Module control.content

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from io import BytesIO
import os
import json
import yaml
import magic
from tempfile import mkdtemp
from flask import jsonify
from zipfile import ZipFile, ZIP_DEFLATED
from traceback import format_exception

from control.generic import AttrDict
from control.files import (
from control.datamodel import Datamodel
from control.flask import requestData, getReferrer, redirectStatus
from control.admin import Admin
from control.checkgltf import check

class Content(Datamodel):
    def __init__(self, Settings, Messages, Viewers, Mongo, Wrap):
        """Retrieving content from database and file system.

        This class has methods to retrieve various pieces of content
        from the data sources, and hand it over to the `control.pages.Pages`
        class that will compose a response out of it.

        It is instantiated by a singleton object.

        Settings: AttrDict
            App-wide configuration data obtained from
        Viewers: object
            Singleton instance of `control.viewers.Viewers`.
        Messages: object
            Singleton instance of `control.messages.Messages`.
        Mongo: object
            Singleton instance of `control.mongo.Mongo`.
        Wrap: object
            Singleton instance of `control.wrap.Wrap`.
        super().__init__(Settings, Messages, Mongo)
        self.Viewers = Viewers
        self.Wrap = Wrap

    def addAuth(self, Auth):
        """Give this object a handle to the Auth object.

        Because of cyclic dependencies some objects require to be given
        a handle to Auth after their initialization.
        self.Auth = Auth

    def addPublish(self, Publish):
        """Give this object a handle to the Publish object.

        Because of cyclic dependencies some objects require to be given
        a handle to Publish after their initialization.
        self.Publish = Publish

    def getSurprise(self):
        """Get the data that belongs to the surprise-me functionality."""
        Settings = self.Settings
        H = Settings.H
        return H.h(2, "You will be surprised!")

    def getProjects(self):
        """Get the list of all projects.

        Well, the list of all projects visible to the current user.
        Unpublished projects are only visible to users that belong to that project.

        Visible projects are each displayed by means of an icon and a title.
        Both link to a landing page for the project.

            A list of captions of the projects,
            wrapped in a HTML string.
        Mongo = self.Mongo
        Wrap = self.Wrap

        (siteTable, siteId, site) = self.relevant()
        if siteId is None:
            return ""

        return Wrap.projectsMain(site, Mongo.getList("project", sort="title"))

    def getEditions(self, project):
        """Get the list of the editions of a project.

        Well, only if the project is visible to the current user.
        See `Content.getProjects()`.

        Editions are each displayed by means of an icon and a title.
        Both link to a landing page for the edition.

        project: string | ObjectId | AttrDict
            The project in question.

            A list of captions of the editions of the project,
            wrapped in a HTML string.
        Mongo = self.Mongo
        Wrap = self.Wrap

        (projectId, project) = Mongo.get("project", project)
        if projectId is None:
            return ""

        return Wrap.editionsMain(
            project, Mongo.getList("edition", sort="title", projectId=projectId)

    def getScene(self, projectId, edition, version=None, action=None):
        """Get the scene of an edition of a project.

        Well, only if the current user is authorised.

        A scene is displayed by means of an icon and a row of buttons.

        There are also buttons to upload model files and the scene file.

        If action is not None, the scene is loaded in a specific version of the
        viewer in a specific mode (`read` or `edit`).
        The edition knows which viewer to choose.

        Which version and which mode are used is determined by the parameters.
        If the parameters do not specify values, sensible defaults are chosen.

        projectId: ObjectId
            The id of the project to which the edition belongs.
        edition: string | ObjectId | AttrDict
            The edition in question.
        version: string, optional None
            The version of the chosen viewer that will be used.
            If no version or a non-existing version are specified,
            the latest existing version for that viewer will be chosen.
        action: string, optional read
            The mode in which the viewer should be opened.
            If the mode is `update`, the viewer is opened in edit mode, if the
            scene file exists, otherwise in create mode,  which, in case
            of the Voyager viewer, means `dragdrop` mode, in older versions
            All other modes lead to the viewer being opened in read-only
            If the mode is read-only, but the scene file is missing, no viewer
            will be opened.

            A caption of the scene of the edition,
            with possibly a frame with the 3D viewer showing the scene.
            The result is wrapped in a HTML string.
        Settings = self.Settings
        H = Settings.H
        workingDir = Settings.workingDir
        modelzFile = Settings.modelzFile
        Mongo = self.Mongo
        Viewers = self.Viewers
        Wrap = self.Wrap

        (editionId, edition) = Mongo.get("edition", edition)
        if editionId is None:
            return ""

        (viewer, sceneFile) = Viewers.getViewInfo(edition)
        version = Viewers.check(viewer, version)

        if sceneFile is None:
            sceneExists = False
            baseResult = ""
            scenePath = (
            sceneExists = fileExists(scenePath)
            baseResult = Wrap.sceneMain(
                projectId, edition, sceneFile, viewer, version, action, sceneExists

        if action is None:
            action = "read"

        zipUpload = (
            if sceneExists or sceneFile is None
            else (
                H.h(4, "Scene plus model files, zipped")
                + H.div(self.getUpload(edition, "modelz", fileName=modelzFile))
        sceneUpload = (
            if sceneFile is None
            else H.div(self.getUpload(edition, "scene", fileName=sceneFile))

        return (
            + H.h(4, "Scene" if sceneExists else "No scene yet")
            + sceneUpload
            + H.h(4, "Model files")
            + H.div(self.getUpload(edition, "model"))
            + zipUpload

    def getAdmin(self):
        """Get the list of relevant projects, editions and users.

        Admin users get the list of all users.

        Normal users get the list of users associated with

        * the project of which they are organiser
        * the editions of which they are editor or reviewer

        Guests and not-logged-in users cannot see any user.

        If the user has rights to modify the association
        between users and projects/editions, he will get
        the controls to do so.

        return Admin(self).wrap()

    def createProject(self, site):
        """Creates a new project.

        site: AttrDict | string
            record that represents the site, or its id.
            It acts as a master record for all projects.

            The id of the new project.
        Settings = self.Settings
        Messages = self.Messages
        Mongo = self.Mongo
        Auth = self.Auth
        workingDir = Settings.workingDir

        (siteId, site) = Mongo.get("site", site)
        if siteId is None:
            return None

        permitted = Auth.authorise("site", site, action="create", insertTable="project")
        if not permitted:
            return None

        User = Auth.myDetails()
        user = User.user
        name = User.nickname

        title = "Project without title"

        dcMeta = dict(
            description=dict(abstract="No intro", description="No description"),
        projectId = Mongo.insertRecord(
            "project", title=title, meta=dict(dc=dcMeta), isVisible=False
            "projectUser", projectId=projectId, user=user, role="organiser"
        projectDir = f"{workingDir}/project/{projectId}"
        if dirExists(projectDir):
                msg="The new project already exists on the file system",
                logmsg=f"New project {projectId} already exists on the filesystem.",

        return projectId

    def deleteItem(self, table, record):
        """Deletes an item, project or edition.

        table: string
            The kind of item: `project` or `edition`.
        record: string | ObjectId | AttrDict
            The item in question.

            Whether the deletion was successful.
        Settings = self.Settings
        Messages = self.Messages
        Mongo = self.Mongo
        Auth = self.Auth
        workingDir = Settings.workingDir

        (recordId, record) = Mongo.get(table, record)
        if recordId is None:
                msg=f"Delete {table}: no such {table}",
                logmsg=f"Delete {table}: no {table} {recordId}",
            return None

        permitted = Auth.authorise(table, record, action="delete")
        if not permitted:
            return None

        details = self.getDetailRecords(table, record)
        nDetails = len(details)
        if nDetails:
                msg=f"Cannot delete {table} because it has {nDetails} detail records",
                logmsg=f"Delete {table} {recordId} prevented: {nDetails} details",
            return None

        good = True

        links = self.getLinkedCrit(table, record)

        if links:
            for linkTable, linkCriteria in links.items():
                (thisGood, count) = Mongo.deleteRecords(
                    linkTable, stop=False, **linkCriteria
                if not thisGood:
                    good = False
                        msg=f"Error during removing link records from {linkTable}",
                            "Cannot delete records from "
                            f"{linkTable} by {linkCriteria}"

                    msg=f"Deleted {count} link records from {linkTable}",
                    logmsg=f"Deleted {count} link records from {linkTable}",

        if not good:
            return False

        good = Mongo.deleteRecord(table, _id=recordId)

        if not good:
            return False

        itemDirHead = workingDir
        itemDirTail = f"{table}/{recordId}"
        if table == "edition":
            projectId = record.projectId
            itemDirHead += f"/project/{projectId}"
        itemDir = f"{itemDirHead}/{itemDirTail}"

        if dirExists(itemDir):
                msg=f"The {table} directory is removed",
                logmsg=f"The {table} dir {itemDir} is removed",
                msg=f"The {table} directory on file system did not exist",
                logmsg=f"The {table} dir {itemDir} did not exist",

        return True

    def createEdition(self, project):
        """Creates a new edition.

        project: AttrDict | string
            record that represents the maste project, or its id.

            The id of the new edition.
        Mongo = self.Mongo
        Messages = self.Messages
        Auth = self.Auth
        Settings = self.Settings
        workingDir = Settings.workingDir

        def fillin(template, values):
            typ = type(template)
            if typ is str:
                for k, v in values.items():
                    template = template.replace(f"«{k}»", v)
                return template
            if typ in {list, tuple}:
                return [fillin(e, values) for e in template]
            if typ in {dict, AttrDict}:
                return {k: fillin(v, values) for (k, v) in template.items()}
            return template

        editionSettingsTemplate = Settings.editionSettingsTemplate
        viewerDefault = Settings.viewerDefault
        viewerInfo = Settings.viewers[viewerDefault] or AttrDict()
        versionDefault = viewerInfo.defaultVersion
        sceneFile = viewerInfo.sceneFile

        values = dict(viewer=viewerDefault, version=versionDefault, scene=sceneFile)
        editionSettings = fillin(editionSettingsTemplate, values)

        (projectId, project) = Mongo.get("project", project)
        if projectId is None:
            return None

        permitted = Auth.authorise(
            "project", project, action="create", insertTable="edition"
        if not permitted:
            return None

        User = Auth.myDetails()
        user = User.user
        name = User.nickname

        title = "Edition without title"

        dcMeta = dict(
                abstract="No intro",
                description="No description",
                provenance="No sources",
        editionId = Mongo.insertRecord(
        Mongo.insertRecord("editionUser", editionId=editionId, user=user, role="editor")

        editionDir = f"{workingDir}/project/{projectId}/edition/{editionId}"
        if dirExists(editionDir):
                msg="The new edition already exists on the file system",
                logmsg=f"New edition {editionId} already exists on the filesystem.",

        return editionId

    def saveValue(self, table, record, key):
        """Saves a value of into a record.

        A record is a document, which is a (nested) dict.
        A value is inserted somewhere (deep) in that dict.

        The value is given by the request.

        Where exactly is given by a path that is stored in the field information,
        which is accessible by the key.

        table: string
            The relevant table.
        record: string | ObjectId | AttrDict | void
            The relevant record.

        key: string
            an identifier for the meta data field.

            Contains the following keys:

            * `status`: whether the save action was successful
            * `messages`: messages issued during the process
            * `readonly`: the html of the updated formatted value,
              this will replace the currently displayed value.
        Auth = self.Auth
        Mongo = self.Mongo

        value = json.loads(requestData())
        permitted = Auth.authorise(table, record, action="update")

        if not permitted:
            return dict(stat=False, messages=[["error", "update not allowed"]])

        F = self.makeField(key)

        nameSpace = F.nameSpace
        fieldPath = F.fieldPath
        tp =

        (recordId, record) = Mongo.get(table, record)
        if recordId is None:
            return dict(
                messages=[["error", "record does not exist"]],

        sValue = value if tp == "text" else readYaml(value, plain=True, ignore=True)
        nameSpaceRep = "" if not nameSpace else f"{nameSpace}."
        update = {f"{nameSpaceRep}{fieldPath}": sValue}
        if key == "title":
            update[key] = sValue

        if Mongo.updateRecord(table, update, stop=False, _id=recordId) is None:
            return dict(
                messages=[["error", "could not update the record in the database"]],
            (recordId, record) = Mongo.get(table, recordId)

        return dict(
            readonly=F.formatted(table, record, editable=False, level=None),

    def saveRole(self, user, table, recordId):
        """Saves a role into a user or cross table record.

        The role is given by the request.

        user: string
            The eppn of the user.
        table: string | void
            The relevant table. If not None, it indicates whether we are updating
            site-wide roles, otherwise project/edition roles.
        recordId: string | void
            The id of the relevant record. If not None, it is a project/edition
            record Id, which can be used to locate the cross record between the
            user table and the project/edition record where the user's
            role is stored.
            If None, the user's role is inside the user record.

            Contains the following keys:

            * `status`: whether the save action was successful
            * `messages`: messages issued during the process
            * `updated`: if the action was successful, all user management info
              will be passed back and will replace the currently displayed
        newRole = json.loads(requestData())
        return Admin(self).saveRole(user, newRole, table, recordId)

    def createUser(self, user):
        """Creates a new user with a given user name.

        user: string
            The user name of the user.
            This should be different from the user names of existing users.

            Contains the following keys:

            * `status`: whether the create action was successful
            * `messages`: messages issued during the process
            * `name`: the name under which the new user has been saved
        return Admin(self).createUser(user)

    def deleteUser(self, user):
        """Deletes a test user with a given user name.

        user: string
            The user name of the user.
            This should be a test user, not linked to any project or edition.

            Contains the following keys:

            * `status`: whether the create action was successful
            * `messages`: messages issued during the process
        return Admin(self).deleteUser(user)

    def linkUser(self, table, recordId):
        """Links a user in certain role to a project/edition record.

        The user and role are given by the request.

        table: string
            The relevant table.
        recordId: string
            The id of the relevant record,
            which can be used to locate the cross record between the
            user table and the project/edition record where the user's
            role is stored.

            Contains the following keys:

            * `status`: whether the save action was successful
            * `messages`: messages issued during the process
            * `updated`: if the action was successful, all user management info
              will be passed back and will replace the currently displayed
        (newRole, newUser) = json.loads(requestData())
        return Admin(self).linkUser(newUser, newRole, table, recordId)

    def getValue(self, table, record, key, level=None, manner="formatted"):
        """Retrieve a metadata value.

        Metadata sits in a big, potentially deeply nested dictionary of keys
        and values.
        These locations are known to the system (based on `fields.yml`).
        This function retrieves the information from those known locations.

        If a value is in fact composed of multiple values, it will be
        handled accordingly.

        If the user may edit the value, an edit button is added.

        key: string
            an identifier for the meta data field.
        table: string
            The relevant table.
        record: string | ObjectId | AttrDict | void
            The relevant record.
        level: string, optional None
            The heading level with which the value should be formatted.

            * `0`: No heading level
            * `None`: no formatting at all

        manner: string, optional wrapped
            If it is "formatted", the value is represented fully wrapped in HTML,
            possibly with edit/save controls.
            If it is "bare", the value is represented as a simple string.
            If it is "logical", the logical value is returned.

            It is assumed that the metadata value that is addressed exists.
            If not, we return the empty string.
        Auth = self.Auth

        actions = Auth.authorise(table, record)

        if "read" not in actions:
            return None

        F = self.makeField(key)

        isBare = manner == "bare"
        isLogical = manner == "logical"

        if isBare or isLogical:
            return (F.bare if isBare else F.logical)(record)

        editable = Auth.authorise(table, record, action="update")
        return F.formatted(table, record, editable=editable, level=level)

    def getValues(self, table, record, fieldSpecs):
        """Puts several pieces of metadata on the web page.

        fieldSpecs: string
            `,`-separated list of fieldSpecs
        table: string
            The relevant table
        record: string | ObjectId | AttrDict | void
            The relevant record

            The join of the individual results of retrieving metadata value.
        Settings = self.Settings
        H = Settings.H

        return H.content(
            self.getValue(table, record, key, level=level) or ""
            for (key, level) in (
                fieldSpec.strip().split("@", 1) for fieldSpec in fieldSpecs.split("+")

    def getUpload(self, record, key, fileName=None, bust=None, wrapped=True):
        """Display the name and/or upload controls of an uploaded file.

        The user may upload model files and a scene file to an edition,
        and various png files as icons for projects, edtions, and scenes.
        Here we produce the control to do so.

        Only if the user has `update` authorisation, an upload/delete widget
        will be returned.

        record: string | ObjectId | AttrDict | void
            The relevant record.
        key: string
            an identifier for the upload field.
        fileName: string, optional None
            If present, it indicates that the uploaded file will have this prescribed
            A file name for an upload object may also have been specified in
            the datamodel configuration.
        bust: string, optional None
            If not None, the image url of the file whose name is passed in
            `bust` is made unique by adding the current time to it. That will
            bust the cache for the image, so that uploaded images replace the
            existing images.

            This is useful when this function is called to provide udated
            content for an file upload widget after it has been used to
            successfully upload a file. The file name of the uploaded
            file is known, and that is the one that gets a cache buster appended.
        wrapped: boolean, optional True
            Whether the content should be wrapped in a container element.
            See `control.html.HtmlElements.finput()`.

            The name of the file that is currently present, or the indication
            that no file is present.

            If the user has edit permission for the edition, we display
            widgets to upload a new file or to delete the existing file.
        Auth = self.Auth

        uploadConfig = self.getUploadConfig(key)
        table = uploadConfig.table

        actions = Auth.authorise(table, record)

        if "read" not in actions:
            return None

        F = self.makeUpload(key, fileName=fileName)

        return F.formatted(record, "update" in actions, bust=bust, wrapped=wrapped)

    def getDownload(self, table, record):
        """Display the name and/or upload controls of an uploaded file.

        The user may upload model files and a scene file to an edition,
        and various png files as icons for projects, edtions, and scenes.
        Here we produce the control to do so.

        Only if the user has `update` authorisation, an upload/delete widget
        will be returned.

        table: string
            The table in which the relevant record sits
        record: string | ObjectId | AttrDict
            The relevant record.

            The name of the file that is currently present, or the indication
            that no file is present.

            If the user has edit permission for the edition, we display
            widgets to upload a new file or to delete the existing file.
        Settings = self.Settings
        H = Settings.H
        Mongo = self.Mongo
        Auth = self.Auth

        (recordId, record) = Mongo.get(table, record)
        if recordId is None:
            return ""

        actions = Auth.authorise(table, record)

        if "read" not in actions:
            return ""

        return H.iconx(
            "download", text="download", href=f"/download/{table}/{recordId}"

    def getPublishInfo(self, table, record):
        """Display the number under which a project/edition is published.

        Editions of a project may have been published. If that is the case,
        the project has been assigned a sequence number, under which it can be
        found on the static site with published material.

        Here we collect that number, and, for editions, we may put a publish
        button here.

        table: string
            The table in which the relevant record sits
        record: string | ObjectId | AttrDict
            The relevant record.

            In case of a project: the number of the project on the static site.
            In case of an edition: the number of the project and the number of the
            edition on the static site. If the edition is not yet published, and
            the user is allowed to publish the edition, then a publish button is
            also added.
        Settings = self.Settings

        H = Settings.H
        Mongo = self.Mongo
        Auth = self.Auth

        pubUrl = Settings.pubUrl
        published = Settings.published

        (recordId, record) = Mongo.get(table, record)
        if recordId is None:
            return ""

        actions = Auth.authorise(table, record)

        if "read" not in actions or table not in {"project", "edition"}:
            return ""

        (site, siteId, projectId, project, editionId, edition) = self.context(
            table, record

        pPubNum = project.pubNum

        projectPubStr = (
            H.i("No published editions")
            if pPubNum is None
            else H.span("Published: ")
            + H.a(
                f"{pPubNum} ⌲",
                cls="button large",

        if table == "project":
            return H.p(projectPubStr)

        ePubNum = edition.pubNum

        editionPubRow = (
                H.i("Not published")
                if ePubNum is None or pPubNum is None
                else H.span("Published: ")
                f"{pPubNum}/{ePubNum} ⌲",
                cls="button large",

        can = dict(
            publish=ePubNum is None,
            unpublish=pPubNum is not None and ePubNum is not None,
            republish=pPubNum is not None and ePubNum is not None,

        rows = []

        for kind, kindRep, tbRecRoles in (
                "check articles",
                    ("edition", edition, "editor"),
                    ("project", project, "organiser"),
                    ("site", site, "admin"),
                    ("site", site, "root"),
            ("publish", "publish", (("project", project, "organiser"),)),
                ("publishf", "publish"),
                (("project", project, "organiser"),),
                (("site", site, "admin"), ("site", site, "root")),
                ("republishf", "republish"),
                (("site", site, "admin"), ("site", site, "root")),
                (("site", site, "admin"), ("site", site, "root")),
            asKind = kind

            if type(kind) is tuple:
                (kind, asKind) = kind

            if can[asKind]:
                        H.span(f"You may {kindRep}:"),
                            cls="button large",
                    if asKind in actions
                    else (
                        H.span(f"You may not {kindRep}"),
                        Auth.getInvolvedUsers(tbRecRoles, asString=True),

        return H.table(
            [([(cell, {}) for cell in editionPubRow], {})],
            [([(cell, {}) for cell in row], {}) for row in rows],

    def getViewerFile(self, path):
        """Gets a viewer-related file from the file system.

        This is about files that are part of the viewer software.

        The viewer software is located in a specific directory on the server.
        This is the viewer base.

        path: string
            The path of the viewer file within viewer base.

            The full path to the viewer file, if it exists.
            Otherwise, we raise an error that will lead to a 404 response.
        Settings = self.Settings
        Messages = self.Messages

        viewerDir = Settings.viewerDir

        viewerPath = f"{viewerDir}/{path}"

        if not fileExists(viewerPath):
            logmsg = f"Accessing {viewerPath}: "
            logmsg += "does not exist. "
                msg="Accessing a file",

        return viewerPath

    def getDataFile(self, table, record, path, content=False, lenient=False):
        """Gets a data file from the file system.

        All data files are located under a specific directory on the server.
        This is the data directory.
        Below that the files are organized by projects and editions.
        Projects and editions corresponds to records in tables in MongoDB.

        path: string
            The path of the data file within site/project/edition directory
            within the data directory.
        project: string | ObjectId | AttrDict
            The id of the project in question.
        edition: string | ObjectId | AttrDict
            The id of the edition in question.
        content: boolean, optional False
            If True, delivers the content of the file, instead of the path
        lenient: boolean, optional False
            If True, do not complain if the file does not exist.

            The full path of the data file, if it exists.
            But if the `content` parameter is True, we deliver the content of the file.

            Otherwise, we raise an error that will lead to a 404 response, except
            when `lenient` is True.

        Settings = self.Settings
        H = Settings.H
        Messages = self.Messages
        Auth = self.Auth

        workingDir = Settings.workingDir

        (site, siteId, projectId, project, editionId, edition) = self.context(
            table, record

        urlBase = (
            if project is None
            else f"project/{projectId}"
            if edition is None
            else f"project/{projectId}/edition/{editionId}"
        sep = "/" if urlBase else ""
        base = f"{workingDir}{sep}{urlBase}"

        dataPath = base if path is None else f"{base}/{path}"

        (table, recordId, record) = self.relevant(project=project, edition=edition)
        if recordId is None:
            Messages.error(msg="record does not exist")
            return ""

        permitted = Auth.authorise(table, record, action="read")

        fexists = fileExists(dataPath)

        if permitted and fexists:
            if content:
                with open(dataPath) as fh:
                    result =
                result = dataPath
            result = (
                if content
                else dataPath
                if lenient
                else H.span(dataPath, cls="error")

            if not lenient:
                logmsg = f"Accessing {dataPath}: "

                if not permitted:
                    logmsg += "not allowed. "
                if not fexists:
                    logmsg += "does not exist. "

                    msg=f"Accessing file {path}",
                result = "" if content else dataPath

        return result

    def breadCrumb(self, project):
        """Makes a link to the landing page of a project.

        project: string | ObjectId | AttrDict
            The project in question.
        Settings = self.Settings
        H = Settings.H
        Mongo = self.Mongo

        (projectId, project) = Mongo.get("project", project)
        if not project:
            return ""

        projectUrl = f"/project/{projectId}"
        text = self.getValue("project", project, "title", manner="bare")
        if not text:
            text = H.i("no title")

        return H.p(
                "Project: ",
                    title="back to the project page",

    def precheck(self, record):
        """Check the articles of an edition prior to publishing.

        record: string
            The record of the edition to be checked.

            A status response.

            It will also generate a a bunch of toc files in the edition.
        Messages = self.Messages
        Mongo = self.Mongo
        Auth = self.Auth
        Publish = self.Publish

        (recordId, record) = Mongo.get("edition", record)
        if recordId is None:
                msg="record does not exist", logmsg=f"edition {recordId} does not exist"
            return False

        permitted = Auth.authorise("edition", record, action="precheck")

        if not permitted:
            logmsg = f"Checking articles not permitted: edition: {recordId}"
            msg = "Checking articles of edition not permitted"
            Messages.warning(msg=msg, logmsg=logmsg)
            return False

        (siteId, site, projectId, project, editionId, edition) = self.context(
            "edition", record

        return Publish.Precheck.checkEdition(project, editionId, edition)

    def publish(self, record, force):
        """Publish an edition.

        record: string
            The record of the item to be published.
        force: boolean
            If True, ignore when some checks fail

            A publish status response.
        Messages = self.Messages
        Mongo = self.Mongo
        Auth = self.Auth
        Publish = self.Publish

        (recordId, record) = Mongo.get("edition", record)
        if recordId is None:
                msg="record does not exist", logmsg=f"edition {recordId} does not exist"
            return False

        permitted = Auth.authorise("edition", record, action="publish")

        if not permitted:
            logmsg = f"Publish not permitted: edition: {recordId}"
            msg = "Publishing of edition not permitted"
            Messages.warning(msg=msg, logmsg=logmsg)
            return False

        (siteId, site, projectId, project, editionId, edition) = self.context(
            "edition", record

        return Publish.updateEdition(site, project, edition, "add", force=force)

    def republish(self, record, force):
        """Re-ublish an edition.

        record: string
            The record of the item to be re-published.
        force: boolean
            If True, ignore when some checks fail

            A re-publish status response.
        Messages = self.Messages
        Mongo = self.Mongo
        Auth = self.Auth
        Publish = self.Publish

        (recordId, record) = Mongo.get("edition", record)
        if recordId is None:
                msg="record does not exist", logmsg=f"edition {recordId} does not exist"
            return False

        permitted = Auth.authorise("edition", record, action="republish")

        if not permitted:
            logmsg = f"Re-publish not permitted: edition: {recordId}"
            msg = "Re-publishing of edition not permitted"
            Messages.warning(msg=msg, logmsg=logmsg)
            return False

        (siteId, site, projectId, project, editionId, edition) = self.context(
            "edition", record

        return Publish.updateEdition(
            site, project, edition, "add", force=force, again=True

    def unpublish(self, record):
        """Unpublish an edition.

        record: string
            The record of the item to be unpublished.

            An unpublish status response.
        Messages = self.Messages
        Mongo = self.Mongo
        Auth = self.Auth
        Publish = self.Publish

        (recordId, record) = Mongo.get("edition", record)
        if recordId is None:
                msg="record does not exist", logmsg=f"edition {recordId} does not exist"
            return False

        permitted = Auth.authorise("edition", record, action="unpublish")

        if not permitted:
            logmsg = f"Unpublish not permitted: edition: {recordId}"
            msg = "Unpublishing of edition not permitted"
            Messages.warning(msg=msg, logmsg=logmsg)
            return False

        (siteId, site, projectId, project, editionId, edition) = self.context(
            "edition", record

        return Publish.updateEdition(site, project, edition, "remove")

    def generate(self):
        """Regenerate the HTML for the published site.

        Not only the site wide files, but also all projects and editions.

            A publish status response.
        Messages = self.Messages
        Auth = self.Auth
        Publish = self.Publish

        site = self.relevant()[-1]
        permitted = Auth.authorise("site", site, action="republish")

        if not permitted:
            logmsg = "Generate pages is not permitted"
            msg = "Generate pages is not permitted"
            Messages.warning(msg=msg, logmsg=logmsg)
            return False

        return Publish.generatePages(True, True)

    def download(self, table, record):
        """Responds with a download of a project or edition.

        table: string
            The table where the item to be downloaded sits.
        record: string
            The record of the item to be downloaded.

            A download response.
        Settings = self.Settings
        Messages = self.Messages
        Mongo = self.Mongo
        Auth = self.Auth
        dataDir = Settings.dataDir
        workingDir = Settings.workingDir
        runMode = Settings.runMode

        (recordId, record) = Mongo.get(table, record)
        if recordId is None:
            return jsonify(status=False, msgs=[["warning", "record does not exist"]])

        permitted = Auth.authorise(table, record, action="read")

        if not permitted:
            logmsg = f"Download not permitted: {table}: {recordId}"
            msg = f"Download of {table} not permitted"
            return jsonify(status=False, msgs=[["warning", msg]])

        (siteId, site, projectId, project, editionId, edition) = self.context(
            table, record

        src = f"{workingDir}/project/{projectId}"

        if edition is not None:
            src += f"/edition/{editionId}"

        sep = "/" if dataDir else ""
        tempBase = f"{dataDir}{sep}temp/{runMode}"
        dst = mkdtemp(dir=tempBase)"CREATED TEMP DIR {dst}")

        good = True

            landing = f"{dst}/{recordId}"
            fileName = f"{table}-{recordId}.zip"

            if edition is None:
                yamlDest = f"{landing}/project.yaml"
                yamlDest = f"{landing}/edition.yaml"

            dirCopy(src, landing)

            with open(yamlDest, "w") as yh:
                yaml.dump(Mongo.consolidate(project), yh, allow_unicode=True)

            if edition is None:
                editions = Mongo.getList("edition", sort="title", projectId=projectId)

                for ed in editions:
                    edId = ed._id
                    yamlDest = f"{landing}/edition/{edId}/edition.yaml"

                    with open(yamlDest, "w") as yh:
                        yaml.dump(Mongo.consolidate(ed), yh, allow_unicode=True)

            zipBuffer = BytesIO()

            with ZipFile(zipBuffer, "w", compression=ZIP_DEFLATED) as zipFile:

                def compress(path):
                    sep = "/" if path else ""
                    with os.scandir(f"{landing}{sep}{path}") as dh:
                        for entry in dh:
                            name =
                            if entry.is_file():
                                arcFile = f"{path}{sep}{name}"
                                srcFile = f"{landing}/{arcFile}"
                                zipFile.write(srcFile, arcFile)
                            elif entry.is_dir():


            zipData = zipBuffer.getvalue()
  "{table} downloaded")

        except Exception as e:
            msg = "Could not assemble the data for download"
            Messages.error(msg=msg, logmsg=msg)
            Messages.error(logmsg="".join(format_exception(e)), stop=False)
            good = False

        dirRemove(dst)"DELETED TEMP DIR {dst}")

        if good:
            headers = {
                "Expires": "0",
                "Cache-Control": "no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate",
                "Content-Type": "application/zip",
                "Content-Disposition": f'attachment; filename="{fileName}"',
                "Content-Encoding": "identity",

            return (zipData, headers)

            ref = getReferrer().removeprefix("/")
            return redirectStatus(f"/{ref}", False)

    def saveFile(self, record, key, path, fileName, targetFileName=None):
        """Saves a file in the context given by a record.

        The parameter `key` refers to a configuration section in the datamodel.
        This determines what file type to expect.
        We only accept files whose name has an extension that matches the expected
        file type.

        The key `modelz` expects a zip file with the files of an edition, in particular
        a scene file and model files. We make sure that these files have the
        proper type, and we also perform checks on the other parts of the zip file,
        namely whether they have decent paths.

        record: string | ObjectId | AttrDict | void
            The relevant record.
        key: string
            The upload key
        path: string
            The path from the context directory to the file
        fileName: string
            Name  of the file to be saved as mentioned in the request.
        targetFileName: string, optional None
            The name of the file as which the uploaded file will be saved;
            if None, the file will be saved with the name from the request.

            A json response with the status of the save operation:

            * a boolean: whether the save succeeded
            * a list of messages to display
            * content: new content for an upload control (only if successful)
        fileContent = requestData()  # essential to have this early on in the body
        # if not, the error responses might go wrong in some browsers

        Settings = self.Settings
        H = Settings.H
        Messages = self.Messages
        Mongo = self.Mongo
        Auth = self.Auth
        workingDir = Settings.workingDir

        uploadConfig = self.getUploadConfig(key)
        table = uploadConfig.table

        (recordId, record) = Mongo.get(table, record)
        if recordId is None:
            return jsonify(status=False, msgs=[["warning", "record does not exist"]])

        permitted = Auth.authorise(table, record, action="update")

        saveName = fileName

        if targetFileName is not None:
            saveName = targetFileName

        filePath = f"{path}{saveName}"
        fileFullPath = f"{workingDir}/{filePath}"

        if not permitted:
            logmsg = f"Upload not permitted: {key}: {fileFullPath}"
            msg = f"Upload not permitted: {fileName}"
            return jsonify(status=False, msgs=[["warning", msg]])

        (good, msgs) = self.checkFileContent(key, targetFileName, fileName, fileContent)

        if not good:
            return jsonify(status=False, msgs=msgs)

        if key == "modelz":
            destDir = f"{workingDir}/{path}"
            (good, msgs) = self.processModelZip(fileContent, destDir)
            if good:
                return jsonify(
                    content=H.b("Please refresh the page", cls="good"),
            return jsonify(status=False, msgs=msgs)

            with open(fileFullPath, "wb") as fh:
        except Exception:
            logmsg = f"Could not save uploaded file: {key}: {fileFullPath}"
            msg = f"Uploaded file not saved: {fileName}"
            return jsonify(status=False, msgs=[["warning", msg]])

        content = self.getUpload(
            record, key, fileName=targetFileName, bust=fileName, wrapped=False

        return jsonify(status=True, msgs=[["good", "Done"]], content=content)

    def checkFileContent(self, key, targetFileName, fileName, fileContent):
        """Performs checks on the name and content of an uploaded file before saving it.

        key: string
            The key of the upload. This key determines what kind of file we expect.
            If None, we do not expect a particular mime type
        targetFileName: string
            The prescribed name to save the file under, if None, it will be saved under
            the name mentioned in the request.
        fileName: string
            The name of the file as mentioned in the request.
        fileContent: bytes
            The content of the file as bytes

            A boolean that tells whether the file content looks OK plus a sequences of
            messages indicating what is wrong with the content.
        Settings = self.Settings
        datamodel = Settings.datamodel
        mimeTypes = datamodel.mimeTypes
        uploadConfig = self.getUploadConfig(key) or AttrDict()
        acceptStr = uploadConfig.accept
        accept = (
            if acceptStr is None
            else {acc[1:].strip() for acc in acceptStr.split(",")}

        good = True
        msgs = []

        fileExt = extNm(fileName)

        if targetFileName is not None:
            targetExt = extNm(targetFileName)

            if targetExt != fileExt:
                good = False
                            f"the uploaded file name {fileName} has an extension "
                            "different from that of the target "
                            f"file name {targetFileName}"

            if accept is not None and targetExt not in accept:
                good = False
                            "Programming error: the prescribed file name "
                            f"{targetFileName} has an extension not in {acceptStr}"
                return (good, msgs)

            fileName = targetFileName
            fileExt = extNm(fileName)

        if accept is not None and fileExt not in accept:
            good = False
                        f"the uploaded file name {fileName} has an extension "
                        f"not in {acceptStr}"
            return (good, msgs)

        if fileExt == "gltf":
            (thisGood, messages) = check(fileContent)
            if thisGood:
                mimeType = "model/gltf+json"
                good = False
                msgs.extend([("error", msg) for msg in messages])
                mimeType = None
            mimeType = magic.from_buffer(fileContent, mime=True)
            if mimeType is None:
                good = False
                            f"could not determined the mime type of {fileName} "
                            "based on its uploaded content"

        if mimeType is not None:
            if (
                fileExt not in mimeTypes.get(mimeType, [])
                and mimeType.split("/", 1)[-1].split("+", 1)[0].lower()
                != fileExt.lower()
                good = False
                            f"the uploaded file content of {mimeType} file "
                            f"{fileName} does not fit its extension {fileExt}"

        return (good, msgs)

    def processModelZip(self, zf, destDir):
        """Processes zip data with a scene and model files.

        All files in the zip file will be examined, and those with
        extension svx.json will be saved as scene.svx.json at top level
        and those with extensions glb of gltf will be saved under their
        own names, also at top level.

        All other files will be saved as is, unless they have extension .svx.json,
        or .gltf or .glb.

        These files can end up in subdirectories.

        We do not check the file types of the member files other than the svx.json files
        and the model files (glb, gltf).
        If the file type for these files does not match their extensions, they will be

        The user is held responsible to submit a suitable file.

        zf: bytes
            The raw zip data
        Messages = self.Messages

        msgs = []
        good = True

            zf = BytesIO(zf)
            z = ZipFile(zf)

            allFiles = 0
            sceneFiles = set()
            modelFiles = set()
            otherFiles = set()

            goodFiles = []

            for zInfo in z.infolist():
                if zInfo.filename[-1] == "/":
                if zInfo.filename.startswith("__MACOS"):

                allFiles += 1

                zName = zInfo.filename
                zPath = zName.split("/")

                if len(zPath) == 1:
                    zDir, zFile = "", zPath[0]
                    zDir = "/".join(zPath[0:-1])
                    zFile = zPath[-1]

                zTest = zFile.lower()
                doFileTypeCheck = False

                if zTest.endswith(".svx.json"):
                    if zDir == "":
                        doFileTypeCheck = True
                            ("warning", f"ignoring non-toplevel scene file {zName}")
                elif zTest.endswith(".glb") or zTest.endswith(".gltf"):
                    if zDir == "":
                        doFileTypeCheck = True
                            ("warning", f"ignoring non-toplevel model file {zName}")

                if doFileTypeCheck:
                    fileContent =
                    (thisGood, theseMsgs) = self.checkFileContent(
                        None, None, zFile, fileContent
                    if thisGood:
                        goodFiles.append((zName, fileContent))
                        good = False
                    goodFiles.append((zInfo, None))

            if good:
                for zName, fileContent in goodFiles:
                    if fileContent is None:
                        z.extract(zName, path=destDir)
                        with open(f"{destDir}/{zName}", mode="wb") as fh:

            nScenes = len(sceneFiles)
            sLabel = "info" if nScenes == 1 else "warning"
            msgs.append(("info", f"All files in zip: {allFiles:>3}"))
            msgs.append((sLabel, f"Scene files: {nScenes:>3} x"))
            msgs.append(("info", f"Model files: {len(modelFiles):>3} x"))
            msgs.append(("info", f"Other files: {len(otherFiles):>3} x"))

        except Exception as e:
            good = False
            msgs.append(("error", "Something went wrong"))

        return (good, msgs)

    def deleteFile(self, record, key, path, fileName, targetFileName=None):
        """Deletes a file in the context given by a record.

        record: string | ObjectId | AttrDict | void
            The relevant record.
        key: string
            The upload key
        path: string
            The path from the context directory to the file
        fileName: string
            Name  of the file to be saved as mentioned in the request.
        targetFileName: string, optional None
            The name of the file as which the uploaded file will be saved;
            if None, the file will be saved with the name from the request.

            A json response with the status of the save operation:

            * a boolean: whether the save succeeded
            * a message: messages to display
            * content: new content for an upload control (only if successful)
        Settings = self.Settings
        Messages = self.Messages
        Mongo = self.Mongo
        Auth = self.Auth
        workingDir = Settings.workingDir

        uploadConfig = self.getUploadConfig(key)
        table = uploadConfig.table

        (recordId, record) = Mongo.get(table, record)
        if recordId is None:
            return jsonify(status=False, msgs=[["warning", "record does not exist"]])

        permitted = Auth.authorise(table, record, action="update")

        sep = "/" if path else ""
        filePath = f"{path}{sep}{fileName}"
        fileFullPath = f"{workingDir}/{filePath}"

        if not permitted:
            logmsg = f"Delete file not permitted: {key}: {fileFullPath}"
            msg = f"Delete not permitted: {fileName}"
            return jsonify(status=False, msgs=[["warning", msg]])

        if not fileExists(fileFullPath):
            logmsg = f"File does not exist: {key}: {fileFullPath}"
            msg = f"File does not exist: {fileName}"
            return jsonify(status=False, msgs=[["warning", msg]])

        except Exception:
            logmsg = f"Could not delete file: {key}: {fileFullPath}"
            msg = f"File not deleted: {fileName}"
            return jsonify(status=False, msgs=[["error", msg]])

        content = self.getUpload(
            record, key, fileName=targetFileName, bust=fileName, wrapped=False

        return jsonify(status=True, msgs=[["good", "Done"]], content=content)


class Content (Settings, Messages, Viewers, Mongo, Wrap)

Retrieving content from database and file system.

This class has methods to retrieve various pieces of content from the data sources, and hand it over to the Pages class that will compose a response out of it.

It is instantiated by a singleton object.


Settings : AttrDict
App-wide configuration data obtained from Config.Settings.
Viewers : object
Singleton instance of Viewers.
Messages : object
Singleton instance of Messages.
Mongo : object
Singleton instance of Mongo.
Wrap : object
Singleton instance of Wrap.
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class Content(Datamodel):
    def __init__(self, Settings, Messages, Viewers, Mongo, Wrap):
        """Retrieving content from database and file system.

        This class has methods to retrieve various pieces of content
        from the data sources, and hand it over to the `control.pages.Pages`
        class that will compose a response out of it.

        It is instantiated by a singleton object.

        Settings: AttrDict
            App-wide configuration data obtained from
        Viewers: object
            Singleton instance of `control.viewers.Viewers`.
        Messages: object
            Singleton instance of `control.messages.Messages`.
        Mongo: object
            Singleton instance of `control.mongo.Mongo`.
        Wrap: object
            Singleton instance of `control.wrap.Wrap`.
        super().__init__(Settings, Messages, Mongo)
        self.Viewers = Viewers
        self.Wrap = Wrap

    def addAuth(self, Auth):
        """Give this object a handle to the Auth object.

        Because of cyclic dependencies some objects require to be given
        a handle to Auth after their initialization.
        self.Auth = Auth

    def addPublish(self, Publish):
        """Give this object a handle to the Publish object.

        Because of cyclic dependencies some objects require to be given
        a handle to Publish after their initialization.
        self.Publish = Publish

    def getSurprise(self):
        """Get the data that belongs to the surprise-me functionality."""
        Settings = self.Settings
        H = Settings.H
        return H.h(2, "You will be surprised!")

    def getProjects(self):
        """Get the list of all projects.

        Well, the list of all projects visible to the current user.
        Unpublished projects are only visible to users that belong to that project.

        Visible projects are each displayed by means of an icon and a title.
        Both link to a landing page for the project.

            A list of captions of the projects,
            wrapped in a HTML string.
        Mongo = self.Mongo
        Wrap = self.Wrap

        (siteTable, siteId, site) = self.relevant()
        if siteId is None:
            return ""

        return Wrap.projectsMain(site, Mongo.getList("project", sort="title"))

    def getEditions(self, project):
        """Get the list of the editions of a project.

        Well, only if the project is visible to the current user.
        See `Content.getProjects()`.

        Editions are each displayed by means of an icon and a title.
        Both link to a landing page for the edition.

        project: string | ObjectId | AttrDict
            The project in question.

            A list of captions of the editions of the project,
            wrapped in a HTML string.
        Mongo = self.Mongo
        Wrap = self.Wrap

        (projectId, project) = Mongo.get("project", project)
        if projectId is None:
            return ""

        return Wrap.editionsMain(
            project, Mongo.getList("edition", sort="title", projectId=projectId)

    def getScene(self, projectId, edition, version=None, action=None):
        """Get the scene of an edition of a project.

        Well, only if the current user is authorised.

        A scene is displayed by means of an icon and a row of buttons.

        There are also buttons to upload model files and the scene file.

        If action is not None, the scene is loaded in a specific version of the
        viewer in a specific mode (`read` or `edit`).
        The edition knows which viewer to choose.

        Which version and which mode are used is determined by the parameters.
        If the parameters do not specify values, sensible defaults are chosen.

        projectId: ObjectId
            The id of the project to which the edition belongs.
        edition: string | ObjectId | AttrDict
            The edition in question.
        version: string, optional None
            The version of the chosen viewer that will be used.
            If no version or a non-existing version are specified,
            the latest existing version for that viewer will be chosen.
        action: string, optional read
            The mode in which the viewer should be opened.
            If the mode is `update`, the viewer is opened in edit mode, if the
            scene file exists, otherwise in create mode,  which, in case
            of the Voyager viewer, means `dragdrop` mode, in older versions
            All other modes lead to the viewer being opened in read-only
            If the mode is read-only, but the scene file is missing, no viewer
            will be opened.

            A caption of the scene of the edition,
            with possibly a frame with the 3D viewer showing the scene.
            The result is wrapped in a HTML string.
        Settings = self.Settings
        H = Settings.H
        workingDir = Settings.workingDir
        modelzFile = Settings.modelzFile
        Mongo = self.Mongo
        Viewers = self.Viewers
        Wrap = self.Wrap

        (editionId, edition) = Mongo.get("edition", edition)
        if editionId is None:
            return ""

        (viewer, sceneFile) = Viewers.getViewInfo(edition)
        version = Viewers.check(viewer, version)

        if sceneFile is None:
            sceneExists = False
            baseResult = ""
            scenePath = (
            sceneExists = fileExists(scenePath)
            baseResult = Wrap.sceneMain(
                projectId, edition, sceneFile, viewer, version, action, sceneExists

        if action is None:
            action = "read"

        zipUpload = (
            if sceneExists or sceneFile is None
            else (
                H.h(4, "Scene plus model files, zipped")
                + H.div(self.getUpload(edition, "modelz", fileName=modelzFile))
        sceneUpload = (
            if sceneFile is None
            else H.div(self.getUpload(edition, "scene", fileName=sceneFile))

        return (
            + H.h(4, "Scene" if sceneExists else "No scene yet")
            + sceneUpload
            + H.h(4, "Model files")
            + H.div(self.getUpload(edition, "model"))
            + zipUpload

    def getAdmin(self):
        """Get the list of relevant projects, editions and users.

        Admin users get the list of all users.

        Normal users get the list of users associated with

        * the project of which they are organiser
        * the editions of which they are editor or reviewer

        Guests and not-logged-in users cannot see any user.

        If the user has rights to modify the association
        between users and projects/editions, he will get
        the controls to do so.

        return Admin(self).wrap()

    def createProject(self, site):
        """Creates a new project.

        site: AttrDict | string
            record that represents the site, or its id.
            It acts as a master record for all projects.

            The id of the new project.
        Settings = self.Settings
        Messages = self.Messages
        Mongo = self.Mongo
        Auth = self.Auth
        workingDir = Settings.workingDir

        (siteId, site) = Mongo.get("site", site)
        if siteId is None:
            return None

        permitted = Auth.authorise("site", site, action="create", insertTable="project")
        if not permitted:
            return None

        User = Auth.myDetails()
        user = User.user
        name = User.nickname

        title = "Project without title"

        dcMeta = dict(
            description=dict(abstract="No intro", description="No description"),
        projectId = Mongo.insertRecord(
            "project", title=title, meta=dict(dc=dcMeta), isVisible=False
            "projectUser", projectId=projectId, user=user, role="organiser"
        projectDir = f"{workingDir}/project/{projectId}"
        if dirExists(projectDir):
                msg="The new project already exists on the file system",
                logmsg=f"New project {projectId} already exists on the filesystem.",

        return projectId

    def deleteItem(self, table, record):
        """Deletes an item, project or edition.

        table: string
            The kind of item: `project` or `edition`.
        record: string | ObjectId | AttrDict
            The item in question.

            Whether the deletion was successful.
        Settings = self.Settings
        Messages = self.Messages
        Mongo = self.Mongo
        Auth = self.Auth
        workingDir = Settings.workingDir

        (recordId, record) = Mongo.get(table, record)
        if recordId is None:
                msg=f"Delete {table}: no such {table}",
                logmsg=f"Delete {table}: no {table} {recordId}",
            return None

        permitted = Auth.authorise(table, record, action="delete")
        if not permitted:
            return None

        details = self.getDetailRecords(table, record)
        nDetails = len(details)
        if nDetails:
                msg=f"Cannot delete {table} because it has {nDetails} detail records",
                logmsg=f"Delete {table} {recordId} prevented: {nDetails} details",
            return None

        good = True

        links = self.getLinkedCrit(table, record)

        if links:
            for linkTable, linkCriteria in links.items():
                (thisGood, count) = Mongo.deleteRecords(
                    linkTable, stop=False, **linkCriteria
                if not thisGood:
                    good = False
                        msg=f"Error during removing link records from {linkTable}",
                            "Cannot delete records from "
                            f"{linkTable} by {linkCriteria}"

                    msg=f"Deleted {count} link records from {linkTable}",
                    logmsg=f"Deleted {count} link records from {linkTable}",

        if not good:
            return False

        good = Mongo.deleteRecord(table, _id=recordId)

        if not good:
            return False

        itemDirHead = workingDir
        itemDirTail = f"{table}/{recordId}"
        if table == "edition":
            projectId = record.projectId
            itemDirHead += f"/project/{projectId}"
        itemDir = f"{itemDirHead}/{itemDirTail}"

        if dirExists(itemDir):
                msg=f"The {table} directory is removed",
                logmsg=f"The {table} dir {itemDir} is removed",
                msg=f"The {table} directory on file system did not exist",
                logmsg=f"The {table} dir {itemDir} did not exist",

        return True

    def createEdition(self, project):
        """Creates a new edition.

        project: AttrDict | string
            record that represents the maste project, or its id.

            The id of the new edition.
        Mongo = self.Mongo
        Messages = self.Messages
        Auth = self.Auth
        Settings = self.Settings
        workingDir = Settings.workingDir

        def fillin(template, values):
            typ = type(template)
            if typ is str:
                for k, v in values.items():
                    template = template.replace(f"«{k}»", v)
                return template
            if typ in {list, tuple}:
                return [fillin(e, values) for e in template]
            if typ in {dict, AttrDict}:
                return {k: fillin(v, values) for (k, v) in template.items()}
            return template

        editionSettingsTemplate = Settings.editionSettingsTemplate
        viewerDefault = Settings.viewerDefault
        viewerInfo = Settings.viewers[viewerDefault] or AttrDict()
        versionDefault = viewerInfo.defaultVersion
        sceneFile = viewerInfo.sceneFile

        values = dict(viewer=viewerDefault, version=versionDefault, scene=sceneFile)
        editionSettings = fillin(editionSettingsTemplate, values)

        (projectId, project) = Mongo.get("project", project)
        if projectId is None:
            return None

        permitted = Auth.authorise(
            "project", project, action="create", insertTable="edition"
        if not permitted:
            return None

        User = Auth.myDetails()
        user = User.user
        name = User.nickname

        title = "Edition without title"

        dcMeta = dict(
                abstract="No intro",
                description="No description",
                provenance="No sources",
        editionId = Mongo.insertRecord(
        Mongo.insertRecord("editionUser", editionId=editionId, user=user, role="editor")

        editionDir = f"{workingDir}/project/{projectId}/edition/{editionId}"
        if dirExists(editionDir):
                msg="The new edition already exists on the file system",
                logmsg=f"New edition {editionId} already exists on the filesystem.",

        return editionId

    def saveValue(self, table, record, key):
        """Saves a value of into a record.

        A record is a document, which is a (nested) dict.
        A value is inserted somewhere (deep) in that dict.

        The value is given by the request.

        Where exactly is given by a path that is stored in the field information,
        which is accessible by the key.

        table: string
            The relevant table.
        record: string | ObjectId | AttrDict | void
            The relevant record.

        key: string
            an identifier for the meta data field.

            Contains the following keys:

            * `status`: whether the save action was successful
            * `messages`: messages issued during the process
            * `readonly`: the html of the updated formatted value,
              this will replace the currently displayed value.
        Auth = self.Auth
        Mongo = self.Mongo

        value = json.loads(requestData())
        permitted = Auth.authorise(table, record, action="update")

        if not permitted:
            return dict(stat=False, messages=[["error", "update not allowed"]])

        F = self.makeField(key)

        nameSpace = F.nameSpace
        fieldPath = F.fieldPath
        tp =

        (recordId, record) = Mongo.get(table, record)
        if recordId is None:
            return dict(
                messages=[["error", "record does not exist"]],

        sValue = value if tp == "text" else readYaml(value, plain=True, ignore=True)
        nameSpaceRep = "" if not nameSpace else f"{nameSpace}."
        update = {f"{nameSpaceRep}{fieldPath}": sValue}
        if key == "title":
            update[key] = sValue

        if Mongo.updateRecord(table, update, stop=False, _id=recordId) is None:
            return dict(
                messages=[["error", "could not update the record in the database"]],
            (recordId, record) = Mongo.get(table, recordId)

        return dict(
            readonly=F.formatted(table, record, editable=False, level=None),

    def saveRole(self, user, table, recordId):
        """Saves a role into a user or cross table record.

        The role is given by the request.

        user: string
            The eppn of the user.
        table: string | void
            The relevant table. If not None, it indicates whether we are updating
            site-wide roles, otherwise project/edition roles.
        recordId: string | void
            The id of the relevant record. If not None, it is a project/edition
            record Id, which can be used to locate the cross record between the
            user table and the project/edition record where the user's
            role is stored.
            If None, the user's role is inside the user record.

            Contains the following keys:

            * `status`: whether the save action was successful
            * `messages`: messages issued during the process
            * `updated`: if the action was successful, all user management info
              will be passed back and will replace the currently displayed
        newRole = json.loads(requestData())
        return Admin(self).saveRole(user, newRole, table, recordId)

    def createUser(self, user):
        """Creates a new user with a given user name.

        user: string
            The user name of the user.
            This should be different from the user names of existing users.

            Contains the following keys:

            * `status`: whether the create action was successful
            * `messages`: messages issued during the process
            * `name`: the name under which the new user has been saved
        return Admin(self).createUser(user)

    def deleteUser(self, user):
        """Deletes a test user with a given user name.

        user: string
            The user name of the user.
            This should be a test user, not linked to any project or edition.

            Contains the following keys:

            * `status`: whether the create action was successful
            * `messages`: messages issued during the process
        return Admin(self).deleteUser(user)

    def linkUser(self, table, recordId):
        """Links a user in certain role to a project/edition record.

        The user and role are given by the request.

        table: string
            The relevant table.
        recordId: string
            The id of the relevant record,
            which can be used to locate the cross record between the
            user table and the project/edition record where the user's
            role is stored.

            Contains the following keys:

            * `status`: whether the save action was successful
            * `messages`: messages issued during the process
            * `updated`: if the action was successful, all user management info
              will be passed back and will replace the currently displayed
        (newRole, newUser) = json.loads(requestData())
        return Admin(self).linkUser(newUser, newRole, table, recordId)

    def getValue(self, table, record, key, level=None, manner="formatted"):
        """Retrieve a metadata value.

        Metadata sits in a big, potentially deeply nested dictionary of keys
        and values.
        These locations are known to the system (based on `fields.yml`).
        This function retrieves the information from those known locations.

        If a value is in fact composed of multiple values, it will be
        handled accordingly.

        If the user may edit the value, an edit button is added.

        key: string
            an identifier for the meta data field.
        table: string
            The relevant table.
        record: string | ObjectId | AttrDict | void
            The relevant record.
        level: string, optional None
            The heading level with which the value should be formatted.

            * `0`: No heading level
            * `None`: no formatting at all

        manner: string, optional wrapped
            If it is "formatted", the value is represented fully wrapped in HTML,
            possibly with edit/save controls.
            If it is "bare", the value is represented as a simple string.
            If it is "logical", the logical value is returned.

            It is assumed that the metadata value that is addressed exists.
            If not, we return the empty string.
        Auth = self.Auth

        actions = Auth.authorise(table, record)

        if "read" not in actions:
            return None

        F = self.makeField(key)

        isBare = manner == "bare"
        isLogical = manner == "logical"

        if isBare or isLogical:
            return (F.bare if isBare else F.logical)(record)

        editable = Auth.authorise(table, record, action="update")
        return F.formatted(table, record, editable=editable, level=level)

    def getValues(self, table, record, fieldSpecs):
        """Puts several pieces of metadata on the web page.

        fieldSpecs: string
            `,`-separated list of fieldSpecs
        table: string
            The relevant table
        record: string | ObjectId | AttrDict | void
            The relevant record

            The join of the individual results of retrieving metadata value.
        Settings = self.Settings
        H = Settings.H

        return H.content(
            self.getValue(table, record, key, level=level) or ""
            for (key, level) in (
                fieldSpec.strip().split("@", 1) for fieldSpec in fieldSpecs.split("+")

    def getUpload(self, record, key, fileName=None, bust=None, wrapped=True):
        """Display the name and/or upload controls of an uploaded file.

        The user may upload model files and a scene file to an edition,
        and various png files as icons for projects, edtions, and scenes.
        Here we produce the control to do so.

        Only if the user has `update` authorisation, an upload/delete widget
        will be returned.

        record: string | ObjectId | AttrDict | void
            The relevant record.
        key: string
            an identifier for the upload field.
        fileName: string, optional None
            If present, it indicates that the uploaded file will have this prescribed
            A file name for an upload object may also have been specified in
            the datamodel configuration.
        bust: string, optional None
            If not None, the image url of the file whose name is passed in
            `bust` is made unique by adding the current time to it. That will
            bust the cache for the image, so that uploaded images replace the
            existing images.

            This is useful when this function is called to provide udated
            content for an file upload widget after it has been used to
            successfully upload a file. The file name of the uploaded
            file is known, and that is the one that gets a cache buster appended.
        wrapped: boolean, optional True
            Whether the content should be wrapped in a container element.
            See `control.html.HtmlElements.finput()`.

            The name of the file that is currently present, or the indication
            that no file is present.

            If the user has edit permission for the edition, we display
            widgets to upload a new file or to delete the existing file.
        Auth = self.Auth

        uploadConfig = self.getUploadConfig(key)
        table = uploadConfig.table

        actions = Auth.authorise(table, record)

        if "read" not in actions:
            return None

        F = self.makeUpload(key, fileName=fileName)

        return F.formatted(record, "update" in actions, bust=bust, wrapped=wrapped)

    def getDownload(self, table, record):
        """Display the name and/or upload controls of an uploaded file.

        The user may upload model files and a scene file to an edition,
        and various png files as icons for projects, edtions, and scenes.
        Here we produce the control to do so.

        Only if the user has `update` authorisation, an upload/delete widget
        will be returned.

        table: string
            The table in which the relevant record sits
        record: string | ObjectId | AttrDict
            The relevant record.

            The name of the file that is currently present, or the indication
            that no file is present.

            If the user has edit permission for the edition, we display
            widgets to upload a new file or to delete the existing file.
        Settings = self.Settings
        H = Settings.H
        Mongo = self.Mongo
        Auth = self.Auth

        (recordId, record) = Mongo.get(table, record)
        if recordId is None:
            return ""

        actions = Auth.authorise(table, record)

        if "read" not in actions:
            return ""

        return H.iconx(
            "download", text="download", href=f"/download/{table}/{recordId}"

    def getPublishInfo(self, table, record):
        """Display the number under which a project/edition is published.

        Editions of a project may have been published. If that is the case,
        the project has been assigned a sequence number, under which it can be
        found on the static site with published material.

        Here we collect that number, and, for editions, we may put a publish
        button here.

        table: string
            The table in which the relevant record sits
        record: string | ObjectId | AttrDict
            The relevant record.

            In case of a project: the number of the project on the static site.
            In case of an edition: the number of the project and the number of the
            edition on the static site. If the edition is not yet published, and
            the user is allowed to publish the edition, then a publish button is
            also added.
        Settings = self.Settings

        H = Settings.H
        Mongo = self.Mongo
        Auth = self.Auth

        pubUrl = Settings.pubUrl
        published = Settings.published

        (recordId, record) = Mongo.get(table, record)
        if recordId is None:
            return ""

        actions = Auth.authorise(table, record)

        if "read" not in actions or table not in {"project", "edition"}:
            return ""

        (site, siteId, projectId, project, editionId, edition) = self.context(
            table, record

        pPubNum = project.pubNum

        projectPubStr = (
            H.i("No published editions")
            if pPubNum is None
            else H.span("Published: ")
            + H.a(
                f"{pPubNum} ⌲",
                cls="button large",

        if table == "project":
            return H.p(projectPubStr)

        ePubNum = edition.pubNum

        editionPubRow = (
                H.i("Not published")
                if ePubNum is None or pPubNum is None
                else H.span("Published: ")
                f"{pPubNum}/{ePubNum} ⌲",
                cls="button large",

        can = dict(
            publish=ePubNum is None,
            unpublish=pPubNum is not None and ePubNum is not None,
            republish=pPubNum is not None and ePubNum is not None,

        rows = []

        for kind, kindRep, tbRecRoles in (
                "check articles",
                    ("edition", edition, "editor"),
                    ("project", project, "organiser"),
                    ("site", site, "admin"),
                    ("site", site, "root"),
            ("publish", "publish", (("project", project, "organiser"),)),
                ("publishf", "publish"),
                (("project", project, "organiser"),),
                (("site", site, "admin"), ("site", site, "root")),
                ("republishf", "republish"),
                (("site", site, "admin"), ("site", site, "root")),
                (("site", site, "admin"), ("site", site, "root")),
            asKind = kind

            if type(kind) is tuple:
                (kind, asKind) = kind

            if can[asKind]:
                        H.span(f"You may {kindRep}:"),
                            cls="button large",
                    if asKind in actions
                    else (
                        H.span(f"You may not {kindRep}"),
                        Auth.getInvolvedUsers(tbRecRoles, asString=True),

        return H.table(
            [([(cell, {}) for cell in editionPubRow], {})],
            [([(cell, {}) for cell in row], {}) for row in rows],

    def getViewerFile(self, path):
        """Gets a viewer-related file from the file system.

        This is about files that are part of the viewer software.

        The viewer software is located in a specific directory on the server.
        This is the viewer base.

        path: string
            The path of the viewer file within viewer base.

            The full path to the viewer file, if it exists.
            Otherwise, we raise an error that will lead to a 404 response.
        Settings = self.Settings
        Messages = self.Messages

        viewerDir = Settings.viewerDir

        viewerPath = f"{viewerDir}/{path}"

        if not fileExists(viewerPath):
            logmsg = f"Accessing {viewerPath}: "
            logmsg += "does not exist. "
                msg="Accessing a file",

        return viewerPath

    def getDataFile(self, table, record, path, content=False, lenient=False):
        """Gets a data file from the file system.

        All data files are located under a specific directory on the server.
        This is the data directory.
        Below that the files are organized by projects and editions.
        Projects and editions corresponds to records in tables in MongoDB.

        path: string
            The path of the data file within site/project/edition directory
            within the data directory.
        project: string | ObjectId | AttrDict
            The id of the project in question.
        edition: string | ObjectId | AttrDict
            The id of the edition in question.
        content: boolean, optional False
            If True, delivers the content of the file, instead of the path
        lenient: boolean, optional False
            If True, do not complain if the file does not exist.

            The full path of the data file, if it exists.
            But if the `content` parameter is True, we deliver the content of the file.

            Otherwise, we raise an error that will lead to a 404 response, except
            when `lenient` is True.

        Settings = self.Settings
        H = Settings.H
        Messages = self.Messages
        Auth = self.Auth

        workingDir = Settings.workingDir

        (site, siteId, projectId, project, editionId, edition) = self.context(
            table, record

        urlBase = (
            if project is None
            else f"project/{projectId}"
            if edition is None
            else f"project/{projectId}/edition/{editionId}"
        sep = "/" if urlBase else ""
        base = f"{workingDir}{sep}{urlBase}"

        dataPath = base if path is None else f"{base}/{path}"

        (table, recordId, record) = self.relevant(project=project, edition=edition)
        if recordId is None:
            Messages.error(msg="record does not exist")
            return ""

        permitted = Auth.authorise(table, record, action="read")

        fexists = fileExists(dataPath)

        if permitted and fexists:
            if content:
                with open(dataPath) as fh:
                    result =
                result = dataPath
            result = (
                if content
                else dataPath
                if lenient
                else H.span(dataPath, cls="error")

            if not lenient:
                logmsg = f"Accessing {dataPath}: "

                if not permitted:
                    logmsg += "not allowed. "
                if not fexists:
                    logmsg += "does not exist. "

                    msg=f"Accessing file {path}",
                result = "" if content else dataPath

        return result

    def breadCrumb(self, project):
        """Makes a link to the landing page of a project.

        project: string | ObjectId | AttrDict
            The project in question.
        Settings = self.Settings
        H = Settings.H
        Mongo = self.Mongo

        (projectId, project) = Mongo.get("project", project)
        if not project:
            return ""

        projectUrl = f"/project/{projectId}"
        text = self.getValue("project", project, "title", manner="bare")
        if not text:
            text = H.i("no title")

        return H.p(
                "Project: ",
                    title="back to the project page",

    def precheck(self, record):
        """Check the articles of an edition prior to publishing.

        record: string
            The record of the edition to be checked.

            A status response.

            It will also generate a a bunch of toc files in the edition.
        Messages = self.Messages
        Mongo = self.Mongo
        Auth = self.Auth
        Publish = self.Publish

        (recordId, record) = Mongo.get("edition", record)
        if recordId is None:
                msg="record does not exist", logmsg=f"edition {recordId} does not exist"
            return False

        permitted = Auth.authorise("edition", record, action="precheck")

        if not permitted:
            logmsg = f"Checking articles not permitted: edition: {recordId}"
            msg = "Checking articles of edition not permitted"
            Messages.warning(msg=msg, logmsg=logmsg)
            return False

        (siteId, site, projectId, project, editionId, edition) = self.context(
            "edition", record

        return Publish.Precheck.checkEdition(project, editionId, edition)

    def publish(self, record, force):
        """Publish an edition.

        record: string
            The record of the item to be published.
        force: boolean
            If True, ignore when some checks fail

            A publish status response.
        Messages = self.Messages
        Mongo = self.Mongo
        Auth = self.Auth
        Publish = self.Publish

        (recordId, record) = Mongo.get("edition", record)
        if recordId is None:
                msg="record does not exist", logmsg=f"edition {recordId} does not exist"
            return False

        permitted = Auth.authorise("edition", record, action="publish")

        if not permitted:
            logmsg = f"Publish not permitted: edition: {recordId}"
            msg = "Publishing of edition not permitted"
            Messages.warning(msg=msg, logmsg=logmsg)
            return False

        (siteId, site, projectId, project, editionId, edition) = self.context(
            "edition", record

        return Publish.updateEdition(site, project, edition, "add", force=force)

    def republish(self, record, force):
        """Re-ublish an edition.

        record: string
            The record of the item to be re-published.
        force: boolean
            If True, ignore when some checks fail

            A re-publish status response.
        Messages = self.Messages
        Mongo = self.Mongo
        Auth = self.Auth
        Publish = self.Publish

        (recordId, record) = Mongo.get("edition", record)
        if recordId is None:
                msg="record does not exist", logmsg=f"edition {recordId} does not exist"
            return False

        permitted = Auth.authorise("edition", record, action="republish")

        if not permitted:
            logmsg = f"Re-publish not permitted: edition: {recordId}"
            msg = "Re-publishing of edition not permitted"
            Messages.warning(msg=msg, logmsg=logmsg)
            return False

        (siteId, site, projectId, project, editionId, edition) = self.context(
            "edition", record

        return Publish.updateEdition(
            site, project, edition, "add", force=force, again=True

    def unpublish(self, record):
        """Unpublish an edition.

        record: string
            The record of the item to be unpublished.

            An unpublish status response.
        Messages = self.Messages
        Mongo = self.Mongo
        Auth = self.Auth
        Publish = self.Publish

        (recordId, record) = Mongo.get("edition", record)
        if recordId is None:
                msg="record does not exist", logmsg=f"edition {recordId} does not exist"
            return False

        permitted = Auth.authorise("edition", record, action="unpublish")

        if not permitted:
            logmsg = f"Unpublish not permitted: edition: {recordId}"
            msg = "Unpublishing of edition not permitted"
            Messages.warning(msg=msg, logmsg=logmsg)
            return False

        (siteId, site, projectId, project, editionId, edition) = self.context(
            "edition", record

        return Publish.updateEdition(site, project, edition, "remove")

    def generate(self):
        """Regenerate the HTML for the published site.

        Not only the site wide files, but also all projects and editions.

            A publish status response.
        Messages = self.Messages
        Auth = self.Auth
        Publish = self.Publish

        site = self.relevant()[-1]
        permitted = Auth.authorise("site", site, action="republish")

        if not permitted:
            logmsg = "Generate pages is not permitted"
            msg = "Generate pages is not permitted"
            Messages.warning(msg=msg, logmsg=logmsg)
            return False

        return Publish.generatePages(True, True)

    def download(self, table, record):
        """Responds with a download of a project or edition.

        table: string
            The table where the item to be downloaded sits.
        record: string
            The record of the item to be downloaded.

            A download response.
        Settings = self.Settings
        Messages = self.Messages
        Mongo = self.Mongo
        Auth = self.Auth
        dataDir = Settings.dataDir
        workingDir = Settings.workingDir
        runMode = Settings.runMode

        (recordId, record) = Mongo.get(table, record)
        if recordId is None:
            return jsonify(status=False, msgs=[["warning", "record does not exist"]])

        permitted = Auth.authorise(table, record, action="read")

        if not permitted:
            logmsg = f"Download not permitted: {table}: {recordId}"
            msg = f"Download of {table} not permitted"
            return jsonify(status=False, msgs=[["warning", msg]])

        (siteId, site, projectId, project, editionId, edition) = self.context(
            table, record

        src = f"{workingDir}/project/{projectId}"

        if edition is not None:
            src += f"/edition/{editionId}"

        sep = "/" if dataDir else ""
        tempBase = f"{dataDir}{sep}temp/{runMode}"
        dst = mkdtemp(dir=tempBase)"CREATED TEMP DIR {dst}")

        good = True

            landing = f"{dst}/{recordId}"
            fileName = f"{table}-{recordId}.zip"

            if edition is None:
                yamlDest = f"{landing}/project.yaml"
                yamlDest = f"{landing}/edition.yaml"

            dirCopy(src, landing)

            with open(yamlDest, "w") as yh:
                yaml.dump(Mongo.consolidate(project), yh, allow_unicode=True)

            if edition is None:
                editions = Mongo.getList("edition", sort="title", projectId=projectId)

                for ed in editions:
                    edId = ed._id
                    yamlDest = f"{landing}/edition/{edId}/edition.yaml"

                    with open(yamlDest, "w") as yh:
                        yaml.dump(Mongo.consolidate(ed), yh, allow_unicode=True)

            zipBuffer = BytesIO()

            with ZipFile(zipBuffer, "w", compression=ZIP_DEFLATED) as zipFile:

                def compress(path):
                    sep = "/" if path else ""
                    with os.scandir(f"{landing}{sep}{path}") as dh:
                        for entry in dh:
                            name =
                            if entry.is_file():
                                arcFile = f"{path}{sep}{name}"
                                srcFile = f"{landing}/{arcFile}"
                                zipFile.write(srcFile, arcFile)
                            elif entry.is_dir():


            zipData = zipBuffer.getvalue()
  "{table} downloaded")

        except Exception as e:
            msg = "Could not assemble the data for download"
            Messages.error(msg=msg, logmsg=msg)
            Messages.error(logmsg="".join(format_exception(e)), stop=False)
            good = False

        dirRemove(dst)"DELETED TEMP DIR {dst}")

        if good:
            headers = {
                "Expires": "0",
                "Cache-Control": "no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate",
                "Content-Type": "application/zip",
                "Content-Disposition": f'attachment; filename="{fileName}"',
                "Content-Encoding": "identity",

            return (zipData, headers)

            ref = getReferrer().removeprefix("/")
            return redirectStatus(f"/{ref}", False)

    def saveFile(self, record, key, path, fileName, targetFileName=None):
        """Saves a file in the context given by a record.

        The parameter `key` refers to a configuration section in the datamodel.
        This determines what file type to expect.
        We only accept files whose name has an extension that matches the expected
        file type.

        The key `modelz` expects a zip file with the files of an edition, in particular
        a scene file and model files. We make sure that these files have the
        proper type, and we also perform checks on the other parts of the zip file,
        namely whether they have decent paths.

        record: string | ObjectId | AttrDict | void
            The relevant record.
        key: string
            The upload key
        path: string
            The path from the context directory to the file
        fileName: string
            Name  of the file to be saved as mentioned in the request.
        targetFileName: string, optional None
            The name of the file as which the uploaded file will be saved;
            if None, the file will be saved with the name from the request.

            A json response with the status of the save operation:

            * a boolean: whether the save succeeded
            * a list of messages to display
            * content: new content for an upload control (only if successful)
        fileContent = requestData()  # essential to have this early on in the body
        # if not, the error responses might go wrong in some browsers

        Settings = self.Settings
        H = Settings.H
        Messages = self.Messages
        Mongo = self.Mongo
        Auth = self.Auth
        workingDir = Settings.workingDir

        uploadConfig = self.getUploadConfig(key)
        table = uploadConfig.table

        (recordId, record) = Mongo.get(table, record)
        if recordId is None:
            return jsonify(status=False, msgs=[["warning", "record does not exist"]])

        permitted = Auth.authorise(table, record, action="update")

        saveName = fileName

        if targetFileName is not None:
            saveName = targetFileName

        filePath = f"{path}{saveName}"
        fileFullPath = f"{workingDir}/{filePath}"

        if not permitted:
            logmsg = f"Upload not permitted: {key}: {fileFullPath}"
            msg = f"Upload not permitted: {fileName}"
            return jsonify(status=False, msgs=[["warning", msg]])

        (good, msgs) = self.checkFileContent(key, targetFileName, fileName, fileContent)

        if not good:
            return jsonify(status=False, msgs=msgs)

        if key == "modelz":
            destDir = f"{workingDir}/{path}"
            (good, msgs) = self.processModelZip(fileContent, destDir)
            if good:
                return jsonify(
                    content=H.b("Please refresh the page", cls="good"),
            return jsonify(status=False, msgs=msgs)

            with open(fileFullPath, "wb") as fh:
        except Exception:
            logmsg = f"Could not save uploaded file: {key}: {fileFullPath}"
            msg = f"Uploaded file not saved: {fileName}"
            return jsonify(status=False, msgs=[["warning", msg]])

        content = self.getUpload(
            record, key, fileName=targetFileName, bust=fileName, wrapped=False

        return jsonify(status=True, msgs=[["good", "Done"]], content=content)

    def checkFileContent(self, key, targetFileName, fileName, fileContent):
        """Performs checks on the name and content of an uploaded file before saving it.

        key: string
            The key of the upload. This key determines what kind of file we expect.
            If None, we do not expect a particular mime type
        targetFileName: string
            The prescribed name to save the file under, if None, it will be saved under
            the name mentioned in the request.
        fileName: string
            The name of the file as mentioned in the request.
        fileContent: bytes
            The content of the file as bytes

            A boolean that tells whether the file content looks OK plus a sequences of
            messages indicating what is wrong with the content.
        Settings = self.Settings
        datamodel = Settings.datamodel
        mimeTypes = datamodel.mimeTypes
        uploadConfig = self.getUploadConfig(key) or AttrDict()
        acceptStr = uploadConfig.accept
        accept = (
            if acceptStr is None
            else {acc[1:].strip() for acc in acceptStr.split(",")}

        good = True
        msgs = []

        fileExt = extNm(fileName)

        if targetFileName is not None:
            targetExt = extNm(targetFileName)

            if targetExt != fileExt:
                good = False
                            f"the uploaded file name {fileName} has an extension "
                            "different from that of the target "
                            f"file name {targetFileName}"

            if accept is not None and targetExt not in accept:
                good = False
                            "Programming error: the prescribed file name "
                            f"{targetFileName} has an extension not in {acceptStr}"
                return (good, msgs)

            fileName = targetFileName
            fileExt = extNm(fileName)

        if accept is not None and fileExt not in accept:
            good = False
                        f"the uploaded file name {fileName} has an extension "
                        f"not in {acceptStr}"
            return (good, msgs)

        if fileExt == "gltf":
            (thisGood, messages) = check(fileContent)
            if thisGood:
                mimeType = "model/gltf+json"
                good = False
                msgs.extend([("error", msg) for msg in messages])
                mimeType = None
            mimeType = magic.from_buffer(fileContent, mime=True)
            if mimeType is None:
                good = False
                            f"could not determined the mime type of {fileName} "
                            "based on its uploaded content"

        if mimeType is not None:
            if (
                fileExt not in mimeTypes.get(mimeType, [])
                and mimeType.split("/", 1)[-1].split("+", 1)[0].lower()
                != fileExt.lower()
                good = False
                            f"the uploaded file content of {mimeType} file "
                            f"{fileName} does not fit its extension {fileExt}"

        return (good, msgs)

    def processModelZip(self, zf, destDir):
        """Processes zip data with a scene and model files.

        All files in the zip file will be examined, and those with
        extension svx.json will be saved as scene.svx.json at top level
        and those with extensions glb of gltf will be saved under their
        own names, also at top level.

        All other files will be saved as is, unless they have extension .svx.json,
        or .gltf or .glb.

        These files can end up in subdirectories.

        We do not check the file types of the member files other than the svx.json files
        and the model files (glb, gltf).
        If the file type for these files does not match their extensions, they will be

        The user is held responsible to submit a suitable file.

        zf: bytes
            The raw zip data
        Messages = self.Messages

        msgs = []
        good = True

            zf = BytesIO(zf)
            z = ZipFile(zf)

            allFiles = 0
            sceneFiles = set()
            modelFiles = set()
            otherFiles = set()

            goodFiles = []

            for zInfo in z.infolist():
                if zInfo.filename[-1] == "/":
                if zInfo.filename.startswith("__MACOS"):

                allFiles += 1

                zName = zInfo.filename
                zPath = zName.split("/")

                if len(zPath) == 1:
                    zDir, zFile = "", zPath[0]
                    zDir = "/".join(zPath[0:-1])
                    zFile = zPath[-1]

                zTest = zFile.lower()
                doFileTypeCheck = False

                if zTest.endswith(".svx.json"):
                    if zDir == "":
                        doFileTypeCheck = True
                            ("warning", f"ignoring non-toplevel scene file {zName}")
                elif zTest.endswith(".glb") or zTest.endswith(".gltf"):
                    if zDir == "":
                        doFileTypeCheck = True
                            ("warning", f"ignoring non-toplevel model file {zName}")

                if doFileTypeCheck:
                    fileContent =
                    (thisGood, theseMsgs) = self.checkFileContent(
                        None, None, zFile, fileContent
                    if thisGood:
                        goodFiles.append((zName, fileContent))
                        good = False
                    goodFiles.append((zInfo, None))

            if good:
                for zName, fileContent in goodFiles:
                    if fileContent is None:
                        z.extract(zName, path=destDir)
                        with open(f"{destDir}/{zName}", mode="wb") as fh:

            nScenes = len(sceneFiles)
            sLabel = "info" if nScenes == 1 else "warning"
            msgs.append(("info", f"All files in zip: {allFiles:>3}"))
            msgs.append((sLabel, f"Scene files: {nScenes:>3} x"))
            msgs.append(("info", f"Model files: {len(modelFiles):>3} x"))
            msgs.append(("info", f"Other files: {len(otherFiles):>3} x"))

        except Exception as e:
            good = False
            msgs.append(("error", "Something went wrong"))

        return (good, msgs)

    def deleteFile(self, record, key, path, fileName, targetFileName=None):
        """Deletes a file in the context given by a record.

        record: string | ObjectId | AttrDict | void
            The relevant record.
        key: string
            The upload key
        path: string
            The path from the context directory to the file
        fileName: string
            Name  of the file to be saved as mentioned in the request.
        targetFileName: string, optional None
            The name of the file as which the uploaded file will be saved;
            if None, the file will be saved with the name from the request.

            A json response with the status of the save operation:

            * a boolean: whether the save succeeded
            * a message: messages to display
            * content: new content for an upload control (only if successful)
        Settings = self.Settings
        Messages = self.Messages
        Mongo = self.Mongo
        Auth = self.Auth
        workingDir = Settings.workingDir

        uploadConfig = self.getUploadConfig(key)
        table = uploadConfig.table

        (recordId, record) = Mongo.get(table, record)
        if recordId is None:
            return jsonify(status=False, msgs=[["warning", "record does not exist"]])

        permitted = Auth.authorise(table, record, action="update")

        sep = "/" if path else ""
        filePath = f"{path}{sep}{fileName}"
        fileFullPath = f"{workingDir}/{filePath}"

        if not permitted:
            logmsg = f"Delete file not permitted: {key}: {fileFullPath}"
            msg = f"Delete not permitted: {fileName}"
            return jsonify(status=False, msgs=[["warning", msg]])

        if not fileExists(fileFullPath):
            logmsg = f"File does not exist: {key}: {fileFullPath}"
            msg = f"File does not exist: {fileName}"
            return jsonify(status=False, msgs=[["warning", msg]])

        except Exception:
            logmsg = f"Could not delete file: {key}: {fileFullPath}"
            msg = f"File not deleted: {fileName}"
            return jsonify(status=False, msgs=[["error", msg]])

        content = self.getUpload(
            record, key, fileName=targetFileName, bust=fileName, wrapped=False

        return jsonify(status=True, msgs=[["good", "Done"]], content=content)



def addAuth(self, Auth)

Give this object a handle to the Auth object.

Because of cyclic dependencies some objects require to be given a handle to Auth after their initialization.

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def addAuth(self, Auth):
    """Give this object a handle to the Auth object.

    Because of cyclic dependencies some objects require to be given
    a handle to Auth after their initialization.
    self.Auth = Auth
def addPublish(self, Publish)

Give this object a handle to the Publish object.

Because of cyclic dependencies some objects require to be given a handle to Publish after their initialization.

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def addPublish(self, Publish):
    """Give this object a handle to the Publish object.

    Because of cyclic dependencies some objects require to be given
    a handle to Publish after their initialization.
    self.Publish = Publish
def breadCrumb(self, project)

Makes a link to the landing page of a project.


project : string | ObjectId | AttrDict
The project in question.
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def breadCrumb(self, project):
    """Makes a link to the landing page of a project.

    project: string | ObjectId | AttrDict
        The project in question.
    Settings = self.Settings
    H = Settings.H
    Mongo = self.Mongo

    (projectId, project) = Mongo.get("project", project)
    if not project:
        return ""

    projectUrl = f"/project/{projectId}"
    text = self.getValue("project", project, "title", manner="bare")
    if not text:
        text = H.i("no title")

    return H.p(
            "Project: ",
                title="back to the project page",
def checkFileContent(self, key, targetFileName, fileName, fileContent)

Performs checks on the name and content of an uploaded file before saving it.


key : string
The key of the upload. This key determines what kind of file we expect. If None, we do not expect a particular mime type
targetFileName : string
The prescribed name to save the file under, if None, it will be saved under the name mentioned in the request.
fileName : string
The name of the file as mentioned in the request.
fileContent : bytes
The content of the file as bytes


A boolean that tells whether the file content looks OK plus a sequences of messages indicating what is wrong with the content.
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def checkFileContent(self, key, targetFileName, fileName, fileContent):
    """Performs checks on the name and content of an uploaded file before saving it.

    key: string
        The key of the upload. This key determines what kind of file we expect.
        If None, we do not expect a particular mime type
    targetFileName: string
        The prescribed name to save the file under, if None, it will be saved under
        the name mentioned in the request.
    fileName: string
        The name of the file as mentioned in the request.
    fileContent: bytes
        The content of the file as bytes

        A boolean that tells whether the file content looks OK plus a sequences of
        messages indicating what is wrong with the content.
    Settings = self.Settings
    datamodel = Settings.datamodel
    mimeTypes = datamodel.mimeTypes
    uploadConfig = self.getUploadConfig(key) or AttrDict()
    acceptStr = uploadConfig.accept
    accept = (
        if acceptStr is None
        else {acc[1:].strip() for acc in acceptStr.split(",")}

    good = True
    msgs = []

    fileExt = extNm(fileName)

    if targetFileName is not None:
        targetExt = extNm(targetFileName)

        if targetExt != fileExt:
            good = False
                        f"the uploaded file name {fileName} has an extension "
                        "different from that of the target "
                        f"file name {targetFileName}"

        if accept is not None and targetExt not in accept:
            good = False
                        "Programming error: the prescribed file name "
                        f"{targetFileName} has an extension not in {acceptStr}"
            return (good, msgs)

        fileName = targetFileName
        fileExt = extNm(fileName)

    if accept is not None and fileExt not in accept:
        good = False
                    f"the uploaded file name {fileName} has an extension "
                    f"not in {acceptStr}"
        return (good, msgs)

    if fileExt == "gltf":
        (thisGood, messages) = check(fileContent)
        if thisGood:
            mimeType = "model/gltf+json"
            good = False
            msgs.extend([("error", msg) for msg in messages])
            mimeType = None
        mimeType = magic.from_buffer(fileContent, mime=True)
        if mimeType is None:
            good = False
                        f"could not determined the mime type of {fileName} "
                        "based on its uploaded content"

    if mimeType is not None:
        if (
            fileExt not in mimeTypes.get(mimeType, [])
            and mimeType.split("/", 1)[-1].split("+", 1)[0].lower()
            != fileExt.lower()
            good = False
                        f"the uploaded file content of {mimeType} file "
                        f"{fileName} does not fit its extension {fileExt}"

    return (good, msgs)
def createEdition(self, project)

Creates a new edition.


project : AttrDict | string
record that represents the maste project, or its id.


The id of the new edition.
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def createEdition(self, project):
    """Creates a new edition.

    project: AttrDict | string
        record that represents the maste project, or its id.

        The id of the new edition.
    Mongo = self.Mongo
    Messages = self.Messages
    Auth = self.Auth
    Settings = self.Settings
    workingDir = Settings.workingDir

    def fillin(template, values):
        typ = type(template)
        if typ is str:
            for k, v in values.items():
                template = template.replace(f"«{k}»", v)
            return template
        if typ in {list, tuple}:
            return [fillin(e, values) for e in template]
        if typ in {dict, AttrDict}:
            return {k: fillin(v, values) for (k, v) in template.items()}
        return template

    editionSettingsTemplate = Settings.editionSettingsTemplate
    viewerDefault = Settings.viewerDefault
    viewerInfo = Settings.viewers[viewerDefault] or AttrDict()
    versionDefault = viewerInfo.defaultVersion
    sceneFile = viewerInfo.sceneFile

    values = dict(viewer=viewerDefault, version=versionDefault, scene=sceneFile)
    editionSettings = fillin(editionSettingsTemplate, values)

    (projectId, project) = Mongo.get("project", project)
    if projectId is None:
        return None

    permitted = Auth.authorise(
        "project", project, action="create", insertTable="edition"
    if not permitted:
        return None

    User = Auth.myDetails()
    user = User.user
    name = User.nickname

    title = "Edition without title"

    dcMeta = dict(
            abstract="No intro",
            description="No description",
            provenance="No sources",
    editionId = Mongo.insertRecord(
    Mongo.insertRecord("editionUser", editionId=editionId, user=user, role="editor")

    editionDir = f"{workingDir}/project/{projectId}/edition/{editionId}"
    if dirExists(editionDir):
            msg="The new edition already exists on the file system",
            logmsg=f"New edition {editionId} already exists on the filesystem.",

    return editionId
def createProject(self, site)

Creates a new project.


site : AttrDict | string
record that represents the site, or its id. It acts as a master record for all projects.


The id of the new project.
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def createProject(self, site):
    """Creates a new project.

    site: AttrDict | string
        record that represents the site, or its id.
        It acts as a master record for all projects.

        The id of the new project.
    Settings = self.Settings
    Messages = self.Messages
    Mongo = self.Mongo
    Auth = self.Auth
    workingDir = Settings.workingDir

    (siteId, site) = Mongo.get("site", site)
    if siteId is None:
        return None

    permitted = Auth.authorise("site", site, action="create", insertTable="project")
    if not permitted:
        return None

    User = Auth.myDetails()
    user = User.user
    name = User.nickname

    title = "Project without title"

    dcMeta = dict(
        description=dict(abstract="No intro", description="No description"),
    projectId = Mongo.insertRecord(
        "project", title=title, meta=dict(dc=dcMeta), isVisible=False
        "projectUser", projectId=projectId, user=user, role="organiser"
    projectDir = f"{workingDir}/project/{projectId}"
    if dirExists(projectDir):
            msg="The new project already exists on the file system",
            logmsg=f"New project {projectId} already exists on the filesystem.",

    return projectId
def createUser(self, user)

Creates a new user with a given user name.


user : string
The user name of the user. This should be different from the user names of existing users.



Contains the following keys:

  • status: whether the create action was successful
  • messages: messages issued during the process
  • name: the name under which the new user has been saved
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def createUser(self, user):
    """Creates a new user with a given user name.

    user: string
        The user name of the user.
        This should be different from the user names of existing users.

        Contains the following keys:

        * `status`: whether the create action was successful
        * `messages`: messages issued during the process
        * `name`: the name under which the new user has been saved
    return Admin(self).createUser(user)
def deleteFile(self, record, key, path, fileName, targetFileName=None)

Deletes a file in the context given by a record.


record : string | ObjectId | AttrDict | void
The relevant record.
key : string
The upload key
path : string
The path from the context directory to the file
fileName : string
Name of the file to be saved as mentioned in the request.
targetFileName : string, optional None
The name of the file as which the uploaded file will be saved; if None, the file will be saved with the name from the request.


response A json response with the status of the save operation:

* a boolean: whether the save succeeded
* a message: messages to display
* content: new content for an upload control (only if successful)
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def deleteFile(self, record, key, path, fileName, targetFileName=None):
    """Deletes a file in the context given by a record.

    record: string | ObjectId | AttrDict | void
        The relevant record.
    key: string
        The upload key
    path: string
        The path from the context directory to the file
    fileName: string
        Name  of the file to be saved as mentioned in the request.
    targetFileName: string, optional None
        The name of the file as which the uploaded file will be saved;
        if None, the file will be saved with the name from the request.

        A json response with the status of the save operation:

        * a boolean: whether the save succeeded
        * a message: messages to display
        * content: new content for an upload control (only if successful)
    Settings = self.Settings
    Messages = self.Messages
    Mongo = self.Mongo
    Auth = self.Auth
    workingDir = Settings.workingDir

    uploadConfig = self.getUploadConfig(key)
    table = uploadConfig.table

    (recordId, record) = Mongo.get(table, record)
    if recordId is None:
        return jsonify(status=False, msgs=[["warning", "record does not exist"]])

    permitted = Auth.authorise(table, record, action="update")

    sep = "/" if path else ""
    filePath = f"{path}{sep}{fileName}"
    fileFullPath = f"{workingDir}/{filePath}"

    if not permitted:
        logmsg = f"Delete file not permitted: {key}: {fileFullPath}"
        msg = f"Delete not permitted: {fileName}"
        return jsonify(status=False, msgs=[["warning", msg]])

    if not fileExists(fileFullPath):
        logmsg = f"File does not exist: {key}: {fileFullPath}"
        msg = f"File does not exist: {fileName}"
        return jsonify(status=False, msgs=[["warning", msg]])

    except Exception:
        logmsg = f"Could not delete file: {key}: {fileFullPath}"
        msg = f"File not deleted: {fileName}"
        return jsonify(status=False, msgs=[["error", msg]])

    content = self.getUpload(
        record, key, fileName=targetFileName, bust=fileName, wrapped=False

    return jsonify(status=True, msgs=[["good", "Done"]], content=content)
def deleteItem(self, table, record)

Deletes an item, project or edition.


table : string
The kind of item: project or edition.
record : string | ObjectId | AttrDict
The item in question.


Whether the deletion was successful.
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def deleteItem(self, table, record):
    """Deletes an item, project or edition.

    table: string
        The kind of item: `project` or `edition`.
    record: string | ObjectId | AttrDict
        The item in question.

        Whether the deletion was successful.
    Settings = self.Settings
    Messages = self.Messages
    Mongo = self.Mongo
    Auth = self.Auth
    workingDir = Settings.workingDir

    (recordId, record) = Mongo.get(table, record)
    if recordId is None:
            msg=f"Delete {table}: no such {table}",
            logmsg=f"Delete {table}: no {table} {recordId}",
        return None

    permitted = Auth.authorise(table, record, action="delete")
    if not permitted:
        return None

    details = self.getDetailRecords(table, record)
    nDetails = len(details)
    if nDetails:
            msg=f"Cannot delete {table} because it has {nDetails} detail records",
            logmsg=f"Delete {table} {recordId} prevented: {nDetails} details",
        return None

    good = True

    links = self.getLinkedCrit(table, record)

    if links:
        for linkTable, linkCriteria in links.items():
            (thisGood, count) = Mongo.deleteRecords(
                linkTable, stop=False, **linkCriteria
            if not thisGood:
                good = False
                    msg=f"Error during removing link records from {linkTable}",
                        "Cannot delete records from "
                        f"{linkTable} by {linkCriteria}"

                msg=f"Deleted {count} link records from {linkTable}",
                logmsg=f"Deleted {count} link records from {linkTable}",

    if not good:
        return False

    good = Mongo.deleteRecord(table, _id=recordId)

    if not good:
        return False

    itemDirHead = workingDir
    itemDirTail = f"{table}/{recordId}"
    if table == "edition":
        projectId = record.projectId
        itemDirHead += f"/project/{projectId}"
    itemDir = f"{itemDirHead}/{itemDirTail}"

    if dirExists(itemDir):
            msg=f"The {table} directory is removed",
            logmsg=f"The {table} dir {itemDir} is removed",
            msg=f"The {table} directory on file system did not exist",
            logmsg=f"The {table} dir {itemDir} did not exist",

    return True
def deleteUser(self, user)

Deletes a test user with a given user name.


user : string
The user name of the user. This should be a test user, not linked to any project or edition.



Contains the following keys:

  • status: whether the create action was successful
  • messages: messages issued during the process
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def deleteUser(self, user):
    """Deletes a test user with a given user name.

    user: string
        The user name of the user.
        This should be a test user, not linked to any project or edition.

        Contains the following keys:

        * `status`: whether the create action was successful
        * `messages`: messages issued during the process
    return Admin(self).deleteUser(user)
def download(self, table, record)

Responds with a download of a project or edition.


table : string
The table where the item to be downloaded sits.
record : string
The record of the item to be downloaded.


response A download response.

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def download(self, table, record):
    """Responds with a download of a project or edition.

    table: string
        The table where the item to be downloaded sits.
    record: string
        The record of the item to be downloaded.

        A download response.
    Settings = self.Settings
    Messages = self.Messages
    Mongo = self.Mongo
    Auth = self.Auth
    dataDir = Settings.dataDir
    workingDir = Settings.workingDir
    runMode = Settings.runMode

    (recordId, record) = Mongo.get(table, record)
    if recordId is None:
        return jsonify(status=False, msgs=[["warning", "record does not exist"]])

    permitted = Auth.authorise(table, record, action="read")

    if not permitted:
        logmsg = f"Download not permitted: {table}: {recordId}"
        msg = f"Download of {table} not permitted"
        return jsonify(status=False, msgs=[["warning", msg]])

    (siteId, site, projectId, project, editionId, edition) = self.context(
        table, record

    src = f"{workingDir}/project/{projectId}"

    if edition is not None:
        src += f"/edition/{editionId}"

    sep = "/" if dataDir else ""
    tempBase = f"{dataDir}{sep}temp/{runMode}"
    dst = mkdtemp(dir=tempBase)"CREATED TEMP DIR {dst}")

    good = True

        landing = f"{dst}/{recordId}"
        fileName = f"{table}-{recordId}.zip"

        if edition is None:
            yamlDest = f"{landing}/project.yaml"
            yamlDest = f"{landing}/edition.yaml"

        dirCopy(src, landing)

        with open(yamlDest, "w") as yh:
            yaml.dump(Mongo.consolidate(project), yh, allow_unicode=True)

        if edition is None:
            editions = Mongo.getList("edition", sort="title", projectId=projectId)

            for ed in editions:
                edId = ed._id
                yamlDest = f"{landing}/edition/{edId}/edition.yaml"

                with open(yamlDest, "w") as yh:
                    yaml.dump(Mongo.consolidate(ed), yh, allow_unicode=True)

        zipBuffer = BytesIO()

        with ZipFile(zipBuffer, "w", compression=ZIP_DEFLATED) as zipFile:

            def compress(path):
                sep = "/" if path else ""
                with os.scandir(f"{landing}{sep}{path}") as dh:
                    for entry in dh:
                        name =
                        if entry.is_file():
                            arcFile = f"{path}{sep}{name}"
                            srcFile = f"{landing}/{arcFile}"
                            zipFile.write(srcFile, arcFile)
                        elif entry.is_dir():


        zipData = zipBuffer.getvalue()"{table} downloaded")

    except Exception as e:
        msg = "Could not assemble the data for download"
        Messages.error(msg=msg, logmsg=msg)
        Messages.error(logmsg="".join(format_exception(e)), stop=False)
        good = False

    dirRemove(dst)"DELETED TEMP DIR {dst}")

    if good:
        headers = {
            "Expires": "0",
            "Cache-Control": "no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate",
            "Content-Type": "application/zip",
            "Content-Disposition": f'attachment; filename="{fileName}"',
            "Content-Encoding": "identity",

        return (zipData, headers)

        ref = getReferrer().removeprefix("/")
        return redirectStatus(f"/{ref}", False)
def generate(self)

Regenerate the HTML for the published site.

Not only the site wide files, but also all projects and editions.


response A publish status response.

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def generate(self):
    """Regenerate the HTML for the published site.

    Not only the site wide files, but also all projects and editions.

        A publish status response.
    Messages = self.Messages
    Auth = self.Auth
    Publish = self.Publish

    site = self.relevant()[-1]
    permitted = Auth.authorise("site", site, action="republish")

    if not permitted:
        logmsg = "Generate pages is not permitted"
        msg = "Generate pages is not permitted"
        Messages.warning(msg=msg, logmsg=logmsg)
        return False

    return Publish.generatePages(True, True)
def getAdmin(self)

Get the list of relevant projects, editions and users.

Admin users get the list of all users.

Normal users get the list of users associated with

  • the project of which they are organiser
  • the editions of which they are editor or reviewer

Guests and not-logged-in users cannot see any user.

If the user has rights to modify the association between users and projects/editions, he will get the controls to do so.


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def getAdmin(self):
    """Get the list of relevant projects, editions and users.

    Admin users get the list of all users.

    Normal users get the list of users associated with

    * the project of which they are organiser
    * the editions of which they are editor or reviewer

    Guests and not-logged-in users cannot see any user.

    If the user has rights to modify the association
    between users and projects/editions, he will get
    the controls to do so.

    return Admin(self).wrap()
def getDataFile(self, table, record, path, content=False, lenient=False)

Gets a data file from the file system.

All data files are located under a specific directory on the server. This is the data directory. Below that the files are organized by projects and editions. Projects and editions corresponds to records in tables in MongoDB.


path : string
The path of the data file within site/project/edition directory within the data directory.
project : string | ObjectId | AttrDict
The id of the project in question.
edition : string | ObjectId | AttrDict
The id of the edition in question.
content : boolean, optional False
If True, delivers the content of the file, instead of the path
lenient : boolean, optional False
If True, do not complain if the file does not exist.



The full path of the data file, if it exists. But if the content parameter is True, we deliver the content of the file.

Otherwise, we raise an error that will lead to a 404 response, except when lenient is True.

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def getDataFile(self, table, record, path, content=False, lenient=False):
    """Gets a data file from the file system.

    All data files are located under a specific directory on the server.
    This is the data directory.
    Below that the files are organized by projects and editions.
    Projects and editions corresponds to records in tables in MongoDB.

    path: string
        The path of the data file within site/project/edition directory
        within the data directory.
    project: string | ObjectId | AttrDict
        The id of the project in question.
    edition: string | ObjectId | AttrDict
        The id of the edition in question.
    content: boolean, optional False
        If True, delivers the content of the file, instead of the path
    lenient: boolean, optional False
        If True, do not complain if the file does not exist.

        The full path of the data file, if it exists.
        But if the `content` parameter is True, we deliver the content of the file.

        Otherwise, we raise an error that will lead to a 404 response, except
        when `lenient` is True.

    Settings = self.Settings
    H = Settings.H
    Messages = self.Messages
    Auth = self.Auth

    workingDir = Settings.workingDir

    (site, siteId, projectId, project, editionId, edition) = self.context(
        table, record

    urlBase = (
        if project is None
        else f"project/{projectId}"
        if edition is None
        else f"project/{projectId}/edition/{editionId}"
    sep = "/" if urlBase else ""
    base = f"{workingDir}{sep}{urlBase}"

    dataPath = base if path is None else f"{base}/{path}"

    (table, recordId, record) = self.relevant(project=project, edition=edition)
    if recordId is None:
        Messages.error(msg="record does not exist")
        return ""

    permitted = Auth.authorise(table, record, action="read")

    fexists = fileExists(dataPath)

    if permitted and fexists:
        if content:
            with open(dataPath) as fh:
                result =
            result = dataPath
        result = (
            if content
            else dataPath
            if lenient
            else H.span(dataPath, cls="error")

        if not lenient:
            logmsg = f"Accessing {dataPath}: "

            if not permitted:
                logmsg += "not allowed. "
            if not fexists:
                logmsg += "does not exist. "

                msg=f"Accessing file {path}",
            result = "" if content else dataPath

    return result
def getDownload(self, table, record)

Display the name and/or upload controls of an uploaded file.

The user may upload model files and a scene file to an edition, and various png files as icons for projects, edtions, and scenes. Here we produce the control to do so.

Only if the user has update authorisation, an upload/delete widget will be returned.


table : string
The table in which the relevant record sits
record : string | ObjectId | AttrDict
The relevant record.



The name of the file that is currently present, or the indication that no file is present.

If the user has edit permission for the edition, we display widgets to upload a new file or to delete the existing file.

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def getDownload(self, table, record):
    """Display the name and/or upload controls of an uploaded file.

    The user may upload model files and a scene file to an edition,
    and various png files as icons for projects, edtions, and scenes.
    Here we produce the control to do so.

    Only if the user has `update` authorisation, an upload/delete widget
    will be returned.

    table: string
        The table in which the relevant record sits
    record: string | ObjectId | AttrDict
        The relevant record.

        The name of the file that is currently present, or the indication
        that no file is present.

        If the user has edit permission for the edition, we display
        widgets to upload a new file or to delete the existing file.
    Settings = self.Settings
    H = Settings.H
    Mongo = self.Mongo
    Auth = self.Auth

    (recordId, record) = Mongo.get(table, record)
    if recordId is None:
        return ""

    actions = Auth.authorise(table, record)

    if "read" not in actions:
        return ""

    return H.iconx(
        "download", text="download", href=f"/download/{table}/{recordId}"
def getEditions(self, project)

Get the list of the editions of a project.

Well, only if the project is visible to the current user. See Content.getProjects().

Editions are each displayed by means of an icon and a title. Both link to a landing page for the edition.


project : string | ObjectId | AttrDict
The project in question.


A list of captions of the editions of the project, wrapped in a HTML string.
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def getEditions(self, project):
    """Get the list of the editions of a project.

    Well, only if the project is visible to the current user.
    See `Content.getProjects()`.

    Editions are each displayed by means of an icon and a title.
    Both link to a landing page for the edition.

    project: string | ObjectId | AttrDict
        The project in question.

        A list of captions of the editions of the project,
        wrapped in a HTML string.
    Mongo = self.Mongo
    Wrap = self.Wrap

    (projectId, project) = Mongo.get("project", project)
    if projectId is None:
        return ""

    return Wrap.editionsMain(
        project, Mongo.getList("edition", sort="title", projectId=projectId)
def getProjects(self)

Get the list of all projects.

Well, the list of all projects visible to the current user. Unpublished projects are only visible to users that belong to that project.

Visible projects are each displayed by means of an icon and a title. Both link to a landing page for the project.


A list of captions of the projects, wrapped in a HTML string.
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def getProjects(self):
    """Get the list of all projects.

    Well, the list of all projects visible to the current user.
    Unpublished projects are only visible to users that belong to that project.

    Visible projects are each displayed by means of an icon and a title.
    Both link to a landing page for the project.

        A list of captions of the projects,
        wrapped in a HTML string.
    Mongo = self.Mongo
    Wrap = self.Wrap

    (siteTable, siteId, site) = self.relevant()
    if siteId is None:
        return ""

    return Wrap.projectsMain(site, Mongo.getList("project", sort="title"))
def getPublishInfo(self, table, record)

Display the number under which a project/edition is published.

Editions of a project may have been published. If that is the case, the project has been assigned a sequence number, under which it can be found on the static site with published material.

Here we collect that number, and, for editions, we may put a publish button here.


table : string
The table in which the relevant record sits
record : string | ObjectId | AttrDict
The relevant record.


In case of a project: the number of the project on the static site. In case of an edition: the number of the project and the number of the edition on the static site. If the edition is not yet published, and the user is allowed to publish the edition, then a publish button is also added.
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def getPublishInfo(self, table, record):
    """Display the number under which a project/edition is published.

    Editions of a project may have been published. If that is the case,
    the project has been assigned a sequence number, under which it can be
    found on the static site with published material.

    Here we collect that number, and, for editions, we may put a publish
    button here.

    table: string
        The table in which the relevant record sits
    record: string | ObjectId | AttrDict
        The relevant record.

        In case of a project: the number of the project on the static site.
        In case of an edition: the number of the project and the number of the
        edition on the static site. If the edition is not yet published, and
        the user is allowed to publish the edition, then a publish button is
        also added.
    Settings = self.Settings

    H = Settings.H
    Mongo = self.Mongo
    Auth = self.Auth

    pubUrl = Settings.pubUrl
    published = Settings.published

    (recordId, record) = Mongo.get(table, record)
    if recordId is None:
        return ""

    actions = Auth.authorise(table, record)

    if "read" not in actions or table not in {"project", "edition"}:
        return ""

    (site, siteId, projectId, project, editionId, edition) = self.context(
        table, record

    pPubNum = project.pubNum

    projectPubStr = (
        H.i("No published editions")
        if pPubNum is None
        else H.span("Published: ")
        + H.a(
            f"{pPubNum} ⌲",
            cls="button large",

    if table == "project":
        return H.p(projectPubStr)

    ePubNum = edition.pubNum

    editionPubRow = (
            H.i("Not published")
            if ePubNum is None or pPubNum is None
            else H.span("Published: ")
            f"{pPubNum}/{ePubNum} ⌲",
            cls="button large",

    can = dict(
        publish=ePubNum is None,
        unpublish=pPubNum is not None and ePubNum is not None,
        republish=pPubNum is not None and ePubNum is not None,

    rows = []

    for kind, kindRep, tbRecRoles in (
            "check articles",
                ("edition", edition, "editor"),
                ("project", project, "organiser"),
                ("site", site, "admin"),
                ("site", site, "root"),
        ("publish", "publish", (("project", project, "organiser"),)),
            ("publishf", "publish"),
            (("project", project, "organiser"),),
            (("site", site, "admin"), ("site", site, "root")),
            ("republishf", "republish"),
            (("site", site, "admin"), ("site", site, "root")),
            (("site", site, "admin"), ("site", site, "root")),
        asKind = kind

        if type(kind) is tuple:
            (kind, asKind) = kind

        if can[asKind]:
                    H.span(f"You may {kindRep}:"),
                        cls="button large",
                if asKind in actions
                else (
                    H.span(f"You may not {kindRep}"),
                    Auth.getInvolvedUsers(tbRecRoles, asString=True),

    return H.table(
        [([(cell, {}) for cell in editionPubRow], {})],
        [([(cell, {}) for cell in row], {}) for row in rows],
def getScene(self, projectId, edition, version=None, action=None)

Get the scene of an edition of a project.

Well, only if the current user is authorised.

A scene is displayed by means of an icon and a row of buttons.

There are also buttons to upload model files and the scene file.

If action is not None, the scene is loaded in a specific version of the viewer in a specific mode (read or edit). The edition knows which viewer to choose.

Which version and which mode are used is determined by the parameters. If the parameters do not specify values, sensible defaults are chosen.


projectId : ObjectId
The id of the project to which the edition belongs.
edition : string | ObjectId | AttrDict
The edition in question.
version : string, optional None
The version of the chosen viewer that will be used. If no version or a non-existing version are specified, the latest existing version for that viewer will be chosen.
action : string, optional read
The mode in which the viewer should be opened. If the mode is update, the viewer is opened in edit mode, if the scene file exists, otherwise in create mode, which, in case of the Voyager viewer, means dragdrop mode, in older versions standalone. All other modes lead to the viewer being opened in read-only mode. If the mode is read-only, but the scene file is missing, no viewer will be opened.


A caption of the scene of the edition, with possibly a frame with the 3D viewer showing the scene. The result is wrapped in a HTML string.
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def getScene(self, projectId, edition, version=None, action=None):
    """Get the scene of an edition of a project.

    Well, only if the current user is authorised.

    A scene is displayed by means of an icon and a row of buttons.

    There are also buttons to upload model files and the scene file.

    If action is not None, the scene is loaded in a specific version of the
    viewer in a specific mode (`read` or `edit`).
    The edition knows which viewer to choose.

    Which version and which mode are used is determined by the parameters.
    If the parameters do not specify values, sensible defaults are chosen.

    projectId: ObjectId
        The id of the project to which the edition belongs.
    edition: string | ObjectId | AttrDict
        The edition in question.
    version: string, optional None
        The version of the chosen viewer that will be used.
        If no version or a non-existing version are specified,
        the latest existing version for that viewer will be chosen.
    action: string, optional read
        The mode in which the viewer should be opened.
        If the mode is `update`, the viewer is opened in edit mode, if the
        scene file exists, otherwise in create mode,  which, in case
        of the Voyager viewer, means `dragdrop` mode, in older versions
        All other modes lead to the viewer being opened in read-only
        If the mode is read-only, but the scene file is missing, no viewer
        will be opened.

        A caption of the scene of the edition,
        with possibly a frame with the 3D viewer showing the scene.
        The result is wrapped in a HTML string.
    Settings = self.Settings
    H = Settings.H
    workingDir = Settings.workingDir
    modelzFile = Settings.modelzFile
    Mongo = self.Mongo
    Viewers = self.Viewers
    Wrap = self.Wrap

    (editionId, edition) = Mongo.get("edition", edition)
    if editionId is None:
        return ""

    (viewer, sceneFile) = Viewers.getViewInfo(edition)
    version = Viewers.check(viewer, version)

    if sceneFile is None:
        sceneExists = False
        baseResult = ""
        scenePath = (
        sceneExists = fileExists(scenePath)
        baseResult = Wrap.sceneMain(
            projectId, edition, sceneFile, viewer, version, action, sceneExists

    if action is None:
        action = "read"

    zipUpload = (
        if sceneExists or sceneFile is None
        else (
            H.h(4, "Scene plus model files, zipped")
            + H.div(self.getUpload(edition, "modelz", fileName=modelzFile))
    sceneUpload = (
        if sceneFile is None
        else H.div(self.getUpload(edition, "scene", fileName=sceneFile))

    return (
        + H.h(4, "Scene" if sceneExists else "No scene yet")
        + sceneUpload
        + H.h(4, "Model files")
        + H.div(self.getUpload(edition, "model"))
        + zipUpload
def getSurprise(self)

Get the data that belongs to the surprise-me functionality.

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def getSurprise(self):
    """Get the data that belongs to the surprise-me functionality."""
    Settings = self.Settings
    H = Settings.H
    return H.h(2, "You will be surprised!")
def getUpload(self, record, key, fileName=None, bust=None, wrapped=True)

Display the name and/or upload controls of an uploaded file.

The user may upload model files and a scene file to an edition, and various png files as icons for projects, edtions, and scenes. Here we produce the control to do so.

Only if the user has update authorisation, an upload/delete widget will be returned.


record : string | ObjectId | AttrDict | void
The relevant record.
key : string
an identifier for the upload field.
fileName : string, optional None
If present, it indicates that the uploaded file will have this prescribed name. A file name for an upload object may also have been specified in the datamodel configuration.
bust : string, optional None

If not None, the image url of the file whose name is passed in bust is made unique by adding the current time to it. That will bust the cache for the image, so that uploaded images replace the existing images.

This is useful when this function is called to provide udated content for an file upload widget after it has been used to successfully upload a file. The file name of the uploaded file is known, and that is the one that gets a cache buster appended.

wrapped : boolean, optional True
Whether the content should be wrapped in a container element. See HtmlElements.finput().



The name of the file that is currently present, or the indication that no file is present.

If the user has edit permission for the edition, we display widgets to upload a new file or to delete the existing file.

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def getUpload(self, record, key, fileName=None, bust=None, wrapped=True):
    """Display the name and/or upload controls of an uploaded file.

    The user may upload model files and a scene file to an edition,
    and various png files as icons for projects, edtions, and scenes.
    Here we produce the control to do so.

    Only if the user has `update` authorisation, an upload/delete widget
    will be returned.

    record: string | ObjectId | AttrDict | void
        The relevant record.
    key: string
        an identifier for the upload field.
    fileName: string, optional None
        If present, it indicates that the uploaded file will have this prescribed
        A file name for an upload object may also have been specified in
        the datamodel configuration.
    bust: string, optional None
        If not None, the image url of the file whose name is passed in
        `bust` is made unique by adding the current time to it. That will
        bust the cache for the image, so that uploaded images replace the
        existing images.

        This is useful when this function is called to provide udated
        content for an file upload widget after it has been used to
        successfully upload a file. The file name of the uploaded
        file is known, and that is the one that gets a cache buster appended.
    wrapped: boolean, optional True
        Whether the content should be wrapped in a container element.
        See `control.html.HtmlElements.finput()`.

        The name of the file that is currently present, or the indication
        that no file is present.

        If the user has edit permission for the edition, we display
        widgets to upload a new file or to delete the existing file.
    Auth = self.Auth

    uploadConfig = self.getUploadConfig(key)
    table = uploadConfig.table

    actions = Auth.authorise(table, record)

    if "read" not in actions:
        return None

    F = self.makeUpload(key, fileName=fileName)

    return F.formatted(record, "update" in actions, bust=bust, wrapped=wrapped)
def getValue(self, table, record, key, level=None, manner='formatted')

Retrieve a metadata value.

Metadata sits in a big, potentially deeply nested dictionary of keys and values. These locations are known to the system (based on fields.yml). This function retrieves the information from those known locations.

If a value is in fact composed of multiple values, it will be handled accordingly.

If the user may edit the value, an edit button is added.


key : string
an identifier for the meta data field.
table : string
The relevant table.
record : string | ObjectId | AttrDict | void
The relevant record.
level : string, optional None

The heading level with which the value should be formatted.

  • 0: No heading level
  • None: no formatting at all
manner : string, optional wrapped
If it is "formatted", the value is represented fully wrapped in HTML, possibly with edit/save controls. If it is "bare", the value is represented as a simple string. If it is "logical", the logical value is returned.


It is assumed that the metadata value that is addressed exists. If not, we return the empty string.
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def getValue(self, table, record, key, level=None, manner="formatted"):
    """Retrieve a metadata value.

    Metadata sits in a big, potentially deeply nested dictionary of keys
    and values.
    These locations are known to the system (based on `fields.yml`).
    This function retrieves the information from those known locations.

    If a value is in fact composed of multiple values, it will be
    handled accordingly.

    If the user may edit the value, an edit button is added.

    key: string
        an identifier for the meta data field.
    table: string
        The relevant table.
    record: string | ObjectId | AttrDict | void
        The relevant record.
    level: string, optional None
        The heading level with which the value should be formatted.

        * `0`: No heading level
        * `None`: no formatting at all

    manner: string, optional wrapped
        If it is "formatted", the value is represented fully wrapped in HTML,
        possibly with edit/save controls.
        If it is "bare", the value is represented as a simple string.
        If it is "logical", the logical value is returned.

        It is assumed that the metadata value that is addressed exists.
        If not, we return the empty string.
    Auth = self.Auth

    actions = Auth.authorise(table, record)

    if "read" not in actions:
        return None

    F = self.makeField(key)

    isBare = manner == "bare"
    isLogical = manner == "logical"

    if isBare or isLogical:
        return (F.bare if isBare else F.logical)(record)

    editable = Auth.authorise(table, record, action="update")
    return F.formatted(table, record, editable=editable, level=level)
def getValues(self, table, record, fieldSpecs)

Puts several pieces of metadata on the web page.


fieldSpecs : string
,-separated list of fieldSpecs
table : string
The relevant table
record : string | ObjectId | AttrDict | void
The relevant record


The join of the individual results of retrieving metadata value.
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def getValues(self, table, record, fieldSpecs):
    """Puts several pieces of metadata on the web page.

    fieldSpecs: string
        `,`-separated list of fieldSpecs
    table: string
        The relevant table
    record: string | ObjectId | AttrDict | void
        The relevant record

        The join of the individual results of retrieving metadata value.
    Settings = self.Settings
    H = Settings.H

    return H.content(
        self.getValue(table, record, key, level=level) or ""
        for (key, level) in (
            fieldSpec.strip().split("@", 1) for fieldSpec in fieldSpecs.split("+")
def getViewerFile(self, path)

Gets a viewer-related file from the file system.

This is about files that are part of the viewer software.

The viewer software is located in a specific directory on the server. This is the viewer base.


path : string
The path of the viewer file within viewer base.


The full path to the viewer file, if it exists. Otherwise, we raise an error that will lead to a 404 response.
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def getViewerFile(self, path):
    """Gets a viewer-related file from the file system.

    This is about files that are part of the viewer software.

    The viewer software is located in a specific directory on the server.
    This is the viewer base.

    path: string
        The path of the viewer file within viewer base.

        The full path to the viewer file, if it exists.
        Otherwise, we raise an error that will lead to a 404 response.
    Settings = self.Settings
    Messages = self.Messages

    viewerDir = Settings.viewerDir

    viewerPath = f"{viewerDir}/{path}"

    if not fileExists(viewerPath):
        logmsg = f"Accessing {viewerPath}: "
        logmsg += "does not exist. "
            msg="Accessing a file",

    return viewerPath
def linkUser(self, table, recordId)

Links a user in certain role to a project/edition record.

The user and role are given by the request.


table : string
The relevant table.
recordId : string
The id of the relevant record, which can be used to locate the cross record between the user table and the project/edition record where the user's role is stored.



Contains the following keys:

  • status: whether the save action was successful
  • messages: messages issued during the process
  • updated: if the action was successful, all user management info will be passed back and will replace the currently displayed material.
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def linkUser(self, table, recordId):
    """Links a user in certain role to a project/edition record.

    The user and role are given by the request.

    table: string
        The relevant table.
    recordId: string
        The id of the relevant record,
        which can be used to locate the cross record between the
        user table and the project/edition record where the user's
        role is stored.

        Contains the following keys:

        * `status`: whether the save action was successful
        * `messages`: messages issued during the process
        * `updated`: if the action was successful, all user management info
          will be passed back and will replace the currently displayed
    (newRole, newUser) = json.loads(requestData())
    return Admin(self).linkUser(newUser, newRole, table, recordId)
def precheck(self, record)

Check the articles of an edition prior to publishing.


record : string
The record of the edition to be checked.


response A status response.

It will also generate a a bunch of toc files in the edition.
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def precheck(self, record):
    """Check the articles of an edition prior to publishing.

    record: string
        The record of the edition to be checked.

        A status response.

        It will also generate a a bunch of toc files in the edition.
    Messages = self.Messages
    Mongo = self.Mongo
    Auth = self.Auth
    Publish = self.Publish

    (recordId, record) = Mongo.get("edition", record)
    if recordId is None:
            msg="record does not exist", logmsg=f"edition {recordId} does not exist"
        return False

    permitted = Auth.authorise("edition", record, action="precheck")

    if not permitted:
        logmsg = f"Checking articles not permitted: edition: {recordId}"
        msg = "Checking articles of edition not permitted"
        Messages.warning(msg=msg, logmsg=logmsg)
        return False

    (siteId, site, projectId, project, editionId, edition) = self.context(
        "edition", record

    return Publish.Precheck.checkEdition(project, editionId, edition)
def processModelZip(self, zf, destDir)

Processes zip data with a scene and model files.

All files in the zip file will be examined, and those with extension svx.json will be saved as scene.svx.json at top level and those with extensions glb of gltf will be saved under their own names, also at top level.

All other files will be saved as is, unless they have extension .svx.json, or .gltf or .glb.

These files can end up in subdirectories.

We do not check the file types of the member files other than the svx.json files and the model files (glb, gltf). If the file type for these files does not match their extensions, they will be ignored.

The user is held responsible to submit a suitable file.


zf : bytes
The raw zip data
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def processModelZip(self, zf, destDir):
    """Processes zip data with a scene and model files.

    All files in the zip file will be examined, and those with
    extension svx.json will be saved as scene.svx.json at top level
    and those with extensions glb of gltf will be saved under their
    own names, also at top level.

    All other files will be saved as is, unless they have extension .svx.json,
    or .gltf or .glb.

    These files can end up in subdirectories.

    We do not check the file types of the member files other than the svx.json files
    and the model files (glb, gltf).
    If the file type for these files does not match their extensions, they will be

    The user is held responsible to submit a suitable file.

    zf: bytes
        The raw zip data
    Messages = self.Messages

    msgs = []
    good = True

        zf = BytesIO(zf)
        z = ZipFile(zf)

        allFiles = 0
        sceneFiles = set()
        modelFiles = set()
        otherFiles = set()

        goodFiles = []

        for zInfo in z.infolist():
            if zInfo.filename[-1] == "/":
            if zInfo.filename.startswith("__MACOS"):

            allFiles += 1

            zName = zInfo.filename
            zPath = zName.split("/")

            if len(zPath) == 1:
                zDir, zFile = "", zPath[0]
                zDir = "/".join(zPath[0:-1])
                zFile = zPath[-1]

            zTest = zFile.lower()
            doFileTypeCheck = False

            if zTest.endswith(".svx.json"):
                if zDir == "":
                    doFileTypeCheck = True
                        ("warning", f"ignoring non-toplevel scene file {zName}")
            elif zTest.endswith(".glb") or zTest.endswith(".gltf"):
                if zDir == "":
                    doFileTypeCheck = True
                        ("warning", f"ignoring non-toplevel model file {zName}")

            if doFileTypeCheck:
                fileContent =
                (thisGood, theseMsgs) = self.checkFileContent(
                    None, None, zFile, fileContent
                if thisGood:
                    goodFiles.append((zName, fileContent))
                    good = False
                goodFiles.append((zInfo, None))

        if good:
            for zName, fileContent in goodFiles:
                if fileContent is None:
                    z.extract(zName, path=destDir)
                    with open(f"{destDir}/{zName}", mode="wb") as fh:

        nScenes = len(sceneFiles)
        sLabel = "info" if nScenes == 1 else "warning"
        msgs.append(("info", f"All files in zip: {allFiles:>3}"))
        msgs.append((sLabel, f"Scene files: {nScenes:>3} x"))
        msgs.append(("info", f"Model files: {len(modelFiles):>3} x"))
        msgs.append(("info", f"Other files: {len(otherFiles):>3} x"))

    except Exception as e:
        good = False
        msgs.append(("error", "Something went wrong"))

    return (good, msgs)
def publish(self, record, force)

Publish an edition.


record : string
The record of the item to be published.
force : boolean
If True, ignore when some checks fail


response A publish status response.

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def publish(self, record, force):
    """Publish an edition.

    record: string
        The record of the item to be published.
    force: boolean
        If True, ignore when some checks fail

        A publish status response.
    Messages = self.Messages
    Mongo = self.Mongo
    Auth = self.Auth
    Publish = self.Publish

    (recordId, record) = Mongo.get("edition", record)
    if recordId is None:
            msg="record does not exist", logmsg=f"edition {recordId} does not exist"
        return False

    permitted = Auth.authorise("edition", record, action="publish")

    if not permitted:
        logmsg = f"Publish not permitted: edition: {recordId}"
        msg = "Publishing of edition not permitted"
        Messages.warning(msg=msg, logmsg=logmsg)
        return False

    (siteId, site, projectId, project, editionId, edition) = self.context(
        "edition", record

    return Publish.updateEdition(site, project, edition, "add", force=force)
def republish(self, record, force)

Re-ublish an edition.


record : string
The record of the item to be re-published.
force : boolean
If True, ignore when some checks fail


response A re-publish status response.

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def republish(self, record, force):
    """Re-ublish an edition.

    record: string
        The record of the item to be re-published.
    force: boolean
        If True, ignore when some checks fail

        A re-publish status response.
    Messages = self.Messages
    Mongo = self.Mongo
    Auth = self.Auth
    Publish = self.Publish

    (recordId, record) = Mongo.get("edition", record)
    if recordId is None:
            msg="record does not exist", logmsg=f"edition {recordId} does not exist"
        return False

    permitted = Auth.authorise("edition", record, action="republish")

    if not permitted:
        logmsg = f"Re-publish not permitted: edition: {recordId}"
        msg = "Re-publishing of edition not permitted"
        Messages.warning(msg=msg, logmsg=logmsg)
        return False

    (siteId, site, projectId, project, editionId, edition) = self.context(
        "edition", record

    return Publish.updateEdition(
        site, project, edition, "add", force=force, again=True
def saveFile(self, record, key, path, fileName, targetFileName=None)

Saves a file in the context given by a record.

The parameter key refers to a configuration section in the datamodel. This determines what file type to expect. We only accept files whose name has an extension that matches the expected file type.

The key modelz expects a zip file with the files of an edition, in particular a scene file and model files. We make sure that these files have the proper type, and we also perform checks on the other parts of the zip file, namely whether they have decent paths.


record : string | ObjectId | AttrDict | void
The relevant record.
key : string
The upload key
path : string
The path from the context directory to the file
fileName : string
Name of the file to be saved as mentioned in the request.
targetFileName : string, optional None
The name of the file as which the uploaded file will be saved; if None, the file will be saved with the name from the request.


response A json response with the status of the save operation:

* a boolean: whether the save succeeded
* a list of messages to display
* content: new content for an upload control (only if successful)
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def saveFile(self, record, key, path, fileName, targetFileName=None):
    """Saves a file in the context given by a record.

    The parameter `key` refers to a configuration section in the datamodel.
    This determines what file type to expect.
    We only accept files whose name has an extension that matches the expected
    file type.

    The key `modelz` expects a zip file with the files of an edition, in particular
    a scene file and model files. We make sure that these files have the
    proper type, and we also perform checks on the other parts of the zip file,
    namely whether they have decent paths.

    record: string | ObjectId | AttrDict | void
        The relevant record.
    key: string
        The upload key
    path: string
        The path from the context directory to the file
    fileName: string
        Name  of the file to be saved as mentioned in the request.
    targetFileName: string, optional None
        The name of the file as which the uploaded file will be saved;
        if None, the file will be saved with the name from the request.

        A json response with the status of the save operation:

        * a boolean: whether the save succeeded
        * a list of messages to display
        * content: new content for an upload control (only if successful)
    fileContent = requestData()  # essential to have this early on in the body
    # if not, the error responses might go wrong in some browsers

    Settings = self.Settings
    H = Settings.H
    Messages = self.Messages
    Mongo = self.Mongo
    Auth = self.Auth
    workingDir = Settings.workingDir

    uploadConfig = self.getUploadConfig(key)
    table = uploadConfig.table

    (recordId, record) = Mongo.get(table, record)
    if recordId is None:
        return jsonify(status=False, msgs=[["warning", "record does not exist"]])

    permitted = Auth.authorise(table, record, action="update")

    saveName = fileName

    if targetFileName is not None:
        saveName = targetFileName

    filePath = f"{path}{saveName}"
    fileFullPath = f"{workingDir}/{filePath}"

    if not permitted:
        logmsg = f"Upload not permitted: {key}: {fileFullPath}"
        msg = f"Upload not permitted: {fileName}"
        return jsonify(status=False, msgs=[["warning", msg]])

    (good, msgs) = self.checkFileContent(key, targetFileName, fileName, fileContent)

    if not good:
        return jsonify(status=False, msgs=msgs)

    if key == "modelz":
        destDir = f"{workingDir}/{path}"
        (good, msgs) = self.processModelZip(fileContent, destDir)
        if good:
            return jsonify(
                content=H.b("Please refresh the page", cls="good"),
        return jsonify(status=False, msgs=msgs)

        with open(fileFullPath, "wb") as fh:
    except Exception:
        logmsg = f"Could not save uploaded file: {key}: {fileFullPath}"
        msg = f"Uploaded file not saved: {fileName}"
        return jsonify(status=False, msgs=[["warning", msg]])

    content = self.getUpload(
        record, key, fileName=targetFileName, bust=fileName, wrapped=False

    return jsonify(status=True, msgs=[["good", "Done"]], content=content)
def saveRole(self, user, table, recordId)

Saves a role into a user or cross table record.

The role is given by the request.


user : string
The eppn of the user.
table : string | void
The relevant table. If not None, it indicates whether we are updating site-wide roles, otherwise project/edition roles.
recordId : string | void
The id of the relevant record. If not None, it is a project/edition record Id, which can be used to locate the cross record between the user table and the project/edition record where the user's role is stored. If None, the user's role is inside the user record.



Contains the following keys:

  • status: whether the save action was successful
  • messages: messages issued during the process
  • updated: if the action was successful, all user management info will be passed back and will replace the currently displayed material.
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def saveRole(self, user, table, recordId):
    """Saves a role into a user or cross table record.

    The role is given by the request.

    user: string
        The eppn of the user.
    table: string | void
        The relevant table. If not None, it indicates whether we are updating
        site-wide roles, otherwise project/edition roles.
    recordId: string | void
        The id of the relevant record. If not None, it is a project/edition
        record Id, which can be used to locate the cross record between the
        user table and the project/edition record where the user's
        role is stored.
        If None, the user's role is inside the user record.

        Contains the following keys:

        * `status`: whether the save action was successful
        * `messages`: messages issued during the process
        * `updated`: if the action was successful, all user management info
          will be passed back and will replace the currently displayed
    newRole = json.loads(requestData())
    return Admin(self).saveRole(user, newRole, table, recordId)
def saveValue(self, table, record, key)

Saves a value of into a record.

A record is a document, which is a (nested) dict. A value is inserted somewhere (deep) in that dict.

The value is given by the request.

Where exactly is given by a path that is stored in the field information, which is accessible by the key.


table : string
The relevant table.
record : string | ObjectId | AttrDict | void
The relevant record.
key : string
an identifier for the meta data field.



Contains the following keys:

  • status: whether the save action was successful
  • messages: messages issued during the process
  • readonly: the html of the updated formatted value, this will replace the currently displayed value.
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def saveValue(self, table, record, key):
    """Saves a value of into a record.

    A record is a document, which is a (nested) dict.
    A value is inserted somewhere (deep) in that dict.

    The value is given by the request.

    Where exactly is given by a path that is stored in the field information,
    which is accessible by the key.

    table: string
        The relevant table.
    record: string | ObjectId | AttrDict | void
        The relevant record.

    key: string
        an identifier for the meta data field.

        Contains the following keys:

        * `status`: whether the save action was successful
        * `messages`: messages issued during the process
        * `readonly`: the html of the updated formatted value,
          this will replace the currently displayed value.
    Auth = self.Auth
    Mongo = self.Mongo

    value = json.loads(requestData())
    permitted = Auth.authorise(table, record, action="update")

    if not permitted:
        return dict(stat=False, messages=[["error", "update not allowed"]])

    F = self.makeField(key)

    nameSpace = F.nameSpace
    fieldPath = F.fieldPath
    tp =

    (recordId, record) = Mongo.get(table, record)
    if recordId is None:
        return dict(
            messages=[["error", "record does not exist"]],

    sValue = value if tp == "text" else readYaml(value, plain=True, ignore=True)
    nameSpaceRep = "" if not nameSpace else f"{nameSpace}."
    update = {f"{nameSpaceRep}{fieldPath}": sValue}
    if key == "title":
        update[key] = sValue

    if Mongo.updateRecord(table, update, stop=False, _id=recordId) is None:
        return dict(
            messages=[["error", "could not update the record in the database"]],
        (recordId, record) = Mongo.get(table, recordId)

    return dict(
        readonly=F.formatted(table, record, editable=False, level=None),
def unpublish(self, record)

Unpublish an edition.


record : string
The record of the item to be unpublished.


response An unpublish status response.

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def unpublish(self, record):
    """Unpublish an edition.

    record: string
        The record of the item to be unpublished.

        An unpublish status response.
    Messages = self.Messages
    Mongo = self.Mongo
    Auth = self.Auth
    Publish = self.Publish

    (recordId, record) = Mongo.get("edition", record)
    if recordId is None:
            msg="record does not exist", logmsg=f"edition {recordId} does not exist"
        return False

    permitted = Auth.authorise("edition", record, action="unpublish")

    if not permitted:
        logmsg = f"Unpublish not permitted: edition: {recordId}"
        msg = "Unpublishing of edition not permitted"
        Messages.warning(msg=msg, logmsg=logmsg)
        return False

    (siteId, site, projectId, project, editionId, edition) = self.context(
        "edition", record

    return Publish.updateEdition(site, project, edition, "remove")

Inherited members