is not None:
            table = "project"
            (recordId, record) = Mongo.get(table, project)
            table = "site"
            siteCrit = Settings.siteCrit
            record = Mongo.getRecord(table, **siteCrit)
            recordId = record._id

        return (table, recordId, record)

    def context(self, table, record):
        """Get the context of a record.

        Get the project and edition records to which the record belongs.

        table: string
            The table in which the record sits.
        record: string
            The record.

        This is the inverse of `relevant()`.

        tuple of tuple
            (siteId, site, projectId, project, editionId, edition)
        Mongo = self.Mongo

        (recordId, record) = Mongo.get(table, record)
        if recordId is None:
            return (None, None, None, None, None, None)

        if table == "site":
            (editionId, edition) = (None, None)
            (projectId, project) = (None, None)
            (siteId, site) = (recordId, record)
        elif table == "project":
            (editionId, edition) = (None, None)
            (projectId, project) = (recordId, record)
            (siteId, site) = Mongo.get("site", record.siteId)
        elif table == "edition":
            (editionId, edition) = (recordId, record)
            (projectId, project) = Mongo.get("project", record.projectId)
            (siteId, site) = Mongo.get("site", project.siteId)

        return (siteId, site, projectId, project, editionId, edition)

    def getDetailRecords(self, masterTable, master):
        """Retrieve the detail records of a master record.

        It finds all records that have a field containing an id of the
        given master record. But not those in cross-link records.

        Details are not retrieved recursively, only the direct details
        of a master are fetched.

        masterTable: string
            The name of the table in which the master record lives.
        master: string | ObjectId | AttrDict
            The master record.

            The list of detail records, categorized by detail table in which
            they occur. The detail tables are the keys, the lists of records
            in those tables are the values.
            If the master record cannot be found or if there are no detail
            records, the empty dict is returned.
        Mongo = self.Mongo
        masterDetail = self.masterDetail

        detailTable = masterDetail[masterTable]
        if detailTable is None:
            return AttrDict()

        (masterId, master) = Mongo.get(masterTable, master)
        if masterId is None:
            return AttrDict()

        crit = {f"{masterTable}Id": masterId}

        detailRecords = AttrDict()

        details = Mongo.getList(detailTable, **crit)
        if len(details):
            detailRecords[detailTable] = details

        return detailRecords

    def getUserWork(self, user):
        """Gets the number of project and edition records of a user.

        We will not delete users if the user is linked to a project or edition.
        This function counts how many projects and editions a user is linked to.

        user: string
            The name of the user (field `user` in the record)

            The number of projects
            The number of editions
        Mongo = self.Mongo
        nProjects = len(Mongo.getList("projectUser", user=user))
        nEditions = len(Mongo.getList("EditionUser", user=user))
        return (nProjects, nEditions)

    def getLinkedCrit(self, table, record):
        """Produce criteria to retrieve the linked records of a record.

        It finds all cross-linked records containing an id of the
        given record.

        So no detail records.

        table: string
            The name of the table in which the record lives.
        record: string | ObjectId | AttrDict
            The record.

            Keys: tables in which linked records exist.
            Values: the criteria to find those linked records in that table.
        Mongo = self.Mongo
        mainLink = self.mainLink

        linkTables = mainLink[table]
        if linkTables is None:
            return AttrDict()

        (recordId, record) = Mongo.get(table, record)
        if recordId is None:
            return AttrDict()

        crit = {f"{table}Id": recordId}

        linkCriteria = AttrDict()

        for linkTable in linkTables:
            linkCriteria[linkTable] = crit

        return linkCriteria

    def makeField(self, key):
        """Make a field object and registers it.

        An instance of class `control.datamodel.Field` is created,
        geared to this particular field.

        !!! note "Idempotent"
            If the Field object is already registered, nothing is done.

        key: string
            Identifier for the field.
            The configuration for this field will be retrieved using this key.
            The new field object will be stored under this key.

            The resulting Field object.
            It is also added to the `fieldObjects` member.
        Settings = self.Settings

        fieldObjects = self.fieldObjects

        fieldObject = fieldObjects[key]
        if fieldObject:
            return fieldObject

        Messages = self.Messages
        Mongo = self.Mongo
        fieldsConfig = self.fieldsConfig

        fieldsConfig = fieldsConfig[key]
        if fieldsConfig is None:
            Messages.error(logmsg=f"Unknown field key '{key}'")

        fieldObject = Field(Settings, Messages, Mongo, self, key, **fieldsConfig)
        fieldObjects[key] = fieldObject
        return fieldObject

    def getFieldObject(self, key):
        """Get a field object.

        key: string
            The key of the field object

        object | void
            The field object found under the given key, if present, otherwise None
        return self.fieldObjects[key]

    def makeUpload(self, key, fileName=None):
        """Make a file upload object and registers it.

        An instance of class `control.datamodel.Upload` is created,
        geared to this particular field.

        !!! note "Idempotent"
            If the Upload object is already registered, nothing is done.

        key: string
            Identifier for the upload.
            The configuration for this upload will be retrieved using this key.
            The new upload object will be stored under this key.
        fileName: string, optional None
            If present, it indicates that the uploaded file will have this prescribed
            A file name for an upload object may also have been specified in
            the datamodel configuration.

            The resulting Upload object.
            It is also added to the `uploadObjects` member.
        Settings = self.Settings

        uploadObjects = self.uploadObjects
        uploadsConfig = self.uploadsConfig

        if fileName is None:
            fileName = uploadsConfig.get(key, AttrDict()).fileName

        uploadObject = uploadObjects[(key, fileName)]
        if uploadObject:
            return uploadObject

        Messages = self.Messages
        Mongo = self.Mongo
        uploadsConfig = self.uploadsConfig

        uploadsConfig = AttrDict(**uploadsConfig[key])
        if uploadsConfig is None:
            Messages.error(logmsg=f"Unknown upload key '{key}'")
        if fileName is not None:
            uploadsConfig["fileName"] = fileName

        uploadObject = Upload(Settings, Messages, Mongo, key, **uploadsConfig)
        uploadObjects[(key, fileName)] = uploadObject
        return uploadObject

    def getUploadConfig(self, key):
        """Get an upload config.

        key: string
            The key of the upload config

        object | void
            The upload config found under the given key and file name, if
            present, otherwise None
        return self.uploadsConfig[key]

    def getUploadObject(self, key, fileName=None):
        """Get an upload object.

        key: string
            The key of the upload object
        fileName: string, optional None
            The file name of the upload object.
            If not passed, the file name is derived from the config of the key.

        object | void
            The upload object found under the given key and file name, if
            present, otherwise None
        if fileName is None:
            fileName = self.uploadsConfig[key].fileName
        return self.uploadObjects[(key, fileName)]

class Field:
    def __init__(self, Settings, Messages, Mongo, Datamodel, key, **kwargs):
        """Handle field business.

        A Field object does not correspond with an individual field in a record.
        It represents a *column*, i.e. a set of fields with the same name in all
        records of a table.

        First of all there is a method to retrieve the value of the field from
        a specific record.

        Then there are methods to deliver those values, either bare or formatted,
        to produce edit widgets to modify the values, and handlers to save

        How to do this is steered by the specification of the field by keys and
        values that are stored in this object.

        All field access should be guarded by the authorisation rules.

        kwargs: dict
            Field configuration arguments.
            It certain parts of the field configuration
            are not present, defaults will be provided.
        self.Settings = Settings
        self.Messages = Messages
        self.Mongo = Mongo
        self.Datamodel = Datamodel

        self.key = key
        """The identifier of this field within the app.

        self.nameSpace = ""
        """The first key to access the field data in a record.

        Example `dc` (Dublin Core). So if a record has Dublin Core
        metadata, we expect that metadata to exist under key `dc` in that record.

        If the namespace is `""`, it is assumed that we can dig up the values without
        going into a namespace sub-record first.

        self.fieldPath = key
        """Compound selector in a nested dict.

        A string of keys, separated by `.`, which will be used to drill down
        into a nested dict. At the end of the path we find the selected value.

        This field selection is applied after the name space selection
        (if `nameSpace` is not the empty string).
        """ = "string"
        """The value type of the field.

        Value types can be string, integer, but also date times, and values
        from an other table (value lists), or structured values.

        self.caption = key
        """A caption that may be displayed with the field value.

        The caption may be a literal string with or without a placeholder `{}`.

        If there is no place holder, the caption will precede the content of
        the field.

        If there is a placeholder, the content will replace the place holder
        in the caption.

        for (arg, value) in kwargs.items():
            if value is not None:
                setattr(self, arg, value)

    def logical(self, record):
        """Give the logical value of the field in a record.

        record: string | ObjectId | AttrDict
            The record in which the field value is stored.

            Whatever the value is that we find for that field.
            No conversion/casting to other types will be performed.
            If the field is not present, returns None, without warning.
        nameSpace = self.nameSpace
        fieldPath = self.fieldPath

        fields = fieldPath.split(".")

        dataSource = record.get(nameSpace, {}) if nameSpace else record

        for field in fields[0:-1]:
            dataSource = dataSource.get(field, None)
            if dataSource is None:

        value = None if dataSource is None else dataSource.get(fields[-1], None)
        return value

    def bare(self, record):
        """Give the bare string value of the field in a record.

        record: string | ObjectId | AttrDict
            The record in which the field value is stored.

            Whatever the value is that we find for that field, converted to string.
            If the field is not present, returns the empty string, without warning.
        logical = self.logical(record)
        return "" if logical is None else str(logical)

    def formatted(
        """Give the formatted value of the field in a record.

        Optionally also puts a caption and/or an edit control.

        The value retrieved is (recursively) wrapped in HTML, steered by additional
        argument, as in `control.html.HtmlElements.wrapValue`.
        be applied.

        If the type is 'text', multiple values will simply be concatenated
        with newlines in between, and no extra classes will be applied.
        Instead, a markdown formatter is applied to the result.

        For other types:

        If the value is an iterable, each individual value is wrapped in a span
        to which an (other) extra CSS class may be applied.

        table: string
            The table from which the record is taken
        record: string | ObjectId | AttrDict
            The record in which the field value is stored.
        level: integer, optional None
            The heading level in which a caption will be placed.
            If None, no caption will be placed.
            If 0, the caption will be placed in a span.
        editable: boolean, optional False
            Whether the field is editable by the current user.
            If so, edit controls are provided.
        outerCls: string optional "fieldouter"
            If given, an extra CSS class for the outer element that wraps the total
            value. Only relevant if the type is not 'text'
        innerCls: string optional "fieldinner"
            If given, an extra CSS class for the inner elements that wrap parts of the
            value. Only relevant if the type is not 'text'

            Whatever the value is that we find for that field, converted to HTML.
            If the field is not present, returns the empty string, without warning.
        Settings = self.Settings
        Mongo = self.Mongo

        H = Settings.H

        (recordId, record) = Mongo.get(table, record)
        if recordId is None:
            return ""

        tp =
        caption = self.caption
        key = self.key

        bare = self.bare(record)
        logical = self.logical(record)
        bareRep = bare or H.i(f"no {key}")

        if tp == "text":
            readonlyContent = markdown(bareRep, tight=False)
            readonlyContent = H.wrapValue(
        if editable:
            keyRepUrl = "" if key is None else f"/{key}"
            saveUrl = f"/save/{table}/{recordId}{keyRepUrl}"
            updateButton = H.actionButton("edit_update")
            cancelButton = H.actionButton("edit_cancel")
            saveButton = H.actionButton("edit_save")
            messages = H.div("", cls="editmsgs")
            orig = bare if tp == "text" else writeYaml(logical)
            editableContent = H.textarea(
                "", cls="editcontent", saveurl=saveUrl, origValue=orig

            content = "".join(
                    H.span(readonlyContent, cls="readonlycontent"),
            content = readonlyContent

        if level is not None:
            if "{value}" in caption:
                theCaption = caption.format(kind=table, value=content)
                inCaption = True
                theCaption = caption
                inCaption = False

            if level == 0:
                elem = "span"
                lv = []
                elem = "h"
                lv = [level]
            theCaption = H.elem(elem, *lv, theCaption)
            theCaption = ""
            inCaption = False

        fullContent = ("" if inCaption else theCaption) + (
            theCaption if inCaption else content

        return H.div(fullContent, cls="editwidget") if editable else fullContent

class Upload:
    def __init__(self, Settings, Messages, Mongo, key, **kwargs):
        """Handle upload business.

        An upload is like a field of type 'file'.
        The name of the uploaded file is stored in a record in MongoDb.
        The contents of the file is stored on the file system.

        A Upload object does not correspond with an individual field in a record.
        It represents a *column*, i.e. a set of fields with the same name in all
        records of a table.

        First of all there is a method to retrieve the file name of an upload from
        a specific record.

        Then there are methods to deliver those values, either bare or formatted,
        to produce widgets to upload or delete the corresponding files.

        How to do this is steered by the specification of the upload by keys and
        values that are stored in this object.

        All upload access should be guarded by the authorisation rules.

        kwargs: dict
            Upload configuration arguments.
            The following parts of the upload configuration
            should be present: `table`, `accept`, while `caption`, `fileName`,
            `show` are optional.
        self.Settings = Settings
        self.Messages = Messages
        self.Mongo = Mongo

        self.key = key
        """The identifier of this upload within the app.

        self.table = kwargs.get("table", None)
        """Indicates the directory where the actual file will be saved.

        Possibe values:

        * `site`: top level of the working data directory of the site
        * `project`: project directory of the project in question
        * `edition`: edition directory of the project in question

        self.accept = kwargs.get("accept", None)
        """The file types that the field accepts.

        self.caption = kwargs.get("caption", f"{self.table} ({self.accept})")
        """The text to display on the upload button.

        self.multiple = kwargs.get("multiple", False)
        """Whether multiple files of this type may be uploaded.

        self.fileName = kwargs.get("fileName", None)
        """The name of the file once it is uploaded.

        The file name for the upload can be passed when the file name
        is known in advance.
        In that case, a file that is uploaded in this upload widget,
        will get this as prescribed file name, regardless of the file name in the
        upload request.

        Without a file name, the upload widget will show all existing files
        conforming to the `accept` setting, and will have a control to upload a
        new file.
        """ = kwargs.get("show", False)
        """Whether to show the contents of the file.

        This is typically the case when the file is an image to be presented
        as a logo.

        # let attributes be filled in from the function **kwargs

        for (arg, value) in kwargs.items():
            if value is not None:
                setattr(self, arg, value)

        # try to fill in defaults for attributes that are still None

        good = True

        for arg in ("table", "accept"):
            if getattr(self, arg, None) is None:
                Messages.error(logmsg=f"Missing info in Upload spec: {arg}")
                good = False

        if not good:

    def getDir(self, record):
        """Give the path to the file in question.

        The path can be used to build the static url and the save url.

        It does not contain the file name.
        If the path is non-empty, a "/" will be appended.

        record: string | ObjectId | AttrDict
            The record relevant to the upload
        table = self.table
        recordId = record._id

        projectId = (
            if table == "project"
            else record.projectId
            if table == "edition"
            else None
        editionId = recordId if table == "edition" else None

        path = (
            if table == "site"
            else f"project/{projectId}"
            if table == "project"
            else f"project/{projectId}/edition/{editionId}"
            if table == "edition"
            else None
        sep = "/" if path else ""
        return f"{path}{sep}"

    def formatted(self, record, mayChange=False, bust=None, wrapped=True):
        """Give the formatted value of a file field in a record.

        Optionally also puts an upload control.

        record: string | ObjectId | AttrDict
            The record relevant to the upload
        mayChange: boolean, optional False
            Whether the file may be changed.
            If so, an upload widget is supplied, wich contains a a delete button.
        bust: string, optional None
            If not None, the image url of the file whose name is passed in
            `bust` is made unique by adding the current time to it.
            This is a cache buster.
        wrapped: boolean, optional True
            Whether the content should be wrapped in a container element.
            See `control.html.HtmlElements.finput()`.

            The name of the uploaded file(s) and/or an upload control.
        Settings = self.Settings
        H = Settings.H
        workingDir = Settings.workingDir

        key = self.key
        fileName = self.fileName
        accept = self.accept
        caption = self.caption
        show =

        recordId = record._id

        fileNameRep = "-" if fileName is None else fileName
        fid = f"{recordId}/{key}/{fileNameRep}"

        path = self.getDir(record)
        sep = "/" if path else ""
        fullDir = f"{workingDir}{sep}{path}"
        saveUrl = f"/upload/{fid}{sep}{path}"
        deleteUrl = f"/deletefile/{fid}{sep}{path}".rstrip("/") + "/"

        if fileName is None:
            content = []
            for fileNm in listFilesAccepted(fullDir, accept, withExt=True):
                buster = (
                    if show and bust is not None and bust == fileNm
                    else ""
                item = [fileNm, f"/data/{path}{fileNm}{buster}" if show else None]
            buster = (
                f"?v={now()}" if show and bust is not None and bust == fileName else ""
            fullPath = (f"{workingDir}{sep}{path}").rstrip("/") + f"/{fileName}"
            exists = fileExists(fullPath)
            content = (
                f"/data/{path}{fileName}{buster}" if show else None,

        return H.finput(
            buttonCls="button small",


class Datamodel (Settings, Messages, Mongo)

Datamodel related operations.

This class has methods to manipulate various pieces of content in the data sources, and hand it over to higher level objects.

It can find out dependencies between related records, and it knows a thing or two about fields.

It is instantiated by a singleton object.

It has a method which is a factory for Field objects, which deal with individual fields.

Likewise it has a factory function for Upload objects, which deal with file uploads.


Settings : AttrDict
App-wide configuration data obtained from Config.Settings.
Messages : object
Singleton instance of Messages.
Mongo : object
Singleton instance of Mongo.
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class Datamodel:
    def __init__(self, Settings, Messages, Mongo):
        """Datamodel related operations.

        This class has methods to manipulate various pieces of content
        in the data sources, and hand it over to higher level objects.

        It can find out dependencies between related records, and it knows
        a thing or two about fields.

        It is instantiated by a singleton object.

        It has a method which is a factory for `control.datamodel.Field` objects,
        which deal with individual fields.

        Likewise it has a factory function for `control.datamodel.Upload` objects,
        which deal with file uploads.

        Settings: AttrDict
            App-wide configuration data obtained from
        Messages: object
            Singleton instance of `control.messages.Messages`.
        Mongo: object
            Singleton instance of `control.mongo.Mongo`.
        self.Settings = Settings
        self.Messages = Messages
        self.Mongo = Mongo

        datamodel = Settings.datamodel
        self.detailMaster = datamodel.detailMaster
        self.masterDetail = datamodel.masterDetail
        self.mainLink = datamodel.mainLink
        self.fieldsConfig = datamodel.fields
        self.uploadsConfig = datamodel.uploads
        self.fieldObjects = AttrDict()
        self.uploadObjects = AttrDict()

    def relevant(self, project=None, edition=None):
        """Get a relevant record and the table to which it belongs.

        A relevant record is either a project record, or an edition record,
        or the one and only site record.

        If all optional parameters are None, we look for the site record.
        If the project parameter is not None, we look for the project record.

        This is the inverse of `context()`.

        project: string | ObjectId | AttrDict, optional None
            The project whose record we need.
        edition: string | ObjectId | AttrDict, optional None
            The edition whose record we need.

            * table: string; the table in which the record is found
            * record id: string; the id of the record
            * record: AttrDict; the record itself

            If both project and edition are not None
        Settings = self.Settings
        Mongo = self.Mongo

        if edition is not None:
            table = "edition"
            (recordId, record) = Mongo.get(table, edition)
        elif project is not None:
            table = "project"
            (recordId, record) = Mongo.get(table, project)
            table = "site"
            siteCrit = Settings.siteCrit
            record = Mongo.getRecord(table, **siteCrit)
            recordId = record._id

        return (table, recordId, record)

    def context(self, table, record):
        """Get the context of a record.

        Get the project and edition records to which the record belongs.

        table: string
            The table in which the record sits.
        record: string
            The record.

        This is the inverse of `relevant()`.

        tuple of tuple
            (siteId, site, projectId, project, editionId, edition)
        Mongo = self.Mongo

        (recordId, record) = Mongo.get(table, record)
        if recordId is None:
            return (None, None, None, None, None, None)

        if table == "site":
            (editionId, edition) = (None, None)
            (projectId, project) = (None, None)
            (siteId, site) = (recordId, record)
        elif table == "project":
            (editionId, edition) = (None, None)
            (projectId, project) = (recordId, record)
            (siteId, site) = Mongo.get("site", record.siteId)
        elif table == "edition":
            (editionId, edition) = (recordId, record)
            (projectId, project) = Mongo.get("project", record.projectId)
            (siteId, site) = Mongo.get("site", project.siteId)

        return (siteId, site, projectId, project, editionId, edition)

    def getDetailRecords(self, masterTable, master):
        """Retrieve the detail records of a master record.

        It finds all records that have a field containing an id of the
        given master record. But not those in cross-link records.

        Details are not retrieved recursively, only the direct details
        of a master are fetched.

        masterTable: string
            The name of the table in which the master record lives.
        master: string | ObjectId | AttrDict
            The master record.

            The list of detail records, categorized by detail table in which
            they occur. The detail tables are the keys, the lists of records
            in those tables are the values.
            If the master record cannot be found or if there are no detail
            records, the empty dict is returned.
        Mongo = self.Mongo
        masterDetail = self.masterDetail

        detailTable = masterDetail[masterTable]
        if detailTable is None:
            return AttrDict()

        (masterId, master) = Mongo.get(masterTable, master)
        if masterId is None:
            return AttrDict()

        crit = {f"{masterTable}Id": masterId}

        detailRecords = AttrDict()

        details = Mongo.getList(detailTable, **crit)
        if len(details):
            detailRecords[detailTable] = details

        return detailRecords

    def getUserWork(self, user):
        """Gets the number of project and edition records of a user.

        We will not delete users if the user is linked to a project or edition.
        This function counts how many projects and editions a user is linked to.

        user: string
            The name of the user (field `user` in the record)

            The number of projects
            The number of editions
        Mongo = self.Mongo
        nProjects = len(Mongo.getList("projectUser", user=user))
        nEditions = len(Mongo.getList("EditionUser", user=user))
        return (nProjects, nEditions)

    def getLinkedCrit(self, table, record):
        """Produce criteria to retrieve the linked records of a record.

        It finds all cross-linked records containing an id of the
        given record.

        So no detail records.

        table: string
            The name of the table in which the record lives.
        record: string | ObjectId | AttrDict
            The record.

            Keys: tables in which linked records exist.
            Values: the criteria to find those linked records in that table.
        Mongo = self.Mongo
        mainLink = self.mainLink

        linkTables = mainLink[table]
        if linkTables is None:
            return AttrDict()

        (recordId, record) = Mongo.get(table, record)
        if recordId is None:
            return AttrDict()

        crit = {f"{table}Id": recordId}

        linkCriteria = AttrDict()

        for linkTable in linkTables:
            linkCriteria[linkTable] = crit

        return linkCriteria

    def makeField(self, key):
        """Make a field object and registers it.

        An instance of class `control.datamodel.Field` is created,
        geared to this particular field.

        !!! note "Idempotent"
            If the Field object is already registered, nothing is done.

        key: string
            Identifier for the field.
            The configuration for this field will be retrieved using this key.
            The new field object will be stored under this key.

            The resulting Field object.
            It is also added to the `fieldObjects` member.
        Settings = self.Settings

        fieldObjects = self.fieldObjects

        fieldObject = fieldObjects[key]
        if fieldObject:
            return fieldObject

        Messages = self.Messages
        Mongo = self.Mongo
        fieldsConfig = self.fieldsConfig

        fieldsConfig = fieldsConfig[key]
        if fieldsConfig is None:
            Messages.error(logmsg=f"Unknown field key '{key}'")

        fieldObject = Field(Settings, Messages, Mongo, self, key, **fieldsConfig)
        fieldObjects[key] = fieldObject
        return fieldObject

    def getFieldObject(self, key):
        """Get a field object.

        key: string
            The key of the field object

        object | void
            The field object found under the given key, if present, otherwise None
        return self.fieldObjects[key]

    def makeUpload(self, key, fileName=None):
        """Make a file upload object and registers it.

        An instance of class `control.datamodel.Upload` is created,
        geared to this particular field.

        !!! note "Idempotent"
            If the Upload object is already registered, nothing is done.

        key: string
            Identifier for the upload.
            The configuration for this upload will be retrieved using this key.
            The new upload object will be stored under this key.
        fileName: string, optional None
            If present, it indicates that the uploaded file will have this prescribed
            A file name for an upload object may also have been specified in
            the datamodel configuration.

            The resulting Upload object.
            It is also added to the `uploadObjects` member.
        Settings = self.Settings

        uploadObjects = self.uploadObjects
        uploadsConfig = self.uploadsConfig

        if fileName is None:
            fileName = uploadsConfig.get(key, AttrDict()).fileName

        uploadObject = uploadObjects[(key, fileName)]
        if uploadObject:
            return uploadObject

        Messages = self.Messages
        Mongo = self.Mongo
        uploadsConfig = self.uploadsConfig

        uploadsConfig = AttrDict(**uploadsConfig[key])
        if uploadsConfig is None:
            Messages.error(logmsg=f"Unknown upload key '{key}'")
        if fileName is not None:
            uploadsConfig["fileName"] = fileName

        uploadObject = Upload(Settings, Messages, Mongo, key, **uploadsConfig)
        uploadObjects[(key, fileName)] = uploadObject
        return uploadObject

    def getUploadConfig(self, key):
        """Get an upload config.

        key: string
            The key of the upload config

        object | void
            The upload config found under the given key and file name, if
            present, otherwise None
        return self.uploadsConfig[key]

    def getUploadObject(self, key, fileName=None):
        """Get an upload object.

        key: string
            The key of the upload object
        fileName: string, optional None
            The file name of the upload object.
            If not passed, the file name is derived from the config of the key.

        object | void
            The upload object found under the given key and file name, if
            present, otherwise None
        if fileName is None:
            fileName = self.uploadsConfig[key].fileName
        return self.uploadObjects[(key, fileName)]



def context(self, table, record)

Get the context of a record.

Get the project and edition records to which the record belongs.


table : string
The table in which the record sits.
record : string
The record.

This is the inverse of relevant().


tuple of tuple
(siteId, site, projectId, project, editionId, edition)
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def context(self, table, record):
    """Get the context of a record.

    Get the project and edition records to which the record belongs.

    table: string
        The table in which the record sits.
    record: string
        The record.

    This is the inverse of `relevant()`.

    tuple of tuple
        (siteId, site, projectId, project, editionId, edition)
    Mongo = self.Mongo

    (recordId, record) = Mongo.get(table, record)
    if recordId is None:
        return (None, None, None, None, None, None)

    if table == "site":
        (editionId, edition) = (None, None)
        (projectId, project) = (None, None)
        (siteId, site) = (recordId, record)
    elif table == "project":
        (editionId, edition) = (None, None)
        (projectId, project) = (recordId, record)
        (siteId, site) = Mongo.get("site", record.siteId)
    elif table == "edition":
        (editionId, edition) = (recordId, record)
        (projectId, project) = Mongo.get("project", record.projectId)
        (siteId, site) = Mongo.get("site", project.siteId)

    return (siteId, site, projectId, project, editionId, edition)
def getDetailRecords(self, masterTable, master)

Retrieve the detail records of a master record.

It finds all records that have a field containing an id of the given master record. But not those in cross-link records.

Details are not retrieved recursively, only the direct details of a master are fetched.


masterTable : string
The name of the table in which the master record lives.
master : string | ObjectId | AttrDict
The master record.


The list of detail records, categorized by detail table in which they occur. The detail tables are the keys, the lists of records in those tables are the values. If the master record cannot be found or if there are no detail records, the empty dict is returned.
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def getDetailRecords(self, masterTable, master):
    """Retrieve the detail records of a master record.

    It finds all records that have a field containing an id of the
    given master record. But not those in cross-link records.

    Details are not retrieved recursively, only the direct details
    of a master are fetched.

    masterTable: string
        The name of the table in which the master record lives.
    master: string | ObjectId | AttrDict
        The master record.

        The list of detail records, categorized by detail table in which
        they occur. The detail tables are the keys, the lists of records
        in those tables are the values.
        If the master record cannot be found or if there are no detail
        records, the empty dict is returned.
    Mongo = self.Mongo
    masterDetail = self.masterDetail

    detailTable = masterDetail[masterTable]
    if detailTable is None:
        return AttrDict()

    (masterId, master) = Mongo.get(masterTable, master)
    if masterId is None:
        return AttrDict()

    crit = {f"{masterTable}Id": masterId}

    detailRecords = AttrDict()

    details = Mongo.getList(detailTable, **crit)
    if len(details):
        detailRecords[detailTable] = details

    return detailRecords
def getFieldObject(self, key)

Get a field object.


key : string
The key of the field object


object | void
The field object found under the given key, if present, otherwise None
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def getFieldObject(self, key):
    """Get a field object.

    key: string
        The key of the field object

    object | void
        The field object found under the given key, if present, otherwise None
    return self.fieldObjects[key]
def getLinkedCrit(self, table, record)

Produce criteria to retrieve the linked records of a record.

It finds all cross-linked records containing an id of the given record.

So no detail records.


table : string
The name of the table in which the record lives.
record : string | ObjectId | AttrDict
The record.


Keys: tables in which linked records exist. Values: the criteria to find those linked records in that table.
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def getLinkedCrit(self, table, record):
    """Produce criteria to retrieve the linked records of a record.

    It finds all cross-linked records containing an id of the
    given record.

    So no detail records.

    table: string
        The name of the table in which the record lives.
    record: string | ObjectId | AttrDict
        The record.

        Keys: tables in which linked records exist.
        Values: the criteria to find those linked records in that table.
    Mongo = self.Mongo
    mainLink = self.mainLink

    linkTables = mainLink[table]
    if linkTables is None:
        return AttrDict()

    (recordId, record) = Mongo.get(table, record)
    if recordId is None:
        return AttrDict()

    crit = {f"{table}Id": recordId}

    linkCriteria = AttrDict()

    for linkTable in linkTables:
        linkCriteria[linkTable] = crit

    return linkCriteria
def getUploadConfig(self, key)

Get an upload config.


key : string
The key of the upload config


object | void
The upload config found under the given key and file name, if present, otherwise None
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def getUploadConfig(self, key):
    """Get an upload config.

    key: string
        The key of the upload config

    object | void
        The upload config found under the given key and file name, if
        present, otherwise None
    return self.uploadsConfig[key]
def getUploadObject(self, key, fileName=None)

Get an upload object.


key : string
The key of the upload object
fileName : string, optional None
The file name of the upload object. If not passed, the file name is derived from the config of the key.


object | void
The upload object found under the given key and file name, if present, otherwise None
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def getUploadObject(self, key, fileName=None):
    """Get an upload object.

    key: string
        The key of the upload object
    fileName: string, optional None
        The file name of the upload object.
        If not passed, the file name is derived from the config of the key.

    object | void
        The upload object found under the given key and file name, if
        present, otherwise None
    if fileName is None:
        fileName = self.uploadsConfig[key].fileName
    return self.uploadObjects[(key, fileName)]
def getUserWork(self, user)

Gets the number of project and edition records of a user.

We will not delete users if the user is linked to a project or edition. This function counts how many projects and editions a user is linked to.


user : string
The name of the user (field user in the record)


The number of projects
The number of editions
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def getUserWork(self, user):
    """Gets the number of project and edition records of a user.

    We will not delete users if the user is linked to a project or edition.
    This function counts how many projects and editions a user is linked to.

    user: string
        The name of the user (field `user` in the record)

        The number of projects
        The number of editions
    Mongo = self.Mongo
    nProjects = len(Mongo.getList("projectUser", user=user))
    nEditions = len(Mongo.getList("EditionUser", user=user))
    return (nProjects, nEditions)
def makeField(self, key)

Make a field object and registers it.

An instance of class Field is created, geared to this particular field.


If the Field object is already registered, nothing is done.


key : string
Identifier for the field. The configuration for this field will be retrieved using this key. The new field object will be stored under this key.


The resulting Field object. It is also added to the fieldObjects member.
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def makeField(self, key):
    """Make a field object and registers it.

    An instance of class `control.datamodel.Field` is created,
    geared to this particular field.

    !!! note "Idempotent"
        If the Field object is already registered, nothing is done.

    key: string
        Identifier for the field.
        The configuration for this field will be retrieved using this key.
        The new field object will be stored under this key.

        The resulting Field object.
        It is also added to the `fieldObjects` member.
    Settings = self.Settings

    fieldObjects = self.fieldObjects

    fieldObject = fieldObjects[key]
    if fieldObject:
        return fieldObject

    Messages = self.Messages
    Mongo = self.Mongo
    fieldsConfig = self.fieldsConfig

    fieldsConfig = fieldsConfig[key]
    if fieldsConfig is None:
        Messages.error(logmsg=f"Unknown field key '{key}'")

    fieldObject = Field(Settings, Messages, Mongo, self, key, **fieldsConfig)
    fieldObjects[key] = fieldObject
    return fieldObject
def makeUpload(self, key, fileName=None)

Make a file upload object and registers it.

An instance of class Upload is created, geared to this particular field.


If the Upload object is already registered, nothing is done.


key : string
Identifier for the upload. The configuration for this upload will be retrieved using this key. The new upload object will be stored under this key.
fileName : string, optional None
If present, it indicates that the uploaded file will have this prescribed name. A file name for an upload object may also have been specified in the datamodel configuration.


The resulting Upload object. It is also added to the uploadObjects member.
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def makeUpload(self, key, fileName=None):
    """Make a file upload object and registers it.

    An instance of class `control.datamodel.Upload` is created,
    geared to this particular field.

    !!! note "Idempotent"
        If the Upload object is already registered, nothing is done.

    key: string
        Identifier for the upload.
        The configuration for this upload will be retrieved using this key.
        The new upload object will be stored under this key.
    fileName: string, optional None
        If present, it indicates that the uploaded file will have this prescribed
        A file name for an upload object may also have been specified in
        the datamodel configuration.

        The resulting Upload object.
        It is also added to the `uploadObjects` member.
    Settings = self.Settings

    uploadObjects = self.uploadObjects
    uploadsConfig = self.uploadsConfig

    if fileName is None:
        fileName = uploadsConfig.get(key, AttrDict()).fileName

    uploadObject = uploadObjects[(key, fileName)]
    if uploadObject:
        return uploadObject

    Messages = self.Messages
    Mongo = self.Mongo
    uploadsConfig = self.uploadsConfig

    uploadsConfig = AttrDict(**uploadsConfig[key])
    if uploadsConfig is None:
        Messages.error(logmsg=f"Unknown upload key '{key}'")
    if fileName is not None:
        uploadsConfig["fileName"] = fileName

    uploadObject = Upload(Settings, Messages, Mongo, key, **uploadsConfig)
    uploadObjects[(key, fileName)] = uploadObject
    return uploadObject
def relevant(self, project=None, edition=None)

Get a relevant record and the table to which it belongs.

A relevant record is either a project record, or an edition record, or the one and only site record.

If all optional parameters are None, we look for the site record. If the project parameter is not None, we look for the project record.

This is the inverse of context().


project: string | ObjectId | AttrDict, optional None The project whose record we need. edition: string | ObjectId | AttrDict, optional None The edition whose record we need.


  • table: string; the table in which the record is found
  • record id: string; the id of the record
  • record: AttrDict; the record itself

If both project and edition are not None

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def relevant(self, project=None, edition=None):
    """Get a relevant record and the table to which it belongs.

    A relevant record is either a project record, or an edition record,
    or the one and only site record.

    If all optional parameters are None, we look for the site record.
    If the project parameter is not None, we look for the project record.

    This is the inverse of `context()`.

    project: string | ObjectId | AttrDict, optional None
        The project whose record we need.
    edition: string | ObjectId | AttrDict, optional None
        The edition whose record we need.

        * table: string; the table in which the record is found
        * record id: string; the id of the record
        * record: AttrDict; the record itself

        If both project and edition are not None
    Settings = self.Settings
    Mongo = self.Mongo

    if edition is not None:
        table = "edition"
        (recordId, record) = Mongo.get(table, edition)
    elif project is not None:
        table = "project"
        (recordId, record) = Mongo.get(table, project)
        table = "site"
        siteCrit = Settings.siteCrit
        record = Mongo.getRecord(table, **siteCrit)
        recordId = record._id

    return (table, recordId, record)
class Field (Settings, Messages, Mongo, Datamodel, key, **kwargs)

Handle field business.

A Field object does not correspond with an individual field in a record. It represents a column, i.e. a set of fields with the same name in all records of a table.

First of all there is a method to retrieve the value of the field from a specific record.

Then there are methods to deliver those values, either bare or formatted, to produce edit widgets to modify the values, and handlers to save values.

How to do this is steered by the specification of the field by keys and values that are stored in this object.

All field access should be guarded by the authorisation rules.


kwargs : dict
Field configuration arguments. It certain parts of the field configuration are not present, defaults will be provided.
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class Field:
    def __init__(self, Settings, Messages, Mongo, Datamodel, key, **kwargs):
        """Handle field business.

        A Field object does not correspond with an individual field in a record.
        It represents a *column*, i.e. a set of fields with the same name in all
        records of a table.

        First of all there is a method to retrieve the value of the field from
        a specific record.

        Then there are methods to deliver those values, either bare or formatted,
        to produce edit widgets to modify the values, and handlers to save

        How to do this is steered by the specification of the field by keys and
        values that are stored in this object.

        All field access should be guarded by the authorisation rules.

        kwargs: dict
            Field configuration arguments.
            It certain parts of the field configuration
            are not present, defaults will be provided.
        self.Settings = Settings
        self.Messages = Messages
        self.Mongo = Mongo
        self.Datamodel = Datamodel

        self.key = key
        """The identifier of this field within the app.

        self.nameSpace = ""
        """The first key to access the field data in a record.

        Example `dc` (Dublin Core). So if a record has Dublin Core
        metadata, we expect that metadata to exist under key `dc` in that record.

        If the namespace is `""`, it is assumed that we can dig up the values without
        going into a namespace sub-record first.

        self.fieldPath = key
        """Compound selector in a nested dict.

        A string of keys, separated by `.`, which will be used to drill down
        into a nested dict. At the end of the path we find the selected value.

        This field selection is applied after the name space selection
        (if `nameSpace` is not the empty string).
        """ = "string"
        """The value type of the field.

        Value types can be string, integer, but also date times, and values
        from an other table (value lists), or structured values.

        self.caption = key
        """A caption that may be displayed with the field value.

        The caption may be a literal string with or without a placeholder `{}`.

        If there is no place holder, the caption will precede the content of
        the field.

        If there is a placeholder, the content will replace the place holder
        in the caption.

        for (arg, value) in kwargs.items():
            if value is not None:
                setattr(self, arg, value)

    def logical(self, record):
        """Give the logical value of the field in a record.

        record: string | ObjectId | AttrDict
            The record in which the field value is stored.

            Whatever the value is that we find for that field.
            No conversion/casting to other types will be performed.
            If the field is not present, returns None, without warning.
        nameSpace = self.nameSpace
        fieldPath = self.fieldPath

        fields = fieldPath.split(".")

        dataSource = record.get(nameSpace, {}) if nameSpace else record

        for field in fields[0:-1]:
            dataSource = dataSource.get(field, None)
            if dataSource is None:

        value = None if dataSource is None else dataSource.get(fields[-1], None)
        return value

    def bare(self, record):
        """Give the bare string value of the field in a record.

        record: string | ObjectId | AttrDict
            The record in which the field value is stored.

            Whatever the value is that we find for that field, converted to string.
            If the field is not present, returns the empty string, without warning.
        logical = self.logical(record)
        return "" if logical is None else str(logical)

    def formatted(
        """Give the formatted value of the field in a record.

        Optionally also puts a caption and/or an edit control.

        The value retrieved is (recursively) wrapped in HTML, steered by additional
        argument, as in `control.html.HtmlElements.wrapValue`.
        be applied.

        If the type is 'text', multiple values will simply be concatenated
        with newlines in between, and no extra classes will be applied.
        Instead, a markdown formatter is applied to the result.

        For other types:

        If the value is an iterable, each individual value is wrapped in a span
        to which an (other) extra CSS class may be applied.

        table: string
            The table from which the record is taken
        record: string | ObjectId | AttrDict
            The record in which the field value is stored.
        level: integer, optional None
            The heading level in which a caption will be placed.
            If None, no caption will be placed.
            If 0, the caption will be placed in a span.
        editable: boolean, optional False
            Whether the field is editable by the current user.
            If so, edit controls are provided.
        outerCls: string optional "fieldouter"
            If given, an extra CSS class for the outer element that wraps the total
            value. Only relevant if the type is not 'text'
        innerCls: string optional "fieldinner"
            If given, an extra CSS class for the inner elements that wrap parts of the
            value. Only relevant if the type is not 'text'

            Whatever the value is that we find for that field, converted to HTML.
            If the field is not present, returns the empty string, without warning.
        Settings = self.Settings
        Mongo = self.Mongo

        H = Settings.H

        (recordId, record) = Mongo.get(table, record)
        if recordId is None:
            return ""

        tp =
        caption = self.caption
        key = self.key

        bare = self.bare(record)
        logical = self.logical(record)
        bareRep = bare or H.i(f"no {key}")

        if tp == "text":
            readonlyContent = markdown(bareRep, tight=False)
            readonlyContent = H.wrapValue(
        if editable:
            keyRepUrl = "" if key is None else f"/{key}"
            saveUrl = f"/save/{table}/{recordId}{keyRepUrl}"
            updateButton = H.actionButton("edit_update")
            cancelButton = H.actionButton("edit_cancel")
            saveButton = H.actionButton("edit_save")
            messages = H.div("", cls="editmsgs")
            orig = bare if tp == "text" else writeYaml(logical)
            editableContent = H.textarea(
                "", cls="editcontent", saveurl=saveUrl, origValue=orig

            content = "".join(
                    H.span(readonlyContent, cls="readonlycontent"),
            content = readonlyContent

        if level is not None:
            if "{value}" in caption:
                theCaption = caption.format(kind=table, value=content)
                inCaption = True
                theCaption = caption
                inCaption = False

            if level == 0:
                elem = "span"
                lv = []
                elem = "h"
                lv = [level]
            theCaption = H.elem(elem, *lv, theCaption)
            theCaption = ""
            inCaption = False

        fullContent = ("" if inCaption else theCaption) + (
            theCaption if inCaption else content

        return H.div(fullContent, cls="editwidget") if editable else fullContent

Instance variables

var caption

A caption that may be displayed with the field value.

The caption may be a literal string with or without a placeholder {}.

If there is no place holder, the caption will precede the content of the field.

If there is a placeholder, the content will replace the place holder in the caption.

var fieldPath

Compound selector in a nested dict.

A string of keys, separated by ., which will be used to drill down into a nested dict. At the end of the path we find the selected value.

This field selection is applied after the name space selection (if nameSpace is not the empty string).

var key

The identifier of this field within the app.

var nameSpace

The first key to access the field data in a record.

Example dc (Dublin Core). So if a record has Dublin Core metadata, we expect that metadata to exist under key dc in that record.

If the namespace is "", it is assumed that we can dig up the values without going into a namespace sub-record first.

var tp

The value type of the field.

Value types can be string, integer, but also date times, and values from an other table (value lists), or structured values.


def bare(self, record)

Give the bare string value of the field in a record.


record : string | ObjectId | AttrDict
The record in which the field value is stored.


Whatever the value is that we find for that field, converted to string. If the field is not present, returns the empty string, without warning.
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def bare(self, record):
    """Give the bare string value of the field in a record.

    record: string | ObjectId | AttrDict
        The record in which the field value is stored.

        Whatever the value is that we find for that field, converted to string.
        If the field is not present, returns the empty string, without warning.
    logical = self.logical(record)
    return "" if logical is None else str(logical)
def formatted(self, table, record, level=None, editable=False, outerCls='fieldouter', innerCls='fieldinner')

Give the formatted value of the field in a record.

Optionally also puts a caption and/or an edit control.

The value retrieved is (recursively) wrapped in HTML, steered by additional argument, as in HtmlElements.wrapValue(). be applied.

If the type is 'text', multiple values will simply be concatenated with newlines in between, and no extra classes will be applied. Instead, a markdown formatter is applied to the result.

For other types:

If the value is an iterable, each individual value is wrapped in a span to which an (other) extra CSS class may be applied.


table : string
The table from which the record is taken
record : string | ObjectId | AttrDict
The record in which the field value is stored.
level : integer, optional None
The heading level in which a caption will be placed. If None, no caption will be placed. If 0, the caption will be placed in a span.
editable : boolean, optional False
Whether the field is editable by the current user. If so, edit controls are provided.
outerCls : string optional "fieldouter"
If given, an extra CSS class for the outer element that wraps the total value. Only relevant if the type is not 'text'
innerCls : string optional "fieldinner"
If given, an extra CSS class for the inner elements that wrap parts of the value. Only relevant if the type is not 'text'


Whatever the value is that we find for that field, converted to HTML. If the field is not present, returns the empty string, without warning.
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def formatted(
    """Give the formatted value of the field in a record.

    Optionally also puts a caption and/or an edit control.

    The value retrieved is (recursively) wrapped in HTML, steered by additional
    argument, as in `control.html.HtmlElements.wrapValue`.
    be applied.

    If the type is 'text', multiple values will simply be concatenated
    with newlines in between, and no extra classes will be applied.
    Instead, a markdown formatter is applied to the result.

    For other types:

    If the value is an iterable, each individual value is wrapped in a span
    to which an (other) extra CSS class may be applied.

    table: string
        The table from which the record is taken
    record: string | ObjectId | AttrDict
        The record in which the field value is stored.
    level: integer, optional None
        The heading level in which a caption will be placed.
        If None, no caption will be placed.
        If 0, the caption will be placed in a span.
    editable: boolean, optional False
        Whether the field is editable by the current user.
        If so, edit controls are provided.
    outerCls: string optional "fieldouter"
        If given, an extra CSS class for the outer element that wraps the total
        value. Only relevant if the type is not 'text'
    innerCls: string optional "fieldinner"
        If given, an extra CSS class for the inner elements that wrap parts of the
        value. Only relevant if the type is not 'text'

        Whatever the value is that we find for that field, converted to HTML.
        If the field is not present, returns the empty string, without warning.
    Settings = self.Settings
    Mongo = self.Mongo

    H = Settings.H

    (recordId, record) = Mongo.get(table, record)
    if recordId is None:
        return ""

    tp =
    caption = self.caption
    key = self.key

    bare = self.bare(record)
    logical = self.logical(record)
    bareRep = bare or H.i(f"no {key}")

    if tp == "text":
        readonlyContent = markdown(bareRep, tight=False)
        readonlyContent = H.wrapValue(
    if editable:
        keyRepUrl = "" if key is None else f"/{key}"
        saveUrl = f"/save/{table}/{recordId}{keyRepUrl}"
        updateButton = H.actionButton("edit_update")
        cancelButton = H.actionButton("edit_cancel")
        saveButton = H.actionButton("edit_save")
        messages = H.div("", cls="editmsgs")
        orig = bare if tp == "text" else writeYaml(logical)
        editableContent = H.textarea(
            "", cls="editcontent", saveurl=saveUrl, origValue=orig

        content = "".join(
                H.span(readonlyContent, cls="readonlycontent"),
        content = readonlyContent

    if level is not None:
        if "{value}" in caption:
            theCaption = caption.format(kind=table, value=content)
            inCaption = True
            theCaption = caption
            inCaption = False

        if level == 0:
            elem = "span"
            lv = []
            elem = "h"
            lv = [level]
        theCaption = H.elem(elem, *lv, theCaption)
        theCaption = ""
        inCaption = False

    fullContent = ("" if inCaption else theCaption) + (
        theCaption if inCaption else content

    return H.div(fullContent, cls="editwidget") if editable else fullContent
def logical(self, record)

Give the logical value of the field in a record.


record : string | ObjectId | AttrDict
The record in which the field value is stored.


Whatever the value is that we find for that field. No conversion/casting to other types will be performed. If the field is not present, returns None, without warning.
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def logical(self, record):
    """Give the logical value of the field in a record.

    record: string | ObjectId | AttrDict
        The record in which the field value is stored.

        Whatever the value is that we find for that field.
        No conversion/casting to other types will be performed.
        If the field is not present, returns None, without warning.
    nameSpace = self.nameSpace
    fieldPath = self.fieldPath

    fields = fieldPath.split(".")

    dataSource = record.get(nameSpace, {}) if nameSpace else record

    for field in fields[0:-1]:
        dataSource = dataSource.get(field, None)
        if dataSource is None:

    value = None if dataSource is None else dataSource.get(fields[-1], None)
    return value
class Upload (Settings, Messages, Mongo, key, **kwargs)

Handle upload business.

An upload is like a field of type 'file'. The name of the uploaded file is stored in a record in MongoDb. The contents of the file is stored on the file system.

A Upload object does not correspond with an individual field in a record. It represents a column, i.e. a set of fields with the same name in all records of a table.

First of all there is a method to retrieve the file name of an upload from a specific record.

Then there are methods to deliver those values, either bare or formatted, to produce widgets to upload or delete the corresponding files.

How to do this is steered by the specification of the upload by keys and values that are stored in this object.

All upload access should be guarded by the authorisation rules.


kwargs : dict
Upload configuration arguments. The following parts of the upload configuration should be present: table, accept, while caption, fileName, show are optional.
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class Upload:
    def __init__(self, Settings, Messages, Mongo, key, **kwargs):
        """Handle upload business.

        An upload is like a field of type 'file'.
        The name of the uploaded file is stored in a record in MongoDb.
        The contents of the file is stored on the file system.

        A Upload object does not correspond with an individual field in a record.
        It represents a *column*, i.e. a set of fields with the same name in all
        records of a table.

        First of all there is a method to retrieve the file name of an upload from
        a specific record.

        Then there are methods to deliver those values, either bare or formatted,
        to produce widgets to upload or delete the corresponding files.

        How to do this is steered by the specification of the upload by keys and
        values that are stored in this object.

        All upload access should be guarded by the authorisation rules.

        kwargs: dict
            Upload configuration arguments.
            The following parts of the upload configuration
            should be present: `table`, `accept`, while `caption`, `fileName`,
            `show` are optional.
        self.Settings = Settings
        self.Messages = Messages
        self.Mongo = Mongo

        self.key = key
        """The identifier of this upload within the app.

        self.table = kwargs.get("table", None)
        """Indicates the directory where the actual file will be saved.

        Possibe values:

        * `site`: top level of the working data directory of the site
        * `project`: project directory of the project in question
        * `edition`: edition directory of the project in question

        self.accept = kwargs.get("accept", None)
        """The file types that the field accepts.

        self.caption = kwargs.get("caption", f"{self.table} ({self.accept})")
        """The text to display on the upload button.

        self.multiple = kwargs.get("multiple", False)
        """Whether multiple files of this type may be uploaded.

        self.fileName = kwargs.get("fileName", None)
        """The name of the file once it is uploaded.

        The file name for the upload can be passed when the file name
        is known in advance.
        In that case, a file that is uploaded in this upload widget,
        will get this as prescribed file name, regardless of the file name in the
        upload request.

        Without a file name, the upload widget will show all existing files
        conforming to the `accept` setting, and will have a control to upload a
        new file.
        """ = kwargs.get("show", False)
        """Whether to show the contents of the file.

        This is typically the case when the file is an image to be presented
        as a logo.

        # let attributes be filled in from the function **kwargs

        for (arg, value) in kwargs.items():
            if value is not None:
                setattr(self, arg, value)

        # try to fill in defaults for attributes that are still None

        good = True

        for arg in ("table", "accept"):
            if getattr(self, arg, None) is None:
                Messages.error(logmsg=f"Missing info in Upload spec: {arg}")
                good = False

        if not good:

    def getDir(self, record):
        """Give the path to the file in question.

        The path can be used to build the static url and the save url.

        It does not contain the file name.
        If the path is non-empty, a "/" will be appended.

        record: string | ObjectId | AttrDict
            The record relevant to the upload
        table = self.table
        recordId = record._id

        projectId = (
            if table == "project"
            else record.projectId
            if table == "edition"
            else None
        editionId = recordId if table == "edition" else None

        path = (
            if table == "site"
            else f"project/{projectId}"
            if table == "project"
            else f"project/{projectId}/edition/{editionId}"
            if table == "edition"
            else None
        sep = "/" if path else ""
        return f"{path}{sep}"

    def formatted(self, record, mayChange=False, bust=None, wrapped=True):
        """Give the formatted value of a file field in a record.

        Optionally also puts an upload control.

        record: string | ObjectId | AttrDict
            The record relevant to the upload
        mayChange: boolean, optional False
            Whether the file may be changed.
            If so, an upload widget is supplied, wich contains a a delete button.
        bust: string, optional None
            If not None, the image url of the file whose name is passed in
            `bust` is made unique by adding the current time to it.
            This is a cache buster.
        wrapped: boolean, optional True
            Whether the content should be wrapped in a container element.
            See `control.html.HtmlElements.finput()`.

            The name of the uploaded file(s) and/or an upload control.
        Settings = self.Settings
        H = Settings.H
        workingDir = Settings.workingDir

        key = self.key
        fileName = self.fileName
        accept = self.accept
        caption = self.caption
        show =

        recordId = record._id

        fileNameRep = "-" if fileName is None else fileName
        fid = f"{recordId}/{key}/{fileNameRep}"

        path = self.getDir(record)
        sep = "/" if path else ""
        fullDir = f"{workingDir}{sep}{path}"
        saveUrl = f"/upload/{fid}{sep}{path}"
        deleteUrl = f"/deletefile/{fid}{sep}{path}".rstrip("/") + "/"

        if fileName is None:
            content = []
            for fileNm in listFilesAccepted(fullDir, accept, withExt=True):
                buster = (
                    if show and bust is not None and bust == fileNm
                    else ""
                item = [fileNm, f"/data/{path}{fileNm}{buster}" if show else None]
            buster = (
                f"?v={now()}" if show and bust is not None and bust == fileName else ""
            fullPath = (f"{workingDir}{sep}{path}").rstrip("/") + f"/{fileName}"
            exists = fileExists(fullPath)
            content = (
                f"/data/{path}{fileName}{buster}" if show else None,

        return H.finput(
            buttonCls="button small",

Instance variables

var accept

The file types that the field accepts.

var caption

The text to display on the upload button.

var fileName

The name of the file once it is uploaded.

The file name for the upload can be passed when the file name is known in advance. In that case, a file that is uploaded in this upload widget, will get this as prescribed file name, regardless of the file name in the upload request.

Without a file name, the upload widget will show all existing files conforming to the accept setting, and will have a control to upload a new file.

var key

The identifier of this upload within the app.

var multiple

Whether multiple files of this type may be uploaded.

var show

Whether to show the contents of the file.

This is typically the case when the file is an image to be presented as a logo.

var table

Indicates the directory where the actual file will be saved.

Possibe values:

  • site: top level of the working data directory of the site
  • project: project directory of the project in question
  • edition: edition directory of the project in question


def formatted(self, record, mayChange=False, bust=None, wrapped=True)

Give the formatted value of a file field in a record.

Optionally also puts an upload control.


record : string | ObjectId | AttrDict
The record relevant to the upload
mayChange : boolean, optional False
Whether the file may be changed. If so, an upload widget is supplied, wich contains a a delete button.
bust : string, optional None
If not None, the image url of the file whose name is passed in bust is made unique by adding the current time to it. This is a cache buster.
wrapped : boolean, optional True
Whether the content should be wrapped in a container element. See HtmlElements.finput().


The name of the uploaded file(s) and/or an upload control.
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def formatted(self, record, mayChange=False, bust=None, wrapped=True):
    """Give the formatted value of a file field in a record.

    Optionally also puts an upload control.

    record: string | ObjectId | AttrDict
        The record relevant to the upload
    mayChange: boolean, optional False
        Whether the file may be changed.
        If so, an upload widget is supplied, wich contains a a delete button.
    bust: string, optional None
        If not None, the image url of the file whose name is passed in
        `bust` is made unique by adding the current time to it.
        This is a cache buster.
    wrapped: boolean, optional True
        Whether the content should be wrapped in a container element.
        See `control.html.HtmlElements.finput()`.

        The name of the uploaded file(s) and/or an upload control.
    Settings = self.Settings
    H = Settings.H
    workingDir = Settings.workingDir

    key = self.key
    fileName = self.fileName
    accept = self.accept
    caption = self.caption
    show =

    recordId = record._id

    fileNameRep = "-" if fileName is None else fileName
    fid = f"{recordId}/{key}/{fileNameRep}"

    path = self.getDir(record)
    sep = "/" if path else ""
    fullDir = f"{workingDir}{sep}{path}"
    saveUrl = f"/upload/{fid}{sep}{path}"
    deleteUrl = f"/deletefile/{fid}{sep}{path}".rstrip("/") + "/"

    if fileName is None:
        content = []
        for fileNm in listFilesAccepted(fullDir, accept, withExt=True):
            buster = (
                if show and bust is not None and bust == fileNm
                else ""
            item = [fileNm, f"/data/{path}{fileNm}{buster}" if show else None]
        buster = (
            f"?v={now()}" if show and bust is not None and bust == fileName else ""
        fullPath = (f"{workingDir}{sep}{path}").rstrip("/") + f"/{fileName}"
        exists = fileExists(fullPath)
        content = (
            f"/data/{path}{fileName}{buster}" if show else None,

    return H.finput(
        buttonCls="button small",
def getDir(self, record)

Give the path to the file in question.

The path can be used to build the static url and the save url.

It does not contain the file name. If the path is non-empty, a "/" will be appended.


record : string | ObjectId | AttrDict
The record relevant to the upload
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def getDir(self, record):
    """Give the path to the file in question.

    The path can be used to build the static url and the save url.

    It does not contain the file name.
    If the path is non-empty, a "/" will be appended.

    record: string | ObjectId | AttrDict
        The record relevant to the upload
    table = self.table
    recordId = record._id

    projectId = (
        if table == "project"
        else record.projectId
        if table == "edition"
        else None
    editionId = recordId if table == "edition" else None

    path = (
        if table == "site"
        else f"project/{projectId}"
        if table == "project"
        else f"project/{projectId}/edition/{editionId}"
        if table == "edition"
        else None
    sep = "/" if path else ""
    return f"{path}{sep}"